It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly.

Was the Mar-A-Lago raid political?

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Nixon was largely impeached by (then) liberal propaganda. He wasn't a bad president at all.
Who's to say the FBI didn't do with this raid exactly what Nixon did?
(Except digital recording, probably.)
I.E. plant bugs to spy on Trump's campaign.
Read your history. Now the right wants to re-write Nixon downfall? Forget it. You do your sided a disservice. Maybe you never meant to be the law and order party, instead of just turning your back on it.
Barry Obama illegally used the DOJ, the FBI and FISA court to frame Trump with their far left wing racist bigot extremist crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy.
And then Louis Farrakhan's sweetheart Barry Obama illegally spied on Trump's campaign and then lied about it.
And then the totally corrupt far left extremist Nancy Pelosi used their crazy liberal Russian Collusion conspiracy to undermine Trump's presidency for 4 years.
The far left wing racist bigot extremist Democrat Party's crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy was election denial in action and against our democracy and the constitution.
Obama and the Democrats make Nixon look like a cub scout.
It's fun using Biden's Nuremberg style of rhetoric against the Demmys.
The border was pretty fked up when Joe got it, and he immediately fked it up worse starting day 1 or day 2. They can put up a no man's land with two chain link Lowes fences 50 ft apart covered by automatically targeted machine guns for all I care. Anybody attempting to come in, other than through the manned ports of entry are illegal invaders in my book. If they don't like their chances, let them turn back.
Yeah, but that isn't happening at all. That border was supposed to be secured by 1990.
I got it. You want to blow off criminal actions until your party can get decent lawyers out of law school to replace the not worth a shit Republican politically backed lawyers picked for connection over competence, so you can get the goods on your political enemies, eh?
Sorry. No time outs. No do overs.
What you got, is "it" wrong. There is no criminal action. Not in this case.

There are violations of the Constitution, though.
Barry Obama illegally used the DOJ, the FBI and FISA court to frame Trump with their far left wing racist bigot extremist crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy.
And then Louis Farrakhan's sweetheart Barry Obama illegally spied on Trump's campaign and then lied about it.
And then the totally corrupt far left extremist Nancy Pelosi used their crazy liberal Russian Collusion conspiracy to undermine Trump's presidency for 4 years.
The far left wing racist bigot extremist Democrat Party's crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy was election denial in action and against our democracy and the constitution.
Obama and the Democrats make Nixon look like a cub scout.
It's fun using Biden's Nuremberg style of rhetoric against the Demmys.
Then Obama ordered Fauci to unleash a Bio Weapon on our Democracy in 2020.
The very same Bio Weapon Fauci was in charge of creating and predicted shortly after Trump was elected that Trump would be attacked by The very same Fauci BioWeapon. Not a coincidence that The Fauci Flu was unleashed on President Trump just like Fauci said he would do. Obama ordered the attack and 10 days before Trump took office, removed the gain of function ban to provide cover and time for Fauci to plot his attack on American Demcracy.
Yeah, but that isn't happening at all. That border was supposed to be secured by 1990.
Neither side has the political will to handle the issue as long as both sides get to fund-raise off of it and profit from the illegal labor.
What you got, is "it" wrong. There is no criminal action. Not in this case.

There are violations of the Constitution, though.
I guess that is what we will have to find out. Does not sound legal to me, by I am willing to abide by the court. I am not sure, that you are.
Then Obama ordered Fauci to unleash a Bio Weapon on our Democracy in 2020.
The very same Bio Weapon Fauci was in charge of creating and predicted shortly after Trump was elected that Trump would be attacked by The very same Fauci BioWeapon. Not a coincidence that The Fauci Flu was unleashed on President Trump just like Fauci said he would do. Obama ordered the attack and 10 days before Trump took office, removed the gain of function ban to provide cover and time for Fauci to plot his attack on American Demcracy.

Trump let it happen and deferred to Fauxi
I guess that is what we will have to find out. Does not sound legal to me, by I am willing to abide by the court. I am not sure, that you are.

Well, you're not at all familiar with the US Constitution so no surprise there at all. The FBI cannot grab anything and everything they feel like.
Well, you're not at all familiar with the US Constitution so no surprise there at all. The FBI cannot grab anything and everything they feel like.
I guess Trump should not have had his personal records stored with his White House document, since it is against regulation to store them together. I suspect the reviewing master will say they have to be returned and no mention of their contents will be used in court.
Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Clapper and Fauci have not been held accountable for lying to Congress. Why is that?
Could it be because they lied to Congress? I am glad you are satisfied, they were dealt with in accordance to our laws and regulations. I suspect somebody may have investigated. I am in favor of investigating wrong doing. It is part of what I pay taxes for.
Trump let it happen and deferred to Fauxi
When a trusted advisor is a traitor but you are told he is trustworthy and the best candidate for the job, especially when it is early in your administration, do you accept the recommendation? Yes you would.

Trusting someone who you are told you should trust is not a sin or a crime. Fauci breaching that trust, being involved in illegal gain of function research is the crime.
I guess that is what we will have to find out. Does not sound legal to me, by I am willing to abide by the court. I am not sure, that you are.
Lookin' like a noncoherent sentence to me.

I'm sure you meant "but".

Courts do unconstitutional things all the time, moreso recently, or hadn't you noticed?

A non-criminal low-level magistrate signing a warrant to raid a former president's home would be one example.
Lookin' like a noncoherent sentence to me.

I'm sure you meant "but".

Courts do unconstitutional things all the time, moreso recently, or hadn't you noticed?

A non-criminal low-level magistrate signing a warrant to raid a former president's home would be one example.
Yep, "but" instead of "by", thanks.
Yep courts do unconstitutional things and higher courts reverse or make the lower court look at again. Good system. :)
When a trusted advisor is a traitor but you are told he is trustworthy and the best candidate for the job, especially when it is early in your administration, do you accept the recommendation? Yes you would.

Trusting someone who you are told you should trust is not a sin or a crime. Fauci breaching that trust, being involved in illegal gain of function research is the crime.

NO! In 2017 I said Trump needed to fire every employee hired or promoted by his 2 precedessors
Yep, "but" instead of "by", thanks.
Yep courts do unconstitutional things and higher courts reverse or make the lower court look at again. Good system. :)
And in the process if illegal charges they bankrupt and destroy people. Wrong people are on trial

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