It's not Muslims; it's white nationalists

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.
"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.
"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
Obviously we have too many government workers if they have the free time for crap like this.
Obviously we have too many government workers if they have the free time for crap like this.
What role should government play in protecting society from racist crony- capitalists?

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"In the July 1972 test at Shorehaven Apartments in Brooklyn, the same superintendent who had rejected the black woman told the white woman who came later that she could 'immediately rent either one of two available apartments,' according to testimony.

"The tests played out across Queens and Brooklyn and revealed a pattern, the housing activists said in court filings.

"White testers were encouraged to rent at certain Trump buildings, while the black testers were discouraged, denied or steered to apartment complexes that had more racial minorities, according to the testimony."
1. Who said you liberals get to define racism?
2. Even if we accept your definition, racism is not illegal.
Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.
"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.
"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
Obviously we have too many government workers if they have the free time for crap like this.
Obviously we have too many government workers if they have the free time for crap like this.
What role should government play in protecting society from racist crony- capitalists?

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"In the July 1972 test at Shorehaven Apartments in Brooklyn, the same superintendent who had rejected the black woman told the white woman who came later that she could 'immediately rent either one of two available apartments,' according to testimony.

"The tests played out across Queens and Brooklyn and revealed a pattern, the housing activists said in court filings.

"White testers were encouraged to rent at certain Trump buildings, while the black testers were discouraged, denied or steered to apartment complexes that had more racial minorities, according to the testimony."
1. Who said you liberals get to define racism?
2. Even if we accept your definition, racism is not illegal.
1. Who said you liberals get to define racism?
2. Even if we accept your definition, racism is not illegal.
Racial discrimination is illegal.
Do you have a problem with that?

Trump’s Long War with Justice

"In 1973, the federal government sued Trump and his father, alleging systematic racial discrimination in the rentals at their dozens of New York City apartment buildings.

"Often interpreted mostly as confirmation of Trump’s deep-seated racial animus, it is at this point perhaps better understood as the origin of his distrust of federal law enforcement.

"It is where he first learned to view the government not as a potential righter of wrongs but as an impediment to his business interests, not as a protector of less powerful citizens but as a meddlesome obstacle in his pursuit of profit."
So are you liberals going to put people in jail just because they say "black people are ugly?" After all, that's your definition of racism.
.....blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college where they graduate even less = not qualified for loans
College grads make more money | LinkedIn brother works in the loan business--he said they go out of their way to give blacks loans are full of shit as usual
Blacks graduate at lower rates and possess lower credit scores because they've been the victims of white supremacy since this racist Republic was launched.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
There's no contradiction.
Trump is a lifelong bigot which explains his support among US conservatives:

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.

"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
That's what happens when you're ignorant enough to believe a life-long psychopathic liar's crony-capitalist bullshit:

How a Young Donald Trump Forced His Way From Avenue Z to Manhattan

"But Barrett’s reporting paints a picture of Trump’s background that’s somewhat at odds with the one he paints for himself.

"Far from that of a self-made billionaire, the image of Trump that emerges from Barrett’s reporting is that of a scion of a wealthy family who got ahead, in large part, thanks to family connections — many of them political.

"Far from an independent capitalist, Barrett showed, Trump was a businessman who relied heavily on government largesse. 'This is a guy whose wealth has been created by political connections,' Barrett says today. And at the time the story was published, even Trump’s political connections came secondhand, through his father.

"The idea that Trump is a business-world antidote to the world of political entanglement, as he often implies, is 'ludicrous,' as Barrett puts it."

"Far from that of a self-made billionaire, the image of Trump that emerges from Barrett’s reporting is that of a scion of a wealthy family who got ahead, in large part, thanks to family connections — many of them political.

How did Hillary get ahead again?

It's not Muslims; it's white nationalists

Dixie Democrat KKK white nationalists are not that different from Muslims.

Both cultures impose sex segregation and keep quite a harem of women and children.

They "groom" their children, and that's how they were raised and shit.

How many do US whites murder domestically each year?

Democrat abortion-on-demand and other policies of mass murder.
"He was wearing tactical gear, had a baseball cap on, sunglasses, and he had a semi-automatic rifle."

California needs to ban tactical gear, baseball caps, and sunglasses. Since California already has very strict gun laws.
It's the Muzzy way, Allah said I could.
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.

Muhammad says it's okay.
Literally, anything Muhammad said is okay is used to advance Islam. That includes terror, deception, intimidation, and rape.
Nope not true. The proof ? 1.6 billion muslims 99.99% are just like everyone else. Wanna go by their daily just the few mentally sick that make the noise (KKK, right wingers, trump, bachar, hannity, etc...).
Total bullshit. And Islamic terrorists are not mentally sick, they are devout. Now what was your answer on those verses and question about a positive in Islam for the non-Muslim? You never answered or I just can't find it. So help us out and post a link to it. Or simply answer again.
You already brush painted 1.6B muslims with the same brush what a verse like this gonna do to you ?
It's the Muzzy way, Allah said I could.
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.

Muhammad says it's okay.
Literally, anything Muhammad said is okay is used to advance Islam. That includes terror, deception, intimidation, and rape.
Nope not true. The proof ? 1.6 billion muslims 99.99% are just like everyone else. Wanna go by their daily just the few mentally sick that make the noise (KKK, right wingers, trump, bachar, hannity, etc...).
Total bullshit. And Islamic terrorists are not mentally sick, they are devout. Now what was your answer on those verses and question about a positive in Islam for the non-Muslim? You never answered or I just can't find it. So help us out and post a link to it. Or simply answer again.
Islamic terrorists are as sick as any other terrorists....Think about it there 1.6B muslims around the world 8 million in the US alone, some European countries have about 10% of their population are Muslims, if Islam indeed call for the killing of unbelievers you would see killings by the second given the number of Muslims.

Those That do take Koranic versus and use them to justify their hate are indeed mentally sick and have no clue about Islam.
because the Koran cam down in versus and most of the time to guide Muslims through historic events....When the Muslims were being massacred by the infidels of that time, god ordered them to fight back. in other versus asked them to have peace with them, in later versus asked them to respect those that don't fight or threaten Muslims.

And do not kill a soul that God has made sacred, except in the course of justice. We have given authority (of recompense) to the heirs of the one slain wrongfully. So let him not (exceed limits) in (retribution) for the murdered. He is helped. — The Quran 17:33

Surat Al-Mumtahanah [60:8-9]:

Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion - [forbids] that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

I hope that clarified your question.
Blacks graduate at lower rates and possess lower credit scores because they've been the victims of white supremacy since this racist Republic was launched.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
Among the many factors explaining white/black wealth divide in this country, blatant discrimination against qualified black applicants for federally insured mortgages ranks near the top of the list.
do you realize you just contradicted yourself???!!! hahahhahahahahaha
There's no contradiction.
Trump is a lifelong bigot which explains his support among US conservatives:

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available.

"A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

"The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover 'testers' for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens."
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
that's what happens when you post lies/bullshit--it catches up with you
That's what happens when you're ignorant enough to believe a life-long psychopathic liar's crony-capitalist bullshit:

How a Young Donald Trump Forced His Way From Avenue Z to Manhattan

"But Barrett’s reporting paints a picture of Trump’s background that’s somewhat at odds with the one he paints for himself.

"Far from that of a self-made billionaire, the image of Trump that emerges from Barrett’s reporting is that of a scion of a wealthy family who got ahead, in large part, thanks to family connections — many of them political.

"Far from an independent capitalist, Barrett showed, Trump was a businessman who relied heavily on government largesse. 'This is a guy whose wealth has been created by political connections,' Barrett says today. And at the time the story was published, even Trump’s political connections came secondhand, through his father.

"The idea that Trump is a business-world antidote to the world of political entanglement, as he often implies, is 'ludicrous,' as Barrett puts it."

"Far from that of a self-made billionaire, the image of Trump that emerges from Barrett’s reporting is that of a scion of a wealthy family who got ahead, in large part, thanks to family connections — many of them political.

How did Hillary get ahead again?

How did Hillary get ahead again?

By taking money from crony-capitalists

It's the $ame White Tra$h
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.

Muhammad says it's okay.
Literally, anything Muhammad said is okay is used to advance Islam. That includes terror, deception, intimidation, and rape.
Nope not true. The proof ? 1.6 billion muslims 99.99% are just like everyone else. Wanna go by their daily just the few mentally sick that make the noise (KKK, right wingers, trump, bachar, hannity, etc...).
Total bullshit. And Islamic terrorists are not mentally sick, they are devout. Now what was your answer on those verses and question about a positive in Islam for the non-Muslim? You never answered or I just can't find it. So help us out and post a link to it. Or simply answer again.
You already brush painted 1.6B muslims with the same brush what a verse like this gonna do to you ?
Is the conservative way, the orange creep said you can grab them by the pussy.

Muhammad says it's okay.
Literally, anything Muhammad said is okay is used to advance Islam. That includes terror, deception, intimidation, and rape.
Nope not true. The proof ? 1.6 billion muslims 99.99% are just like everyone else. Wanna go by their daily just the few mentally sick that make the noise (KKK, right wingers, trump, bachar, hannity, etc...).
Total bullshit. And Islamic terrorists are not mentally sick, they are devout. Now what was your answer on those verses and question about a positive in Islam for the non-Muslim? You never answered or I just can't find it. So help us out and post a link to it. Or simply answer again.
Islamic terrorists are as sick as any other terrorists....Think about it there 1.6B muslims around the world 8 million in the US alone, some European countries have about 10% of their population are Muslims, if Islam indeed call for the killing of unbelievers you would see killings by the second given the number of Muslims.

Those That do take Koranic versus and use them to justify their hate are indeed mentally sick and have no clue about Islam.
because the Koran cam down in versus and most of the time to guide Muslims through historic events....When the Muslims were being massacred by the infidels of that time, god ordered them to fight back. in other versus asked them to have peace with them, in later versus asked them to respect those that don't fight or threaten Muslims.

And do not kill a soul that God has made sacred, except in the course of justice. We have given authority (of recompense) to the heirs of the one slain wrongfully. So let him not (exceed limits) in (retribution) for the murdered. He is helped. — The Quran 17:33

Surat Al-Mumtahanah [60:8-9]:

Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion - [forbids] that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

I hope that clarified your question.
No. You used an abrogated verse, 60.8. It means nothing but you are lying.
17.33 applies to Muslims only.
Let the conversation about terrorism not be deflected. Both Islamists (not Muslims) who do things like bomb the Boston Marathon and white supremacists must be watched closely. Enough of this "they do it, too" crap. These two groups both are threats to the people of our respective countries and each must be watched and stopped.
When the fuck is the last time we had a "white supremacist" crime wave? What are you left wing weirdos babbling about?

It's been ongoing for a while, you just haven't noticed or don't want to. Little boys pretending to be "men" marching around chanting "Jews will not replace us," and then running people over, people making bombs to blow up places like an apartment complex occupied by Somali immigrants, that stupid piss-bucket frankie graham announcing that Islam is not a religion, as if he ever knew anything. I could go on.

What is wrong with watching white supremacists to make sure that they do not commit any more terrorist offenses? We have a right to defend ourselves from criminal behavior, no matter what the ideology of the perps.
White Nationalist University is where? Being a nationalist means a nation with borders. There is no ideology. And you will turn on each other in your party. Those groups just ain't natural....its just ain't natural...
Muhammad says it's okay.
Literally, anything Muhammad said is okay is used to advance Islam. That includes terror, deception, intimidation, and rape.
Nope not true. The proof ? 1.6 billion muslims 99.99% are just like everyone else. Wanna go by their daily just the few mentally sick that make the noise (KKK, right wingers, trump, bachar, hannity, etc...).
Total bullshit. And Islamic terrorists are not mentally sick, they are devout. Now what was your answer on those verses and question about a positive in Islam for the non-Muslim? You never answered or I just can't find it. So help us out and post a link to it. Or simply answer again.
You already brush painted 1.6B muslims with the same brush what a verse like this gonna do to you ?
Muhammad says it's okay.
Literally, anything Muhammad said is okay is used to advance Islam. That includes terror, deception, intimidation, and rape.
Nope not true. The proof ? 1.6 billion muslims 99.99% are just like everyone else. Wanna go by their daily just the few mentally sick that make the noise (KKK, right wingers, trump, bachar, hannity, etc...).
Total bullshit. And Islamic terrorists are not mentally sick, they are devout. Now what was your answer on those verses and question about a positive in Islam for the non-Muslim? You never answered or I just can't find it. So help us out and post a link to it. Or simply answer again.
Islamic terrorists are as sick as any other terrorists....Think about it there 1.6B muslims around the world 8 million in the US alone, some European countries have about 10% of their population are Muslims, if Islam indeed call for the killing of unbelievers you would see killings by the second given the number of Muslims.

Those That do take Koranic versus and use them to justify their hate are indeed mentally sick and have no clue about Islam.
because the Koran cam down in versus and most of the time to guide Muslims through historic events....When the Muslims were being massacred by the infidels of that time, god ordered them to fight back. in other versus asked them to have peace with them, in later versus asked them to respect those that don't fight or threaten Muslims.

And do not kill a soul that God has made sacred, except in the course of justice. We have given authority (of recompense) to the heirs of the one slain wrongfully. So let him not (exceed limits) in (retribution) for the murdered. He is helped. — The Quran 17:33

Surat Al-Mumtahanah [60:8-9]:

Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion - [forbids] that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

I hope that clarified your question.
No. You used an abrogated verse, 60.8. It means nothing but you are lying.
17.33 applies to Muslims only.
Nope it doesnt...the verse is well known why and when it came down and to who it was addressed.
Trust me if Islam was advocating cleansing other religions and non muslims , majority Muslim countries wouldnt have non Muslim minorities for centuries. European countries wouldnt have kept their religions and churches when they were ruled by muslims.
Last edited:
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!

Opps, turns out he has an Iranian heritage.

Iranian / Italian shooter in California.
These sick people that kill innocent people need to be put to death swiftly....

I think the left has and is doing great damage to our Country with their

politics of racial division...

We are living in a sick society where killing and mayhem are glorified...
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter

Chickens coming home to roost?
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter

Chickens coming home to roost?

Hmmmm, explain that.
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter

Chickens coming home to roost?

Hmmmm, explain that.

What is there to explain? If you try to eradicate a culture and people, eventually they will react.
At a few minutes before 11 am on Saturday in El Paso, Texas, a gunman in his early 20s opened fire on a crowd of shoppers in a mall killing at least 20 and wounding dozens of others, placing the suspect’s rampage among the top ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

“I saw people crying: children, old people, all in shock,” one eyewitness told The New York Times. “I saw a baby, maybe six to eight months old, with blood all over the belly.”

As hospitals in the local area deal with what can only be described as the bloody battlefield carnage, federal and state authorities are moving closer towards establishing the suspect’s motive for carrying out the mass casualty attack.

Federal law enforcement investigators have told CNN that they are reviewing writings they believe to have been posted online by the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a 21-year-old white man from Dallas, but are yet to publicly confirm.

Essentially, the gunman’s alleged manifesto reads as a carbon copy of that espoused by those who carried out the recent and respective attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"This is a response to the Hispanic invasion," it reads, according to the FBI. It then goes on to accuse the Democratic Party of "pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc”, while also expressing his contempt for “race mixing” and support for “sending them back.”

These right-wing extremists are not only channelling neo-Nazi borne “Great Replacement” conspiracy theories, which frame demographic change as a threat to white Europeans, but also taking a cue from the words and policies of President Donald Trump.

It was only two weeks ago when Trump inspired an auditorium full of his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to the country’s first elected black Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia and migrated to the US as the young daughter of refugee parents.

Earlier in the year, Trump smeared all immigrants approaching the US-Mexico border as invaders when he said, “People hate the word ‘invasion', but that’s what it is.”

Trump has also referred to Latin American refugees and asylum seekers as “rapists”, “criminals”, drug dealers” and “terrorists”.

It’s worth remembering that when a Rwandan politician described Rwanda’s Tutsi minority as “cockroaches” it started a genocide that resulted in the deaths of upwards of one million people in that country.

These are the same flames Trump fans with his dehumanising discourse. It is no coincidence that far-right extremists were responsible for 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League, and why hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and other minorities are at unprecedented levels.

Much of Trump’s political shtick is pivoted on the white nationalist notion that white Americans find themselves in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants, and thus framing Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, and other ethnic minorities to be an external threat, or “invaders”.

Just hours before Robert Bowers walked into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 last year, he posted on social media that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “to bring hostile invaders to dwell among us. It’s the filthy EVIL Jews. Brining (sic) the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the country!! Stop the kikes then Worry About the Muslims!”

Making matters worse is the fact that Trump and his supporters are hyping themselves in what can best be described as a positive reinforcement loop, in which his supporters reward his racism with approval, and he, in turn, rewards them, whether that be by calling on a ban on Muslim immigration or channelling funds from the Pentagon for the construction of his border wall.

In time, we will learn exactly what drove the suspect to carry out today's mass shooting, but what we know for sure is the United States finds itself in the midst of a domestic white nationalist terrorism crisis.

Article edited for the removal of shooter

Chickens coming home to roost?

Hmmmm, explain that.

What is there to explain? If you try to eradicate a culture and people, eventually they will react.

So what culture and people are being eradicated?

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