It's Official. No Obama nominee

I just searched my pocket constitution for any schedule to which The Senate must hew in considering nominees.

I couldn't find any.

But then all I have is the pocket edition. I'd like to check the framed original long-form that was on the wall at the (once) White House when Reagan was living there but I understand it's been shredded and smoked. Damn founders using that hemp-based paper....
Tell ya what, what if they never vote, on anyone, ever again? Is that the ah, Original Intent?
They'll find a suitable candidate. It just won't be Obama's. Now.. Put up a Scalia clone and we'll discuss it. LOL
Nope, they just said they wouldn't do their job, period.
I just searched my pocket constitution for any schedule to which The Senate must hew in considering nominees.

I couldn't find any.

But then all I have is the pocket edition. I'd like to check the framed original long-form that was on the wall at the (once) White House when Reagan was living there but I understand it's been shredded and smoked. Damn founders using that hemp-based paper....
Tell ya what, what if they never vote, on anyone, ever again? Is that the ah, Original Intent?

Even better, the president can appoint whomever he want, without congressional consent...was that the original consent?
That's right. The Senate has just officially ruled they will not even consider any Obama SCJ nominee.
This means President Trump and his REP majority Senate will be able to choose, during President Trump's two terms about 5-6 REP SCJ's.
This will fundamentally affect the social direction of America for decades!
To GOD be the praise!
GOP Judiciary: No hearing on Obama court nominee
How did your "phone and pen" work out for you asshole?
If you hadn't acted like the piece of shit you are you may have had more cooperation across the aisle.
Hillary just got news today a judge has questioned her motive for having a secret private server hidden in her bathroom closet.
I give Hillary a couple of weeks before she drops out for 'health reasons'. Leaving Bernie to go against Trump.
Blame Debbie. She was the one who told Biden and Warren to piss off. "Theirs services were not required".

Just in case, I'm going to write my Senator, Chuck Grassley, who runs the Judiciary Committee and warn him he had better not go back on his word and interview any candidates. I suggest the rest of you warn your Senators too. The GOP will lose this election if they break their promise on this. The Biden Rule rules. No selection of Justices in an election year. I don't want a black liberal radical changing the SCOTUS balance of power for the next 30 years.
So you admit that you do not want your Senator to do his job per the U.S. Constitution. You forfeit any future complaints that our government isn't following the Constitution.
I'll repeat. He is doing the people's work and following the Constutition.
Justice Scilia would say ignoring the Constitution is doing the peoples' work?
Don't pretend to speak for Judge Scalia.
He most certainly does appoint a Justice....but that Justice must be approved by the Senate. The President appoints, the Senate approves.

Here is the key paragraph in the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section. 2.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall APPOINT (my emphasis) Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT (my emphasis), and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law; but the Congress may, by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

So, you were saying something about "most ignorant assholes"? :eusa_eh:

You totally skipped the part that says, "shall nominate".
Really? post what and where she missed it.

It goes in order, almost poetry...

"President shall nominate", the Congress will, "advise and consent", then the nominee becomes an appointee. Its right there in The Constitution.
Post the actual doc not your memorized version please.
I'm not saying you aren't correct but if you can post a link or a page.
I copied it exactly from my pocket Constitution. He's welcome to post a link to the Constitution to prove me wrong.

I c/p'ed your post...with YOUR emphasis...LMAO
That's right. The Senate has just officially ruled they will not even consider any Obama SCJ nominee.
This means President Trump and his REP majority Senate will be able to choose, during President Trump's two terms about 5-6 REP SCJ's.
This will fundamentally affect the social direction of America for decades!
To GOD be the praise!
GOP Judiciary: No hearing on Obama court nominee
How did your "phone and pen" work out for you asshole?
If you hadn't acted like the piece of shit you are you may have had more cooperation across the aisle.
Hillary just got news today a judge has questioned her motive for having a secret private server hidden in her bathroom closet.
I give Hillary a couple of weeks before she drops out for 'health reasons'. Leaving Bernie to go against Trump.
Blame Debbie. She was the one who told Biden and Warren to piss off. "Theirs services were not required".

Just in case, I'm going to write my Senator, Chuck Grassley, who runs the Judiciary Committee and warn him he had better not go back on his word and interview any candidates. I suggest the rest of you warn your Senators too. The GOP will lose this election if they break their promise on this. The Biden Rule rules. No selection of Justices in an election year. I don't want a black liberal radical changing the SCOTUS balance of power for the next 30 years.
So you admit that you do not want your Senator to do his job per the U.S. Constitution. You forfeit any future complaints that our government isn't following the Constitution.
I'll repeat. He is doing the people's work and following the Constutition.
Justice Scilia would say ignoring the Constitution is doing the peoples' work?
Don't pretend to speak for Judge Scalia.
I don't have to pretend. It's very obvious. The Original Intent was for the Senate to give Advice and Consent. They, like stubborn children, are doing neither.
I would not draw any conclusions at this point.

The Republican Senate can make this claim until they're blue in the face, but anyone trusting them would be foolish.
I'm not going to assume anything until Obama is actually out of office.

I ordinarily would agree with is very clear that the Republican Senate is filled with Pussies.

They are self-interested Pussies...but not all stupid, and they have learned that their own supporters and donors, We The People...are about ready to hang them...for being self-interested Pussies. They are become brave through an excess of Fear.

Obama has made them look like his personal cohort of Butt-Boys....they despise him...they have him on this...thus there is that rare, happy concurrence of their prolific self-interest with the interest of those they are supposed to represent.

So, I expect them to stand firm on this...grow a pair, finally. Most of them still need to come home for good, but I don't think we'll have to hang them.
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And should you lose the White House for another four years, but keep the Senate, will the GOP also refuse to give Advice and Consent until they can nominate? If one year is good, why isn't two, three, or five even better?
I just searched my pocket constitution for any schedule to which The Senate must hew in considering nominees.

I couldn't find any.

But then all I have is the pocket edition. I'd like to check the framed original long-form that was on the wall at the (once) White House when Reagan was living there but I understand it's been shredded and smoked. Damn founders using that hemp-based paper....
Tell ya what, what if they never vote, on anyone, ever again? Is that the ah, Original Intent?
What if the sun never rises ever again?
I'll tell you want the Original intent was asshole. It was to make sure the President couldn't turn into a fucking ruler like back in Europe.
It's called checks and balances.
If Obama had his way he would have completely bypassed Congress and the Senate and done whatever he wanted to. The fucking creep tried as often as he could. Sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. In this case he's fucked.
Ironic. THE most important thing he could have accomplished in eight years as President would have been to put a fucking radical LIB on the bench.
He failed.
It's driving the LIB fucking NUTS! and they can't do a thing about it.
Hillary is about to either quit of the FBI are finally going to get her. Bernie doesn't stand a chance that the American voter will choose a fucking Socialist. They already had too close a brush-in with Obama.
Trump is 100% guaranteed to win the nomination. President Trump in two terms could put 5-6 REP SCJs on the bench for many decades.
Blame the bitch Debbie. She told Biden and Warren to get lost. Debbie wanted Hillary.
Debbie will be largely responsible for the coming decades of REP SC rulings.
I just searched my pocket constitution for any schedule to which The Senate must hew in considering nominees.

I couldn't find any.

But then all I have is the pocket edition. I'd like to check the framed original long-form that was on the wall at the (once) White House when Reagan was living there but I understand it's been shredded and smoked. Damn founders using that hemp-based paper....
Tell ya what, what if they never vote, on anyone, ever again? Is that the ah, Original Intent?
What if the sun never rises ever again?
I'll tell you want the Original intent was asshole. It was to make sure the President couldn't turn into a fucking ruler like back in Europe.
It's called checks and balances.
If Obama had his way he would have completely bypassed Congress and the Senate and done whatever he wanted to. The fucking creep tried as often as he could. Sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. In this case he's fucked.
Ironic. THE most important thing he could have accomplished in eight years as President would have been to put a fucking radical LIB on the bench.
He failed.
It's driving the LIB fucking NUTS! and they can't do a thing about it.
Hillary is about to either quit of the FBI are finally going to get her. Bernie doesn't stand a chance that the American voter will choose a fucking Socialist. They already had too close a brush-in with Obama.
Trump is 100% guaranteed to win the nomination. President Trump in two terms could put 5-6 REP SCJs on the bench for many decades.
Blame the bitch Debbie. She told Biden and Warren to get lost. Debbie wanted Hillary.
Debbie will be largely responsible for the coming decades of REP SC rulings.
If he was a ruler we wouldn't be having this little chat about the GOP Senate refusing to do its Constitutional Duty...
And should you lose the White House for another four years, but keep the Senate, will the GOP also refuse to give Advice and Consent until they can nominate? If one year is good, why isn't two, three, or five even better?
Let's discuss that after the election.
"Shoulds and if's are a waste of time.
Let's see how Trump does tonight. If Cruz or Rubio don't come very close to Trump at least one of them is going to have to go home soon.
President Obama should present his choice to the Senate soon...Then the Ball is in their court as to whether they do their job or not.
We hear that every 4 years.
He can take his choice and shove it up his islamic ass. have no say in the matter. You are powerless even with your 214 IQ.

President Obama will do his job and appoint a Justice. Then it will be up to the Senate to do its job and either approve or reject that appointment. If they do nothing, then they fail to do their job as per the Constitution.

Please post the applicable constitutional article/section/paragraph that confirms your statement in regards to the Senate.
You first!

You on drugs? I made no statement in regards to the Senate in response to bodecea's mistatement, but merely asked for her constitutional confirmation.
And what "misstatement" did I make?
President Obama should present his choice to the Senate soon...Then the Ball is in their court as to whether they do their job or not.
This makes the 2016 election one of the 3 most critical in US history. The next 100 years of our nation will be shaped by this election and historians will point to it as a major shift in our courts and foreign policy.

We must get the numbers out to vote Republican in 2016.
We hear that every 4 years.
He can take his choice and shove it up his islamic ass. have no say in the matter. You are powerless even with your 214 IQ.

President Obama will do his job and appoint a Justice. Then it will be up to the Senate to do its job and either approve or reject that appointment. If they do nothing, then they fail to do their job as per the Constitution.
You really are one of the most ignorant assholes on any forum I've been on.
Obama has fucking ZERO legal power to "appoint" a Justice!
Use the wrong word all you want.
Obama can ONLY NOMINATE a Justice. That's it. Nothing more.
You live in some sort of alternate reality. But thanks for giving everyone a laugh at your expense again.
This post needs to be revived....Notice Dannyboy making a complete and utter fool of himself.
And should you lose the White House for another four years, but keep the Senate, will the GOP also refuse to give Advice and Consent until they can nominate? If one year is good, why isn't two, three, or five even better?
Let's discuss that after the election.
"Shoulds and if's are a waste of time.
Let's see how Trump does tonight. If Cruz or Rubio don't come very close to Trump at least one of them is going to have to go home soon.
Better yet, let's discuss this never. According to the GOP Senate, doing your Constitutional Duty is no longer required.
That's right. The Senate has just officially ruled they will not even consider any Obama SCJ nominee.
This means President Trump and his REP majority Senate will be able to choose, during President Trump's two terms about 5-6 REP SCJ's.
This will fundamentally affect the social direction of America for decades!
To GOD be the praise!
GOP Judiciary: No hearing on Obama court nominee
How did your "phone and pen" work out for you asshole?
If you hadn't acted like the piece of shit you are you may have had more cooperation across the aisle.
Hillary just got news today a judge has questioned her motive for having a secret private server hidden in her bathroom closet.
I give Hillary a couple of weeks before she drops out for 'health reasons'. Leaving Bernie to go against Trump.
Blame Debbie. She was the one who told Biden and Warren to piss off. "Theirs services were not required".

Not sure how Stump is going to do that, since he will be watching the inauguration on TV.
President Obama should present his choice to the Senate soon...Then the Ball is in their court as to whether they do their job or not.
This makes the 2016 election one of the 3 most critical in US history. The next 100 years of our nation will be shaped by this election and historians will point to it as a major shift in our courts and foreign policy.

We must get the numbers out to vote Republican in 2016.
We hear that every 4 years.
He can take his choice and shove it up his islamic ass. have no say in the matter. You are powerless even with your 214 IQ.

President Obama will do his job and appoint a Justice. Then it will be up to the Senate to do its job and either approve or reject that appointment. If they do nothing, then they fail to do their job as per the Constitution.
You really are one of the most ignorant assholes on any forum I've been on.
Obama has fucking ZERO legal power to "appoint" a Justice!
Use the wrong word all you want.
Obama can ONLY NOMINATE a Justice. That's it. Nothing more.
You live in some sort of alternate reality. But thanks for giving everyone a laugh at your expense again.
This post needs to be revived....Notice Dannyboy making a complete and utter fool of himself.
but that is all he ever does. expect a "permanent ignore" comment.
I would not draw any conclusions at this point.

The Republican Senate can make this claim until they're blue in the face, but anyone trusting them would be foolish.
I'm not going to assume anything until Obama is actually out of office.
I would agree with you normally. In this case though the REP Senators have put their political careers on the line. And they all know it.
None of them is going to cave now.
The GOP backroom boys have guaranteed that if any of them lose their seat as a result of voting against even considering an Obama nominee that Senator will be financially and politically well taken care of. They are in a no-lose situation.
I look forward to the Democrats putting up Political Ads showing the U.S. Constitution and pointing out that the Republican Senators are not doing the job they were elected to do. If they don't like a President Obama appointment, vote him/her down. Then they ARE doing their job. Everyone remember the last time the Republicans shut down the Government? :lol:
Then the republicans can show an ad showing in 92 Biden saying what republicans ar saying.
There is a big big difference between saying something and actually doing something. If the Republicans actually DO refuse to DO their job......those Democrat ads will be delightfully easy to produce.
And should you lose the White House for another four years, but keep the Senate, will the GOP also refuse to give Advice and Consent until they can nominate? If one year is good, why isn't two, three, or five even better?

I want my representatives to advise the President that they're noting going to approve a left wrong nut job to the supreme court.

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