Trump said the 2nd amendment is under siege LOL

He says that, yet, he was the one that banned bump stocks. He is the one that said, and i quote, "We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court"
Funny that.
Maybe he means his gun rights are in trouble?

N.Y.P.D. Moves to Revoke Trump’s License to Carry a Gun​

Former President Donald J. Trump had a concealed carry license and had three pistols.

The Police Department is seeking to revoke former President Donald J. Trump’s license to carry a concealed weapon after his conviction in his New York hush-money case, according to two people with knowledge of the matter.

Indeed I do. He promised he'd release the JFK files. LBJ is dead, HW is dead, the real shooters are dead...The only people who need it sealed are the CIA
At this point, who gives a shit? If there was a conspiracy, they got away with it...obviously.
The whole affair has been reduced to a football everyone kicks when needed---but is meaningless.
In their never ending search for perceived hypocrisy, the left found some relationship between banning bump stocks and preserving the 2nd amendment. Meanwhile the son of the president is on trial for gun possession while Biden tries to take guns away from everyone else.
In their never ending search for perceived hypocrisy, the left found some relationship between banning bump stocks and preserving the 2nd amendment. Meanwhile the son of the president is on trial for gun possession while Biden tries to take guns away from everyone else.
Is that all you can do? Instead of using substance, just insinuate I am a leftist? Even though I am one of the farthest righties on this site?
Which is hilarious because trump is a leftist, but to call out his leftism, makes one a leftist.
Right now the D's are fighting gun registration as being unconstitutional to save Hunter.

You can't make this stuff up.
Which ones? Not to diss you, and I find the irony ... ironic. I thought the background check questions about drugs even when legal state law are absurd. And, I don't think we should prosecute families or former presidents (even Trump). But he did say lock her up

Now if they had a direct link to Trump and Jan 6 .... I might have been ok with prosecuting that. But they don't have any link.

He says that, yet, he was the one that banned bump stocks. He is the one that said, and i quote, "We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court"
Funny that.
Bump stocks are accessories. big deal. Never a fan of them.

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