It's not his Wall, it's Our Wall

Pilot1, post: 21821851
Go Trump! The savior of the U.S. Obama tried to destroy us and failed. Hillary was to complete Fundamental Transformation. The Democrats lost. The American citizens won

Apparently Obama and Bush43 have put up more border fence than Trumpo will ever do,

Just ask Ann Coulter.

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·
people have been bitching about the border for 50 years
i dont care anymore just build a goddamn wall


HAD Algeria and Morocco honored their agreement back in 1989 to form an economic union, along with Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania, they would be among the Middle East’s largest economies. Their poor border regions would be booming crossroads. Over the decade to 2015, reckons the World Bank, their two economies would each have almost have doubled in size.

Instead, Algeria grew only by 33% and Morocco by 37%, as both governments instead reinforced their barricades. Their north-west corner of Africa remains “the most separated region on the continent”, says Adel Hamaizia, an Algerian economist. While sub-Saharan countries agree common currencies and trade zones, Algeria digs deeper ditches. Morocco revamps its berms and renews its razor wire. Concrete walls, electric and barbed wire fences, rise on both sides. Frustrated families shout greetings across the divide. Yet, both have built hundreds of kilometres of east-west highways which stop short of their common border.

Who know if it was a good idea when they started but it sounds like now they are just doing it because they already started doing it and now they don't even know why they do it.
Is it the peoples wall or the governments wall

so if we cut off the flow of illegal aliens that walk across we'll also be cutting off Trade between one of our largest trading partners?

a stretch dont ya think

My point wasn't to compare trade as an issues for the US

The point was that that the reason for building the wall. If they had settle their beef instead of building a wall, they both might have had more economic advantages in that part of the world

Instead they got a wall which makes a nice picture but 20 years later what is it doing

The two countries had a beef and they each build walls and fences

Electric fences in urban areas

They said that one country felt that there was a terrorist problem but that was 20 years ago. The point as mentioned in the story that the wall is causing them more grief than benefits. Economic development has been slow

Still I would imagine with that picture with a wall in the middle of no mans land it will not stop anyone from climbing over. Its a symbol of a beef between two countries.

I am saying that with father time you can see that they may have been better suited to have found other solutions rather than get in a wall building frenzy

Algeria and Morocco both have oil reserves and they could have prospered more if they didn't waste there time building a wall and hating each other
That what I got from the story. The world banks says that they could have double economic advantages for both. That is the point I am making.
they only want 25 billion for the whole damn thing
we piss that when we wake up in the morning

Monday, February 05, 2018

Most voters favor the immigration reform plan detailed by President Trump in his State of the Union speech and think it’s likely to finally produce a secure southern border.

the lefties likes Rasmussen
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a proposal that would create a pathway to citizenship for those brought to this country illegally when they were children, build a wall on the Mexican border and change legal immigration to a more merit-based system. Thirty-two percent (32%) oppose a plan with those key elements in it, while 16% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

I want a wall .....and claymores
leave the bodies in the sun to be picked at by critters as a warning

claymores are racist

Another poll says

Thirty-four percent said a border wall was "the best path for making America safer at its borders," while 31 percent said it was "totally unnecessary and not worth the expense."

Thirty-five percent of respondents said they believed that Americans need border security, but there are "better options" for securing the border.
In an effort to attempt to isolate and marginalize our great President, the lame stream media keeps referring to it "his Wall". The Truth is it's Our Wall, it's a Wall for the American People who will continue to live here long after Trump rides off into the sunset.

It's Our Wall

One more thing: if you decide you're going to vote against Our Wall and stand with El Chapo, we will melt your switchboards, we will crash your email servers.

You will be hearing from us.

Nope, his wall. Our wall he said Mexico would pay for. When people started up funding for "our wall", it raised less than a half a percent of the money required from American's to fund it.

According to every poll performed on this, most American's don't want the wall, heck most didn't want it when Mexico was supposed to foot the bill rather than taking that money away from our military instead.

Most look at the reports from DHS, and see that the overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants cross through ports of entry and want that money actually going to where it can do the most good to keep America's borders secure. And others who have spent decades building their empire using illegal immigrants want to focus on the area's where the biggest issue isn't.
Most American citizens want the wall, and want to stop the illegal invasion.

Yup. 51% want the wall and to save we the tax payer billions every year.

Get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and the illegals that kill, rob and rape American citizens.

Build the wall and no more will be able to get in and once its up we can boot those that are here the hell out.

Save us billions.
Most American citizens want the wall, and want to stop the illegal invasion.

Yup. 51% want the wall and to save we the tax payer billions every year.

Get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and the illegals that kill, rob and rape American citizens.

Build the wall and no more will be able to get in and once its up we can boot those that are here the hell out.

Save us billions.

Even the Russians that stay in Trump branded apts to have their babies in the USA, so they can be a US citizen?
Most American citizens want the wall, and want to stop the illegal invasion.

Yup. 51% want the wall and to save we the tax payer billions every year.

Get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and the illegals that kill, rob and rape American citizens.

Build the wall and no more will be able to get in and once its up we can boot those that are here the hell out.

Save us billions.

Even the Russians that stay in Trump branded apts to have their babies in the USA, so they can be a US citizen?

Do they stay here or head back to Russia. If they leave then they don't cost us a dime.

If they stay then the anchor baby crap needs to be worked on.
people have been bitching about the border for 50 years
i dont care anymore just build a goddamn wall


HAD Algeria and Morocco honored their agreement back in 1989 to form an economic union, along with Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania, they would be among the Middle East’s largest economies. Their poor border regions would be booming crossroads. Over the decade to 2015, reckons the World Bank, their two economies would each have almost have doubled in size.

Instead, Algeria grew only by 33% and Morocco by 37%, as both governments instead reinforced their barricades. Their north-west corner of Africa remains “the most separated region on the continent”, says Adel Hamaizia, an Algerian economist. While sub-Saharan countries agree common currencies and trade zones, Algeria digs deeper ditches. Morocco revamps its berms and renews its razor wire. Concrete walls, electric and barbed wire fences, rise on both sides. Frustrated families shout greetings across the divide. Yet, both have built hundreds of kilometres of east-west highways which stop short of their common border.

Who know if it was a good idea when they started but it sounds like now they are just doing it because they already started doing it and now they don't even know why they do it.
Is it the peoples wall or the governments wall

so if we cut off the flow of illegal aliens that walk across we'll also be cutting off Trade between one of our largest trading partners?

a stretch dont ya think

My point wasn't to compare trade as an issues for the US

The point was that that the reason for building the wall. If they had settle their beef instead of building a wall, they both might have had more economic advantages in that part of the world

Instead they got a wall which makes a nice picture but 20 years later what is it doing

The two countries had a beef and they each build walls and fences

Electric fences in urban areas

They said that one country felt that there was a terrorist problem but that was 20 years ago. The point as mentioned in the story that the wall is causing them more grief than benefits. Economic development has been slow

Still I would imagine with that picture with a wall in the middle of no mans land it will not stop anyone from climbing over. Its a symbol of a beef between two countries.

I am saying that with father time you can see that they may have been better suited to have found other solutions rather than get in a wall building frenzy

Algeria and Morocco both have oil reserves and they could have prospered more if they didn't waste there time building a wall and hating each other
That what I got from the story. The world banks says that they could have double economic advantages for both. That is the point I am making.
The biggest waste of money in the world is the $22 Trillion we wasted on the war on poverty. We should have used that money to build roads, bridges, and walls, and employed those wanting government benefits to build them, learn a skill instead of sitting on their asses getting fat.
The biggest waste of money in the world is the $22 Trillion we wasted on the war on poverty. We should have used that money to build roads, bridges, and walls, and employed those wanting government benefits to build them, learn a skill instead of sitting on their asses getting fat.

Yes, it created generations of people dependent on, and controlled by government which is what they wanted. Solid Dem voters too. Paid for at our expense.
In an effort to attempt to isolate and marginalize our great President, the lame stream media keeps referring to it "his Wall". The Truth is it's Our Wall, it's a Wall for the American People who will continue to live here long after Trump rides off into the sunset.

It's Our Wall

One more thing: if you decide you're going to vote against Our Wall and stand with El Chapo, we will melt your switchboards, we will crash your email servers.

You will be hearing from us.
Nah, it's his wall. His personal vanity project. He doesn't give two shits about you or anyone else.
Most American citizens want the wall, and want to stop the illegal invasion.

Yup. 51% want the wall and to save we the tax payer billions every year.

Get rid of the anchor baby bullshit and the illegals that kill, rob and rape American citizens.

Build the wall and no more will be able to get in and once its up we can boot those that are here the hell out.

Save us billions.

Even the Russians that stay in Trump branded apts to have their babies in the USA, so they can be a US citizen?

***Boogeyman alert***
It is in the best interests of the American citizens, and taxpayers to have a SECURE BORDER. It is the number one threat to National Security and the Safety of the populace. Not Syria, not Afghanistan, not Iraq, not Iran.
Most American citizens want the wall, and want to stop the illegal invasion.

Most American citizens know there is no "invasion" and no crisis. Illegal border crossings are at their lowest numbers in over 70 years.

Yes, Americans want to stop illegal immigrantion, but they also know that 60% of illegal immigrants are coming in through airports, not the southern border and that a wall won't stop them. Most Americans are smarter than your average Trump voter.

Americans tried to build a fence along the border 15 years ago. It couldn't be done then, and it can't be done now. If Trump had half a brain, he'd look at what happened with that attempt, and realize it can't be done, but Trump didn't do that. He didn't do anything to determine if a wall was a good idea or a bad idea. He doesn't even KNOW how much it will cost or if it will work. He just pulled this idea of out his ass and ran with it.

Trump pulls all of his ideas out of his ass. That's why all of his businesses have failed, and the rest are losing money. The only thing he ever made money at was his TV show, and his money laundering. Everything else was a bust.

Everything Trump touches, DIES.
It is in the best interests of the American citizens, and taxpayers to have a SECURE BORDER. It is the number one threat to National Security and the Safety of the populace. Not Syria, not Afghanistan, not Iraq, not Iran.

The border IS SECURE. There is no crisis on the border. And if this border wall is so vital to national security, why is there no move to build one along the Canadian border. That border truly is WIDE OPEN.

There is no border crisis, nor is there a security crisis along the Southern Border. Not according to the CIA, the NSA and the FBI in their recent report to Congress. It's Number 43, with a bullet! Not the #1 priority, not even a high priority. A minor concern.

Another extraordinary moment: Intel chiefs come to Capitol Hill and contradict their boss

There is no way of spinnning this into a win. This is the complete and utter defeat and humiliation of Donald J. Trump.

No wall. Not now, not ever.
Most American citizens want the wall, and want to stop the illegal invasion.

Most American citizens know there is no "invasion" and no crisis. Illegal border crossings are at their lowest numbers in over 70 years.

Yes, Americans want to stop illegal immigrantion, but they also know that 60% of illegal immigrants are coming in through airports, not the southern border and that a wall won't stop them. Most Americans are smarter than your average Trump voter.

Americans tried to build a fence along the border 15 years ago. It couldn't be done then, and it can't be done now. If Trump had half a brain, he'd look at what happened with that attempt, and realize it can't be done, but Trump didn't do that. He didn't do anything to determine if a wall was a good idea or a bad idea. He doesn't even KNOW how much it will cost or if it will work. He just pulled this idea of out his ass and ran with it.

Trump pulls all of his ideas out of his ass. That's why all of his businesses have failed, and the rest are losing money. The only thing he ever made money at was his TV show, and his money laundering. Everything else was a bust.

Everything Trump touches, DIES.

Here is hoping he will touch you soon.

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