It's Official: Life begins at conception


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
At least that's what has been written into law in Missouri.

It's a question that has perplexed philosophers, theologians and scientists for thousands of years.
Pythagorean Greeks, early Christian church fathers, Talmudic rabbis, Sunni and Shia thinkers, Hindu brahmin and modern bioethicists have grappled with the fundamental, ultimately unknowable, mystery: At what point in our biological development are we infused with a soul? At what point do we become human?

On May 14, the final day of their legislative session, Missouri lawmakers declared the answer, and last month, by withholding his veto, Gov. Jay Nixon signaled that he agreed. On Aug. 28, their answer will become the law of the land.

"The life of each human being begins at conception," according to Senate Bill 793, which will add new regulations to the state's 24-hour informed consent law for abortions.

"Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being."
Those words will be displayed "prominently" on brochures that abortion providers will be required to hand out to every woman seeking the procedure — even if they don't happen to believe the Christian theology the words represent.

New Mo. abortion law counters some philosophy, theology
I'm sure those who oppose Sharia Law in the Mosque threads will be by soon enough to tell us how a state making laws based on Christian religious beliefs is wrong.
I'm looking for really hot gals..say mid 20' test out this theory with me.
It will be a sacrifice...but someone has to do it.

Aristotle believed that a soul could only inhabit a fetus when that fetus began to look human, a timetable he set at 40 days for men and 90 days for women.
At least that's what has been written into law in Missouri.

It's a question that has perplexed philosophers, theologians and scientists for thousands of years.
Pythagorean Greeks, early Christian church fathers, Talmudic rabbis, Sunni and Shia thinkers, Hindu brahmin and modern bioethicists have grappled with the fundamental, ultimately unknowable, mystery: At what point in our biological development are we infused with a soul? At what point do we become human?

On May 14, the final day of their legislative session, Missouri lawmakers declared the answer, and last month, by withholding his veto, Gov. Jay Nixon signaled that he agreed. On Aug. 28, their answer will become the law of the land.

"The life of each human being begins at conception," according to Senate Bill 793, which will add new regulations to the state's 24-hour informed consent law for abortions.

"Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being."
Those words will be displayed "prominently" on brochures that abortion providers will be required to hand out to every woman seeking the procedure — even if they don't happen to believe the Christian theology the words represent.

New Mo. abortion law counters some philosophy, theology
Actually the bible is quite clear as to when mankind becomes a living soul. Obviously nobody believes the bible no matter what they might say to the contrary!

Gen 2: 7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
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I can see it now:

Surgeon General Warning: Aborting a fetus may be hazardous to your soul, and has been linked to eternal damnation.

Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being.

Then if that is the standard, that from the moment of conception those cells are a "separate life, unique, living human being, Cesarean Section out what ever is there, sit it on the table and see how long it lives.

Note that i am very specific in the term Cesarean Section, a careful removal of the cells.

Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being.

Then if that is the standard, that from the moment of conception those cells are a "separate life, unique, living human being, Cesarean Section out what ever is there, sit it on the table and see how long it lives.

Note that i am very specific in the term Cesarean Section, a careful removal of the cells.

If you remove the unborn prior to them being able to survive out of the uterus on their own what you will have is a separate life, unique, dead human being.

Pretty logical that human life begins at conception.
"Birth was the death of him." Samuel Beckett

If one can argue that potential is life then a number of things create ethical questions. Two or three of five conceptions end normally, naturally. Who are these cells? Each month a woman of a certain age (and marital status) contains potential life? Who are these cells? Of the millions of sperm, each one is unique and different. Who are these missing people? And if potentiality is key, is suicide or murder OK as that's where we are headed anyway?

"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time."


Boston Review — Judith Jarvis Thomson

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey
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At least that's what has been written into law in Missouri.

It's a question that has perplexed philosophers, theologians and scientists for thousands of years.
Pythagorean Greeks, early Christian church fathers, Talmudic rabbis, Sunni and Shia thinkers, Hindu brahmin and modern bioethicists have grappled with the fundamental, ultimately unknowable, mystery: At what point in our biological development are we infused with a soul? At what point do we become human?

On May 14, the final day of their legislative session, Missouri lawmakers declared the answer, and last month, by withholding his veto, Gov. Jay Nixon signaled that he agreed. On Aug. 28, their answer will become the law of the land.

"The life of each human being begins at conception," according to Senate Bill 793, which will add new regulations to the state's 24-hour informed consent law for abortions.

"Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being."
Those words will be displayed "prominently" on brochures that abortion providers will be required to hand out to every woman seeking the procedure — even if they don't happen to believe the Christian theology the words represent.

New Mo. abortion law counters some philosophy, theology

Then, all pregnant women get to drive in the car pool lane.
If you remove the unborn prior to them being able to survive out of the uterus on their own what you will have is a separate life, unique, dead human being.

Pretty logical that human life begins at conception.

Yep... thats kind of what I was thinking.
You are free to believe what you will, but at the moment of conception that product is a unique separate individual that never existed before and never will again (unless of course you believe in reincarnation). Call it what you will abortion is the killing of innocents. If life is not sacred, what is? Peace, Love, and Faith. Pappadave
At least that's what has been written into law in Missouri.

It's a question that has perplexed philosophers, theologians and scientists for thousands of years.
Pythagorean Greeks, early Christian church fathers, Talmudic rabbis, Sunni and Shia thinkers, Hindu brahmin and modern bioethicists have grappled with the fundamental, ultimately unknowable, mystery: At what point in our biological development are we infused with a soul? At what point do we become human?

On May 14, the final day of their legislative session, Missouri lawmakers declared the answer, and last month, by withholding his veto, Gov. Jay Nixon signaled that he agreed. On Aug. 28, their answer will become the law of the land.

"The life of each human being begins at conception," according to Senate Bill 793, which will add new regulations to the state's 24-hour informed consent law for abortions.

"Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being."
Those words will be displayed "prominently" on brochures that abortion providers will be required to hand out to every woman seeking the procedure — even if they don't happen to believe the Christian theology the words represent.

New Mo. abortion law counters some philosophy, theology

since life begins at conception, will they ban the practice of frozen embryo incineration/ the disposal of the frozen embryos after the mother has decided she wants no more children?

since life begins at conception of a separate human being, will they give the tax write off for children to the pregnant mom, and the taqx child credit to the pregnant mom on their tax returns?

Will a mother with expecting twins get 2 child tax credits?

Will they issue birth certificates at conception or is that a different thing?

Also, conception does not MEAN pregnancy, and it takes a couple of days for the woman to become pregnant after the conception for the fertilized egg to attach to the uterus or fallopian tubes with an ectopic pregnancy ...and from what i believe I have read is that more than 50% of fertilized eggs do not make it to the pregnancy the new human being was already conceived but naturally aborted, so to say? Wonder how that fits in?

Anyway, I believe life does begin at conception, without conception, there would be no new human being born... at a later stage of development....none....not you nor me would be here, without conception, so just logically, this has to be the beginning of, us....and of all living creatures.

but i do not agree with this state putting it in to law, I think it opens a whole can of legal issues that they are not prepared to answer or address.

I'm sure those who oppose Sharia Law in the Mosque threads will be by soon enough to tell us how a state making laws based on Christian religious beliefs is wrong.

I had to double check who posted that. :lol:

i wouldn't hold my breath on that one though.
At least that's what has been written into law in Missouri.

It's a question that has perplexed philosophers, theologians and scientists for thousands of years.
Pythagorean Greeks, early Christian church fathers, Talmudic rabbis, Sunni and Shia thinkers, Hindu brahmin and modern bioethicists have grappled with the fundamental, ultimately unknowable, mystery: At what point in our biological development are we infused with a soul? At what point do we become human?

On May 14, the final day of their legislative session, Missouri lawmakers declared the answer, and last month, by withholding his veto, Gov. Jay Nixon signaled that he agreed. On Aug. 28, their answer will become the law of the land.

"The life of each human being begins at conception," according to Senate Bill 793, which will add new regulations to the state's 24-hour informed consent law for abortions.

"Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being."
Those words will be displayed "prominently" on brochures that abortion providers will be required to hand out to every woman seeking the procedure — even if they don't happen to believe the Christian theology the words represent.

New Mo. abortion law counters some philosophy, theology
Actually the bible is quite clear as to when mankind becomes a living soul. Obviously nobody believes the bible no matter what they might say to the contrary!

Gen 2: 7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

So, the soul enters the human body AFTER it is formed, and AFTER it takes its first breath of life, as this passage implies???:eusa_eh:
At least that's what has been written into law in Missouri.

New Mo. abortion law counters some philosophy, theology
Actually the bible is quite clear as to when mankind becomes a living soul. Obviously nobody believes the bible no matter what they might say to the contrary!

Gen 2: 7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

So, the soul enters the human body AFTER it is formed, and AFTER it takes its first breath of life, as this passage implies???:eusa_eh:

Who knows whether the soul exists before conception or at what precise point God assigns the soul to the developing human being? He sure hasn't advised me and I'm not sure we will ever be privy to know that. Nor can we know more than generally at what precise moment any developing baby will become viable outside the womb. Is a baby who has to be incubated in order to survive viable?

Yet no woman has ever announced that she is pregnant with a zygote or an embryo. She announces that she is pregnant with a baby, a developing human being, somebody who if carried to full term will be a unique and individual person with an identity, personality, and unique skills and abilities.

Somewhere in there is value of human life, but until we can agree on when human life is to be valued, it seems to me that the exquisite language of Roe v Wade, strictly interpreted, is the best we can do to put the matter into law.
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