It's not Muslims; it's white nationalists

Do you think most MAGA people are like that guy, or is he an extreme minority? Is it possible that it would be ridiculous to use him as an example of what Trump supporters are?
Do you think most MAGA people are like that guy, or is he an extreme minority that would be ridiculous to use as an example of what Trump supporters are?
I noticed that these patsies are always young kids that don't know their heads from their ass.
BTW, why hasn't any of them been put on public trial.
The Parkland shooter still hasn't had a public trial.
Nobody has said whether they checked to see if bullets in the victims matched the rifle of the perp in any of these shootings.
Why is that?
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Do you think most MAGA people are like that guy, or is he an extreme minority? Is it possible that it would be ridiculous to use him as an example of what Trump supporters are?

Well, since 2017 all Trump supporters have not been mass shooters, but all of the mass shooters have been Trump supporters.
Do you think most MAGA people are like that guy, or is he an extreme minority? Is it possible that it would be ridiculous to use him as an example of what Trump supporters are?

Well, since 2017 all Trump supporters have not been mass shooters, but all of the mass shooters have been Trump supporters.

That's a lie
You tell us.

Okay, I will. It's completely insane to prop this guy up as some kind of standard Trump supporter. If you think he is your perspective has been warped badly. Anybody that tries to attach murderers like him to everyday people that would never do such a thing should be ashamed of themselves. They won't be though, because partisans have no shame.
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter
What we need is more wetbacks. That'll solve it.
Well, since 2017 all Trump supporters have not been mass shooters, but all of the mass shooters have been Trump supporters.

When a group of people is pissed off the insane ones will go overboard from time to time. They represent an extreme minority of people. Even if it's true that all the shooters are MAGA people (doubt) it's still ridiculous to make the implications you surely meant to make with this thread.
US In The Midst Of A White Nationalist Terrorism Crisis

Yep, you can thank the Democrats and libs for manufacturing this so-called "Crisis".
You tell us.

Okay, I will. It's completely insane to prop this guy up as some kind of standard Trump supporter. If you think he is your perspective has been warped badly. Anybody that tries to attach murderers like him to everyday people that would never do such a thing should be ashamed of themselves. They won't be though, because partisans have no shame.

Really, go back and study a little American History.
We are in the middle of a crisis when our mainstream media is pushing an agenda rather than reporting the news, and where Americans are becoming more and more polarized as a result. We are also in a crisis because our legal system has taken away our ability to deal with the severely mentally ill.

hyper partisans use these shootings as a "gotcha" moment but do so only when it serves their agenda. When it doesn't serve their agenda, they ignore and downplay.
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter
What we need is more wetbacks. That'll solve it.

Thanks Shithead, that is all we needed was the right wing, racist quote of the day.
We are in the middle of a crisis when our mainstream media is pushing an agenda rather than reporting the news, and where Americans are becoming more and more polarized as a result. We are also in a crisis because our legal system has taken away our ability to deal with the severely mentally ill.

hyper partisans use these shootings as a "gotcha" moment but do so only when it serves their agenda. When it doesn't serve their agenda, they ignore and downplay.

The FBI has stated that 75% of these mass shooters ARE NOT mentally ill.
Really, go back and study a little American History.

Most Trump supporters are decent people that disagree with you on key issues. You think that makes them evil, which is how you can make the ridiculous leaps that you do. I think that makes you a fool.
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter
What we need is more wetbacks. That'll solve it.

Thanks Shithead, that is all we needed was the right wing, racist quote of the day.
You keep spouting your stuff. I envision labor camps opening up all over the place. and people actually wanting them. Christianity died in the early 1970's. We are living off of government benevolence that is slowly turning into a malevolent monster.
Resentment is both individual and an emotional trait psychopaths and others play to win or convince. I am working on a thread on hate and guess what? another resentful white man murders others because they are others and he sees them as less than him and an incursion into what should be his alone. Evil is so obvious in America today, it hide under the covers for a while, but a 'black' president's election, and a now psychopathic president has pulled the covers back. To be fair this happened before Trump, he is only part of the hidden made visible.

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."

Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays

"From New Zealand to Pittsburgh to a synagogue in Poway, Calif., aggrieved white men over the last several months have turned to mass murder in service of hatred against immigrants, Jews and others they perceive as threats to the white race."

Minutes Before El Paso Killing, Hate-Filled Manifesto Appears Online

'Why some white supremacists eventually give up on hate.'

Why Some White Supremacists Eventually Give Up on Hate

"The main hypothesis concerning group-think is this: The more amiability and esprit de corps among the members of the in-group of policy makers the greater the danger that independent thinking will be replaced by group-think, which is likely to result in irrational and dehumanizing actions directed at out-groups." from 'Sanctions for Evil;' Sanford and Comstock, 1971
Really, go back and study a little American History.

Most Trump supporters are decent people that disagree with you on key issues.

Folks that were lynching and murdering folks during the 40s, 50s and 60s were also considered as decent folks.

You think that makes them evil, which is how you can make the ridiculous leaps that you do. I think that makes you a fool.

No only a fool tries to separate the 2. I am not saying all Trump supporters go around murdering folks, but I am saying when some Trump supporters like this shooter hear Trump's racist rhetoric they take action whether that is what he meant or not.
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter
What we need is more wetbacks. That'll solve it.

Thanks Shithead, that is all we needed was the right wing, racist quote of the day.
You keep spouting your stuff. I envision labor camps opening up all over the place. and people actually wanting them. Christianity died in the early 1970's. We are living off of government benevolence that is slowly turning into a malevolent monster.

Christianity allowed slavery, it allowed Jim Crow segregation, it allowed racism and discrimination in this country for years, so I guess was Christianity really ever alive in this country.
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter
The Democrats are exploiting hate a fear for power.
They love racial violence because it helps them.

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