It's not Muslims; it's white nationalists

Is internationally known how stupid you are, dumb and naked poor choices that affects the world (Bush Jr, trump, Vietnam, wars, invasions, racism, slavery, segregation.....).
You are not gonna win this, just give up lol.

Well, you do come from a long line of cousin loving goat-humpers, so you must be right.

Wait, that's a woman walking around without a male relative escort, let's beat her with sticks, eh?
Oh I'm famous and rich let's grab that woman by the pussy. Oh I'm rich and famous let's have sex with under age girls.

Well, as long as they're your cousins, you should go for it.
You do that to kids and women shame on you.

It's the Muzzy way, Allah said I could.
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.
Well, you do come from a long line of cousin loving goat-humpers, so you must be right.

Wait, that's a woman walking around without a male relative escort, let's beat her with sticks, eh?
Oh I'm famous and rich let's grab that woman by the pussy. Oh I'm rich and famous let's have sex with under age girls.

Well, as long as they're your cousins, you should go for it.
You do that to kids and women shame on you.

It's the Muzzy way, Allah said I could.
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.
The way American women talk today it makes Trump sound like a neophyte.
Well, you do come from a long line of cousin loving goat-humpers, so you must be right.

Wait, that's a woman walking around without a male relative escort, let's beat her with sticks, eh?
Oh I'm famous and rich let's grab that woman by the pussy. Oh I'm rich and famous let's have sex with under age girls.

Well, as long as they're your cousins, you should go for it.
You do that to kids and women shame on you.

It's the Muzzy way, Allah said I could.
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.

Muhammad says it's okay.
How many do US whites murder domestically each year?
How does that number compare to the number of civilians killed by the heroic US military on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland?
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines

"We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime"

right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

fact is though, make the economy better and they will have a better chance. Put the Democrats in charge and they will make America into a Baltimore..... given enough time.

Murders in black communities are often left unexplored because many people there dont want to cooperate with police. Witnesses refuse to come forward, and often in these high crime areas, police are understaffed, working too many hours and become calloused by their perception of people who don't seem to care about their own community. (of course thats a generalization, but as long as your also making generalizations, thats just fine.)
right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.

This has gone on for generations, and it is getting worse under Trump.

Redlining, lending discrimination set for a comeback under Trump administration mortgage policies

"Mortgage lenders will find it easier to discriminate against prospective borrowers under the latest quiet sabotage of financial industry rules proposed by the Trump administration.

"The new rollbacks take a two-pronged approach to undermining a relatively new system that’s helped journalists and watchdogs identify prejudicial lending practices they characterize as modern-day redlining.

"During the Obama administration, the CFPB played an instrumental role in earning settlements against banks accused of racial discrimination. These changes would do harm to the agency’s continued ability to be a cop on this particular beat."
.....blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
Blacks graduate at lower rates and possess lower credit scores because they've been the victims of white supremacy since this racist Republic was launched.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
Oh I'm famous and rich let's grab that woman by the pussy. Oh I'm rich and famous let's have sex with under age girls.

Well, as long as they're your cousins, you should go for it.
You do that to kids and women shame on you.

It's the Muzzy way, Allah said I could.
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.

Muhammad says it's okay.
Nah that was trump we all heard him
Muhammed is not our president the pissy grabber is.
Oh I'm famous and rich let's grab that woman by the pussy. Oh I'm rich and famous let's have sex with under age girls.

Well, as long as they're your cousins, you should go for it.
You do that to kids and women shame on you.

It's the Muzzy way, Allah said I could.
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.

Muhammad says it's okay.
Literally, anything Muhammad said is okay is used to advance Islam. That includes terror, deception, intimidation, and rape.
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
4 times LESS than blacks per capita
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines

"We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime"

right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

fact is though, make the economy better and they will have a better chance. Put the Democrats in charge and they will make America into a Baltimore..... given enough time.

Murders in black communities are often left unexplored because many people there dont want to cooperate with police. Witnesses refuse to come forward, and often in these high crime areas, police are understaffed, working too many hours and become calloused by their perception of people who don't seem to care about their own community. (of course thats a generalization, but as long as your also making generalizations, thats just fine.)
right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.

This has gone on for generations, and it is getting worse under Trump.

Redlining, lending discrimination set for a comeback under Trump administration mortgage policies

"Mortgage lenders will find it easier to discriminate against prospective borrowers under the latest quiet sabotage of financial industry rules proposed by the Trump administration.

"The new rollbacks take a two-pronged approach to undermining a relatively new system that’s helped journalists and watchdogs identify prejudicial lending practices they characterize as modern-day redlining.

"During the Obama administration, the CFPB played an instrumental role in earning settlements against banks accused of racial discrimination. These changes would do harm to the agency’s continued ability to be a cop on this particular beat."
.....blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
Blacks graduate at lower rates and possess lower credit scores because they've been the victims of white supremacy since this racist Republic was launched.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.
Well, as long as they're your cousins, you should go for it.
You do that to kids and women shame on you.

It's the Muzzy way, Allah said I could.
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.

Muhammad says it's okay.
Literally, anything Muhammad said is okay is used to advance Islam. That includes terror, deception, intimidation, and rape.
Nope not true. The proof ? 1.6 billion muslims 99.99% are just like everyone else. Wanna go by their daily just the few mentally sick that make the noise (KKK, right wingers, trump, bachar, hannity, etc...).
You do that to kids and women shame on you.

It's the Muzzy way, Allah said I could.
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.

Muhammad says it's okay.
Literally, anything Muhammad said is okay is used to advance Islam. That includes terror, deception, intimidation, and rape.
Nope not true. The proof ? 1.6 billion muslims 99.99% are just like everyone else. Wanna go by their daily just the few mentally sick that make the noise (KKK, right wingers, trump, bachar, hannity, etc...).
Total bullshit. And Islamic terrorists are not mentally sick, they are devout. Now what was your answer on those verses and question about a positive in Islam for the non-Muslim? You never answered or I just can't find it. So help us out and post a link to it. Or simply answer again.
What is the problem with watching both groups (Islamist jihadis and white nationalists), at the same time? This is not an either/or situation. Both are ideologically-motivated groups that pose a threat to our society.
Islamic Jihadists, MS 13 and other gangs, Black Panthers and other gangs, Antifa cell groups and even violent gay groups are all across the United States. These groups are threats to humanity. The real violence with destruction of property, assaults, battery, maiming and death to the general population is not told to people for fear of retaliation or demands to end it. Estimations of drugs produced and/or distributed by these groups before profits is near 100 billion dollars a year. Politicians are rumored to be involved also. Including many elected Progs. They love to prey on children as a sign of satanic sacrifice. Estimations of weapons are that they are like a major military in numbers. Estimations are of tens of millions of white men and women are sympathetic with these organizations and are in league with them in their goals. Anyone against them and for freedom is seen as a threat to their society.
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines

"We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime"

right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

fact is though, make the economy better and they will have a better chance. Put the Democrats in charge and they will make America into a Baltimore..... given enough time.

Murders in black communities are often left unexplored because many people there dont want to cooperate with police. Witnesses refuse to come forward, and often in these high crime areas, police are understaffed, working too many hours and become calloused by their perception of people who don't seem to care about their own community. (of course thats a generalization, but as long as your also making generalizations, thats just fine.)
right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.

This has gone on for generations, and it is getting worse under Trump.

Redlining, lending discrimination set for a comeback under Trump administration mortgage policies

"Mortgage lenders will find it easier to discriminate against prospective borrowers under the latest quiet sabotage of financial industry rules proposed by the Trump administration.

"The new rollbacks take a two-pronged approach to undermining a relatively new system that’s helped journalists and watchdogs identify prejudicial lending practices they characterize as modern-day redlining.

"During the Obama administration, the CFPB played an instrumental role in earning settlements against banks accused of racial discrimination. These changes would do harm to the agency’s continued ability to be a cop on this particular beat."
.....blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
Blacks graduate at lower rates and possess lower credit scores because they've been the victims of white supremacy since this racist Republic was launched.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
There's no contradiction.
Trump is a lifelong bigot which explains his support among US conservatives:

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.

"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
How many TOTAL murders are committed by whites?

"Overall murder rates have been declining since 1980 – when the total rate for murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 10.2 per 100,000 people – but violent crime is still a favorite talking point among lawmakers and newspeople.

"What’s important is to change how we talk about it. White victims tend to get close attention, while the murder of people of color is callously left unexplored. We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime, as these rates belie a lot of geographic and economic complexity. (To dig deeper, see Krivo and Peterson’s study controlling for neighborhood disadvantage, as well as the Violence Policy Center’s recent study of black homicide victimization.)"

Stark racial disparities in murder rates persist, even as overall murder rate declines

"We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime"

right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

fact is though, make the economy better and they will have a better chance. Put the Democrats in charge and they will make America into a Baltimore..... given enough time.

Murders in black communities are often left unexplored because many people there dont want to cooperate with police. Witnesses refuse to come forward, and often in these high crime areas, police are understaffed, working too many hours and become calloused by their perception of people who don't seem to care about their own community. (of course thats a generalization, but as long as your also making generalizations, thats just fine.)
right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.

This has gone on for generations, and it is getting worse under Trump.

Redlining, lending discrimination set for a comeback under Trump administration mortgage policies

"Mortgage lenders will find it easier to discriminate against prospective borrowers under the latest quiet sabotage of financial industry rules proposed by the Trump administration.

"The new rollbacks take a two-pronged approach to undermining a relatively new system that’s helped journalists and watchdogs identify prejudicial lending practices they characterize as modern-day redlining.

"During the Obama administration, the CFPB played an instrumental role in earning settlements against banks accused of racial discrimination. These changes would do harm to the agency’s continued ability to be a cop on this particular beat."
"Mortgage lenders will find it easier to discriminate against prospective borrowers under the latest quiet sabotage of financial industry rules proposed by the Trump administration.
big and long hahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaha
''quiet sabotage'' = bullshit
big and long hahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaha
''quiet sabotage'' = bullshit


MAGA, yet?


Redlining, lending discrimination set for a comeback under Trump administration mortgage policies
total bullshit--you are worse than the MSM
total bullshit--you are worse than the MSM
Trump's the bullshit you should worry about.

Redlining, lending discrimination set for a comeback under Trump administration mortgage policies

"A second move this week by the people President Donald Trump sent to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), largely with the intention of defanging the agency, tees up major changes to the data collected from those lenders who do remain subject to the tightened scrutiny imposed after the crisis.

"CFPB head Kathy Kraninger – who despite having negligible experience safeguarding the interests of consumers was chosen as the permanent replacement for Trump budget chieftain and devoted CFPB opponent Mick Mulvaney – also announced that the agency is seeking comment on rules her predecessors enacted that require both more and more specific details about the loan prices and terms given to borrowers of different racial and ethnic identities."
"We can and should be investigating why communities of color suffer disproportionately high rates of violent crime"

right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

fact is though, make the economy better and they will have a better chance. Put the Democrats in charge and they will make America into a Baltimore..... given enough time.

Murders in black communities are often left unexplored because many people there dont want to cooperate with police. Witnesses refuse to come forward, and often in these high crime areas, police are understaffed, working too many hours and become calloused by their perception of people who don't seem to care about their own community. (of course thats a generalization, but as long as your also making generalizations, thats just fine.)
right, but if you do mention it, you are told to butt out and pay attention to your own white community. Pointing out they need jobs, you get called a racist. Pointing out stable families statistically means black kids will have a better life... makes you a racist. Because if your white, your not allowed to talk about it.

Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.

This has gone on for generations, and it is getting worse under Trump.

Redlining, lending discrimination set for a comeback under Trump administration mortgage policies

"Mortgage lenders will find it easier to discriminate against prospective borrowers under the latest quiet sabotage of financial industry rules proposed by the Trump administration.

"The new rollbacks take a two-pronged approach to undermining a relatively new system that’s helped journalists and watchdogs identify prejudicial lending practices they characterize as modern-day redlining.

"During the Obama administration, the CFPB played an instrumental role in earning settlements against banks accused of racial discrimination. These changes would do harm to the agency’s continued ability to be a cop on this particular beat."
.....blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
Blacks graduate at lower rates and possess lower credit scores because they've been the victims of white supremacy since this racist Republic was launched.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
There's no contradiction.
Trump is a lifelong bigot which explains his support among US conservatives:

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.

"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.
"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.
"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
Obviously we have too many government workers if they have the free time for crap like this.

Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.

This has gone on for generations, and it is getting worse under Trump.

Redlining, lending discrimination set for a comeback under Trump administration mortgage policies

"Mortgage lenders will find it easier to discriminate against prospective borrowers under the latest quiet sabotage of financial industry rules proposed by the Trump administration.

"The new rollbacks take a two-pronged approach to undermining a relatively new system that’s helped journalists and watchdogs identify prejudicial lending practices they characterize as modern-day redlining.

"During the Obama administration, the CFPB played an instrumental role in earning settlements against banks accused of racial discrimination. These changes would do harm to the agency’s continued ability to be a cop on this particular beat."
.....blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
Blacks graduate at lower rates and possess lower credit scores because they've been the victims of white supremacy since this racist Republic was launched.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
There's no contradiction.
Trump is a lifelong bigot which explains his support among US conservatives:

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.

"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
That's what happens when you're ignorant enough to believe a life-long psychopathic liar's crony-capitalist bullshit:

How a Young Donald Trump Forced His Way From Avenue Z to Manhattan

"But Barrett’s reporting paints a picture of Trump’s background that’s somewhat at odds with the one he paints for himself.

"Far from that of a self-made billionaire, the image of Trump that emerges from Barrett’s reporting is that of a scion of a wealthy family who got ahead, in large part, thanks to family connections — many of them political.

"Far from an independent capitalist, Barrett showed, Trump was a businessman who relied heavily on government largesse. 'This is a guy whose wealth has been created by political connections,' Barrett says today. And at the time the story was published, even Trump’s political connections came secondhand, through his father.

"The idea that Trump is a business-world antidote to the world of political entanglement, as he often implies, is 'ludicrous,' as Barrett puts it."
.....blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
Blacks graduate at lower rates and possess lower credit scores because they've been the victims of white supremacy since this racist Republic was launched.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
There's no contradiction.
Trump is a lifelong bigot which explains his support among US conservatives:

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.

"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
That's what happens when you're ignorant enough to believe a life-long psychopathic liar's crony-capitalist bullshit:

How a Young Donald Trump Forced His Way From Avenue Z to Manhattan

"But Barrett’s reporting paints a picture of Trump’s background that’s somewhat at odds with the one he paints for himself.

"Far from that of a self-made billionaire, the image of Trump that emerges from Barrett’s reporting is that of a scion of a wealthy family who got ahead, in large part, thanks to family connections — many of them political.

"Far from an independent capitalist, Barrett showed, Trump was a businessman who relied heavily on government largesse. 'This is a guy whose wealth has been created by political connections,' Barrett says today. And at the time the story was published, even Trump’s political connections came secondhand, through his father.

"The idea that Trump is a business-world antidote to the world of political entanglement, as he often implies, is 'ludicrous,' as Barrett puts it."
sorry, I'm not the one who screwed up
you post so much babble.....very long paragraphs and you forgot what you posted = crap
Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.
"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.
"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
Obviously we have too many government workers if they have the free time for crap like this.
Obviously we have too many government workers if they have the free time for crap like this.
What role should government play in protecting society from racist crony- capitalists?

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"In the July 1972 test at Shorehaven Apartments in Brooklyn, the same superintendent who had rejected the black woman told the white woman who came later that she could 'immediately rent either one of two available apartments,' according to testimony.

"The tests played out across Queens and Brooklyn and revealed a pattern, the housing activists said in court filings.

"White testers were encouraged to rent at certain Trump buildings, while the black testers were discouraged, denied or steered to apartment complexes that had more racial minorities, according to the testimony."
Blacks graduate at lower rates and possess lower credit scores because they've been the victims of white supremacy since this racist Republic was launched.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
There's no contradiction.
Trump is a lifelong bigot which explains his support among US conservatives:

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.

"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
That's what happens when you're ignorant enough to believe a life-long psychopathic liar's crony-capitalist bullshit:

How a Young Donald Trump Forced His Way From Avenue Z to Manhattan

"But Barrett’s reporting paints a picture of Trump’s background that’s somewhat at odds with the one he paints for himself.

"Far from that of a self-made billionaire, the image of Trump that emerges from Barrett’s reporting is that of a scion of a wealthy family who got ahead, in large part, thanks to family connections — many of them political.

"Far from an independent capitalist, Barrett showed, Trump was a businessman who relied heavily on government largesse. 'This is a guy whose wealth has been created by political connections,' Barrett says today. And at the time the story was published, even Trump’s political connections came secondhand, through his father.

"The idea that Trump is a business-world antidote to the world of political entanglement, as he often implies, is 'ludicrous,' as Barrett puts it."
sorry, I'm not the one who screwed up
you post so much babble.....very long paragraphs and you forgot what you posted = crap

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