It's Official: Lt Col Vindman Accused Of Illegally Leaking Contents Of Trump Call to Eric Ciamarella

Seems republicans believe treason is OK if committed by Republicans

That's stupid.
hadit, this doesn't bother you ?? How much of trumps shit are you willing to sweep under the rug?
Trump withholding that aid for his own political and personal advancement, and to encourage a foreign government's involvement in our domestic political process should sicken all Americans... Not only because it puts Ukrainians at risk, but because it puts our own National Security at risk

When things are proven, sure. If Trump lies under oath, he should be impeached, just like Bubba was. The problem with jumping on the bandwagon and declaring him absolutely guilty based on what we've heard thus far, however, is no more credible than those who jumped on the "Hillary is guilty of deliberately exposing classified information" bandwagon.

What's stupid is to say "Republicans" are okay with treason as long as it's done by Republicans. They're not, they're just not willing to join the mob yet.
When will the greatest liar ever in our WH testify?? Trump can't
What's Vindictivemans rank after he's court martialed for illegally disclosing confidential information to the Whistleblower
I am struck by Schiff's attempt to characterize President Trump's conversation with President Zelensky as a "demand." It was not a demand. Note Vindman's quote when pressed on this characterization in his deposition. Page 256. "I guess you can interpret it in different ways."

Trump did not “demand”
He did ask for a favor though when asked about Javelins

As for “demands” he instructed Zelensky to get with Rudy to work out the details
He gave lethal aid to Ukraine to kill Russians. The President has every right to Vet Zelinsky to clean up The Ukraine which is where the attacks on our Democracy during the 2016 Election Originated from.
There are some Hardline loving Soviets in Ukraine
There are some here in the USA too led by Trump ,,we call these traitors Republicans
Seems republicans believe treason is OK if committed by Republicans

That's stupid.
hadit, this doesn't bother you ?? How much of trumps shit are you willing to sweep under the rug?
Trump withholding that aid for his own political and personal advancement, and to encourage a foreign government's involvement in our domestic political process should sicken all Americans... Not only because it puts Ukrainians at risk, but because it puts our own National Security at risk

When things are proven, sure. If Trump lies under oath, he should be impeached, just like Bubba was. The problem with jumping on the bandwagon and declaring him absolutely guilty based on what we've heard thus far, however, is no more credible than those who jumped on the "Hillary is guilty of deliberately exposing classified information" bandwagon.

What's stupid is to say "Republicans" are okay with treason as long as it's done by Republicans. They're not, they're just not willing to join the mob yet.
When will the greatest liar ever in our WH testify?? Trump can't

Bubba Clinton is no longer in office.

Trump, however, will testify there's credible evidence that he actually did something that requires him to testify. All this second hand stuff isn't it.
I love it.

If I make myself a "political rival" - I'm protected!

Democrats are fucking projecting faggots every time they open their mouths about corruption.

Beside, what does it mean when Ukrainian president says there was no pressure?
"If I make myself a "political rival" - I'm protected!"

What a fucking rightard ^^^

Literally no one is saying that. :cuckoo:

Do you always suffer from such massive delusions?

You lefties keep pointing out how Biden is Trump's "political rival", as that makes him immune from corruption and investigation. What the other purpose for pointing that out?

Beside, since he's not nominee, and since no vote is cast for Democrat party nominee, he's just a citizen who's running for president.
If trump wants to get bidens ,,,go get him or try. BUT don't have another country help you and since when is the ah big on corruption?

He didn't ask to "get Biden", he asked to find out what happened with Ukrainian involvement with US elections, to which Burisma, Bidens and Democrats were all involved.
So all our 16 or so units like fbi cia were wrong It wasn't Russis ?? Are you fn kidding me?

So, I am talking about Ukraine, and you're insisting to talk about Russia.

Ukraine TOO was involved in meddling into US elections, which they admitted thru their courts.
Just in time for his testimony tommorow today. He's fixing to get his ass nailed by Jordon and Stefanik as being the leaker..

Read the letter. Vindman is busted.

BOOM! Senator Johnson Sends Letter to Congress - Accuses Lt. Col. Vindman of Illegally Leaking Contents of Trump Call, Holding a Duplicitous Motive
Vindman testified under oath that he still doesn’t even know who the whistleblower is.

Every single witness that has testified has confirmed the contents of the whistleblower report.
Everyone who was watching the clown show, everyone in the media, everyone attending the clown show KNOWS who the traitor is.
'Eric' is 'packing light' for a one way flight to Hanoi.
I hope he likes eating boiled chicken feet for the rest of his life!
When the locals find out 'Eric' is a traitor to his own country 'Eric' better be checking out his street food.
If there is anything the VN will not tolerate is a traitor in their midst no matter who did it or where it happened.
If you cant defend against the message, attack the messenger.
What's the message?

They are committing perjury on National TV, and that was proven.

That's the message.
So you're reduced to satire?

ok, i'll laugh.
thanks for the laugh.
I love it.

If I make myself a "political rival" - I'm protected!

Democrats are fucking projecting faggots every time they open their mouths about corruption.

Beside, what does it mean when Ukrainian president says there was no pressure?
"If I make myself a "political rival" - I'm protected!"

What a fucking rightard ^^^

Literally no one is saying that. :cuckoo:

Do you always suffer from such massive delusions?

You lefties keep pointing out how Biden is Trump's "political rival", as that makes him immune from corruption and investigation. What the other purpose for pointing that out?

Beside, since he's not nominee, and since no vote is cast for Democrat party nominee, he's just a citizen who's running for president.
Shitstain, it doesn't mean Biden can't be investigated. It means Trump can't solicit a foreign national to do the investigation.

How do you rightards even figure out how to post? You're such flamin' imbeciles. :eusa_doh:
What law says that?
the same one that stopped Hillary from using foreigners, you have to use an American company to ask for dirt.
You said the law prevents Americans from soliciting foreign nationals to investigate American politicians. Then you said Hillary violated that law. Why isn't she in prison?
Seems republicans believe treason is OK if committed by Republicans

That's stupid.
hadit, this doesn't bother you ?? How much of trumps shit are you willing to sweep under the rug?
Trump withholding that aid for his own political and personal advancement, and to encourage a foreign government's involvement in our domestic political process should sicken all Americans... Not only because it puts Ukrainians at risk, but because it puts our own National Security at risk

When things are proven, sure. If Trump lies under oath, he should be impeached, just like Bubba was. The problem with jumping on the bandwagon and declaring him absolutely guilty based on what we've heard thus far, however, is no more credible than those who jumped on the "Hillary is guilty of deliberately exposing classified information" bandwagon.

What's stupid is to say "Republicans" are okay with treason as long as it's done by Republicans. They're not, they're just not willing to join the mob yet.
When will the greatest liar ever in our WH testify?? Trump can't
Hillary Clinton is Retired
Pressuring a foreign country into investigating your political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy. It is a illegal foreign policy.

I love it.

If I make myself a "political rival" - I'm protected!

Democrats are fucking projecting faggots every time they open their mouths about corruption.

Beside, what does it mean when Ukrainian president says there was no pressure?
"If I make myself a "political rival" - I'm protected!"

What a fucking rightard ^^^

Literally no one is saying that. :cuckoo:

Do you always suffer from such massive delusions?

You lefties keep pointing out how Biden is Trump's "political rival", as that makes him immune from corruption and investigation. What the other purpose for pointing that out?

Beside, since he's not nominee, and since no vote is cast for Democrat party nominee, he's just a citizen who's running for president.
Shitstain, it doesn't mean Biden can't be investigated. It means Trump can't solicit a foreign national to do the investigation.

How do you rightards even figure out how to post? You're such flamin' imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Oh, I see you started using my label for you "shitstain", on me. Very original. Not.

No solicitation there. He was following up on investigation started by previous administration that ended with Biden interference.
There was no investigation into Biden by the previous administration. Try posting without lying.
Seems republicans believe treason is OK if committed by Republicans

That's stupid.
hadit, this doesn't bother you ?? How much of trumps shit are you willing to sweep under the rug?
Trump withholding that aid for his own political and personal advancement, and to encourage a foreign government's involvement in our domestic political process should sicken all Americans... Not only because it puts Ukrainians at risk, but because it puts our own National Security at risk

When things are proven, sure. If Trump lies under oath, he should be impeached, just like Bubba was. The problem with jumping on the bandwagon and declaring him absolutely guilty based on what we've heard thus far, however, is no more credible than those who jumped on the "Hillary is guilty of deliberately exposing classified information" bandwagon.

What's stupid is to say "Republicans" are okay with treason as long as it's done by Republicans. They're not, they're just not willing to join the mob yet.
When will the greatest liar ever in our WH testify?? Trump can't

Bubba Clinton is no longer in office.

Trump, however, will testify there's credible evidence that he actually did something that requires him to testify. All this second hand stuff isn't it.
Hadit Trump will put his hand on a bible when pigs fly He is stupid ,,but not that stupid
What's Vindictivemans rank after he's court martialed for illegally disclosing confidential information to the Whistleblower
Private Leaker

"If I make myself a "political rival" - I'm protected!"

What a fucking rightard ^^^

Literally no one is saying that. :cuckoo:

Do you always suffer from such massive delusions?

You lefties keep pointing out how Biden is Trump's "political rival", as that makes him immune from corruption and investigation. What the other purpose for pointing that out?

Beside, since he's not nominee, and since no vote is cast for Democrat party nominee, he's just a citizen who's running for president.
If trump wants to get bidens ,,,go get him or try. BUT don't have another country help you and since when is the ah big on corruption?

He didn't ask to "get Biden", he asked to find out what happened with Ukrainian involvement with US elections, to which Burisma, Bidens and Democrats were all involved.
Which he believed would lead to a scandal which would sink Biden.

You think Biden is his target? That's where you wrong.

Everyone involved in "dossier", and spying into Trumps campaign, and issuing false FISA warrants, including Russia collusion should be investigated and locked up when find guilty. Ukraine plays just a small part of revealing the whole play.

You're literally denying Biden was his target even though he said...

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

... like I always say, you brain-dead cultists are truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
That's stupid.
hadit, this doesn't bother you ?? How much of trumps shit are you willing to sweep under the rug?
Trump withholding that aid for his own political and personal advancement, and to encourage a foreign government's involvement in our domestic political process should sicken all Americans... Not only because it puts Ukrainians at risk, but because it puts our own National Security at risk

When things are proven, sure. If Trump lies under oath, he should be impeached, just like Bubba was. The problem with jumping on the bandwagon and declaring him absolutely guilty based on what we've heard thus far, however, is no more credible than those who jumped on the "Hillary is guilty of deliberately exposing classified information" bandwagon.

What's stupid is to say "Republicans" are okay with treason as long as it's done by Republicans. They're not, they're just not willing to join the mob yet.
When will the greatest liar ever in our WH testify?? Trump can't

Bubba Clinton is no longer in office.

Trump, however, will testify there's credible evidence that he actually did something that requires him to testify. All this second hand stuff isn't it.
Hadit Trump will put his hand on a bible when pigs fly He is stupid ,,but not that stupid
We put pigs 'blood on the tips of our Cruise Missiles and drones and bombs when we attack Jihadists so they can go to Hell instead of meet their fake goat god allah in their fake heaven with their fake 72 virgins.

So pigs literally fly when we are taking out a terrorist.

So yah, Trump can swear on a Bible like he did at Inauguration.
How sad to see goose schlepping conservatives take their marching from President Bonespurs to attack a decorated veteran.
Decorated bullshit artist. Why the Democrats put him up there. Phony fuck.
Vindman received a Purple Heart medal for wounds he received from an IED attack in the Iraq War in 2004.[2][3]
Vindmans boss Tim Morrison called into question Vindman's judgment
Why did you leftist attack Flynn a highly decorated general?

Because Flynn was a criminal... working on the sly, with foreign Turkish thugs, for the BIG BUCKS and not loyal to the USA.
And it would appear Vindman just Flynned himself
Vindman is an unregistered foreign agent?
Just in time for his testimony tommorow today. He's fixing to get his ass nailed by Jordon and Stefanik as being the leaker..

Read the letter. Vindman is busted.

BOOM! Senator Johnson Sends Letter to Congress - Accuses Lt. Col. Vindman of Illegally Leaking Contents of Trump Call, Holding a Duplicitous Motive
Vindman testified under oath that he still doesn’t even know who the whistleblower is.

Every single witness that has testified has confirmed the contents of the whistleblower report.
Vindman is a liar!

Vindman claimed Trump 'DEMANDED' the Ukraine PM investigate the Bidens or get no military aid. Unfortunately for him he obviously did not read the actual transcripts of the phone call. He, like many others, obviously formed an ignorant opinion based on what others told him.
Ukraine asked this guy to be the DEFENSE MINISTER?

That seems weird.

He leaked instead of going to his superior.

Just in time for his testimony tommorow today. He's fixing to get his ass nailed by Jordon and Stefanik as being the leaker..

Read the letter. Vindman is busted.

BOOM! Senator Johnson Sends Letter to Congress - Accuses Lt. Col. Vindman of Illegally Leaking Contents of Trump Call, Holding a Duplicitous Motive
Vindman testified under oath that he still doesn’t even know who the whistleblower is.

Every single witness that has testified has confirmed the contents of the whistleblower report.
Vindman is a liar!

Vindman claimed Trump 'DEMANDED' the Ukraine PM investigate the Bidens or get no military aid. Unfortunately for him he obviously did not read the actual transcripts of the phone call. He, like many others, obviously formed an ignorant opinion based on what others told him.
Vindman was a witness to the actual phone call.
Which makes him a better source to what actually occurred.
Tweets of Retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman regarding LTC Alex Vindman
Twitter ^ | 10-31-2019 | U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman (Ret.)
Posted on 11/19/2019, 9:53:53 AM by servo1969

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman

LTC (R) Jim Hickman on Twitter

I know LTC Alex Vindman from a Combined US-Russian exercise called Atlas Vision 12 in Grafenwoher, GE.

He worked w/the Russian Embassy & I was assigned to the JMTC (Joint Multinational Training Command), w/in USAREUR (US Army Europe). He worked coordination w/the Russian 15th Peacekeeping Brigade, & I was in charge of all Simulations planning, as well as assisting the USAREUR Lead Planner as the Senior Military Planner.

The following account of LTC Vindman’s words & actions are completely accurate to the best of my recollection & have been corroborated by others.

We interacted on several different occasions throughout the planning cycle, but it was during the actual execution of the exercise, that we had an issue relevant to his recent testimony.

As stated earlier, Atlas Vision 12 was conducted at JMTC in the VBS2 (Virtual Battle Simulations 2) Classrooms for Simulation. Vindman, who was a Major at the time, was sitting in one of the classrooms talking to the US & Russian Soldiers, as well as the young Officers & GS Employees about America, Russia, & Obama.

He was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly, & really talked up Obama & globalism to the point of uncomfortable.

He would speak w/the Russian Soldiers & laugh as if at the expense of the US personnel. It was so uncomfortable & unprofessional, one of the GS employees came & told me everything above. I walked over & sat w/in earshot of Vindman, & sure enough, all was confirmed.

One comment truly struck me as odd, & it was w/respect to American’s falsely thinking they’re exceptional, when he said, “He [Obama] is working on that now.” And he said it w/a snide ‘I know a secret’ look on his face. I honestly don’t know what it meant, it just sounded like an odd thing to say.

Regardless, after hearing him bash America a few times in front of subordinates, Russians, & GS Employees, as well as, hearing an earful about globalization, Obama’s plan, etc…I’d had enough. I tapped him on the shoulder & asked him to step outside.

At that point I verbally reprimanded him for his actions, & I’ll leave it at that, so as not to be unprofessional myself. The bottom-line is LTC Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as 2012. So much so, junior officers & soldiers felt uncomfortable around him.

This is not your professional, field-grade officer, who has the character & integrity to do the right thing. Do not let the uniform fool you…he is a political activist in uniform. I pray our nation will drop this hate, vitriol & division, & unite as our founding fathers intended

I need to make a slight correction on my statement, it was actually Atlas Vision 13 when the incident occurred. I was thrown off, as the next year Russia invaded Crimea. Also, I was promoted to Chief, Regional, Joint & Combined Exercises Branch, USAREUR, over many exercises.
Yes Republicans are amazingly ignorant and provincial.... Along with right-wing military types.... LOL. But thanks for the b******* character assassination
Franco, we KNOW he is one of you communist infiltrators...but thanks for playing!
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry. You are a brainwashed functional moron. You know a mountain of garbage. Try listening to respected journalists and law enforcement for a change. Deep state? Poor America

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