It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly.

Was the Mar-A-Lago raid political?

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Correct. Obviously, those who call the speech Hitler like and whine about it. Also the little feelwings of corrupt pieces of garbage who hang on to Trumpyberra's corrupt coattails in hopes of gaining power.
You mean like Democrats that saw that and said "Fuck this! I'm outta here!"?
I used to handle them also, as part of Naval Intelligence. The one who totally obliterated the law was Clinton, not Trump. And obviously you don't have the same ability to handle documents as a president does.
And it "looks like"? Exactly, the extent of any Trump wrongdoing is always a maybe or possibly or could have, etc, etc.
Trump wasn't President when he had those documents...

What are you saying? Trump is president for life?
Demscum turned their back on law and order a long time ago.
So the new goal is to perform to the legal and ethical standards of those you despise? Like I said, both parties suck, totally. Thanks for helping confirm the validity of my assessment. You "party people" suck, the most. Independents just can't help what we are stuck with, as having to choose between who is being the biggest immediate threat and any given point in time. I guess, I may have to go with the party that approves being able to vote the biggest asshole out vs the ones that want to keep them, even if voting no longer counts. Let the pendulum swing.:p
DumbPoo doesn’t know such things.
"With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked."

I used to handle them also, as part of Naval Intelligence. The one who totally obliterated the law was Clinton, not Trump. And obviously you don't have the same ability to handle documents as a president does.
And it "looks like"? Exactly, the extent of any Trump wrongdoing is always a maybe or possibly or could have, etc, etc.
How do you tell, if you don't investigate? Let the investigations roll. :cool:
How do you tell, if you don't investigate? Let the investigations roll. :cool:
How can you investigate something that is completely legal?

If you are Biden-Obama FBI-DOJ, you just break the law, violate Constitutional Civil Rights and break down doors like the Unlawful Thugs you are.
The FBI is full of corrupt pedos. You can tell because they lie about antifa and call their terrorist group an idea
They also treat Soccer Moms like Terrorists when they protest the Alphabet Pedo Grooming DemNazi Lobby from teaching 8 year old kids that they are supposed to be GEIGH and tell them to keep it a secret from mommy and daddy!
"With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked."

Uh huh. It’s hard to find anything with your eyes tightly shut.

But … FBI: An Account on Clinton’s Private Email Server Was Hacked

Comey missed some things.
There was no evidence of any intrusion into her server.
Not the server, her devices. And I never knew this before, but the server was set up like I thought it would be, which is a damn secure way. Hardware firewall and all.

Somebody did get one of her staffers.

The problem was that she should have been using a .gov account for record retention purposes.

What she had set up was pretty secure, though. Only a couple things could have made it more secure,

but all in all, it was done right. I always wanted to know what she had and never could find it before. And I suspected it was just about what it was, too. Cisco and Windows with a dedicated hardware firewall.
Not an easy thing to hack.
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The right wing still is. There is a prerequisite you seem to insist on ignoring, however.

The individual being held accountable for some “lawlessness” has to have been lawless in the first place.
I am in favor of investigating. If it smells like smoke, stir the coals and see if there is flame or if the smoke dissipates. Powerful people are often lawless until caught. Maybe that (in the long-term) is how they get to be powerful. But, they are never so powerful, they deserve a free pass to be lawless. It is up to the three branches to watch the other branches. This is the way it has always been. We elect officials that are supposed to favor this oversight, lest on branch become supreme over the others and the country as a whole. Nobody should be elected to give their side a free pass, without scrutiny. People that support that are no better than traitors to their country, while sucking off the government tit for money and power.
It's over! I thought FBI had to have 2 years of law school? Apparently they have never studied precedents of former presidents and Vice Presidents taking things home with them. There are many, many listed in this court case here where the judge ruled Clinton got to keep the tapes he made:
NARA does not have the authority to designate materials as
“Presidential records,”

The president does have broad and sweeping powers when it comes to presidential records and classifications. Only the president does, and it's much more than any FBI or NARA, or SOS, or DOJ have.

The Court notes at the outset that there is broad language in Armstrong I stating that the
PRA accords the President “virtually complete control” over his records during his time in
office. 924 F.2d at 290. In particular, the court stated that the President enjoys unconstrained
authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents"

Just read all the precedents where former presidents and VP's got to keep things or delete or destroy things. :D

Like this one:
Armstrong v. Bush , 721 F. Supp. 343, 347
(D.D.C. 1989).

It is over, but you can be sure those rat-bastard Democrats are already cooking up the next way they think will get him.
I am in favor of investigating. If it smells like smoke, stir the coals and see if there is flame or if the smoke dissipates. Powerful people are often lawless until caught. Maybe that (in the long-term) is how they get to be powerful. But, they are never so powerful, they deserve a free pass to be lawless. It is up to the three branches to watch the other branches. This is the way it has always been. We elect officials that are supposed to favor this oversight, lest on branch become supreme over the others and the country as a whole. Nobody should be elected to give their side a free pass, without scrutiny. People that support that are no better than traitors to their country, while sucking off the government tit for money and power.
How in favor are you of investigating Bevan Cooney and Devon Archer's emails, hmm?
Especially those involving "The Big Guy". ;)
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Trump wasn't President when he had those documents...

What are you saying? Trump is president for life?
Yes he was, moron. I remember him saying everything is declassified before he left office.

A president does have that power. Do you not remember all the things he declassified?

The Left wing has never held it's lawless assholes accountable.
The left wing have often been assholes. They did not do it, here in Tennessee, years ago. That is why we had Governor Blanton, selling prison pardons and liquor licenses, until Lamar Alexander was elected by a large majority, (including my vote) and sworn into office early to keep him from last minute signing after selling some more on the way out of office. People said that prosecution was political also, but it was not.
I do not support lawless assholes in or out of office, due to their politics, and say investigate the hell out of all of them, letting the chips fall where they may. I do not care if somebody earlier got away with something because the party in power was inept or they hire lawyers for their political connections instead of their legal ability.
How in favor are you of investigating Bevan Cooney and Devon Archer's emails, hmm?
Especially those involving "The Big Guy". ;)
Fine with me. Knock yourself out.:cool:

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