It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly.

Was the Mar-A-Lago raid political?

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Read your history. Now the right wants to re-write Nixon downfall? Forget it. You do your sided a disservice. Maybe you never meant to be the law and order party, instead of just turning your back on it.
The New York Times and Washington Post were all over Nixon.
A) He did some press attacking

B) He was against Vietnam "police action".

How can you investigate something that is completely legal?

If you are Biden-Obama FBI-DOJ, you just break the law, violate Constitutional Civil Rights and break down doors like the Unlawful Thugs you are.
If you smell smoke, look to see if there is fire. Watching the store to make sure somebody isn't robbing and burning down our house as political arsonists, is the first thing we pay our elected assholes to do, no matter what party they come from.
If you smell smoke, look to see if there is fire. Watching the store to make sure somebody isn't robbing and burning down our house as political arsonists, is the first thing we pay our elected assholes to do, no matter what party they come from.
Do we pay elected officials to keep our country sovereign?
If you smell smoke, look to see if there is fire. Watching the store to make sure somebody isn't robbing and burning down our house as political arsonists, is the first thing we pay our elected assholes to do, no matter what party they come from.
That's horse shit and there is NO LEGAL PRECEDENT for it. In fact, The Law states the opposite. The President has 100% control over his administration's documents and has the right to classify them himself for his personal library, and designate the rest for The National Archives.

You F'ng Nazis are going to soon realize that we believe everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie.

No one with a brain should ever believe what you children of Hell are trying to sell them.

But you have the Biden CIA actually in bed with Chinese Communists....and you are ok with that, right? Same as you were ok with Obama's DOJ and FBI being in bed with Putin over Russian Collusion Lies.

How in favor are you of investigating Bevan Cooney and Devon Archer's emails, hmm? Especially those involving "The Big Guy". ;)

Fine with me. Knock yourself out.:cool:

They just assume that everyone else is like they are, terrified of having certain people investigated. Weird.

If someone broke the law, nail 'em. And anyone who helped them. Nail them too. Party affiliation irrelevant.

Their demigods are above the law.
Do we pay elected officials to keep our country sovereign?
Under our ratified constitution and laws, YES. That is why they, like I took and oath to the constitution.
That's horse shit and there is NO LEGAL PRECEDENT for it. In fact, The Law states the opposite. The President has 100% control over his administration's documents and has the right to classify them himself for his personal library, and designate the rest for The National Archives.

You F'ng Nazis are going to soon realize that we believe everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie.

No one with a brain should ever believe what you children of Hell are trying to sell them.

But you have the Biden CIA actually in bed with Chinese Communists....and you are ok with that, right? Same as you were ok with Obama's DOJ and FBI being in bed with Putin over Russian Collusion Lies.

I disagree and so do legal scholars, a judge in good standing, and many people not aligned to a man, vs the country.
The left wing have often been assholes. They did not do it, here in Tennessee, years ago. That is why we had Governor Blanton, selling prison pardons and liquor licenses, until Lamar Alexander was elected by a large majority, (including my vote) and sworn into office early to keep him from last minute signing after selling some more on the way out of office. People said that prosecution was political also, but it was not.
I do not support lawless assholes in or out of office, due to their politics, and say investigate the hell out of all of them, letting the chips fall where they may. I do not care if somebody earlier got away with something because the party in power was inept or they hire lawyers for their political connections instead of their legal ability.
View attachment 692460
Eric Holder looks good as a Clown

He was killing their cash cow and they wanted him gone. They initiated what led to Watergate.
Illegal action. They had to go. So, what?
I disagree and so do legal scholars, a judge in good standing, and many people not aligned to a man, vs the country.
You are a dumb ass. Why do you think The Judge who unlawfully authorized a Panty Raid on Melania's underwear is back peddling now?

Because he was lied to by Garland, just like Comey and Mueller lied to The FISA Judge to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign.

You are lying. Stop lying, liar. You are going to Hell.

Yes, God will send people like you, and Comey, and Garland and Mueller to Hell for lying.
Under our ratified constitution and laws, YES. That is why they, like I took and oath to the constitution.
So how good of a job are they doing with 4 million new invaders within our borders in a short span of 18 months?
If we get the president America needs Clinton, Obama and Xiden will be investigated until their bodies assume room temperature. We can hope that will be while they age out in prison. Yes, liberals, you have taught us well!
Illegal action. They had to go. So, what?
Everybody commits crimes every day, whether they know it or not. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Now what Nixon did was shady, but that's a small drop in a big bucket compared to what Obama and Biden are doing.

EO 13990 could very well have the entire world move away from the petrodollar. That's not good for US citizens, it makes all of us instantly 15% poorer. All in the name of "Climate Change". India already has. I really see no way of stopping what's coming down the pipeline right now.
Fuel shortages
Reduced wealth for all Americans
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You are a dumb ass. Why do you think The Judge who unlawfully authorized a Panty Raid on Melania's underwear is back peddling now?

Because he was lied to by Garland, just like Comey and Mueller lied to The FISA Judge to illegally spy on The Trump Campaign.

You are lying. Stop lying, liar. You are going to Hell.

Yes, God will send people like you, and Comey, and Garland and Mueller to Hell for lying.
You are another. I have not seen the back peddling and the investigation continues.
Thanks you reverend for letting me know you supplanted St Peter, possibly with a Trumpist minority vote?
That is for God, you heathen!
So how good of a job are they doing with 4 million new invaders within our borders in a short span of 18 months?
The border was pretty fked up when Joe got it, and he immediately fked it up worse starting day 1 or day 2. They can put up a no man's land with two chain link Lowes fences 50 ft apart covered by automatically targeted machine guns for all I care. Anybody attempting to come in, other than through the manned ports of entry are illegal invaders in my book. If they don't like their chances, let them turn back.
You are another. I have not seen the back peddling and the investigation continues.
Thanks you reverend for letting me know you supplanted St Peter, possibly with a Trumpist minority vote?
That is for God, you heathen!
Just more lies by you Globalist Fascist DemNazis.

Why do you hate America? Why do you think America should be ruled by foreign powers like The Chinese, Russians, India, and Iran. or North Korea, and governed by failed organizations like The UN?

Why did Joe Biden, China, Fauci and Obama unleash a Bio Weapon on our 2020 Elections and why did you support that?

Why did The Democrat Party rig their own 2016 Primaries for Hillary Clinton and then contracted with Putin to pull off Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane with the help of Moles in The FBI and DOJ?
Everybody commits crimes every day, whether they know it or not. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Now what Nixon did was shady, but that's a small drop in a big bucket compared to what Obama and Biden are doing.

EO 13990 could very well have the entire world move away from the petrodollar. That's not good for US citizens, it makes all of us instantly 15% poorer. All in the name of "Climate Change". India already has. I really see no way of stopping what's coming down the pipeline right now.
Fuel shortages
Reduced wealth for all Americans
I got it. You want to blow off criminal actions until your party can get decent lawyers out of law school to replace the not worth a shit Republican politically backed lawyers picked for connection over competence, so you can get the goods on your political enemies, eh?
Sorry. No time outs. No do overs.

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