It's Reid fault, but not about using maj vote for Surpeme Court Justices.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
option that the GOP keeps repeating as well as Fox and the right wings on the radio:

Mr. REID. I raise a point of order that the vote on cloture under rule XXII for all nominations other than for the Supreme Court of the United States is by majority vote.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under the rules, the point of order is not sustained.
Mr. REID. I appeal the ruling of the Chair and ask for the yeas and nays.
(48–52 vote on upholding ruling of the chair)
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The decision of the Chair is not sustained.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. *** Under the precedent set by the Senate today, November 21, 2013, the threshold for cloture on nominations, not including those to the Supreme Court of the United States, is now a majority. That is the ruling of the Chair.[5]
Nuclear option - Wikipedia

and why it came about, as the GOP went filibuster wild.

Now just wait till the Dems are in charge and they will be, since Gorsuch was voted in using the Nuclear Option.
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Thank you, Penelope, and you on the far and alt right, take the time to THINK about was posted above.
option that the GOP keeps repeating as well as Fox and the right wings on the radio:

Mr. REID. I raise a point of order that the vote on cloture under rule XXII for all nominations other than for the Supreme Court of the United States is by majority vote.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under the rules, the point of order is not sustained.
Mr. REID. I appeal the ruling of the Chair and ask for the yeas and nays.
(48–52 vote on upholding ruling of the chair)
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The decision of the Chair is not sustained.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. *** Under the precedent set by the Senate today, November 21, 2013, the threshold for cloture on nominations, not including those to the Supreme Court of the United States, is now a majority. That is the ruling of the Chair.[5]
Nuclear option - Wikipedia

and why it came about, as the GOP went filibuster wild.

Now just wait till the Dems are in charge and they will be, since Gorsuch was voted in using the Nuclear Option.
We owe so much to Reid and the stupidity and shortsightedness of his party.
Thank you, Penelope, and you on the far and alt right, take the time to THINK about was posted above.

You are right, rereading it , its Reid fault.

No I read it right,
Fact check/Did Harry Reid make it easier to confirm President Trump's Cabinet and Supreme Court nominees? - Ballotpedia

In 2013, Senate Democrats accused the Republican minority of obstructing a number of President Barack Obama’s nominees, including two to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.[6] Speaking on the floor of the Senate on November 21, 2013, Reid said, “During this Congress—the 113th Congress—the United States Senate has wasted an unprecedented amount of time on procedural hurdles and partisan obstruction…. Even one of the Senate’s most basic duties—confirmation of presidential nominees—has become completely unworkable.” Reid then proposed a change to Senate rules: “This rule change will make cloture for all nominations other than Supreme Court nominees a majority threshold vote—yes or no.”[7] At the time, a three-fifths vote (typically 60 votes) to invoke cloture and cut off any possible filibuster was required to confirm nominees.[3]

On November 23, 2013, the Senate voted 52-48 to rescind the three-fifths vote requirement for cloture votes on the confirmation of presidential appointees, allowing for confirmation on the basis of a simple majority vote (51 votes) on nominees other than those for the Supreme Court.[3]

all but supreme court justices.
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option that the GOP keeps repeating as well as Fox and the right wings on the radio:

Mr. REID. I raise a point of order that the vote on cloture under rule XXII for all nominations other than for the Supreme Court of the United States is by majority vote.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under the rules, the point of order is not sustained.
Mr. REID. I appeal the ruling of the Chair and ask for the yeas and nays.
(48–52 vote on upholding ruling of the chair)
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The decision of the Chair is not sustained.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. *** Under the precedent set by the Senate today, November 21, 2013, the threshold for cloture on nominations, not including those to the Supreme Court of the United States, is now a majority. That is the ruling of the Chair.[5]
Nuclear option - Wikipedia

and why it came about, as the GOP went filibuster wild.

Now just wait till the Dems are in charge and they will be, since Gorsuch was voted in using the Nuclear Option.
Stop trying to think Penny.
There is nothing in the Constitution calling for 60 votes to confirm a judge. If the Senate wants to filibuster a nomination then filibuster it the real way. Stand there and read the Bible for 24 hours on the floor and hold up business. If nobody is willing to do that then every judge deserves an up or down vote with majority consent. The Senate has gotten lazy with this shit.
There is nothing in the Constitution calling for 60 votes to confirm a judge. If the Senate wants to filibuster a nomination then filibuster it the real way. Stand there and read the Bible for 24 hours on the floor and hold up business. If nobody is willing to do that then every judge deserves an up or down vote with majority consent. The Senate has gotten lazy with this shit.
I for one believe in the 3/5ths votes, but rules should be made on filibusters. When the Dems get in power and they will, lets see how maj vote and nuclear options happen then.
option that the GOP keeps repeating as well as Fox and the right wings on the radio:

Mr. REID. I raise a point of order that the vote on cloture under rule XXII for all nominations other than for the Supreme Court of the United States is by majority vote.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under the rules, the point of order is not sustained.
Mr. REID. I appeal the ruling of the Chair and ask for the yeas and nays.
(48–52 vote on upholding ruling of the chair)
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The decision of the Chair is not sustained.
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. *** Under the precedent set by the Senate today, November 21, 2013, the threshold for cloture on nominations, not including those to the Supreme Court of the United States, is now a majority. That is the ruling of the Chair.[5]
Nuclear option - Wikipedia

and why it came about, as the GOP went filibuster wild.

Now just wait till the Dems are in charge and they will be, since Gorsuch was voted in using the Nuclear Option.

Yo, I love to see a "Socialist Puppet" like you, let their sub-human blood boil, HAHAHA LOVE IT!!!! Lets put it this way, sub-human Reid started this crooked way of doing things, the Real Americans are just cleaning up their mess, like we always do, so live with it!!!

The problem is not when or if Trump elects another Conservative Member to the SCOTUS, it`s going to be if Left of Moderate Mitch McConnell will change the rules like Harry "Boy" Reid did, "what goes around comes around" LOVE IT!!!

About the Dems being in charge again? I just don`t see it happening again, ever!!!
About the GOP filibuster? What have the "Socialist Democrat Party" been doing since the John F. Kennedy assassination in November 1963!!! Look this Big Spender up, "Huey Pierce Long Jr. (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935)," you have no wiggle room Penelope, so exhale, and relax, you lose again!!!

A reminder: "Filibuster" use was particularly heavy by "Democrat Senators" from southern states to block "Civil Rights" legislation. What Party is the REAL RACIST? Live with it!!! "" Landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act"" Love It!!!
The Democrats beloved Senator Robert C. Byrd was the leader for the filibuster, poor Hillary Clinton, the KKK is long gone!!!

You have that right southern Democrats are not the Democrat party of today, and today the GOP are the filibusters, which is why Reid did what he did, except for Supreme Court Justices.

That is the only reason we have freaks like Devos, Pruitt, and the rest of the cabinet in , thanks to Reid, but not Gorsuch, that was completely on the GOP.

The Dems will be back, and you will reap what you sow.

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