It’s over - Dueling town halls answers all questions


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
In a stark contrast between the two candidates the town halls took on significantly different tones. Trump’s was a rambling hot mess of deception and dodging while Biden’s was a discussion of policy depth. How can anyone support Trump still???

Trump highlights:
  • Can’t remember if he tested the day of the debate on the honor system
  • He is the President so he can’t avoid unsafe covid interaction
  • Doesn’t know if crazy QAnon stories are real or not so he puts it out there for us to decide
  • He has no healthcare plan
Biden Highlights:
  • Decency and competency
  • Stayed an extra hour to answer more questions
  • Will answer court packing before election
  • Not banning fracking
  • Gave Trump credit for some foreign policy (Israel) but pointed out his dozens of failings (all else)
  • Will raise corporate tax back to28% and have $400k people paywhat they did under Bush

President Trump spent most of his time giving a proverbial bitchslapping to that idiot “moderator”.

In a stark contrast between the two candidates the town halls took on significantly different tones. Trump’s was a rambling hot mess of deception and dodging while Biden’s was a discussion of policy depth. How can anyone support Trump still???

Trump highlights:
  • Can’t remember if he tested the day of the debate on the honor system
  • He is the President so he can’t avoid unsafe covid interaction
  • Doesn’t know if crazy QAnon stories are real or not so he puts it out there for us to decide
  • He has no healthcare plan
Biden Highlights:
  • Decency and competency
  • Stayed an extra hour to answer more questions
  • Will answer court packing before election
  • Not banning fracking
  • Gave Trump credit for some foreign policy (Israel) but pointed out his dozens of failings (all else)
  • Will raise corporate tax back to28% and have $400k people paywhat they did under Bush

I've already voted for Biden but I have to tell you that the failure to answer on packing the court is just one of the reasons I'm not a Democrat. What in the holy fuck is the issue? If you pack the court to 400 judges to get a majority, the nanosecond the Democrats leave the Oval a Republican will appoint 800 judges to swing it back. Have some fucking respect for the institution. I get the political gamesmanship but this is 1/3 of the federal government...surely you don't jack around with the crown jewel of the system. This shouldn't even be brought's crap that some piece of shit like Trump would bring up...Joe should have just laughed, shook his head, and said, "Psst...please. No."

Dumb shit like that.... Its what keeps elections close.

Trump could have sewn up re-election by appointing Merrick Garland by the way and looking presidential and being above the politics that took place before he got there.
In a stark contrast between the two candidates the town halls took on significantly different tones. Trump’s was a rambling hot mess of deception and dodging while Biden’s was a discussion of policy depth. How can anyone support Trump still???

Trump highlights:
  • Can’t remember if he tested the day of the debate on the honor system
  • He is the President so he can’t avoid unsafe covid interaction
  • Doesn’t know if crazy QAnon stories are real or not so he puts it out there for us to decide
  • He has no healthcare plan
Biden Highlights:
  • Decency and competency
  • Stayed an extra hour to answer more questions
  • Will answer court packing before election
  • Not banning fracking
  • Gave Trump credit for some foreign policy (Israel) but pointed out his dozens of failings (all else)
  • Will raise corporate tax back to28% and have $400k people paywhat they did under Bush

Trump wasn't awful, he was pathetic. He kept interrupting that lady after she asked him a question while she kept running her fat mouth like a bell clapper in a gooses' ass.
So fracking, like that's a good thing, and still no Medicare For All. Okay. None of the above it remains..
In a stark contrast between the two candidates the town halls took on significantly different tones. Trump’s was a rambling hot mess of deception and dodging while Biden’s was a discussion of policy depth. How can anyone support Trump still???

Trump highlights:
  • Can’t remember if he tested the day of the debate on the honor system
  • He is the President so he can’t avoid unsafe covid interaction
  • Doesn’t know if crazy QAnon stories are real or not so he puts it out there for us to decide
  • He has no healthcare plan
Biden Highlights:
  • Decency and competency
  • Stayed an extra hour to answer more questions
  • Will answer court packing before electionDem
  • Not banning fracking
  • Gave Trump credit for some foreign policy (Israel) but pointed out his dozens of failings (all else)
  • Will raise corporate tax back to28% and have $400k people paywhat they did under Bush

Democrats plant their moderators in all the townhalls and debates and the GOP does nothing about it.
In a stark contrast between the two candidates the town halls took on significantly different tones. Trump’s was a rambling hot mess of deception and dodging while Biden’s was a discussion of policy depth. How can anyone support Trump still???

Trump highlights:
  • Can’t remember if he tested the day of the debate on the honor system
  • He is the President so he can’t avoid unsafe covid interaction
  • Doesn’t know if crazy QAnon stories are real or not so he puts it out there for us to decide
  • He has no healthcare plan
Biden Highlights:
  • Decency and competency
  • Stayed an extra hour to answer more questions
  • Will answer court packing before election
  • Not banning fracking
  • Gave Trump credit for some foreign policy (Israel) but pointed out his dozens of failings (all else)
  • Will raise corporate tax back to28% and have $400k people paywhat they did under Bush

You also left out his disastrous answer to the black man, who asked “What else besides ‘You ain’t black’ do you have for us”?

He then goes on to talk about making money?
The guy just shook his head in disappointment.
Convincing as many on the Right as I can to change their votes to Biden / Harris
it's the absolute best thing you could do for America....because the Right has lost their way and forgotten that freedom isn't free.

Sometimes starting completely over is the only last resort option
So we should just go back to more new stupid wars in the Middle East?

No thanks, I’ll take new ME peace deals and and end the absurd regime change doctrine of Bush/Clinton/Hussein and Biden.
Convincing as many on the Right as I can to change their votes to Biden / Harris
it's the absolute best thing you could do for America....because the Right has lost their way and forgotten that freedom isn't free.

Sometimes starting completely over is the only last resort option
So we should just go back to more new stupid wars in the Middle East?

No thanks, I’ll take new ME peace deals and and end the absurd regime change doctrine of Bush/Clinton/Hussein and Biden.


look at what has ACTUALLY happened in America over the last 20 years.....patriot Act for example, Civil forfeiture
They just keep taking rights....and you say nothing.

Now, California just passed a law that will essentially ban hand guns. is the Right fighting it? NO

The ME peace deals this before you proclaim victory
What to Know About Trump’s Middle East Plan

here's the thing....all the Right has to do is keep doing what they've been doing....NOTHING
The left has already transformed America......go to the airport ....try to buy a gun in NY or CA

And they will keep wining.
How about you List for me the MAJOR things the Right (Not Trump, The People) have done to protect their personal liberties in the last 20 years ?????

Here is what Broke Loser said and HE IS EXACTLY CORRECT

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
I get the political gamesmanship but this is 1/3 of the federal government...surely you don't jack around with the crown jewel of the system.
It has been shown to be synthetic.

Biden is already talking up the next military incursion into th Middle East....


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