It's Official: Lt Col Vindman Accused Of Illegally Leaking Contents Of Trump Call to Eric Ciamarella

I am struck by Schiff's attempt to characterize President Trump's conversation with President Zelensky as a "demand." It was not a demand. Note Vindman's quote when pressed on this characterization in his deposition. Page 256. "I guess you can interpret it in different ways."

Trump did not “demand”
He did ask for a favor though when asked about Javelins

As for “demands” he instructed Zelensky to get with Rudy to work out the details
He gave lethal aid to Ukraine to kill Russians. The President has every right to Vet Zelinsky to clean up The Ukraine which is where the attacks on our Democracy during the 2016 Election Originated from.
There are some Hardline loving Soviets in Ukraine
There are some here in the USA too led by Trump ,,we call these traitors Republicans
The only Hardline Communist are in the democrat party.
I am struck by Schiff's attempt to characterize President Trump's conversation with President Zelensky as a "demand." It was not a demand. Note Vindman's quote when pressed on this characterization in his deposition. Page 256. "I guess you can interpret it in different ways."

Trump did not “demand”
He did ask for a favor though when asked about Javelins

As for “demands” he instructed Zelensky to get with Rudy to work out the details
He gave lethal aid to Ukraine to kill Russians. The President has every right to Vet Zelinsky to clean up The Ukraine which is where the attacks on our Democracy during the 2016 Election Originated from.
There are some Hardline loving Soviets in Ukraine
There are some here in the USA too led by Trump ,,we call these traitors Republicans
The only Hardline Communist are in the democrat party.
Talk to Rudy
How about we talk to Biden to see if The Surrender Monkey backs him on the EXTORTION!

I'd like to know why Adam Schiff is being allowed to violate DUE PROCESS RIGHTS

Due Process Clause - Wikipedia

  1. An unbiased tribunal.
  2. Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
  3. Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
  4. The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
  5. The right to know opposing evidence.
  6. The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
  7. A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
  8. Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
  9. Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
  10. Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.
Vindman was a witness to the actual phone call.
Which makes him a better source to what actually occurred.
Better than the transcript? Claims like that are the reason people are laughing at Democrats.
A redacted transcript that leaves out little things like 8 x referring to Burisma LOL. Too bad you get basically zero real news super duper.
It's time for you snowflakes to learn a new trick. You can't keep claiming that every time we have some recording of your crimes, whether video, audio or textual, that some part of it has been left out. People are getting wise to that stunt. You can't just keep writing off your crimes to magic.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.
You lefties keep pointing out how Biden is Trump's "political rival", as that makes him immune from corruption and investigation. What the other purpose for pointing that out?

Beside, since he's not nominee, and since no vote is cast for Democrat party nominee, he's just a citizen who's running for president.
Shitstain, it doesn't mean Biden can't be investigated. It means Trump can't solicit a foreign national to do the investigation.

How do you rightards even figure out how to post? You're such flamin' imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Oh, I see you started using my label for you "shitstain", on me. Very original. Not.

No solicitation there. He was following up on investigation started by previous administration that ended with Biden interference.
There was no investigation into Biden by the previous administration. Try posting without lying.

You shitstain should try reading my posts, instead of just senselessly yapping to everything I post.

I said there was investigation into Burisma corruption during previous (Ukrainian) administration that ended with Biden intervention.
Can you stop lying? There was no active investigation into Burisma when Shokin was fired.

You're misstating the claim so you can slap it down. Here's what Shokin has to say on the matter:

The fired prosecutor at the center of the Ukraine controversy said during a private interview with President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani earlier this year that he was told to back off an investigation involving a natural gas firm that was linked to Joe Biden’s son, according to details of that interview that were handed over to Congress by the State Department’s inspector general Wednesday.

Fox News obtained a copy of Giuliani’s notes from his January 2019 interview with fired Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin in which he claimed that his “investigations stopped out of fear of the United States.”

“Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” the notes from the interview stated. The notes also claimed Shokin was told Biden had held up U.S. aid to Ukraine over the investigation.
Better than the transcript? Claims like that are the reason people are laughing at Democrats.
A redacted transcript that leaves out little things like 8 x referring to Burisma LOL. Too bad you get basically zero real news super duper.
It's time for you snowflakes to learn a new trick. You can't keep claiming that every time we have some recording of your crimes, whether video, audio or textual, that some part of it has been left out. People are getting wise to that stunt. You can't just keep writing off your crimes to magic.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
I'd like to know why Adam Schiff is being allowed to violate DUE PROCESS RIGHTS

Due Process Clause - Wikipedia

  1. An unbiased tribunal.
  2. Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
  3. Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
  4. The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
  5. The right to know opposing evidence.
  6. The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
  7. A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
  8. Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
  9. Requirement that the tribunal prepares a record of the evidence presented.
  10. Requirement that the tribunal prepares written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.
No due process in suspended reality land.
A redacted transcript that leaves out little things like 8 x referring to Burisma LOL. Too bad you get basically zero real news super duper.
It's time for you snowflakes to learn a new trick. You can't keep claiming that every time we have some recording of your crimes, whether video, audio or textual, that some part of it has been left out. People are getting wise to that stunt. You can't just keep writing off your crimes to magic.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
But how can you take trump and his gang seriously when they withheld papers from Sondland and they have 4 or 5 important witnesses under subpoena that trump is afraid to have testify? Can't you see the filth oozing from them I can
Strange media silence after Vindman testified he was offered job of Ukraine Minister of Defense

How is this not the major story coming out of the House Intelligence Committee “impeachment inquiry” hearings yesterday? A United States military officer serving in the White House with responsibilities for relations with a foreign country being offered the post of minister of defense of that country is shocking.

Yet, yesterday’s testimony by Lt.Col. Alexander Vindman that he was offered the position of Minister of Defense of Ukraine is not the subject of banner headlines today.

Vindman duly reported the offer up his chain of command, as any such offer must be reported. The fact that 2 other embassy staffers sitting with him when the offer was made, as he subsequently noted, made that report inescapable. He says that he did not take it seriously, calling it “somewhat comical” and “funny.” And the former Ukrainian official who made the offer, Oleksander Danylyuk, the former Chairman of the National Security and Defence Council in Ukraine, now claims it was made in jest. Erin Banc of The Daily Beast:

[A] former top national security official in Ukraine told The Daily Beast that he was “joking” when he offered Vindman the post and never actually had the authority to make such an offer.

Oleksander Danylyuk, the former Chairman of the National Security and Defence Council in Ukraine, said he only remembers speaking with Vindman once about the defense minister position. He said it he and Vindman had engaged in a light-hearted conversation about how the two used to live close to one another in the former Soviet Union.

Trump did not “demand”
He did ask for a favor though when asked about Javelins

As for “demands” he instructed Zelensky to get with Rudy to work out the details
He gave lethal aid to Ukraine to kill Russians. The President has every right to Vet Zelinsky to clean up The Ukraine which is where the attacks on our Democracy during the 2016 Election Originated from.
There are some Hardline loving Soviets in Ukraine
There are some here in the USA too led by Trump ,,we call these traitors Republicans
The only Hardline Communist are in the democrat party.
Talk to Rudy
I have and he's coming for a few communist democrats.

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