It's official, the Supreme Court just ruled we are a Christian nation

They think it means they are free to "live free" from religion.
That is exactly what it means. If you are free to live by your religion, and I am NOT free to reject the tenants of YOUR religion in favor whatever the fuck I believe or don't believe , I am less free than you and there is not fucking way in hell that you can justify that.

What it means is that you expect the gov't to strip religion from public life.

Sorry about that (or not really) that's not what the Constitution says. If your feelings are hurt, I suggest you walk away, look away, or cry--whatever.
A moving the goal posts logical fallacy. You initially claimed-stupidly- that we do not have the right to live free of religion. After getting beaten down on that absurd idea, it now becomes the issue of religion in public life. What exactly does that even mean?
Freedom From Religion Foundation calls out Texas for displaying a lighted cross on a courthouse. Arrogant, in-your-face christian mafia in copula with the State. Screw these corksuckers with relentless boycott and exposure of their protection-racket pathologies.
rightwinger said:
Does not matter to conservatives as long as they can push God on you

Like most leftists you unnecessarily see yourself as a victim.

Tell me the last time someone forced you to worship God?

You can't, can you? That's what I thought
The US isn't a christian nation.

I must agree, but it is a nation of Christians.
We are also a nation that is supposed to provide equal protection under the law to all.
Not to homosexuals. They are Satan's Disciples!
Read the Obergefell and Windsor SCOTUS decisions and shut the fuck up. Get help too!
You and your type kind need conversion therapy and accept God. Then we might talk equal rights.
And there it is....the CRC concept that others need to be FORCED to accept your god. No real difference from the radical muslims in thought....
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Where does “In God We Trust” mention Christ?
You have to have some faith in that "fiat" currency. Without it we are done. In a way it is not positive money. It is negative money. For every dollar paid off by interest, it leaves the system and new dollars must be printed to keep it going. And that means new loans to print the principal with all of those interest payment goodies.
Like we always said, in God we trust.

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

The Supreme Court rejected an atheist case Monday to remove "In God We Trust," the national motto, from all coins and currency from the Department of Treasury.

Michael Newdow, the same activist attorney who tried to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, lost his case, arguing Congress' mandate to inscribe "In God We Trust" on currency was a government endorsement of religion and a violation of the First Amendment


I'm sticking with the original motto and do not consider any religious reference to be relevant.

I also only recite the original pledge, which had no religious reference.

Obviously this is just another attempt by evangelicals and conservatives to

1. have the USA declared OFFICIALLY a "christian nation"
2. establish the bible as the law of the land
3. create laws against the things and people they hate; gays, muslims, wiccans, atheists, liberals
4. our children will be indoctrinated in public schools
5. only christians will be allowed to serve in the military or government or teach in schools.

we will be the christian equivalent of Iran!

Since the senate is still controlled by fascist christians
and trump has stacked the courts all over the country with fascist christians
and the SC is 5/-4 (soon to be 6-3) in favor of conservatives......

we just might be fucked....
Ugh. False news title... The Press wondered if Eisenhower running on Faith was a violation of the First Amendment. Many balked at the new Under God phrase added in the United States pledge of Allegiance. The court found the "In God We Trust" to also be a no subscription phrase. Not promoting and establishing a Christian faith. Circle the wagons, federal government.
Just remember boys and girls. God is not Christian, specifically. The German word for Deus of Latin origin from the 1200's. Marriage is universally a relationship or something for some amount of time. And when people fight a second Protestant Reformation its basically a wash.

"God is not Christian, specifically."

That isn't what evangelicals think.
The forcing of religion is the realm of evangelization, proselytization. That's pathology enough, though not all of religion's pathologies. For example, exposing the circular reasoning of religious logic is a factor apart from said evangelization. So above, the argument splits and chooses one pathology over another with which to establish its legitimacy.
Why do people get involved in this "Christian nation", "gotta leave my symbols all over the place" nonsense? Believe what you wish, but what's the point? This seems to be a fad among the high-drama cults.This is just silly.

Kilroy was here. BurmaShave.
The forcing of religion is the realm of evangelization, proselytization. That's pathology enough, though not all of religion's pathologies. For example, exposing the circular reasoning of religious logic is a factor apart from said evangelization. So above, the argument splits and chooses one pathology over another with which to establish its legitimacy.
Hmmm, I'm betting this guy is an athiest. I thought I would keep it very simple
Like we always said, in God we trust.

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

The Supreme Court rejected an atheist case Monday to remove "In God We Trust," the national motto, from all coins and currency from the Department of Treasury.

Michael Newdow, the same activist attorney who tried to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, lost his case, arguing Congress' mandate to inscribe "In God We Trust" on currency was a government endorsement of religion and a violation of the First Amendment


I'm sticking with the original motto and do not consider any religious reference to be relevant.

I also only recite the original pledge, which had no religious reference.

Obviously this is just another attempt by evangelicals and conservatives to

1. have the USA declared OFFICIALLY a "christian nation"
2. establish the bible as the law of the land
3. create laws against the things and people they hate; gays, muslims, wiccans, atheists, liberals
4. our children will be indoctrinated in public schools
5. only christians will be allowed to serve in the military or government or teach in schools.

we will be the christian equivalent of Iran!

Since the senate is still controlled by fascist christians
and trump has stacked the courts all over the country with fascist christians
and the SC is 5/-4 (soon to be 6-3) in favor of conservatives......

we just might be fucked....
I'm chuckling at this post.
1, What happened to freedom of religion?
2. Never happen
3. that's just stupid
4. You must hate our schools now indoctrinating the children
5. that's just stupid

Stacking the courts with Christians? More like conservative or liberal....Isn't that what every president does when in office??????
Ugh. False news title... The Press wondered if Eisenhower running on Faith was a violation of the First Amendment. Many balked at the new Under God phrase added in the United States pledge of Allegiance. The court found the "In God We Trust" to also be a no subscription phrase. Not promoting and establishing a Christian faith. Circle the wagons, federal government.
Just remember boys and girls. God is not Christian, specifically. The German word for Deus of Latin origin from the 1200's. Marriage is universally a relationship or something for some amount of time. And when people fight a second Protestant Reformation its basically a wash.

It's not false the supreme Court ruled we always was and always will be a Christian nation.


what does "christian nation" mean?

if all religions have the same rights
if atheists have the same rights
Like we always said, in God we trust.

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

The Supreme Court rejected an atheist case Monday to remove "In God We Trust," the national motto, from all coins and currency from the Department of Treasury.

Michael Newdow, the same activist attorney who tried to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, lost his case, arguing Congress' mandate to inscribe "In God We Trust" on currency was a government endorsement of religion and a violation of the First Amendment


My response is in reaction to many of the posts by radical Leftists' to this point. These moral relativists back fully forcing Christians to not only accept but embrace politically and culturally such postmodernist sub-narratives as birthright homosexuality, the trans movement, human biology as a fluid social construct, etc. while simultaneously flipping to moral absolutism when they fear someone, such as any Christian, is merely asking similar of them . . . to tolerate and acknowledge without contempt the religion of our Founding Fathers. We must take this as further evidence the postmodern cultists among us cannot be reasoned with and will never be swayed back to sanity even with the provision of any facts, no matter how undeniable.
Like we always said, in God we trust.

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

The Supreme Court rejected an atheist case Monday to remove "In God We Trust," the national motto, from all coins and currency from the Department of Treasury.

Michael Newdow, the same activist attorney who tried to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, lost his case, arguing Congress' mandate to inscribe "In God We Trust" on currency was a government endorsement of religion and a violation of the First Amendment


My response is in reaction to many of the posts by radical Leftists' to this point. These moral relativists back fully forcing Christians to not only accept but embrace politically and culturally such postmodernist sub-narratives as birthright homosexuality, the trans movement, human biology as a fluid social construct, etc. while simultaneously flipping to moral absolutism when they fear someone, such as any Christian, is merely asking similar of them . . . to tolerate and acknowledge without contempt the religion of our Founding Fathers. We must take this as further evidence the postmodern cultists among us cannot be reasoned with and will never be swayed back to sanity even with the provision of any facts, no matter how undeniable.
What IS the religion of our Founding Fathers? You make a claim....please explain.
Like we always said, in God we trust.

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

The Supreme Court rejected an atheist case Monday to remove "In God We Trust," the national motto, from all coins and currency from the Department of Treasury.

Michael Newdow, the same activist attorney who tried to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, lost his case, arguing Congress' mandate to inscribe "In God We Trust" on currency was a government endorsement of religion and a violation of the First Amendment


I find it rather interesting that 1/2 of the conservatives are arguing "GOD does NOT mean the CHRISTIAN GOD"

while the other 1/2 is arguing "and by GOD we mean the CHRISTIAN GOD!"...

but they aren't arguing with each other.......only with liberals and atheists.....
Ugh. False news title... The Press wondered if Eisenhower running on Faith was a violation of the First Amendment. Many balked at the new Under God phrase added in the United States pledge of Allegiance. The court found the "In God We Trust" to also be a no subscription phrase. Not promoting and establishing a Christian faith. Circle the wagons, federal government.
Just remember boys and girls. God is not Christian, specifically. The German word for Deus of Latin origin from the 1200's. Marriage is universally a relationship or something for some amount of time. And when people fight a second Protestant Reformation its basically a wash.

It's not false the supreme Court ruled we always was and always will be a Christian nation.


Please link to the Order which contains this wording.
Like we always said, in God we trust.

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

The Supreme Court rejected an atheist case Monday to remove "In God We Trust," the national motto, from all coins and currency from the Department of Treasury.

Michael Newdow, the same activist attorney who tried to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, lost his case, arguing Congress' mandate to inscribe "In God We Trust" on currency was a government endorsement of religion and a violation of the First Amendment


Praise Oden the All Father.

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