It's Official. No Obama nominee

President Obama should present his choice to the Senate soon...Then the Ball is in their court as to whether they do their job or not.
We hear that every 4 years.
Too late. The Senate Judiciary Committee just voted not to hold any hearings.

GOP Judiciary: No hearing on Obama court nominee
Then I'm sure the Democrats are creating some political ads for all the Democrats running against GOP Senators as we speak.

Tho, with a little pushing, they will break....they want to keep their seats, I'm sure.

Go ahead...the public has already spoken in the midterms.
24 Senate seats to defend and the GOP won't do its job? Happy days, if you're a Dem.

Y'all have said that for several years, now and the Democrats keep losing seats.
24 to 10. Do the math. The Senate changing hands is likely, especially with shit like this. have no say in the matter. You are powerless even with your 214 IQ.

President Obama will do his job and appoint a Justice. Then it will be up to the Senate to do its job and either approve or reject that appointment. If they do nothing, then they fail to do their job as per the Constitution.
You really are one of the most ignorant assholes on any forum I've been on.
Obama has fucking ZERO legal power to "appoint" a Justice!
Use the wrong word all you want.
Obama can ONLY NOMINATE a Justice. That's it. Nothing more.
You live in some sort of alternate reality. But thanks for giving everyone a laugh at your expense again.
He most certainly does appoint a Justice....but that Justice must be approved by the Senate. The President appoints, the Senate approves.

Here is the key paragraph in the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section. 2.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall APPOINT (my emphasis) Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT (my emphasis), and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law; but the Congress may, by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

So, you were saying something about "most ignorant assholes"? :eusa_eh:

You totally skipped the part that says, "shall nominate".
Really? post what and where she missed it.

It goes in order, almost poetry...

"President shall nominate", the Congress will, "advise and consent", then the nominee becomes an appointee. Its right there in The Constitution.
Post the actual doc not your memorized version please.
I'm not saying you aren't correct but if you can post a link or a page.
President Obama should present his choice to the Senate soon...Then the Ball is in their court as to whether they do their job or not.
This makes the 2016 election one of the 3 most critical in US history. The next 100 years of our nation will be shaped by this election and historians will point to it as a major shift in our courts and foreign policy.

We must get the numbers out to vote Republican in 2016.
We hear that every 4 years.
He can take his choice and shove it up his islamic ass.

Good. Obama's nominee would have been a moderate to make it palatable for the right to approve him. With the right wing's decision, that assures that Hillary or Bernie will be the one to nominate a liberal judge. The right can't refuse to act for the full four or eight years of the next presidency. The right just cut their nose off to spite their face. GO TRUMP!!!
President Obama should present his choice to the Senate soon...Then the Ball is in their court as to whether they do their job or not.
This makes the 2016 election one of the 3 most critical in US history. The next 100 years of our nation will be shaped by this election and historians will point to it as a major shift in our courts and foreign policy.

We must get the numbers out to vote Republican in 2016.
We hear that every 4 years.
He can take his choice and shove it up his islamic ass. have no say in the matter. You are powerless even with your 214 IQ.

President Obama will do his job and appoint a Justice. Then it will be up to the Senate to do its job and either approve or reject that appointment. If they do nothing, then they fail to do their job as per the Constitution.
Why are you conservative at times and then an Obama ass-kisser at other times?
Too late. The Senate Judiciary Committee just voted not to hold any hearings.

GOP Judiciary: No hearing on Obama court nominee
Then I'm sure the Democrats are creating some political ads for all the Democrats running against GOP Senators as we speak.

Tho, with a little pushing, they will break....they want to keep their seats, I'm sure.

Go ahead...the public has already spoken in the midterms.
24 Senate seats to defend and the GOP won't do its job? Happy days, if you're a Dem.

Y'all have said that for several years, now and the Democrats keep losing seats.
24 to 10. Do the math. The Senate changing hands is likely, especially with shit like this.

That's what you all said the last time, when you swore the government shutdown would be the demise of the Republican party. And the time before that when the Republicans wanted to repeal Obamacare. Remember that?
President Obama should present his choice to the Senate soon...Then the Ball is in their court as to whether they do their job or not.
This makes the 2016 election one of the 3 most critical in US history. The next 100 years of our nation will be shaped by this election and historians will point to it as a major shift in our courts and foreign policy.

We must get the numbers out to vote Republican in 2016.
We hear that every 4 years.
He can take his choice and shove it up his islamic ass. have no say in the matter. You are powerless even with your 214 IQ.

President Obama will do his job and appoint a Justice. Then it will be up to the Senate to do its job and either approve or reject that appointment. If they do nothing, then they fail to do their job as per the Constitution.
Why are you conservative at times and then an Obama ass-kisser at other times?
Didn't know doing as the Constitution requires was kissing Obama's ass? Curious.
Then I'm sure the Democrats are creating some political ads for all the Democrats running against GOP Senators as we speak.

Tho, with a little pushing, they will break....they want to keep their seats, I'm sure.

Go ahead...the public has already spoken in the midterms.
24 Senate seats to defend and the GOP won't do its job? Happy days, if you're a Dem.

Y'all have said that for several years, now and the Democrats keep losing seats.
24 to 10. Do the math. The Senate changing hands is likely, especially with shit like this.

That's what you all said the last time, when you swore the government shutdown would be the demise of the Republican party. And the time before that when the Republicans wanted to repeal Obamacare. Remember that?
The best thing that the government shut down did was give us great footage of Sen. "Green Eggs & Ham"
President Obama should present his choice to the Senate soon...Then the Ball is in their court as to whether they do their job or not.
This makes the 2016 election one of the 3 most critical in US history. The next 100 years of our nation will be shaped by this election and historians will point to it as a major shift in our courts and foreign policy.

We must get the numbers out to vote Republican in 2016.
We hear that every 4 years.
He can take his choice and shove it up his islamic ass.
such butt hurt because of your better
President Obama should present his choice to the Senate soon...Then the Ball is in their court as to whether they do their job or not.
This makes the 2016 election one of the 3 most critical in US history. The next 100 years of our nation will be shaped by this election and historians will point to it as a major shift in our courts and foreign policy.

We must get the numbers out to vote Republican in 2016.
We hear that every 4 years.
He can take his choice and shove it up his islamic ass. have no say in the matter. You are powerless even with your 214 IQ.

President Obama will do his job and appoint a Justice. Then it will be up to the Senate to do its job and either approve or reject that appointment. If they do nothing, then they fail to do their job as per the Constitution.
Why are you conservative at times and then an Obama ass-kisser at other times?
What the heck are you talking about?
He can take his choice and shove it up his islamic ass. have no say in the matter. You are powerless even with your 214 IQ.

President Obama will do his job and appoint a Justice. Then it will be up to the Senate to do its job and either approve or reject that appointment. If they do nothing, then they fail to do their job as per the Constitution.

Please post the applicable constitutional article/section/paragraph that confirms your statement in regards to the Senate.
You first!
No, you. Faggot retard.
Do you have a clue as to what's being discussed ?
........thought not.
You are incapable of thought, faggot retard.
US Constitution Article 11 Section 2:
"He [the President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein other- wise........."
Obama can't "appoint" any SCJ unless the Senate tells him he can. That's like claiming you can drive the fucking car but not until your father hands you the keys.
Obama has no fucking power to unilaterally 'appoint' a SCJ. So stop putting up ignorant posts.
They only reinforce how low an opinion members here have of you.
Recess appointments...
GOD you're fucking dumb! Do you REALLY believe the fucking REP controlled Senate is going to go into recess before the end of the year?!!!!!
Stop playing your childess semantic games.
If you are sentient enough you'll KNOW Obama has fucking ZERO chance of even getting his nomination on the Senate schedule this year. Fucking grow up!
The little vaguely gay little creep spouted off: "Elections have consequences". Ya they do asshole! Guess you forgot the Senate REPs were also duly elected. HAAA HAAAA!!!! have no say in the matter. You are powerless even with your 214 IQ.

President Obama will do his job and appoint a Justice. Then it will be up to the Senate to do its job and either approve or reject that appointment. If they do nothing, then they fail to do their job as per the Constitution.

Please post the applicable constitutional article/section/paragraph that confirms your statement in regards to the Senate.
You first!
No, you. Faggot retard.
Do you have a clue as to what's being discussed ?
........thought not.
You are incapable of thought, faggot retard.
You are incapable of thought, faggot retard.

Ironic debating skills you have
Didn't know doing as the Constitution requires was kissing Obama's ass? Curious.
We are doing as the Constitutuin requires. The Congress advises and gives their consent. It is not automatic.
How is refusing to hold hearings or vote giving Advice and Consent? Oh right, it isn't.

No, that would be called not doing their fucking job...
Sorry, Justice Scalia, the GOP has decided that the Original Intent of the Constitution no longer applies. Ironic, we know.

There's nothing in The Constitution that forces Congress to accept whatever nominee the president throws in front of them.
You are correct...they can turn down whom the President appoints....then he appoints someone else...they can turn that one down too.....but that is their job. Doing nothing is not their job.
US Constitution Article 11 Section 2:
"He [the President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein other- wise........."
Obama can't "appoint" any SCJ unless the Senate tells him he can. That's like claiming you can drive the fucking car but not until your father hands you the keys.
Obama has no fucking power to unilaterally 'appoint' a SCJ. So stop putting up ignorant posts.
They only reinforce how low an opinion members here have of you.
Recess appointments...
GOD you're fucking dumb! Do you REALLY believe the fucking REP controlled Senate is going to go into recess before the end of the year?!!!!!
Stop playing your childess semantic games.
If you are sentient enough you'll KNOW Obama has fucking ZERO chance of even getting his nomination on the Senate schedule this year. Fucking grow up!
The little vaguely gay little creep spouted off: "Elections have consequences". Ya they do asshole! Guess you forgot the Senate REPs were also duly elected. HAAA HAAAA!!!!
The Senate is at recess, little one.

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