It's not Muslims; it's white nationalists

Most mass shooter's ties to white nationalism is tenuous, at best. Like this garlic festival guy and him mentioning some book nobody has ever heard of that is supposedly popular with racists. Usually mass shooters do what they do for no apparent reason, just malcontents lashing out at society.

Every time one of these events happens the left scrambles to use it for political gain. Elected politicians and the corporate media, they don't even care if planting these seeds of racial resentment causes real-life implications to regular people.
Naaah Islam was strong enough to wipe out all non muslims at one point it never did because that's not what Islam is. Ask the Europeans if muslims were capable of doing but never did.
Those are mentally sick, just like all the white mass shooters.
The numbers are much larger. Islam will absorb Europe if something is not done. In fact there is probably no way to stop it because they do not have the will to fight. Islam is just an insult to humanity.
Islam ruled part of Europe for 8 centuries , when your ancestors lived in dark ages and the Moors brought them out of their misery...they kept their churches, way of lives but their living Conditions for much better.
Then the sweet Europeans went on to slaughter millions in Europe and around the world.
Oh muslims didnt cause the death of 40 million death in world war and world war one now did they ?
Islam bought on the Dark Ages, you idiot.
Universal Human Rights Alpha and Omega: Islam caused the Dark Ages
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.
Tell us when you see this many.
In the US?
Muslims are currently 1% of our population. Up that to ten and see what happens.
Non of the 19 hijackers were muslims.
Recently all I see on the news is here in the US is white mass shooter and non are muslims.
Again. Walmart mass shooter:


How many times are you going to post the same photo over and over?

One person who isn't a white nationalist doesn't mean that all terrorism isn't by white nationalists.

The truth is that most of the terrorism is coming from white supremacists. That's according to trump's hand picked FBI director.

Are you saying that trump's hand picked FBI director is lying?

Are you saying that trump's hand picked FBI director is lying?

Or, rather, he's allowing himself to be bullied by the lies from the Jewish propaganda organization that got its start trying to frame innocent black men for the rape and murder of a young white Christian girl by a Jew.
The numbers are much larger. Islam will absorb Europe if something is not done. In fact there is probably no way to stop it because they do not have the will to fight. Islam is just an insult to humanity.
Islam ruled part of Europe for 8 centuries , when your ancestors lived in dark ages and the Moors brought them out of their misery...they kept their churches, way of lives but their living Conditions for much better.
Then the sweet Europeans went on to slaughter millions in Europe and around the world.
Oh muslims didnt cause the death of 40 million death in world war and world war one now did they ?
Islam bought on the Dark Ages, you idiot.
Universal Human Rights Alpha and Omega: Islam caused the Dark Ages
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.

Islam was responsible for the Dark Ages
Islam ruled part of Europe for 8 centuries , when your ancestors lived in dark ages and the Moors brought them out of their misery...they kept their churches, way of lives but their living Conditions for much better.
Then the sweet Europeans went on to slaughter millions in Europe and around the world.
Oh muslims didnt cause the death of 40 million death in world war and world war one now did they ?
Islam bought on the Dark Ages, you idiot.
Universal Human Rights Alpha and Omega: Islam caused the Dark Ages
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.

Islam was responsible for the Dark Ages

The numbers are much larger. Islam will absorb Europe if something is not done. In fact there is probably no way to stop it because they do not have the will to fight. Islam is just an insult to humanity.
Islam ruled part of Europe for 8 centuries , when your ancestors lived in dark ages and the Moors brought them out of their misery...they kept their churches, way of lives but their living Conditions for much better.
Then the sweet Europeans went on to slaughter millions in Europe and around the world.
Oh muslims didnt cause the death of 40 million death in world war and world war one now did they ?
Islam bought on the Dark Ages, you idiot.
Universal Human Rights Alpha and Omega: Islam caused the Dark Ages
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.

It is revisionist history to whitewash the cancer called Islam. Where are those verses I asked for? What is a positive in Islam for the infidel?
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!

We can't deport Americans, but we can deport Muslims.

Many of them are Americans.

America has communities of muslims all over the nation. Most of them are either naturalized citizens or were born and raised here.

Are you saying that you want to violate their right to liberty because other muslims crashed planes into buildings 18 years ago?

Will you apply that to the Japanese? They attacked us at Pearl Harbor. They flew plans into our ships. Do you want to persecute them too? Or is it just muslims?
And what does Islam teach? Having communities of Muslims is not a plus. Recently Philly Muslim children were singing about beheading the non-believers. Wise up.

Ever see who is persecuted in Muslim countries? I bet you have, or you live in a vacuum.

Stick to the post.

You made a flat statement that you can deport muslims.

Well most muslims here in America are either naturalized citizens or born and raised here.

Let me make this as crystal clear as I possibly can:

You can't deport an American citizen.

It's a violation of their rights to liberty.

I don't care what fundamental islam teaches people. Just as I don't care what fundamental christians teach people. Personally, I don't see much difference between islamic fundamentalists and christian fundamentalists. They are the same.

They both are far right radical extremists filled with hate.

Most muslims are the same as most christians. They aren't violent and just want to live their lives in peace without being persecuted by the government or crazy right wing radical extremists.

Meanwhile according to trump's hand picked FBI director white supremacists are the majority of the terrorist acts in America these days.

You can lie all you want. You can stamp your feet and throw all the temper tantrums you want.

It won't change reality.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!

We can't deport Americans, but we can deport Muslims.

Many of them are Americans.

America has communities of muslims all over the nation. Most of them are either naturalized citizens or were born and raised here.

Are you saying that you want to violate their right to liberty because other muslims crashed planes into buildings 18 years ago?

Will you apply that to the Japanese? They attacked us at Pearl Harbor. They flew plans into our ships. Do you want to persecute them too? Or is it just muslims?
And what does Islam teach? Having communities of Muslims is not a plus. Recently Philly Muslim children were singing about beheading the non-believers. Wise up.

Ever see who is persecuted in Muslim countries? I bet you have, or you live in a vacuum.

Stick to the post.

You made a flat statement that you can deport muslims.

Well most muslims here in America are either naturalized citizens or born and raised here.

Let me make this as crystal clear as I possibly can:

You can't deport an American citizen.

It's a violation of their rights to liberty.

I don't care what fundamental islam teaches people. Just as I don't care what fundamental christians teach people. Personally, I don't see much difference between islamic fundamentalists and christian fundamentalists. They are the same.

They both are far right radical extremists filled with hate.

Most muslims are the same as most christians. They aren't violent and just want to live their lives in peace without being persecuted by the government or crazy right wing radical extremists.

Meanwhile according to trump's hand picked FBI director white supremacists are the majority of the terrorist acts in America these days.

You can lie all you want. You can stamp your feet and throw all the temper tantrums you want.

It won't change reality.

You're grasping at straws to advance your anti-white, anti-christian bigotry. Here's what he said (not quite what you're saying):

How different this would sound if they ever started INVESTIGATING ANTIFA

“A majority of the domestic terrorism cases we've investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence,"
Last edited:
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!

We can't deport Americans, but we can deport Muslims.

Many of them are Americans.

America has communities of muslims all over the nation. Most of them are either naturalized citizens or were born and raised here.

Are you saying that you want to violate their right to liberty because other muslims crashed planes into buildings 18 years ago?

Will you apply that to the Japanese? They attacked us at Pearl Harbor. They flew plans into our ships. Do you want to persecute them too? Or is it just muslims?
And what does Islam teach? Having communities of Muslims is not a plus. Recently Philly Muslim children were singing about beheading the non-believers. Wise up.

Ever see who is persecuted in Muslim countries? I bet you have, or you live in a vacuum.

Stick to the post.

You made a flat statement that you can deport muslims.

Well most muslims here in America are either naturalized citizens or born and raised here.

Let me make this as crystal clear as I possibly can:

You can't deport an American citizen.

It's a violation of their rights to liberty.

I don't care what fundamental islam teaches people. Just as I don't care what fundamental christians teach people. Personally, I don't see much difference between islamic fundamentalists and christian fundamentalists. They are the same.

They both are far right radical extremists filled with hate.

Most muslims are the same as most christians. They aren't violent and just want to live their lives in peace without being persecuted by the government or crazy right wing radical extremists.

Meanwhile according to trump's hand picked FBI director white supremacists are the majority of the terrorist acts in America these days.

You can lie all you want. You can stamp your feet and throw all the temper tantrums you want.

It won't change reality.
You made a flat statement that you can deport muslims.
I never said that but it can be done. Certainly not all of them.
The numbers are much larger. Islam will absorb Europe if something is not done. In fact there is probably no way to stop it because they do not have the will to fight. Islam is just an insult to humanity.
Islam ruled part of Europe for 8 centuries , when your ancestors lived in dark ages and the Moors brought them out of their misery...they kept their churches, way of lives but their living Conditions for much better.
Then the sweet Europeans went on to slaughter millions in Europe and around the world.
Oh muslims didnt cause the death of 40 million death in world war and world war one now did they ?
Islam bought on the Dark Ages, you idiot.
Universal Human Rights Alpha and Omega: Islam caused the Dark Ages
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.

That's why the Muslim world is still in the dark ages, eh?
They left all their light in Europe. DURR
Islam ruled part of Europe for 8 centuries , when your ancestors lived in dark ages and the Moors brought them out of their misery...they kept their churches, way of lives but their living Conditions for much better.
Then the sweet Europeans went on to slaughter millions in Europe and around the world.
Oh muslims didnt cause the death of 40 million death in world war and world war one now did they ?
Islam bought on the Dark Ages, you idiot.
Universal Human Rights Alpha and Omega: Islam caused the Dark Ages
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.

It is revisionist history to whitewash the cancer called Islam. Where are those verses I asked for? What is a positive in Islam for the infidel?

When muslims were asked to fight the infidels that was true when the infidels back then attacked the newly converted to Islam.
But in so many versus Allah did ask the Muslim to respec4 non muslims.

God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes – from dealing kindly and justly with them. Indeed, God loves those who act justly. God only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion – (forbids) that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers." (Quran 60:8-9)
Islam ruled part of Europe for 8 centuries , when your ancestors lived in dark ages and the Moors brought them out of their misery...they kept their churches, way of lives but their living Conditions for much better.
Then the sweet Europeans went on to slaughter millions in Europe and around the world.
Oh muslims didnt cause the death of 40 million death in world war and world war one now did they ?
Islam bought on the Dark Ages, you idiot.
Universal Human Rights Alpha and Omega: Islam caused the Dark Ages
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.

That's why the Muslim world is still in the dark ages, eh?
They left all their light in Europe. DURR

Muslim world in the dark ages ? Lol have you been to Turkey? The Emirates? Malaysia? Qatar? Kuwait? And so much more...they make most US cities look like garbage.
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.

Islam was responsible for the Dark Ages


Great response, he gives facts and links you just say nope? Lol! Great argument, I bet you had to go ask someone how to respond to that. Lol! Thanks for the laugh.

Typical downtown Manhattan hillbilly redneck art gallery ownin white supremacist gets what he deserves

Drives a pickup to ....typical

Here he is off to a klan rally wif his brohs

Diversity is our strength !!!!!
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.

Islam was responsible for the Dark Ages


Great response, he gives facts and links you just say nope? Lol! Great argument, I bet you had to go ask someone how to respond to that. Lol! Thanks for the laugh.

Facts ? Where? You both are the victims of the poor educational system in the US. Add to that you never been to south Europe, because if you did and you studied history you would know that muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages.
That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.
Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.
Islam was responsible for the Dark Ages

Great response, he gives facts and links you just say nope? Lol! Great argument, I bet you had to go ask someone how to respond to that. Lol! Thanks for the laugh.
Facts ? Where? You both are the victims of the poor educational system in the US. Add to that you never been to south Europe, because if you did and you studied history you would know that muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages.

All you have is insults? Anyone can insult as you have proven. Let’s see your facts you claim you have.
Santino William Legan legally purchased his rifle in Nevada 3 weeks ago, authorities said - CNN

This is getting real simple. Since Muslims are not the problem, and white nationalists, led by Trump, are, the solution is dirt simple.

Just deport Trump and all of the white nationalists we can identify. They could go to Somalia to improve conditions. Problem solved. No brainer. Bigly!!!

We can't deport Americans, but we can deport Muslims.

Many of them are Americans.

America has communities of muslims all over the nation. Most of them are either naturalized citizens or were born and raised here.

Are you saying that you want to violate their right to liberty because other muslims crashed planes into buildings 18 years ago?

Will you apply that to the Japanese? They attacked us at Pearl Harbor. They flew plans into our ships. Do you want to persecute them too? Or is it just muslims?
And what does Islam teach? Having communities of Muslims is not a plus. Recently Philly Muslim children were singing about beheading the non-believers. Wise up.

Ever see who is persecuted in Muslim countries? I bet you have, or you live in a vacuum.

Stick to the post.

You made a flat statement that you can deport muslims.

Well most muslims here in America are either naturalized citizens or born and raised here.

Let me make this as crystal clear as I possibly can:

You can't deport an American citizen.

It's a violation of their rights to liberty.

I don't care what fundamental islam teaches people. Just as I don't care what fundamental christians teach people. Personally, I don't see much difference between islamic fundamentalists and christian fundamentalists. They are the same.

They both are far right radical extremists filled with hate.

Most muslims are the same as most christians. They aren't violent and just want to live their lives in peace without being persecuted by the government or crazy right wing radical extremists.

Meanwhile according to trump's hand picked FBI director white supremacists are the majority of the terrorist acts in America these days.

You can lie all you want. You can stamp your feet and throw all the temper tantrums you want.

It won't change reality.

You're grasping at straws to advance your anti-white, anti-christian bigotry. Here's what he said (not quite what you're saying):

How different this would sound if they ever started INVESTIGATING ANTIFA

“A majority of the domestic terrorism cases we've investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence,"

Lying and saying I'm grasping at straws won't make it true.

The truth is that most terrorism is caused by white supremacists. Far right radical extremists like you.

You can lie and say anything you want. It makes absolutely no difference. The truth is the truth and it's so not on your side.

You mean absolutely nothing to anyone who makes any decisions in our nation. So what you think and want means absolutely nothing to anyone. Your lies are meaningless, your words are meaningless.

What means something is those who make decisions and policy in this nation. Right now the FBI is telling our nation the white supremacists are the most threats in terrorism. Your right wing radical extremist people who you follow and are one of, are the biggest terrorism threat in the nation.

You don't have to like it. You do have to accept it. The biggest threat for terrorism comes from you and people like you.

Deal with it.
Caused the dark ages ? Lol
Have you read the real history?
Watch and go on a spin.

That is bullshit and propaganda. You expect people to believe that? Not going to happen. Islam is hate-filled, intolerant, sexist and violent. What is positive in Islam for the non-Muslim?

Let's see some verses or just one verse that celebrates other religions that is not abrogated.

Dude it is history, muslims brought Europe out of the dark ages. That's a fact.

That's why the Muslim world is still in the dark ages, eh?
They left all their light in Europe. DURR

Muslim world in the dark ages ? Lol have you been to Turkey? The Emirates? Malaysia? Qatar? Kuwait? And so much more...they make most US cities look like garbage.

Muslim world in the dark ages ?



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