IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

How many times, over the last ten years, have we been told:
  • It's over!
  • Nailed! (He's/She's) done this time!
  • (He's/She's) going to jail!
  • They've got (him/her) this time!
  • This is the big one!
  • There's no recovering from this!
Can someone whip out an abacus?
We should set our watches....

I'm sure we'll be hearing from you guys about how "its over" a few weeks from now too.

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Investigation is not reputable...but it’s like a dose of syphilis that won’t go away.

Ah yes, another disease Democrats are single-handedly keeping alive in the U.S., thanks to one of their pet demographics of mentally ill fetishists and pedophiles and their fans.
the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI conspired and colluded to bring down a president. do americans realise whats happening?

the smug media dont cover it, and our republic is over if someone doesnt get a hold of this convoluted mess
Picaro said:
Yes, It's been obvious since Trump won in 2016; the intense campaign to unseat him was a desperate attempt to cover up their illegal organized crime syndicate, was from the first. This became blatantly obvious when Hillary and the DNC refused to turn over their servers, and FBI operatives working for Comey and Mueller not only helped Hillary and Obama cover up their national security violations, they helped them delete and sanitize their hard drives as well, spent months destroying evidence. Meuller was already known to have ties with the Posesta-Russia deals, and of course he has his own money trail into Russian 'investment' as well.

It will come as no surprise to anyone if/when the evidence comes out they were all Russian agents themselves,; we already know they were traitors., as are many of their Party's supporters. then there is the money trail from the Ayaptollahs back to Obama's and Hillary's pockets that need to be traced down.
"If He's Elected, They'll Hang Us All"...

No They Won't, Hillary
No They Won't...
We should set our watches....

I'm sure we'll be hearing from you guys about how "its over" a few weeks from now too.

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Investigation is not reputable...but it’s like a dose of syphilis that won’t go away.

Ah yes, another disease Democrats are single-handedly keeping alive in the U.S., thanks to one of their pet demographics of mentally ill fetishists and pedophiles and their fans.

I see someone has a word of the day calendar...either that or you're giving us a glimpse into how you spend your day. I'm guessing the latter.
We should set our watches....

I'm sure we'll be hearing from you guys about how "its over" a few weeks from now too.

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Guess It Depends On Which Pols One Supports
I Say Nothing Is Brought Up To Any Democrat
It All Goes Away

It'll Have To Be Up To A Judge Somewhere
To Bring Mueller's 'Investigation' To A Close
Or It'll Drone On And On And On

Everyone One On The Left Drones On And On
About Everything
As If Nothing Ever Happened
Until They Get The Desired Result

You Notice The Only Bakery In Colorado
Is Being Ordered To Bake Another Penis Party Cake
And Uni-Sex Bathrooms Are Going Into High Schools
In this KC-area district, boys and girls will share gender-neutral restrooms

Mueller...Drones....penis cakes...gender neutral restrooms.

Quite a polluted stream of consciousness you've got there skippy.
We should set our watches....

I'm sure we'll be hearing from you guys about how "its over" a few weeks from now too.

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Investigation is not reputable...but it’s like a dose of syphilis that won’t go away.

Ah yes, another disease Democrats are single-handedly keeping alive in the U.S., thanks to one of their pet demographics of mentally ill fetishists and pedophiles and their fans.

I see someone has a word of the day calendar...either that or you're giving us a glimpse into how you spend your day. I'm guessing the latter.

And we have yet another compulsive fetishist who has to weigh in , with nothing as usual. You don't like it, take it up with the CDC for not being 'Faggot Friendly' enough to suit you, as they keep documenting diseases homosexuals top the list in spreading. This is old news, doesn't take but a minute to check out, and in never varies from year to year, either. I do understand why you really hate being informed on anything, and hate anybody else who is, though; it's bad for Democrats at the polls.
We should set our watches....

I'm sure we'll be hearing from you guys about how "its over" a few weeks from now too.

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View attachment 213939
Investigation is not reputable...but it’s like a dose of syphilis that won’t go away.

Ah yes, another disease Democrats are single-handedly keeping alive in the U.S., thanks to one of their pet demographics of mentally ill fetishists and pedophiles and their fans.

I see someone has a word of the day calendar...either that or you're giving us a glimpse into how you spend your day. I'm guessing the latter.

And we have yet another compulsive fetishist who has to weigh in , with nothing as usual. You don't like it, take it up with the CDC for not being 'Faggot Friendly' enough to suit you, as they keep documenting diseases homosexuals top the list in spreading. This is old news, doesn't take but a minute to check out, and in never varies from year to year, either. I do understand why you really hate being informed on anything, and hate anybody else who is, though; it's bad for Democrats at the polls.

Embattled DOJ official Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy posted on anti-Trump dossier

"Embattled Justice Department official Bruce Ohr had contact in 2016 with then-colleague Andrew Weissmann, who is now a top Robert Mueller deputy, as well as other senior FBI officials about the controversial anti-Trump dossier and the individuals behind it"

"Ohr's outreach about the dossier – as well as its author, ex-British spy Christopher Steele; the opposition research firm behind it, Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS; and his wife Nellie Ohr's work for Fusion – occurred before and after the FBI fired Steele as a source over his media contacts."

"Ohr's network of contacts on the dossier included: former FBI agent Peter Strzok; former FBI lawyer Lisa Page; former deputy director Andrew McCabe; Weissmann and at least one other DOJ official; and a current FBI agent who worked with Strzok on the Russia case."

The entire Obama anti-Trump Conspiracy just got exposed!

DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say


Yeahbut, yeahbut, The PORNSTAR payment, plus Trump still hurts my FEEELINGS!!!111!!!

///every butthurt liberal everwhere
We should set our watches....

I'm sure we'll be hearing from you guys about how "its over" a few weeks from now too.

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View attachment 213939
Guess It Depends On Which Pols One Supports
I Say Nothing Is Brought Up To Any Democrat
It All Goes Away

It'll Have To Be Up To A Judge Somewhere
To Bring Mueller's 'Investigation' To A Close
Or It'll Drone On And On And On

Everyone One On The Left Drones On And On
About Everything
As If Nothing Ever Happened
Until They Get The Desired Result

You Notice The Only Bakery In Colorado
Is Being Ordered To Bake Another Penis Party Cake
And Uni-Sex Bathrooms Are Going Into High Schools
In this KC-area district, boys and girls will share gender-neutral restrooms

Mueller...Drones....penis cakes...gender neutral restrooms.

Quite a polluted stream of consciousness you've got there skippy.

If you and your fellow gimps don't like it, all you have to do is quit making them Big Giant Issues, especially since none of you can ever actually defend your sicko spam,a ll you do is snivel like babies, as you are in the last two posts.
candycorn said:
Mueller...Drones....penis cakes...gender neutral restrooms.

Quite a polluted stream of consciousness you've got there skippy.
I Didn't Write The Headlines
And I Didn't Put Any Of It In The Headlines Either
But Look Who Does

candycorn said:
Mueller...Drones....penis cakes...gender neutral restrooms.

Quite a polluted stream of consciousness you've got there skippy.
I Didn't Write The Headlines
And I Didn't Put Any Of It In The Headlines Either


Candycorn likes to try and bully other posters into silence here, since nobody ever talks to her otherwise; it's all the Democrats have at this point. We would be seeing their former 'President' and their last Presidential candidate doing the Perp Walk in jump suits if we ever get a real AG.
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Embattled DOJ official Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy posted on anti-Trump dossier

"Embattled Justice Department official Bruce Ohr had contact in 2016 with then-colleague Andrew Weissmann, who is now a top Robert Mueller deputy, as well as other senior FBI officials about the controversial anti-Trump dossier and the individuals behind it"

"Ohr's outreach about the dossier – as well as its author, ex-British spy Christopher Steele; the opposition research firm behind it, Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS; and his wife Nellie Ohr's work for Fusion – occurred before and after the FBI fired Steele as a source over his media contacts."

"Ohr's network of contacts on the dossier included: former FBI agent Peter Strzok; former FBI lawyer Lisa Page; former deputy director Andrew McCabe; Weissmann and at least one other DOJ official; and a current FBI agent who worked with Strzok on the Russia case."

The entire Obama anti-Trump Conspiracy just got exposed!

DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say



Embattled DOJ official Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy posted on anti-Trump dossier

"Embattled Justice Department official Bruce Ohr had contact in 2016 with then-colleague Andrew Weissmann, who is now a top Robert Mueller deputy, as well as other senior FBI officials about the controversial anti-Trump dossier and the individuals behind it"

"Ohr's outreach about the dossier – as well as its author, ex-British spy Christopher Steele; the opposition research firm behind it, Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS; and his wife Nellie Ohr's work for Fusion – occurred before and after the FBI fired Steele as a source over his media contacts."

"Ohr's network of contacts on the dossier included: former FBI agent Peter Strzok; former FBI lawyer Lisa Page; former deputy director Andrew McCabe; Weissmann and at least one other DOJ official; and a current FBI agent who worked with Strzok on the Russia case."

The entire Obama anti-Trump Conspiracy just got exposed!

DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say


Come on Charlie, how many times are you going to fall for it...

Picaro said:
If you and your fellow gimps don't like it, all you have to do is quit making them Big Giant Issues, especially since none of you can ever actually defend your sicko spam,a ll you do is snivel like babies, as you are in the last two posts.
In Context
candycorn Seems To Have Deliberately
Changed The Use Of The Word 'Drone'
To Suit His Own Pollution

PolitcalChic Has An OP
That Points To That Type Of Game
They Lied To You…And Got Away With It…
How many times, over the last ten years, have we been told:
  • It's over!
  • Nailed! (He's/She's) done this time!
  • (He's/She's) going to jail!
  • They've got (him/her) this time!
  • This is the big one!
  • There's no recovering from this!
Can someone whip out an abacus?

This is still my favorite....posted in Feb...

Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper
What's the conspiracy? People within the Justice dept work and talk with each other? :rofl:

What crime was committed? List the statute....

How does this affect the FACTS in the Russian Interference Investigation?

Does this mean Roger Stone did not conspire with wikileaks on the STOLEN emails from the DNC and Podesta and DCCC emails?

Does this excuse the Trump Campaign's 70 contacts with Russian operatives?

How about the Don Jr and Manafort and Kushner meeting in Trump Tower with 6 Russian operatives, that was set up by the Russian Government, to give Trump dirt / stolen emails on Hillary Clinton and Don Jr saying he would LOVE the help only a little later in the summer, does Ohr have anything to do with that conspiring of the Trump team to aid and abet the enemy and defraud the USA?

Does this negate Trump LYING and obstructing, by writing a made up story about the trump tower/russian gvt operatives being about adoptions of kids, delivered to the press? What does ohr have to do with that?

What about Trump and Cohen, conspiring together on Campaign finance laws they were breaking? Does this negate those laws broken?

How about Flynn telling the Russian Ambassador the day of Obama's sanctions on Russia for their interference and expelling the Russian operatives, to ignore the sanctions, not to retaliate, because when Trump is sworn in, he will drop them? How's Orh connected to that....?


like the banjos in Deliverance!

How many times, over the last ten years, have we been told:
  • It's over!
  • Nailed! (He's/She's) done this time!
  • (He's/She's) going to jail!
  • They've got (him/her) this time!
  • This is the big one!
  • There's no recovering from this!
Can someone whip out an abacus?

This is still my favorite....posted in Feb...

Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper
And they believe it, down to their bones.

When it doesn't happen, it's the other side's fault somehow.

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