It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly.

Was the Mar-A-Lago raid political?

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Idk about all that, but I'd bet a dime to a dollar Garland and that magistrate in Palm Beach are, and are compromised because of it. Leverage is held on them, that's why they were picked.
It certainly would explain why Garland looked scared to death at that press conference.
what press conference?

Is there a video I can watch?
I am in favor of investigating. If it smells like smoke, stir the coals and see if there is flame or if the smoke dissipates. Powerful people are often lawless until caught. Maybe that (in the long-term) is how they get to be powerful. But, they are never so powerful, they deserve a free pass to be lawless. It is up to the three branches to watch the other branches. This is the way it has always been. We elect officials that are supposed to favor this oversight, lest on branch become supreme over the others and the country as a whole. Nobody should be elected to give their side a free pass, without scrutiny. People that support that are no better than traitors to their country, while sucking off the government tit for money and power.
As a general rule, investigations come AFTER evidence of crime. Investigations of nothing and without cause constitute something more nefarious.
Could it be because they lied to Congress? I am glad you are satisfied, they were dealt with in accordance to our laws and regulations. I suspect somebody may have investigated. I am in favor of investigating wrong doing. It is part of what I pay taxes for.
No they were not. They wanted to give Roger Stone 9 years for doing the same thing. The government is weaponized and they are acting like fascists.
As a general rule, investigations come AFTER evidence of crime. Investigations of nothing and without cause constitute something more nefarious.
They did come after evidence of a crime and found evidence to support that crime. You'd just rather he was not investigated or proof obtained. Here is an idea. I think we will both have to wait and see what charges come and if they do, what the jury says. I am just glad the documents are no longer is a place as insecure as Donny's clubhouse.
No they were not. They wanted to give Roger Stone 9 years for doing the same thing. The government is weaponized and they are acting like fascists.
You are dissatisfied with the jury of Stone's peers on all 7 counts. The jury was fooled on all 7 counts. Sounds like guilty to me, but I believe in the trial by jury concept. You don't. If you are ever charged, go for judgement by the judge. Makes no difference to me.
You know damn well what the point is about. Q

Q is bs term for people afflicted with TDS
Uhh no it’s a real thing that feeds the underground conspiracy kooks and who’s narratives leak out to the likes of Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson who then feed the brain dead trolls that repeat it like parrots
They did come after evidence of a crime and found evidence to support that crime. You'd just rather he was not investigated or proof obtained. Here is an idea. I think we will both have to wait and see what charges come and if they do, what the jury says. I am just glad the documents are no longer is a place as insecure as Donny's clubhouse.
I bet you couldn't just wander into "Donny's Clubhouse".
Read your history. Now the right wants to re-write Nixon downfall? Forget it. You do your sided a disservice. Maybe you never meant to be the law and order party, instead of just turning your back on it.
Yet it’s your side that burned buildings, killed over 200 people, looted millions in property, killed cops, assaulted children and the elderly, and had Kamala Harris getting them bailed out so they could do it again. Seems you have no leg to stand on.
Funny, I remember the Nixon days, when the right wing was still willing to hold their lawless assholes accountable. Not any more.
We are TRYING to hold the lawless progtards accountable.

It's somewhat difficult with the Deep State and Soros (Deep Pockets) aligned against us.

However we will prevail.
Read your history. Now the right wants to re-write Nixon downfall? Forget it. You do your sided a disservice. Maybe you never meant to be the law and order party, instead of just turning your back on it.
That's pretty rich, coming from a Democrap.
This clearly is a crooked Trump judge. This decision has no basis in reality. The Presidential Records Act is still ion force. Even Karl Rove has said that Trump has no right to these records.

Progtards and the Neo-Scum are joined at the hip.

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