It's Official: All Women Fail The 1st Phase Of U.SRanger School

101 last time I checked. The venn diagram of what a man can do and what a woman can do is almost a circle.

Almost. Having babies and completing ranger school fall into their respective slivers. Its beyond the capablity of virtually every man too. And when you dig that deep into phsyicality, the small differences matter.
I have personally known a couple of US Rangers.

One of them told me the Ranger qualification course and school was like Hell on Steroids. ....... :cool:

Dude, I've only heard descriptions. Its training that's at the edge of the male body's capacity to endure. When you're pushed to the limits of physiology, the 20% or so difference between men and women matters. As the difference between the men that pass and the men that don't is probably 1%. Its that intense and competitive.
While women may not have the simple brute strength of men, in the long run, they are more durable. The women on the Oregon Trail had a higher survival rate than men, in spite of childbirth. And the women in the Russian Army during WW2 did quite well.
This is not about women in the military as has been the standard for a while now. It is about women in a SPECIFIC military job - one that requires enormous physical endurance and strength as well as many other things. Apparently, women are going to have a very difficult time joining and there is nothing wrong with that (or the fact that there WILL be women that will pass and become rangers). The real question is whether or not the military leadership will break down and lower standards in order to achieve asinine metrics and 'force diversity.'

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