It's Official: Lt Col Vindman Accused Of Illegally Leaking Contents Of Trump Call to Eric Ciamarella

It's time for you snowflakes to learn a new trick. You can't keep claiming that every time we have some recording of your crimes, whether video, audio or textual, that some part of it has been left out. People are getting wise to that stunt. You can't just keep writing off your crimes to magic.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
But how can you take trump and his gang seriously when they withheld papers from Sondland and they have 4 or 5 important witnesses under subpoena that trump is afraid to have testify? Can't you see the filth oozing from them I can
Because everyone is innocent until proven guilty. This is courtroom jockeying at a very high level, and there are untold reasons why someone may not be allowed to testify and why they may ultimately be compelled to. I won't jump on the "he's guilty, I tells ya" bandwagon until it's plain that he is, and today's testimony that the president explicitly refused a quid pro quo is telling.
Looks like someone doesn’t want to go to jail, maybe?

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Sondland testimony targets Trump, Pompeo and confirms deal with Ukraine
The ambassador is testifying before the House Intelligence Committee and will be revealing emails and texts to back up his claims.
Sondland said the president never directly told him aid was conditioned upon the announcement of an investigation.

“I asked the president, what do you want from Ukraine?’ The president responded, nothing,” Sondland recounted, saying Trump added, “No quid pro quo.”

He said Trump never mentioned former Vice President Biden to him.
Sondland says in impeachment testimony that Ukraine aid was tied to ‘quid pro quo’
So tell me is Sondland now lying?
He gave lethal aid to Ukraine to kill Russians. The President has every right to Vet Zelinsky to clean up The Ukraine which is where the attacks on our Democracy during the 2016 Election Originated from.
There are some Hardline loving Soviets in Ukraine
There are some here in the USA too led by Trump ,,we call these traitors Republicans
The only Hardline Communist are in the democrat party.
Talk to Rudy
I have and he's coming for a few communist democrats.
LOL That pos should be a cell next to trump
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
But how can you take trump and his gang seriously when they withheld papers from Sondland and they have 4 or 5 important witnesses under subpoena that trump is afraid to have testify? Can't you see the filth oozing from them I can
Because everyone is innocent until proven guilty. This is courtroom jockeying at a very high level, and there are untold reasons why someone may not be allowed to testify and why they may ultimately be compelled to. I won't jump on the "he's guilty, I tells ya" bandwagon until it's plain that he is, and today's testimony that the president explicitly refused a quid pro quo is telling.
Yeah but go see Rudy? Yeah they got the money,,,,, but trump and his gang got caught There was a quid quo pro linking ukraine WH visit to probes into Bidens
There are some Hardline loving Soviets in Ukraine
There are some here in the USA too led by Trump ,,we call these traitors Republicans
The only Hardline Communist are in the democrat party.
Talk to Rudy
I have and he's coming for a few communist democrats.
LOL That pos should be a cell next to trump
shit in one hand wish in the other see which gets full first the only ones going to prison are democrats some but others will be executed.
So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
But how can you take trump and his gang seriously when they withheld papers from Sondland and they have 4 or 5 important witnesses under subpoena that trump is afraid to have testify? Can't you see the filth oozing from them I can
Because everyone is innocent until proven guilty. This is courtroom jockeying at a very high level, and there are untold reasons why someone may not be allowed to testify and why they may ultimately be compelled to. I won't jump on the "he's guilty, I tells ya" bandwagon until it's plain that he is, and today's testimony that the president explicitly refused a quid pro quo is telling.
Yeah but go see Rudy? Yeah they got the money,,,,, but trump and his gang got caught There was a quid quo pro linking ukraine WH visit to probes into Bidens
Sondland said the president never directly told him aid was conditioned upon the announcement of an investigation.

“I asked the president, what do you want from Ukraine?’ The president responded, nothing,” Sondland recounted, saying Trump added, “No quid pro quo.”

He said Trump never mentioned former Vice President Biden to him.
Sondland says in impeachment testimony that Ukraine aid was tied to ‘quid pro quo’
So tell me is Sondland now lying?
A redacted transcript that leaves out little things like 8 x referring to Burisma LOL. Too bad you get basically zero real news super duper.
It's time for you snowflakes to learn a new trick. You can't keep claiming that every time we have some recording of your crimes, whether video, audio or textual, that some part of it has been left out. People are getting wise to that stunt. You can't just keep writing off your crimes to magic.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
Several witnesses say burisma was mentioned at least several times. Do you need a diagram? Google it dumbass lol. I don't give a damn what you take seriously lol, brain was functional moron, I just like yelling at you idiots....
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
But how can you take trump and his gang seriously when they withheld papers from Sondland and they have 4 or 5 important witnesses under subpoena that trump is afraid to have testify? Can't you see the filth oozing from them I can
Because everyone is innocent until proven guilty. This is courtroom jockeying at a very high level, and there are untold reasons why someone may not be allowed to testify and why they may ultimately be compelled to. I won't jump on the "he's guilty, I tells ya" bandwagon until it's plain that he is, and today's testimony that the president explicitly refused a quid pro quo is telling.
Yeah but go see Rudy? Yeah they got the money,,,,, but trump and his gang got caught There was a quid quo pro linking ukraine WH visit to probes into Bidens
Sondland said the president never directly told him aid was conditioned upon the announcement of an investigation.

“I asked the president, what do you want from Ukraine?’ The president responded, nothing,” Sondland recounted, saying Trump added, “No quid pro quo.”

He said Trump never mentioned former Vice President Biden to him.
Sondland says in impeachment testimony that Ukraine aid was tied to ‘quid pro quo’
So tell me is Sondland now lying?
he mentioned burisma several times. You guys split hairs just pathetic. Garbage propaganda.
See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
But how can you take trump and his gang seriously when they withheld papers from Sondland and they have 4 or 5 important witnesses under subpoena that trump is afraid to have testify? Can't you see the filth oozing from them I can
Because everyone is innocent until proven guilty. This is courtroom jockeying at a very high level, and there are untold reasons why someone may not be allowed to testify and why they may ultimately be compelled to. I won't jump on the "he's guilty, I tells ya" bandwagon until it's plain that he is, and today's testimony that the president explicitly refused a quid pro quo is telling.
Yeah but go see Rudy? Yeah they got the money,,,,, but trump and his gang got caught There was a quid quo pro linking ukraine WH visit to probes into Bidens
Sondland said the president never directly told him aid was conditioned upon the announcement of an investigation.

“I asked the president, what do you want from Ukraine?’ The president responded, nothing,” Sondland recounted, saying Trump added, “No quid pro quo.”

He said Trump never mentioned former Vice President Biden to him.
Sondland says in impeachment testimony that Ukraine aid was tied to ‘quid pro quo’
So tell me is Sondland now lying?
he mentioned verisma several times. You guys split hairs just pathetic. Garbage propaganda.
Again this is what Sondland said about what the president said
Sondland said the president never directly told him aid was conditioned upon the announcement of an investigation.

“I asked the president, what do you want from Ukraine?’ The president responded, nothing,” Sondland recounted, saying Trump added, “No quid pro quo.”

He said Trump never mentioned former Vice President Biden to him.
Sondland says in impeachment testimony that Ukraine aid was tied to ‘quid pro quo’
So tell me is Sondland now lying?
It's time for you snowflakes to learn a new trick. You can't keep claiming that every time we have some recording of your crimes, whether video, audio or textual, that some part of it has been left out. People are getting wise to that stunt. You can't just keep writing off your crimes to magic.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
Several witnesses say burisma was mentioned at least several times. Do you need a diagram? Google it dumbass lol. I don't give a damn what you take seriously lol, brain was functional moron, I just like yelling at you idiots....
So you don't think they should be investigated ? Why not?
It's time for you snowflakes to learn a new trick. You can't keep claiming that every time we have some recording of your crimes, whether video, audio or textual, that some part of it has been left out. People are getting wise to that stunt. You can't just keep writing off your crimes to magic.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
Several witnesses say burisma was mentioned at least several times. Do you need a diagram? Google it dumbass lol. I don't give a damn what you take seriously lol, brain was functional moron, I just like yelling at you idiots....
There are no witnesses and your made up new definition of what a witness is does not fly.
So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
But how can you take trump and his gang seriously when they withheld papers from Sondland and they have 4 or 5 important witnesses under subpoena that trump is afraid to have testify? Can't you see the filth oozing from them I can
Because everyone is innocent until proven guilty. This is courtroom jockeying at a very high level, and there are untold reasons why someone may not be allowed to testify and why they may ultimately be compelled to. I won't jump on the "he's guilty, I tells ya" bandwagon until it's plain that he is, and today's testimony that the president explicitly refused a quid pro quo is telling.
Yeah but go see Rudy? Yeah they got the money,,,,, but trump and his gang got caught There was a quid quo pro linking ukraine WH visit to probes into Bidens

Yet the supposed victims say it didn't happen. The bottom line is, you have to have more than, "I presume the president is guilty" to unseat a duly elected president.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
Several witnesses say burisma was mentioned at least several times. Do you need a diagram? Google it dumbass lol. I don't give a damn what you take seriously lol, brain was functional moron, I just like yelling at you idiots....
So you don't think they should be investigated ? Why not?
Because there is no evidence of any kind that they did anything wrong. I caramba. Garbage propaganda from tinhorn high school grad pundits doesn't count.
It's time for you snowflakes to learn a new trick. You can't keep claiming that every time we have some recording of your crimes, whether video, audio or textual, that some part of it has been left out. People are getting wise to that stunt. You can't just keep writing off your crimes to magic.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
Several witnesses say burisma was mentioned at least several times. Do you need a diagram? Google it dumbass lol. I don't give a damn what you take seriously lol, brain was functional moron, I just like yelling at you idiots....

And when they testify to that effect, we can judge their truthfulness, but the bottom line remains that you made a wild claim that a document exists somewhere and you know what's on it, when you don't even know it exists. And you need a new schtick. This one's really predictable.
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
Several witnesses say burisma was mentioned at least several times. Do you need a diagram? Google it dumbass lol. I don't give a damn what you take seriously lol, brain was functional moron, I just like yelling at you idiots....

And when they testify to that effect, we can judge their truthfulness, but the bottom line remains that you made a wild claim that a document exists somewhere and you know what's on it, when you don't even know it exists. And you need a new schtick. This one's really predictable.
There is no reason to doubt what the witnesses or whatever you want to call them said. Look up brainwashed functional moron in the dictionary.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
But how can you take trump and his gang seriously when they withheld papers from Sondland and they have 4 or 5 important witnesses under subpoena that trump is afraid to have testify? Can't you see the filth oozing from them I can
Because everyone is innocent until proven guilty. This is courtroom jockeying at a very high level, and there are untold reasons why someone may not be allowed to testify and why they may ultimately be compelled to. I won't jump on the "he's guilty, I tells ya" bandwagon until it's plain that he is, and today's testimony that the president explicitly refused a quid pro quo is telling.
Yeah but go see Rudy? Yeah they got the money,,,,, but trump and his gang got caught There was a quid quo pro linking ukraine WH visit to probes into Bidens

Yet the supposed victims say it didn't happen. The bottom line is, you have to have more than, "I presume the president is guilty" to unseat a duly elected president.
ukrainians are scared shittless to say anything against the orange clown. Obviously. Having already been extorted for their freedom already by this un American a******.
What did he get his Purple Heart for? Admin pouge piece of shit. Bet he wrote it up himself. I know of Navy pouges got the Purple Heart for the ship listening during missile fire and they got bruised ribs on the catwalk railing. Washington DC doesn’t want to dig into this because there’s lots of phony bastards, conservatives and liberals that made this shit up.
How sad to see goose schlepping conservatives take their marching from President Bonespurs to attack a decorated veteran.
Decorated bullshit artist. Why the Democrats put him up there. Phony fuck.
Vindman received a Purple Heart medal for wounds he received from an IED attack in the Iraq War in 2004.[2][3]
Fat little fuck Vindman would have got a “blanket party” in my platoon.
So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
Several witnesses say burisma was mentioned at least several times. Do you need a diagram? Google it dumbass lol. I don't give a damn what you take seriously lol, brain was functional moron, I just like yelling at you idiots....
So you don't think they should be investigated ? Why not?
Because there is no evidence of any kind that they did anything wrong. I caramba. Garbage propaganda from tinhorn high school grad pundits doesn't count.
There is no evidence? What is your evidence?
This is Trump's crime. And as always spin big lie propaganda. Wake up someday sleeping beauty. There are no Democratic crimes d******. LOL.

So just show us the entire thing, or feel free to admit you don't even know for sure it exists, much less know what's in it. Go on, link to it. We'll wait, for a while.
try googling it for crying out loud. We spend all our time filling you brainwashed functional morons in on what is going on in the real world. Google it yourself for Christ's sake any questions you have.

See, here's your problem, and I knew we would end up here, which is why I insisted that you display the "complete" transcript. The bottom line is this: YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENT ONE THERE TO BE SEEN. All your link could say is that what was released is not a total verbatim record of the call, that's it. We don't know if there's a more complete record, and even if there is one, THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN POSSIBLY KNOW WHAT WOULD BE ON IT.

Face reality, you're broadcasting feelz in place of facts. That's why we don't take you seriously.
Several witnesses say burisma was mentioned at least several times. Do you need a diagram? Google it dumbass lol. I don't give a damn what you take seriously lol, brain was functional moron, I just like yelling at you idiots....

And when they testify to that effect, we can judge their truthfulness, but the bottom line remains that you made a wild claim that a document exists somewhere and you know what's on it, when you don't even know it exists. And you need a new schtick. This one's really predictable.
Maybe I'm not as smart as you hadit BUT when someone is hiding something from me I think the worst Where are those subpoened witnesses? Where are Sondmans papers they wouldn't release to make him a better witness?

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