It's official. Trump is running.

tramp is a misogynistic pig.​

He may well be but the last three candidates the democrats put up were just as bad or worse. So until the democrats can put up decent candidates and actually stand behind the laws and concepts of our country. Until they can stop making excuses for the terrible positions taken By those in power and stop being wishy washy I have no doubt most of us independents will probably vote Republican
Of course he's running. And though I voted for him in 16 and 20, and he was a good if not great president, I wish he would not--for the good of the country.

Right now the best thing for America is to have anyone but a democrat in office.

There was a time I said "I want the best person for president" but after the last year now I say "I want anyone but a democrat".

So I'll vote for trump again. Hell if the Hamburglar ran as a republican I'd vote for him.
A candidate like DeSantis would get a lot more votes I feel like. I know all we talk about now is Ukraine for now, but under all that is Covid. Lot of moms still ticked off beyond all measure at what was done to their kids, and DeSantis owns the best response. The Dems know it and are scared to death of him.
DeSantis will be trashed by Pravda worse than trump was.
A tweet from some rando makes it official? How’s he supposed to run from prison, anyway?
Of course he's running. And though I voted for him in 16 and 20, and he was a good if not great president, I wish he would not--for the good of the country.
Partly agreed, as the Dems will start to go full Nazi on us. However, it is probably the best way to pull the Nazi dogshit out of the woodwork. They already hurt themselves badly by doing what they did between 2016 - 2020. They're probably stupid enough to keep doing it if given the chance.
Can't argue that. Bit imagine if Trump wins 2024 . Will be total destruction. They couldn't handle that .
If Trump runs, look for the Dems to try to push through the “Midnight Ballot Creation Act.” They won’t call it that, of course, and will come up with a name like “Equity Voting Act” and call everyone who objects to it a racist.

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