It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly.

Was the Mar-A-Lago raid political?

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I bet you couldn't just wander into "Donny's Clubhouse".
Dude, I bet you're right. I'm pure West Tennessee white trash by choice, and style, but it would never cross my mind to drop by for a visit.
Yet it’s your side that burned buildings, killed over 200 people, looted millions in property, killed cops, assaulted children and the elderly, and had Kamala Harris getting them bailed out so they could do it again. Seems you have no leg to stand on.
Were the independents out in force? You generally never hear of us, too conservative to be assholes in public, just for the sake of being assholes.
I just voted.

Yes, the Mar-A-Lago raid was political.

100% political.
That makes it 36-11 thus far. I'm sure some Democrats and Independents know it was political too.
We are TRYING to hold the lawless progtards accountable.

It's somewhat difficult with the Deep State and Soros (Deep Pockets) aligned against us.

However we will prevail.
Poor guy. I feel for ya, but can't quite find you. :poke:
Could it be because they lied to Congress? I am glad you are satisfied, they were dealt with in accordance to our laws and regulations. I suspect somebody may have investigated. I am in favor of investigating wrong doing. It is part of what I pay taxes for.

I am also in favor of investigating wrong-doing, IF there's sufficient and reasonable evidence that wrong-doing has taken place prior to the investigation. What I am not in favor of doing is investigating anybody WITHOUT that sufficient and reasonable evidence, which was the Russian Collusion case in 2016, and that is NOT what any of us pay taxes for.
I am also in favor of investigating wrong-doing, IF there's sufficient and reasonable evidence that wrong-doing has taken place prior to the investigation. What I am not in favor of doing is investigating anybody WITHOUT that sufficient and reasonable evidence, which was the Russian Collusion case in 2016, and that is NOT what any of us pay taxes for.
The ones that cooked up the Mar-A-Lago raid are the same ones that did the Russian collusion hoax minus Strzok. It was all the same people except Strzok.
You don't want to. We're just biding time 'til the midterms.
Gee, you think things will change for me West Tennessee? I kind of doubt it.
I am also in favor of investigating wrong-doing, IF there's sufficient and reasonable evidence that wrong-doing has taken place prior to the investigation. What I am not in favor of doing is investigating anybody WITHOUT that sufficient and reasonable evidence, which was the Russian Collusion case in 2016, and that is NOT what any of us pay taxes for.
Sure were a lot of confessions, and successful prosecutions by juries of wrong doing found and referred during that investigation. Durham's investigation hasn't led to much, and it was started well before the 2020 election. What do you think, doing a shitty job or just not much prosecutable to find?
You are dissatisfied with the jury of Stone's peers on all 7 counts. The jury was fooled on all 7 counts. Sounds like guilty to me, but I believe in the trial by jury concept. You don't. If you are ever charged, go for judgement by the judge. Makes no difference to me.
Can you read? I am dissatisfied that Comey and the others were not prosecuted.
Sure were a lot of confessions, and successful prosecutions by juries of wrong doing found and referred during that investigation. Durham's investigation hasn't led to much, and it was started well before the 2020 election. What do you think, doing a shitty job or just not much prosecutable to find?

I do not believe that any confession or successful prosecution as a result of that 2016 investigation had jack squat to do with Russian Collusion.

The report issued Monday by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz exposes deeply disturbing and improper behavior by the Obama-era FBI that led to the investigation of non-existent collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia.

As the nearly two-year multimillion-dollar investigation by Special Counsel Robert Muller showed, there was no collusion.

Attorney General William Barr said in summing up the inspector general’s report: “The FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.”

Importantly, the Horowitz report found that at least “17 significant inaccuracies and omissions” in the FBI application to conduct surveillance of Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Moreover, the FISA application to engage in surveillance of Page not only contained significant errors and omissions, but was based in large part on former British spay Christopher Steele’s defamatory dossier full of lies – bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign – the inspector general’s report found.

The dossier “played a central and essential role in” getting the warrant from the FISA Court that kicked off the whole Russia collusion investigation, the inspector general found.

In other words, the investigation of the Russia collusion hoax was launched under false pretenses. This shows that the investigation should never have happened. It was a monumental waste of time and money and was a needless distraction that caused division among the American people.

Do you wish to dispute any of this?

As far as Durham's investigation is concerned, at least at this point I think it's more a case of a lack of provable, prosecutable evidence that anything else. It is my opinion that these things are dragging on far too long. It's like airing your dirty linens for 2 years; the public's confidence in the entire justice system declines, and for what? If you got nothing after 6 months then it's time to wrap it up and move on. Or at least present your case for why the investigation ought to continue, and political expediency is not a good enough reason.
Can you read? I am dissatisfied that Comey and the others were not prosecuted.
The Comey thing came out, while Trump was in office with hand picked Justice Department heads. What am I missing? You are the Trump administration fan. You tell me why your people let you down. Could be they spent too much time hamming for the FOX NEWS crowd instead of standing before judges presenting their facts. You know trump legal eagles are better at playing to the Trump faithful, than even playing to Trump appointed judges, just like we saw after the election and then whining about it not being seen their way. I can't help you.
The Comey thing came out, while Trump was in office with hand picked Justice Department heads. What am I missing? You are the Trump administration fan. You tell me why your people let you down. Could be they spent too much time hamming for the FOX NEWS crowd instead of standing before judges presenting their facts. You know trump legal eagles are better at playing to the Trump faithful, than even playing to Trump appointed judges, just like we saw after the election and then whining about it not being seen their way. I can't help you.
And they did not act. That simple. Trump was sabotaged from day one. Time you accept the truth. But you are most likely tooscared to admit it.

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