It's Over. The Vaccines Have Failed.

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Don’t take the vaccine ever if you feel that it will make you into a Zombie all I care but please stop with the nonsense because the Vaccine does limit the severity of the illness in most and turn many asymptomatic.

It has never been sold by the manufacturing company as a cure and Joe Biden was incorrect in his statement that if Vaccinated you can’t catch the virus…

Anyone can catch the virus vaccinated or not what the vaccine does ( as I repeat myself again ) is limit the severity with the hope to keep a good amount of people out of the Hospital from complications from the virus…

Now for me I do not care if you get the vaccine or not and you might never get sick but if you do and it is severe let me be clear the long road to recovery is long and painful…

Now you will ignore the word severe and write about how you had it and it was nothing more than the flu but many who have been vaccinated and non-vaccinated have had it and it lingers for every in the system causing massive headaches, fatigue and much more, so the choice of being vaccinated or not is your choice and I just do not care if you get it or not…

You are just repeating the talking points. Why?

From my state. The light green people--hospitalized--are VACCINATED AND BOOSTED

Ahhh, Omicron variant is not being stopped by the Vaccine…

Yes, we were told that the Omicron Variant is more likely to get through which is what happened to me and that was in JANUARY!

Read the reports back then and we were all warned!

The vaccines failed. It's over. They failed. You can let it go. Unless you work for Pfizer or Moderna, there is no earthly reason for you to keep shilling.

We have all been wrong about things before. Ask me what I have been wrong about. I'll tell you. This one is not even on you because you were lied to and deceived.


You are just repeating the talking points. Why?

From my state. The light green people--hospitalized--are VACCINATED AND BOOSTED

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Wow, I am repeating talking points and you have been claiming stuff that is not factual and spreading false information while just posting something without the link so someone can study it for themselves and why is that Sue?

Simple, you want to drive the conversation to what you want and that is tell everyone not to take the vaccine!

You left out the part about Omicron in your original post purposely because you knew someone would remind you that it was Stated back in January the vaccine is less effective against the Omicron variant and the Vaccine manufactures stated the vaccine will need to be adjusted for future variants, so why didn’t you include that into the discussion?

Simple, it wouldn’t help your spread of false information which you have been doing so far!
You assert many things that are exactly the opposite of what I've read on medical web sites and have been told by doctors. If you're not just making stuff up, what are your sources?

Since you've presented nothing solid I have to conclude you are just repeating internet memes you've gotten from conspiracy web sites and are unknowingly telling us lies. You are being played IMHO. I wonder how many lives these lies have cost?
10 out of 10 Pfizer bitches who get bribes from pharma would agree with you.

FLCCC are doctors who have told big pharma to shove it...........and haven't forgotten their oath.
Since I followed the UK vaccine surveillance reports I saw this play out live:

The United Kingdom Government Health Security Agency [UKHSA] reported Negative Efficacy in those COVID-19 vaccinated patients versus those who remain unvaccinated.

Based upon the weekly reports published by the UKHSA for Week 11, 2022, vaccine effectiveness against Omicron in the 60 to 69 age group reached nearly NEGATIVE 300% meaning it was almost four times more likely for a triple-vaxxed person to get infected compared to an unvaxxed.

Vaccine Effectiveness Hits as Low as Minus 300% – as UKHSA Announces it Will No Longer Publish the Data – The Daily Sceptic
Seems like someone is cherry-picking or playing with the numbers. From the report:
Effectiveness against transmission As described above, several studies have provided evidence that vaccines are effective at preventing infection. Uninfected individuals cannot transmit; therefore, the vaccines also provide some protection against transmission. There may be additional benefit, beyond that due to prevention of infection, if some of those individuals who become infected despite vaccination are also at a reduced risk of transmitting (for example, because of reduced duration or level of viral shedding). Several studies have provided evidence of reduced risk of household transmission from vaccinated cases compared to unvaccinated cases

UKHSA announced that as of April 1, 2022, they would stop testing and keeping track of these numbers that apparently do no one any good, especially those who have been vaccinated and the vaccine manufacturers. It causes worry in the vaccinated, and it contradicts what we have all been told, that the vaccine is effective.

Alexander may not be a disinterested party. Alexander pressured federal scientists and public health agencies to suppress and edit their COVID-19 analyses to make them consistent with Trump's rhetoric.[1][2]
The vaccines failed. It's over. They failed. You can let it go. Unless you work for Pfizer or Moderna, there is no earthly reason for you to keep shilling.

We have all been wrong about things before. Ask me what I have been wrong about. I'll tell you. This one is not even on you because you were lied to and deceived.


The vaccine did not fail against Alpha or Delta and that is a damn fact, stop lying right now because you are lying!

It has become less effective against Omicron which has been reported since January, and you changed your tune and included Omicron after realizing those infected while being vaccinated are Omicron Patients.

It has been stated many times the Vaccine is less effective against Omicron, so what is your fucking point except to claim a victory dance when you haven’t been truthful!

The vaccine manufacturers have stated many times the vaccine is not a damn cure and all it does is lessen the severity of the symptoms!

Can you understand that or are you that fucking stupid!
FLCCC are doctors who have told big pharma to shove it...........and haven't forgotten their oath.
The FLCCC has said “vaccination is part of the solution”, but COVID-19 vaccines are not listed in its preventative protocols.[14] In August 2021 one doctor, Eric Osgood, resigned from the FLCCC because the group "may be contributing to people making the choice not to get vaccinated". Osgood commented: "If you're going to have a page that's dedicated to 'How do you prevent yourself from getting COVID?' that page can't not have vaccines at the top of it".[3]
Don’t take the vaccine ever if you feel that it will make you into a Zombie all I care but please stop with the nonsense because the Vaccine does limit the severity of the illness in most and turn many asymptomatic.

It has never been sold by the manufacturing company as a cure and Joe Biden was incorrect in his statement that if Vaccinated you can’t catch the virus…

Anyone can catch the virus vaccinated or not what the vaccine does ( as I repeat myself again ) is limit the severity with the hope to keep a good amount of people out of the Hospital from complications from the virus…

Now for me I do not care if you get the vaccine or not and you might never get sick but if you do and it is severe let me be clear the long road to recovery is long and painful…

Now you will ignore the word severe and write about how you had it and it was nothing more than the flu but many who have been vaccinated and non-vaccinated have had it and it lingers for ever in the system causing massive headaches, fatigue and much more, so the choice of being vaccinated or not is your choice and I just do not care if you get it or not…
If Biden had the SCOTUS...........he would have been Trudeau..............and would have tried to fire everyone who didn't agree..........He did it to as many as he could legally.

And even talked industry into firing their employees for their choices.

So that ARGUMENTF about you not caring DOESN'T MEAN A DAMN THING...........We have opposed the EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE and shown the SIDE EFFECTS........and say it's BS.

If you choose to accept the gov't narrative over other studies it is your choice............I really don't care...........but I do care that they attacked doctors and nurses who refused to ACCEPT THE NARRATIVE and used OFF LABEL drugs that saved lives.

This ENTIRE COVID THING has fucked our country ignored the tried and true practice of NOT SHUTTING DOWN for a high survival rate virus........Making it go away as quick as possible.

And now it may very well end us into another Great Depression by design.

What do you Gov't Narrative Goons do for an encore............burn shit down.
Wow, I am repeating talking points and you have been claiming stuff that is not factual and spreading false information while just posting something without the link so someone can study it for themselves and why is that Sue?

Simple, you want to drive the conversation to what you want and that is tell everyone not to take the vaccine!

You left out the part about Omicron in your original post purposely because you knew someone would remind you that it was Stated back in January the vaccine is less effective against the Omicron variant and the Vaccine manufactures stated the vaccine will need to be adjusted for future variants, so why didn’t you include that into the discussion?

Simple, it wouldn’t help your spread of false information which you have been doing so far!

I think if you want to get the vaccine every day of your life you should be able to do it. But you should be fully informed.


When the vaccine came out did the "Experts" tell you it wouldn't be effective against variants?
The vaccine did not fail against Alpha or Delta and that is a damn fact, stop lying right now because you are lying!
By faking the body to produce antibodies WITHOU TRAINING THE IMMUNE it was a TREATMENT not a VACCINE.........BY THE OLD STANDARDS.


It used a whole dead antigen virus and actually trained the body naturally.............mRNA is crap.

Now if you want to take 50 jabs go ahead.

But people like you accepting the gov't BS destroyed our economy. Now we are heading off a damned economic cliff because of YOU IDIOTS.
If Biden had the SCOTUS...........he would have been Trudeau..............and would have tried to fire everyone who didn't agree..........He did it to as many as he could legally.

And even talked industry into firing their employees for their choices.

So that ARGUMENTF about you not caring DOESN'T MEAN A DAMN THING...........We have opposed the EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE and shown the SIDE EFFECTS........and say it's BS.

If you choose to accept the gov't narrative over other studies it is your choice............I really don't care...........but I do care that they attacked doctors and nurses who refused to ACCEPT THE NARRATIVE and used OFF LABEL drugs that saved lives.

This ENTIRE COVID THING has fucked our country ignored the tried and true practice of NOT SHUTTING DOWN for a high survival rate virus........Making it go away as quick as possible.

And now it may very well end us into another Great Depression by design.

What do you Gov't Narrative Goons do for an encore............burn shit down.
Don’t take the vaccine but it is not your right to tell someone what they should do either!

Why is this so fucking hard for partisan twats that they can do whatever they want and I just don’t care but let be clear the OP has been lying also!

She left out an important tidbit and that is everyone was warned since January the vaccine is less effective against Omicron and that is the damn truth!

As for Biden, well fuck him because he lied and I do not listen to him!

So let me repeat if you are afraid you will crave brains then by all means do not get vaccinated because it is your personal choice and if a company dismiss you the take them to court and see if they broke any law!
Seems like someone is cherry-picking or playing with the numbers. From the report:
Effectiveness against transmission As described above, several studies have provided evidence that vaccines are effective at preventing infection. Uninfected individuals cannot transmit; therefore, the vaccines also provide some protection against transmission. There may be additional benefit, beyond that due to prevention of infection, if some of those individuals who become infected despite vaccination are also at a reduced risk of transmitting (for example, because of reduced duration or level of viral shedding). Several studies have provided evidence of reduced risk of household transmission from vaccinated cases compared to unvaccinated cases

Alexander may not be a disinterested party. Alexander pressured federal scientists and public health agencies to suppress and edit their COVID-19 analyses to make them consistent with Trump's rhetoric.[1][2]

No one can say they're effective against transmission anymore. That's factually, objectively untrue
The FLCCC has said “vaccination is part of the solution”, but COVID-19 vaccines are not listed in its preventative protocols.[14] In August 2021 one doctor, Eric Osgood, resigned from the FLCCC because the group "may be contributing to people making the choice not to get vaccinated". Osgood commented: "If you're going to have a page that's dedicated to 'How do you prevent yourself from getting COVID?' that page can't not have vaccines at the top of it".[3]
And they used early treatments............and also warned about the mRNA vaccines...........

The knew BEAT THE CYTOKINE don't die. And they are VERY GOOD AT THAT.......if gov't didn't attack them.

Now explain why we have the worst stats on planet earth............why UNVAXXED AFRICA did night and day better............why Indian did night and day better.

Or will you spew the OH THEY ARE REALLY LYING CDC LINE.?
Don’t take the vaccine but it is not your right to tell someone what they should do either!

Why is this so fucking hard for partisan twats that they can do whatever they want and I just don’t care but let be clear the OP has been lying also!

She left out an important tidbit and that is everyone was warned since January the vaccine is less effective against Omicron and that is the damn truth!

As for Biden, well fuck him because he lied and I do not listen to him!

So let me repeat if you are afraid you will crave brains then by all means do not get vaccinated because it is your personal choice and if a company dismiss you the take them to court and see if they broke any law!
It will be a COLD DAY IN HELL I will take the mRNA ........lmao ...........vaccine..............I don't give a damn how many you take......But you pushing the damned BS and lock downs FUCKED OUR COUNRTY...........

So GO TO HELL..........That clear it up...........

I've backed up my data for years..........WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER SHUT DOWN..............PERIOD..........and WE SHOULD HAVE USED TRADITIONAL VACCINES LIKE COVAXIN.

Enjoy the new RIDE TO ECONOMIC HELL you have helped cause.
By faking the body to produce antibodies WITHOU TRAINING THE IMMUNE it was a TREATMENT not a VACCINE.........BY THE OLD STANDARDS.


It used a whole dead antigen virus and actually trained the body naturally.............mRNA is crap.

Now if you want to take 50 jabs go ahead.

But people like you accepting the gov't BS destroyed our economy. Now we are heading off a damned economic cliff because of YOU IDIOTS.
Seriously the anti-vax assholes in this board were caught lying in this thread and you defending Sue cherry-picking of numbers is not surprising but it has been stated many times since January the Omicron virus can and has gotten through the vaccine!

Also asshole you voted for Trump, and will vote for Trump in 2024, and he is the cause of the Vaccine, so remember you are voting for one of those idiots that shoved you over the economic cliff and wanted to lose the entire country down when Covid started to spread but was stopped by States like Texas!!!

Oh, and let remember Texas even closed it economy at the start of the spread, so there is another idiot that caused it but hey asshole blame the left for what the right also did when they were in power!

Fucking idiot!
It will be a COLD DAY IN HELL I will take the mRNA ........lmao ...........vaccine..............I don't give a damn how many you take......But you pushing the damned BS and lock downs FUCKED OUR COUNRTY...........

So GO TO HELL..........That clear it up...........

I've backed up my data for years..........WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER SHUT DOWN..............PERIOD..........and WE SHOULD HAVE USED TRADITIONAL VACCINES LIKE COVAXIN.

Enjoy the new RIDE TO ECONOMIC HELL you have helped cause.
Go fuck yourself because Republicans and Democrats did lockdowns and Trump fully supported it and you idiots will vote for him again and the vaccine we are taking is because of Trump, so remember when you vote for him you are voting for a guy that supported lockdowns and the vaccine!
It will be a COLD DAY IN HELL I will take the mRNA ........lmao ...........vaccine..............I don't give a damn how many you take......But you pushing the damned BS and lock downs FUCKED OUR COUNRTY...........

So GO TO HELL..........That clear it up...........

I've backed up my data for years..........WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER SHUT DOWN..............PERIOD..........and WE SHOULD HAVE USED TRADITIONAL VACCINES LIKE COVAXIN.

Enjoy the new RIDE TO ECONOMIC HELL you have helped cause.
Also you caused the economic hell and not me buddy because I never stopped working even when the economy was closed, so I guess I have done more than you but remember Trump caused the creation of the vaccine and wanted to shutter the entire economy back then!
Seriously the anti-vax assholes in this board were caught lying in this thread and you defending Sue cherry-picking of numbers is not surprising but it has been stated many times since January the Omicron virus can and has gotten through the vaccine!

Also asshole you voted for Trump, and will vote for Trump in 2024, and he is the cause of the Vaccine, so remember you are voting for one of those idiots that shoved you over the economic cliff and wanted to lose the entire country down when Covid started to spread but was stopped by States like Texas!!!

Oh, and let remember Texas even closed it economy at the start of the spread, so there is another idiot that caused it but hey asshole blame the left for what the right also did when they were in power!

Fucking idiot!
Screw you and BIden. We could get into how he is screwing us again with his anti oil BS.

I've shown the studies for years over early treatments and cheap drugs.........They WORK......I don't give a shit how many times you go TAKE THE JAB.

We shut down and destroyed our economy for nothing...........and denying early treatment protocols to push the mRNA BS is MEDICAL MALPRACTICE.

Your posts are.......

Go fuck yourself because Republicans and Democrats did lockdowns and Trump fully supported it and you idiots will vote for him again and the vaccine we are taking is because of Trump, so remember when you vote for him you are voting for a guy that supported lockdowns and the vaccine!
Oh Screw you.............while Trump did start it with the SO CALLED 2 WEEKS............lmao............Blue States went full NAZI OVER IT.

And had BIDEN HAD A HILLARY SCOTUS he would have forced vaccines..............


is it better to get vaxed than not

this is true of every vaccine ever

if you do not wish to get the vaccine

Vax rates are up

The vaccinated and boosted are dying

I know vaxxed and boosted people

You encouraged people not to vaccinate

actually vaccination has been an overwealming success

The issue here is that you are basically telling people they are wrong for choosing to get the vaccine.

This type of vaccine is often called a leaky vaccine

The mRNA vaccines

But mRNA vaccines don't actually work at all since they contain no inert pathogen

blame the vaccines

I had the vaccine

They want to make an exception for the vaccines since they were experimental.

if the vax kills you
It's not a vaccine......

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