It's official!

sIts clear your feeble little minds are already corrupted by this administration. I happen to believe that, sucking up to the republican party....does not make you more of an american. Pretending to love god, does not make you more of an american, and refusing to admit that college, is a far more rewarding path than the war in iraq, will ever be.....For people with substantial amounts of common sense anyway. Ofcourse the military as a whole, has no choice but to follow its commander.....despite the fact that he is a lying bufoon. But dont drag me or any of my friends down with you.

You go ahead and believe every single thing your dominatrix president tells you and take it with a smile. Me, I will question everything, I will ask, why in the last 5 wars.....did we strike first? Why have we not passed all the homeland security bills drafted 3 years ago, why is immigration still a problem, why is healthcare so difficult to controll? whats up with the spending, can anyone budget anything? Why are contractors in iraq, personally chosen by our president? Why are we surging if we are trying to keep peace? Why did we go into Iraq? Why is osama not in jail? Why are you trying to push creationism as a form of science? why are gays not allowed to serve openly in the military? why cant they get married with full benefits? Why is stem cell research not our number one priority, why is it evil? I know more about iraq than a kid who is about to go there? thats not right at all. Whos fault is that? Its such contradictory bullshit to say you are conservative and you follow jesus, yet in the bible I dont see jesus leading an army against a random country, killing civilians, from a country that was no threat to his own and harbord zero WMD's. (along with no ties to osama bin laden or 9/11)

Furthermore.....for those of you who are robots, brainwashed by your parents, or your go ahead and continue to take it in the ass like Ted haggards meth dealer. I personally, will not go down with you idiots who cant stand up for yourself.....idiots who mistake patriotism for blind trust in an incapable president. A stubborn one at that.....he cant work with congress, he cant work with his own party.....and your going to follow him? Think for yourself clones. Get your head out of the NRA's ass, throw your gun on the floor.....and use your heads, and your voice. How tragic is it, to waste such a perfectly good and potentially important mind of yours. Do you think, that in 5.8 billion years when our sun dies....that your little war, with Iraqi civilians....will mean a damn thing? I believe it is the power of education that will keep the human race alive, not the power of an M16. Thats if we dont blow this planet up first. We need to make progress, not de-evolution of the mind.

You people think America was built because god planned this? Do you think that god wanted to let America exist because its Americas job to be a hero and rid the world of what we believe are "terrorist" organizations? We have killed 4 to 5 times more civilians than combined terrorists in the world. We have dropped 2 atom bombs, despite the fact that japan was on the brink of surrender BEFORE they were deployed. We are not always the best country, and sometimes when we try to be a hero, we are actually making things worse. (Bolivia, Syria, Vietnam, Iraq, Cuba, Korean war)

You go ahead and live in your rosie little world where all presidents who believe in god, are trust worthy and all wars they lead us into....are a noble cause, despite how many hundreds of thousands of iraqi civilians are dying every day because of your so called "plan" to draw the terrorists to one city. Yea its working really great. I am done with this thread, you will all be blocked and have a good day. Say hello to Ted haggards penis for me. :clap2: :clap2: :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance: :eusa_clap: :D
Think for yourself clones. Get your head out of the NRA's ass, throw your gun on the floor.....and use your heads, and your voice.

Our enemies pray for more people who think like you.

Maybe you will find wisdom as you age, Maybe not.
Wow, ok......Im done talking about it. Good luck Nick, and everyone else. Fuck off.

And nick, at least speak with someone who has been in iraq, not a recruter. Someone who has been there. Then come back to me and tell me what exactly they said.

Me personally, I believe you should sign up for the army, BUT......not now. I believe you should wait till your 21.

Apparentely everyone on this thread thinks Im wrong for believing so. What a joke.

I thought this message board was open to freedom of speach? Why am I being attacked for speaking my mind?

You people act like I am insulting you or something. Have any of you been to iraq? Infact, have any of you been in any war at the age of 18? Do you have kids who joined up at 18?

Well then. Its not your place to criticize now is it?

we are just exercising our right to free speach you stupid c$%^$
There's no fun in seeing you betray your anti-american, anti-freedom, anti-military hatred.

Betray my hatred? That means I am going off the reservation to be nice. Well at least in decent english, thats what it means. I think what you meant to say was betray my fellow Americans. Because If I were to betray (give aid or information to the enemy of) Anti- Americans, I would be considerd the opposite of anti American, which is American.
Betray my hatred? That means I am going off the reservation to be nice. Well at least in decent english, thats what it means. I think what you meant to say was betray my fellow Americans. Because If I were to betray (give aid or information to the enemy of) Anti- Americans, I would be considerd the opposite of anti American, which is American.

I thought you were leaving this thread, asshat?
I did leave the prior discussion, but I will respond to posts that are out of context, like yours. In order to exploit the tradition of posting garbage that does not relate to a thread on this message board.

Something you might know alot about. Ass clown.
I did leave the prior discussion, but I will respond to posts that are out of context, like yours. In order to exploit the tradition of posting garbage that does not relate to a thread on this message board.

Something you might know alot about.

lmao - you been doing some under-age drinkin' have ya? eh? Maybe sippin on Granny's old Cough Medicine??

Nice new sig, though:

I will. . .exploit the tradition of posting garbage that does not relate to a thread.

EVERYTHING in this thread between me and use relates EXACTLY to the topic of the thread:

Man joins the Marines.
Child (that's you) starts talking about his impending death.
Man (this is where I come in) Calls you out for being a douche.
Child (You again) Rants and raves and blathers on about godknowswhat instead of taking your medicine like an adult.

lmao - you been doing some under-age drinkin' have ya? eh? Maybe sippin on Granny's old Cough Medicine??

Nice new sig, though:

EVERYTHING in this thread between me and use relates EXACTLY to the topic of the thread:

Man joins the Marines.
Child (that's you) starts talking about his impending death.
Man (this is where I come in) Calls you out for being a douche.
Child (You again) Rants and raves and blathers on about godknowswhat instead of taking your medicine like an adult.


Man (thats you) uses childish names like "pussy" or "ass hat" to convey disinterest in my opinions.

Child (thats me) uses a number of different debunking techniques to make the MAN (thats you) look like an un-aware, dis-engaging, ignoramous that rely's on his military experience, rather than knowledge and education, to explain his clearly biased and closed minded point of view to a new generation of child (thats me) that exposes several different inconsistencies within the belief system of a very severly disturbed conservative, who thinks that a younger generation is a wrong generation despite the fact that the younger generation he is refering too is actually considerd by law to be legal adults, not children. On top of that, the individual he is refering to appears to be years ahead of his time in terms of foreign policy and international relations. Infact, the child (thats me) probably knows more about the history of America and the consititution than the patriotic man (thats you) will ever know about his own country.

I really dont think that, wanting to keep people alive (not just americans but Iraqi civilians)...makes me a pussy.
I believe it makes me a realist.

I also do not believe that trust in a failed administration, makes you a man....nor trust in a nation whos morals are clouded by condratiction of who is good and evil. When infact we (americans) are considerd evil in most of the world, despite our cowboy mentallity to want to bring peace to the world with an M16 and Heat seeking missles.

Here let me save you the time and reply for you

Dmp= Shut up you little child, you dont know shit....ass hat. ass hole. Shut up you little shit stain. Im illiterate but at least I know your a pussy.
Betray my hatred? That means I am going off the reservation to be nice. Well at least in decent english, thats what it means. I think what you meant to say was betray my fellow Americans. Because If I were to betray (give aid or information to the enemy of) Anti- Americans, I would be considerd the opposite of anti American, which is American.

Actually, when you use the word "betray" as Dmp did here, it is similar to using the word "reveal" or "expose". He is saying that you have revealed your anti-American, anti-military feelings, which indeed you have.
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Actually, when you use the word "betray" as Dmp did here, it is similar to using the word "reveal" or "expose". He is saying that you have revealed your anti-American, anti-military feelings, which indeed you have.

Well then he should have said disclose or divulge. Are you his spokesman? I think he can talk for himself if he has something to say.
Well then he should have said disclose or divulge. Are you his spokesman? I think he can talk for himself if he has something to say.

I thought you were in law school. Seems your vocab should be minimally this deep.
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