It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly.

Was the Mar-A-Lago raid political?

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This clearly is a crooked Trump judge. This decision has no basis in reality. The Presidential Records Act is still ion force. Even Karl Rove has said that Trump has no right to these records.
Hmm..Clinton and the Democrats didn't think so in 2012.

And I don't care what Karl Rove says. Fuck your argument from authority fallacy.
Notice how this Democrat is totally cool with the child sex shows protected by an idea.
I notice how the Trump MOB lies and calls them Child Sex Shows. Also I notice that you omit the reason they need security in the first place. But then how are they going to convince the flock that atrocities are necessary without these absurd type accusations.
Oh! I forgot to mention that Biden ordered this whole thing back in May.

Grr! Edit time ran out.

"On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed
with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent
President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022” [ECF No. 48-1 p. 9]."

So you think that authorization has the planned search of Trumpybears resort in it?

Hahahaha the Neo-GOP cracks me up.
It's over! I thought FBI had to have 2 years of law school? Apparently they have never studied precedents of former presidents and Vice Presidents taking things home with them. There are many, many listed in this court case here where the judge ruled Clinton got to keep the tapes he made:
NARA does not have the authority to designate materials as
“Presidential records,”

The president does have broad and sweeping powers when it comes to presidential records and classifications. Only the president does, and it's much more than any FBI or NARA, or SOS, or DOJ have.

The Court notes at the outset that there is broad language in Armstrong I stating that the
PRA accords the President “virtually complete control” over his records during his time in
office. 924 F.2d at 290. In particular, the court stated that the President enjoys unconstrained
authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents"

Just read all the precedents where former presidents and VP's got to keep things or delete or destroy things. :D

Like this one:
Armstrong v. Bush , 721 F. Supp. 343, 347
(D.D.C. 1989).
This was such an obvious "Hail Mary" by the Democrats and like all their other Get Trump schemes, it is going to fail most heinously. All Team China does is whatever Xi Jinping wants and obsess over ways to keep Trump out of the 2024 election. Weren't they elected to work for the American people?
So you think that authorization has the planned search of Trumpybears resort in it?

Hahahaha the Neo-GOP cracks me up.
That the president would request something like that on a former president in the 1st place is outrageous.

Especially against a potential political opponent. Bad, Bad, and Bad!
Nixon broke the law, Trump hasn't.
It looks like he has. I used to handle classified government documents. I could not handle them the way it appears he did. I have had responsibility for government property. The only thing I had at home were copies of hand receipts and co-signed inventories, as the hand receipt holder for millions of dollars of equipment at multiple locations, necessary to keep me from pecuniary liability for equipment and material, located, identified, some of which missing for years and recovered by my efforts, after the mismanagement of others. I did not even retain those records past the following inventories signed off, relieving me of responsibility. I have no problem with others being held to the same standards as I.
Read your history. Now the right wants to re-write Nixon downfall? Forget it. You do your sided a disservice. Maybe you never meant to be the law and order party, instead of just turning your back on it.
Demscum turned their back on law and order a long time ago.
That the president would request something like that on a former president in the 1st place is outrageous.

Especially against a potential political opponent. Bad, Bad, and Bad!

Giving the DOJ the authority if a Judge rules it is warranted is what should be done.

Look at how the GOP whined when Hillary was caught just discussing classified information in long email chains. She didn't abscond with a single classified document and Ol Trumpyberra and his crowd still want to throw her in jail. Pay back is a bitch. Lock him up. lol.
It looks like he has. I used to handle classified government documents. I could not handle them the way it appears he did. I have had responsibility for government property. The only thing I had at home were copies of hand receipts and co-signed inventories, as the hand receipt holder for millions of dollars of equipment at multiple locations, necessary to keep me from pecuniary liability for equipment and material, located, identified, some of which missing for years and recovered by my efforts, after the mismanagement of others. I did not even retain those records past the following inventories signed off, relieving me of responsibility. I have no problem with others being held to the same standards as I.
I used to handle them also, as part of Naval Intelligence. The one who totally obliterated the law was Clinton, not Trump. And obviously you don't have the same ability to handle documents as a president does.
And it "looks like"? Exactly, the extent of any Trump wrongdoing is always a maybe or possibly or could have, etc, etc.
It's over! I thought FBI had to have 2 years of law school? Apparently they have never studied precedents of former presidents and Vice Presidents taking things home with them. There are many, many listed in this court case here where the judge ruled Clinton got to keep the tapes he made:
NARA does not have the authority to designate materials as
“Presidential records,”

The president does have broad and sweeping powers when it comes to presidential records and classifications. Only the president does, and it's much more than any FBI or NARA, or SOS, or DOJ have.

The Court notes at the outset that there is broad language in Armstrong I stating that the
PRA accords the President “virtually complete control” over his records during his time in
office. 924 F.2d at 290. In particular, the court stated that the President enjoys unconstrained
authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents"

Just read all the precedents where former presidents and VP's got to keep things or delete or destroy things. :D

Like this one:
Armstrong v. Bush , 721 F. Supp. 343, 347
(D.D.C. 1989).
These were personal recordings Clinton made of his impressions of people and meetings at the time... They were personal to himself, were they the property of the US people? Interesting one, Clinton had the right to dispose them...

All this is a far cry from material Trump was using including official correspondence and classified material... How much of the material taken by Trump was personally made by himself in his own private moments?

Again we have a swing and a miss...
These were personal recordings Clinton made of his impressions of people and meetings at the time... They were personal to himself, were they the property of the US people? Interesting one, Clinton had the right to dispose them...

All this is a far cry from material Trump was using including official correspondence and classified material... How much of the material taken by Trump was personally made by himself in his own private moments?

Again we have a swing and a miss...
It's not a far cry at all from things the FBI took from Trump's home, chump.
Nixon was largely impeached by (then) liberal propaganda. He wasn't a bad president at all.
Who's to say the FBI didn't do with this raid exactly what Nixon did?
(Except digital recording, probably.)
I.E. plant bugs to spy on Trump's campaign.
Rewriting a bit of history there....

Next week Pearl Harbour was a snowball fight..
They’re presidential records by the definition of the law.

If Trump wants to call them personal, we can talk about it. So far, he hasn’t tried to.
haha of course he has, he was working with the NA, but the xiden regime stepped in, in an unprecedented manner to use it as a chance to do a stalinist raid and gain access to his personal material and harass his family …including going through his wife’s panties
Giving the DOJ the authority if a Judge rules it is warranted is what should be done.

Look at how the GOP whined when Hillary was caught just discussing classified information in long email chains. She didn't abscond with a single classified document and Ol Trumpyberra and his crowd still want to throw her in jail. Pay back is a bitch. Lock him up. lol.
Clinton's devices got hacked multiple times, moron. Also, she didn't have the clearance or power Trump did. She never got it, and never will! Buhuhahahaha!
Funny, I remember the Nixon days, when the right wing was still willing to hold their lawless assholes accountable. Not any more.
The right wing still is. There is a prerequisite you seem to insist on ignoring, however.

The individual being held accountable for some “lawlessness” has to have been lawless in the first place.
It's not a far cry at all from things the FBI took from Trump's home, chump.
How much of the material Trump took was made by him personally...

How many of those documents did Trump physically produce...

Clinton took what he physically produced and was his personally thoughts and opinions of the days events.

But hey, goto court and state that Trump had used his authority under the Presidential Records Act to declare the documents of his personal records.
Go on ahead, these documents weren't produced by Trump. He can't take ownership in that way..

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