It's OK To Betray The Kurds Because They Didn't Help Us With Normandy

First this one, then he trolls the Kurds with that tweet about Napoleon. As they suffer.

This is a man with no empathy, no loyalty, no moral compass, zero fundamental human dignity.

But as bad as this is, the larger story is the Trumpsters, who will defend him, deflect for him, and attack for him when behaviors like this are pointed out.

Trump himself is just a symptom of a much, much larger problem.
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'

It's this simple, we helped the Kurds with the mess in their area. They only helped us help them get their own tits out of a wringer. Get a clue people the Kurds don't pay US taxes, they are not part of any American territory or possession. Why should Americans continue to suffer and die to help them? If you feel that we should be fighting and dying for the Kurds them by all means feel free to get your own ass on an airplane, get over there and help. Otherwise STFU!
That is not the argument at all.
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'


trump is a Moron.....he has permanently stained the US standing in the world....

Now....he is trying to act as if he had nothing to do with the Turkish massacre in Syria....he is an embarassment....

I saw not a very long time ago in TV an US-American soldier and a Kurd in a sinkhole under fire of a sniper.

So let me say: The question "Who has ever done something for US-Americans?" you will answer with "Never anyone!", isn't it? But who of the US-Americans ever did something for you? What about when you go to this person and speak with him or her about Trump and the help anyone got from Trump and/or other people, who follow his darwinistic ideology? In the eyes of a Trump you are perhaps nothing else than only an useful idiot. Your job is to take care, that he will be president again, and so he will be able to get more mighty and will make a lot of more money. But how pays Trump what you do for him?

Americans do not belong in fox holes unless America is being threatened.

Should we be in Venezuela, Syria, North Korea, and every country with idiots drinking camel milk

Trump is right, the Navy has plenty of missiles that need to be replaced anyway. No need for boys and girls that are Americas best to suffer

I saw not a very long time ago in TV an US-American soldier and a Kurd in a sinkhole under fire of a sniper.

So let me say: The question "Who has ever done something for US-Americans?" you will answer with "Never anyone!", isn't it? But who of the US-Americans ever did something for you? What about when you go to this person and speak with him or her about Trump and the help anyone got from Trump and/or other people, who follow his darwinistic ideology? In the eyes of a Trump you are perhaps nothing else than only an useful idiot. Your job is to take care, that he will be president again, and so he will be able to get more mighty and will make a lot of more money. But how pays Trump what you do for him?


Citizens of the USA

do not belong in fox holes

Fox holes? What's wrong with fox holes?

unless America is being threatened.

The USA never was threatened, as far as I know. Except in the cold war.

Should we be in Venezuela, Syria, North Korea, and every country with idiots drinking camel milk.

Your nation was always present all over the world since it is existing. An heritage of the British empire.

Trump is right,

Trump is a drivelling idiot, who creates problems faster than he is able to twitter. Turkey is for example "unified" now => all Turks support Erdogan (or don't say anything, because they fear the next wave of arrests). Turkey is threatened (from the own illegal military actions). Erdogan now the strong man and savior of Erdogania - ah sorry: Turkey. But indeed is Erdogan a main reason for the problems of Turkey since a long time now.

the Navy has plenty of missiles that need to be replaced anyway. No need for boys and girls that are Americas best to suffer

? ... We have now the situation that Turkey breaks the law of nations and acts against the will of all NATO members. That's a paradox. For sure no one should deliver any military component to Turkey any longer. No weapon, no information, no ammunition - nothing.
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I saw not a very long time ago in TV an US-American soldier and a Kurd in a sinkhole under fire of a sniper.

So let me say: The question "Who has ever done something for US-Americans?" you will answer with "Never anyone!", isn't it? But who of the US-Americans ever did something for you? What about when you go to this person and speak with him or her about Trump and the help anyone got from Trump and/or other people, who follow his darwinistic ideology? In the eyes of a Trump you are perhaps nothing else than only an useful idiot. Your job is to take care, that he will be president again, and so he will be able to get more mighty and will make a lot of more money. But how pays Trump what you do for him?


Citizens of the USA

do not belong in fox holes

Fox holes? What's wrong with fox holes?

unless America is being threatened.

The USA never was threatened, as far as I know. Except in the cold war.

Should we be in Venezuela, Syria, North Korea, and every country with idiots drinking camel milk.

Your nation was always present all over the world since it is existing. An heritage of the British empire.

Trump is right,

Trump is a drivelling idiot, who creates problems faster than he is able to twitter. Turkey is for example "unified" now => all Turks support Erdogan (or don't say anything, because they fear the next wave of arrests). Turkey is threatened (from the own illegal military actions). Erdogan now the strong man and savior of Erdogania - ah sorry: Turkey. But indeed is Erdogan a main reason for the problems of Turkey since a long time now.

the Navy has plenty of missiles that need to be replaced anyway. No need for boys and girls that are Americas best to suffer

? ... We have now the situation that Turkey breaks the law of nations and acts against the will of all NATO members. That's a paradox. For sure no one should deliver any military component to Turkey any longer. No weapon, no information, no ammunition - nothing.

Wow you win the award for triggered simpleton.

Now tell us all what the Kurds have done for me, or America in general.

Be specific
What does the OP want to do?....step in the middle of their conflict?...are you sure you aren't a Bush?....
In supporting the Kurds in Syria, US has been playing fast and loose with the law.

Here we find ourselves in 2019, partnered with the YPG, itself affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has been declared a terrorist organization by the U.S., European Union and Turkey. Chasing al-Qaida through Iraq, which begat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), or al-Sham or Syria (ISIS), we found ourselves on the other side of the Iraq-Syria border, teamed up with YPG Kurds who wanted to kill ISIS as much as we did. They were willing partners in the fight against a common enemy, but they had geopolitical baggage. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Not so fast.

Let’s review how we got here. There has only been one authorization for the use of military force (AUMF), since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and we’ve been deploying forces under its auspices ever since. It’s just 60 words long, so we should take a moment to review it again — for many of you, perhaps for the first time:

[T]he President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.​

Everybody got that? If you planned, authorized, or committed the 9/11 attacks, or aided or harbored those that did, you’re in the U.S. crosshairs. Bin Laden’s al-Qaida in Afghanistan? Yup. Al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI)? It was a stretch, but the CINC said yes, so onward! ISIL? The next CINC said they were the offspring of AQI, so again, here we go! ISIS? Again, son-of-a-son, so Charlie Mike!

Does it matter that not likely a living soul in the current ISIS planned, authorized, or committed the 9/11 attacks, nor aided or harbored 9/11 perpetrators? Apparently, not a wit.

Congress did a couple of stupid things after 9/11, including the overly-broad AUMF and the PATRIOT Act. The White House and the executive branch, regardless of party, proceeded to take full advantage as usually happens when Congress willingly cedes its powers.

And now the Left wants us to us AUMF to fire on our NATO allies, the Turks, to protect YPG, which both Europe and the US has designated a terrorist organization?

They want War?
Take it to Congress, Get a Declaration of War!
People like to say it was the border that got Trump elected...but it was the promise to end the endless wars we are in that have little to do with defending the USA...bring our troops home....
People like to say it was the border that got Trump elected...but it was the promise to end the endless wars we are in that have little to do with defending the USA...bring our troops home....
Trump is just doing this to tell the deep state who is in charge. See trump swore to defend the USA from all enemies both foreign and domestic..... the deep state is Americas enemy always was
People like to say it was the border that got Trump elected...but it was the promise to end the endless wars we are in that have little to do with defending the USA...bring our troops home....
They want a war, TAKE IT TO CONGRESS!
20 plus years of war in places we can't even pronounce.....people of the same faith killing each other like its a national pass time...let them....why should we even be there?...if we go to war it must be to win...not to play out a never ending stalemate...if we aren't going to do what it takes to win quickly then we shouldn't go in the first place.....
Let our corrupt politicians get rich some other way that doesn't include our service men and women being killed and our treasure being wasted....

I saw not a very long time ago in TV an US-American soldier and a Kurd in a sinkhole under fire of a sniper.

So let me say: The question "Who has ever done something for US-Americans?" you will answer with "Never anyone!", isn't it? But who of the US-Americans ever did something for you? What about when you go to this person and speak with him or her about Trump and the help anyone got from Trump and/or other people, who follow his darwinistic ideology? In the eyes of a Trump you are perhaps nothing else than only an useful idiot. Your job is to take care, that he will be president again, and so he will be able to get more mighty and will make a lot of more money. But how pays Trump what you do for him?


Citizens of the USA

do not belong in fox holes

Fox holes? What's wrong with fox holes?

unless America is being threatened.

The USA never was threatened, as far as I know. Except in the cold war.

Should we be in Venezuela, Syria, North Korea, and every country with idiots drinking camel milk.

Your nation was always present all over the world since it is existing. An heritage of the British empire.

Trump is right,

Trump is a drivelling idiot, who creates problems faster than he is able to twitter. Turkey is for example "unified" now => all Turks support Erdogan (or don't say anything, because they fear the next wave of arrests). Turkey is threatened (from the own illegal military actions). Erdogan now the strong man and savior of Erdogania - ah sorry: Turkey. But indeed is Erdogan a main reason for the problems of Turkey since a long time now.

the Navy has plenty of missiles that need to be replaced anyway. No need for boys and girls that are Americas best to suffer

? ... We have now the situation that Turkey breaks the law of nations and acts against the will of all NATO members. That's a paradox. For sure no one should deliver any military component to Turkey any longer. No weapon, no information, no ammunition - nothing.

Wow you win the award for triggered simpleton.

Now tell us all what the Kurds have done for me, or America in general.

Be specific

That's for me personally totally unimportant. The USA brought the Kurds into an extremely dangerous situation. So who trusts in US-Americans is an idiot. But the USA is unfortunatelly also the leading nation of the western world. And Trump continues to destroy the western world.

The methods of Trump are by the way very ... ahm, sorry: "interesting". Whatever will happen now - under all circumstances I am only able to see a bad situation for lots and lots and lots of people for a long time of history.
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A normal, psychologically healthy adult wouldn't spit in the face and dance on the graves of the Kurds, our allies, like this.
A normal, psychologically healthy adult wouldn't spit in the face and dance on the graves of the Kurds, our allies, like this.
But they didn't help us at Normandy.

Meanwhile, the mentally ill president said today, while kissing up to the Italians, that we have been allies with them since ancient Rome.

(We fought them in World War II)
People like to say it was the border that got Trump elected...but it was the promise to end the endless wars we are in that have little to do with defending the USA...bring our troops home....
It was a lot of things, including russian interference.
Oh are beyond hope...have a nice 2020 pal....:21:
Ah, the trump cultist rolls into his familiar fetal position....
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'

Damn straight!
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'

Damn straight!
* as he kisses the italian president's ass...

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