Its not inflation, its price-gouging

Why are profits so high if there is so much inflation? Not prices, profits?

Because smart people running those companies surround themselves with smart people to help them?

My businesses saw a very slight drop in revenue in 2020. Last year was our best year ever.

I work my ass off, and I surround myself with people who also work their asses off. Why shouldn't my companies make more money than last year?
More evidence every day that corporations are making record profits.

Exxon Mobil: highest profit in 7 years
Chevron: highest profit in 7 years
Shell: highest profit in 7 years
BP: highest profit in 8 years
Gas prices: highest in 7 years

Yet the gov makes more money of a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
Oil companies and Frackers had to sue to get permits to drill. This is Obama 2.0 and they are in bed with big oil and globalist.

Covid was used to wipe out the small frackers so the big boys controll it all again.

Putin LOVES Biden
7 years? Hmmm, wasn't Barry Hussein president back then? Democrats pretend to be against fossil fuel but what do you know, the best years for oil profits come during democrat administrations.
$3.19 is the current gas price here in my area of east TN. In the fall of 2008, it did hit the $4.99 mark for a day or two. By Christmas of that year, it was under $1.50.

God bless you always!!!

More evidence every day that corporations are making record profits.

Exxon Mobil: highest profit in 7 years
Chevron: highest profit in 7 years
Shell: highest profit in 7 years
BP: highest profit in 8 years
Gas prices: highest in 7 years
This is because profits for those companies have been in the tank for the past seven years. Derp.
Marxist marionette Cortez was instructed to make the same stupid claim., though she thought gas stations pumped natural gas.
No, I think you should try exercising some brain cells and answer the question you were asked.

Why shouldn't a corporation make more profit than it has in previous years?
That's fine. Just say you're raising your prices to increase your profits. Just don't blame "inflation".
Because smart people running those companies surround themselves with smart people to help them?
Then next time you go shopping, don't bitch about higher prices. Just tell yourself these are smart increases from smart people.
Then next time you go shopping, don't bitch about higher prices. Just tell yourself these are smart increases from smart people.

I won two businesses. I've got a pretty good sense as to how these things work. If inflation causes my operating costs go up, my prices will go up.

That's how business works...
Why are profits so high if there is so much inflation? Not prices, profits?

Year 1
COGS $80 Revenue $100 Profit $20

Bidenflation 25%.
Year 2
COGS $100 Revenue $125 Profit $25

Look....inflation was 25% but they made record profits. Must be gouging.

We need a windfall profits tax!!!

Year 1
COGS $80 Revenue $100 Profit $20

Bidenflation 25%.
Year 2
COGS $100 Revenue $125 Profit $25

Look....inflation was 25% but they made record profits. Must be gouging.

We need a windfall profits tax!!!

I don't know man. I got a lot of hangups with tax policies used to address short term assholery, the precedents they set, who uses them down the line, etc. Some legitimate wonk on the issues of "Windfall Profits" needs to post in, not on a emotional level but with the issues and arguments in general, not just to attack the oil industry. I see what you are saying and like it no better than you, but hesitant to ask for more intervention from this administration on it. I voted for Joe, but he and his administration fk up a lot, on a lot of different crap, often in the way they go about it. Makes me hesitant to ask, as afraid of what we might get or what it means, down the road.

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