"Its The Economy Stupid" Trump Should Focus On Jobs!


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2015
It seems to me that Trump would be wise to focus on job creation and champion correcting the troubled job situation by declaring it his wheelhouse. Much of the angst Americans have directed at Washington is in some way or another related to how government policies have allowed jobs to flee the country and sometimes even encouraged this trend. The average American has good reason to worry not only about their job but the future opportunities available for their children.

Let me make it clear, robots taking our jobs will bode poorly for the huge majority of society. While companies like Amazon boast about replacing workers with robots the negative impact on our society has yet to be fully realized. The article below further explores this subject.

Advancing Time: "Its The Economy Stupid" Trump Should Focus On Jobs!
From what I've seen -- yep, could be wrong -- neither candidate is coming within miles of addressing the screamingly obvious changes happening in our economy as the result of technology, automation and productivity.

Any traditional, vague "jobs" political babble is worthless if it doesn't use that as the starting point.
It seems to me that Trump would be wise to focus on job creation and champion correcting the troubled job situation by declaring it his wheelhouse. Much of the angst Americans have directed at Washington is in some way or another related to how government policies have allowed jobs to flee the country and sometimes even encouraged this trend. The average American has good reason to worry not only about their job but the future opportunities available for their children.

Let me make it clear, robots taking our jobs will bode poorly for the huge majority of society. While companies like Amazon boast about replacing workers with robots the negative impact on our society has yet to be fully realized. The article below further explores this subject.

Advancing Time: "Its The Economy Stupid" Trump Should Focus On Jobs!

Well, since Trump is against free market capitalism, he's not going to help with job creation. You don't start a car by removing it's engine
The key is this, as times change and modernization continues and it will, then what people have to do is shift their baby making habbits to conform with less opportunity in the bigger picture coming down the line. We can't keep incentivizing especially from a federal and local government policy, to keep making babies in this nation as if we have thousands upon thousands of common low skilled labor jobs to carry the day for what is coming down the pipe these days, and this because we don't or won't take heed to the situation as it is going down. There has to be a shift in culture and cultural thinking in order to not be caught with a huge family drowning in poverty, and therefore dependent upon the low skilled job market to carry the day when it won't any longer. Not an advocate at all for abortion balancing the situation out (pro-life here), because that has been abused heavily for those very reasons in this nation also. It's best to be wise and do the moral thing, and that is to be smart to the situation, and don't let this foolish government convince you to have large families for creating voters, but then the family lives in pure hell afterwards.
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The key is this, as times change and modernization continues and it will, then what people have to do is shift their baby making habbits to conform with less opportunity in the bigger picture coming down the line. We can't keep incentivizing especially from a federal and local government policy, to keep making babies in this nation as if we have thousands upon thousands of common low skilled labor jobs to carry the day for what is coming down the pipe these days, because we don't or won't. There has to be a shift in culture and cultural thinking in order to not be caught with a huge family drowning in poverty, and dependent upon the low skilled job market to carry the day when it won't any longer. Not an advocate at all for abortion balancing the situation out, because that has been abused heavily for those very reasons in this nation also. It's best to be wise and do the moral thing, and that is to be smart to the situation, and don't let this foolish government convince you to have large families for creating voters, but then the family lives in pure hell afterwards.

They've been saying for 150 years that jobs will go away because of technology and it never happened. What is making the jobs go away is our relentless march towards socialism
It seems to me that Trump would be wise to focus on job creation and champion correcting the troubled job situation by declaring it his wheelhouse. Much of the angst Americans have directed at Washington is in some way or another related to how government policies have allowed jobs to flee the country and sometimes even encouraged this trend. The average American has good reason to worry not only about their job but the future opportunities available for their children.

Let me make it clear, robots taking our jobs will bode poorly for the huge majority of society. While companies like Amazon boast about replacing workers with robots the negative impact on our society has yet to be fully realized. The article below further explores this subject.

Advancing Time: "Its The Economy Stupid" Trump Should Focus On Jobs!

Well, since Trump is against free market capitalism, he's not going to help with job creation. You don't start a car by removing it's engine

Right, he should stick to the mainstream Republican policy of creating millions of jobs overseas.
It seems to me that Trump would be wise to focus on job creation and champion correcting the troubled job situation by declaring it his wheelhouse. Much of the angst Americans have directed at Washington is in some way or another related to how government policies have allowed jobs to flee the country and sometimes even encouraged this trend. The average American has good reason to worry not only about their job but the future opportunities available for their children.

Let me make it clear, robots taking our jobs will bode poorly for the huge majority of society. While companies like Amazon boast about replacing workers with robots the negative impact on our society has yet to be fully realized. The article below further explores this subject.

Advancing Time: "Its The Economy Stupid" Trump Should Focus On Jobs!

With Trump's anti-trade policies, he is most likely to crash our economy if elected and if permitted to place the type of tariffs on imports that he wants. It amazes me how one of the most basic principles, free trade, has been thrown out the window by Trump supporters who call themselves Republicans. This is just another sign that the Republican Party is in disarray and has completely lost its path. We currently have Obama pushing TPP and Sanders and Trump against it. Hillary is only against it for the short term. Everyone knows that if it is passed she will support it because she really isn't against free trade; she's just trying to appease the Sanders supporters who are just as loony as Trump supporters.
Trump's economic 'plans', such as they are, are DOA in Congress...

...the Republican Congress. That's just one more delightful irony brought on by the Trump insurgency.
The key is this, as times change and modernization continues and it will, then what people have to do is shift their baby making habbits to conform with less opportunity in the bigger picture coming down the line. We can't keep incentivizing especially from a federal and local government policy, to keep making babies in this nation as if we have thousands upon thousands of common low skilled labor jobs to carry the day for what is coming down the pipe these days, because we don't or won't. There has to be a shift in culture and cultural thinking in order to not be caught with a huge family drowning in poverty, and dependent upon the low skilled job market to carry the day when it won't any longer. Not an advocate at all for abortion balancing the situation out, because that has been abused heavily for those very reasons in this nation also. It's best to be wise and do the moral thing, and that is to be smart to the situation, and don't let this foolish government convince you to have large families for creating voters, but then the family lives in pure hell afterwards.

They've been saying for 150 years that jobs will go away because of technology and it never happened. What is making the jobs go away is our relentless march towards socialism
. It's a combination of things, and yep that is also one of them. The fact that we have 11 million Mexicans in here working does give creedence to your opinion on the jobs situation as well. I think my assessment is a valued one, and so is yours. I think we are also going through a sped up era of modernization that is brought about by problems related to all that we are talking about. I'm thinking that we have times where technology is sped up, and times where a healthy balance is found, so technology slows during these periods. I'll let you in on something, would you think that I am actually sitting on an idea that could actually save the billions that are being spent on maintaining the roadways, but of course millions would lose their jobs if implemented. So I wonder if the idea would be pursued or shelved if I were to release it.
Trump's economic 'plans', such as they are, are DOA in Congress...

...the Republican Congress. That's just one more delightful irony brought on by the Trump insurgency.

There are many who support his stance on trade, including many Democrats. He could get some bad trade bills passed with some bipartisan support. My biggest issue with Trump is his stance on trade. What I can't figure out is how so many Republicans support his anti-trade policies as most Republicans support free trade.
It seems to me that Trump would be wise to focus on job creation and champion correcting the troubled job situation by declaring it his wheelhouse. Much of the angst Americans have directed at Washington is in some way or another related to how government policies have allowed jobs to flee the country and sometimes even encouraged this trend. The average American has good reason to worry not only about their job but the future opportunities available for their children.

Let me make it clear, robots taking our jobs will bode poorly for the huge majority of society. While companies like Amazon boast about replacing workers with robots the negative impact on our society has yet to be fully realized. The article below further explores this subject.

Advancing Time: "Its The Economy Stupid" Trump Should Focus On Jobs!

With Trump's anti-trade policies, he is most likely to crash our economy if elected and if permitted to place the type of tariffs on imports that he wants. It amazes me how one of the most basic principles, free trade, has been thrown out the window by Trump supporters who call themselves Republicans. This is just another sign that the Republican Party is in disarray and has completely lost its path. We currently have Obama pushing TPP and Sanders and Trump against it. Hillary is only against it for the short term. Everyone knows that if it is passed she will support it because she really isn't against free trade; she's just trying to appease the Sanders supporters who are just as loony as Trump supporters.
. If trade policies are detrimental to this nation, then they will have to change, and we all see this now, but the ones who have profited, and still want to sell this nation down the river will try their best to use their money and influence to derail any push this nation has towards stopping the bleeding finally, and making sense of it all again.
Trump's economic 'plans', such as they are, are DOA in Congress...

...the Republican Congress. That's just one more delightful irony brought on by the Trump insurgency.

There are many who support his stance on trade, including many Democrats. He could get some bad trade bills passed with some bipartisan support. My biggest issue with Trump is his stance on trade. What I can't figure out is how so many Republicans support his anti-trade policies as most Republicans support free trade.
. Not about free trade, but it is about fair trade with everyone who supports Trump and his ideas on that. Of course their will be American elites who will suffer or lose money, but the nations well being and long term health has got to be restored.
The key is this, as times change and modernization continues and it will, then what people have to do is shift their baby making habbits to conform with less opportunity in the bigger picture coming down the line. We can't keep incentivizing especially from a federal and local government policy, to keep making babies in this nation as if we have thousands upon thousands of common low skilled labor jobs to carry the day for what is coming down the pipe these days, because we don't or won't. There has to be a shift in culture and cultural thinking in order to not be caught with a huge family drowning in poverty, and dependent upon the low skilled job market to carry the day when it won't any longer. Not an advocate at all for abortion balancing the situation out, because that has been abused heavily for those very reasons in this nation also. It's best to be wise and do the moral thing, and that is to be smart to the situation, and don't let this foolish government convince you to have large families for creating voters, but then the family lives in pure hell afterwards.

They've been saying for 150 years that jobs will go away because of technology and it never happened. What is making the jobs go away is our relentless march towards socialism
. It's a combination of things, and yep that is also one of them. The fact that we have 11 million Mexicans in here working does give creedence to your opinion on the jobs situation as well. I think my assessment is a valued one, and so is yours. I think we are also going through a sped up era of modernization that is brought about by problems related to all that we are talking about. I'm thinking that we have times where technology is sped up, and times where a healthy balance is found, so technology slows during these periods. I'll let you in on something, would you think that I am actually sitting on an idea that could actually save the billions that are being spent on maintaining the roadways, but of course millions would lose their jobs if implemented. So I wonder if the idea would be pursued or shelved if I were to release it.

Getting the same thing for less money does not harm the economy, so release it
It seems to me that Trump would be wise to focus on job creation and champion correcting the troubled job situation by declaring it his wheelhouse. Much of the angst Americans have directed at Washington is in some way or another related to how government policies have allowed jobs to flee the country and sometimes even encouraged this trend. The average American has good reason to worry not only about their job but the future opportunities available for their children.

Let me make it clear, robots taking our jobs will bode poorly for the huge majority of society. While companies like Amazon boast about replacing workers with robots the negative impact on our society has yet to be fully realized. The article below further explores this subject.

Advancing Time: "Its The Economy Stupid" Trump Should Focus On Jobs!

With Trump's anti-trade policies, he is most likely to crash our economy if elected and if permitted to place the type of tariffs on imports that he wants. It amazes me how one of the most basic principles, free trade, has been thrown out the window by Trump supporters who call themselves Republicans. This is just another sign that the Republican Party is in disarray and has completely lost its path. We currently have Obama pushing TPP and Sanders and Trump against it. Hillary is only against it for the short term. Everyone knows that if it is passed she will support it because she really isn't against free trade; she's just trying to appease the Sanders supporters who are just as loony as Trump supporters.
. If trade policies are detrimental to this nation, then they will have to change, and we all see this now, but the ones who have profited, and still want to sell this nation down the river will try their best to use their money and influence to derail any push this nation has towards stopping the bleeding finally, and making sense of it all again.

If you believe that placing large tariffs on imports will bring back manufacturing jobs, then you are still living in the 70's. The US economy is only one small part of the world economy. These international companies are more interested in selling their goods to the rest of the world. While they don't want to lose the US market completely, the US market is no longer the driving force in the global market. The EU is a bigger market than the US, and the Asian market will be in a very short time. If you want to know why so many manufacturers are moving to Mexico, it's because Mexico has free trade agreements with more countries throughout the world than any other. Free trade agreements allow for the movement of goods at a much lower price, making countries that have free trade agreements with their trading partners very attractive. Trump and Sanders are both on the wrong side of the coin when it comes to trade policy.
The key is this, as times change and modernization continues and it will, then what people have to do is shift their baby making habbits to conform with less opportunity in the bigger picture coming down the line. We can't keep incentivizing especially from a federal and local government policy, to keep making babies in this nation as if we have thousands upon thousands of common low skilled labor jobs to carry the day for what is coming down the pipe these days, because we don't or won't. There has to be a shift in culture and cultural thinking in order to not be caught with a huge family drowning in poverty, and dependent upon the low skilled job market to carry the day when it won't any longer. Not an advocate at all for abortion balancing the situation out, because that has been abused heavily for those very reasons in this nation also. It's best to be wise and do the moral thing, and that is to be smart to the situation, and don't let this foolish government convince you to have large families for creating voters, but then the family lives in pure hell afterwards.

They've been saying for 150 years that jobs will go away because of technology and it never happened. What is making the jobs go away is our relentless march towards socialism
. It's a combination of things, and yep that is also one of them. The fact that we have 11 million Mexicans in here working does give creedence to your opinion on the jobs situation as well. I think my assessment is a valued one, and so is yours. I think we are also going through a sped up era of modernization that is brought about by problems related to all that we are talking about. I'm thinking that we have times where technology is sped up, and times where a healthy balance is found, so technology slows during these periods. I'll let you in on something, would you think that I am actually sitting on an idea that could actually save the billions that are being spent on maintaining the roadways, but of course millions would lose their jobs if implemented. So I wonder if the idea would be pursued or shelved if I were to release it.

Getting the same thing for less money does not harm the economy, so release it

It does when that money leaves your economy to get those cheaper goods.
The last thing Trump (or any businessman) wants to do is add more expense to the bottom line. And nothing is a bigger expense to a business than labor.
It seems to me that Trump would be wise to focus on job creation and champion correcting the troubled job situation by declaring it his wheelhouse. Much of the angst Americans have directed at Washington is in some way or another related to how government policies have allowed jobs to flee the country and sometimes even encouraged this trend. The average American has good reason to worry not only about their job but the future opportunities available for their children.

Let me make it clear, robots taking our jobs will bode poorly for the huge majority of society. While companies like Amazon boast about replacing workers with robots the negative impact on our society has yet to be fully realized. The article below further explores this subject.

Advancing Time: "Its The Economy Stupid" Trump Should Focus On Jobs!

With Trump's anti-trade policies, he is most likely to crash our economy if elected and if permitted to place the type of tariffs on imports that he wants. It amazes me how one of the most basic principles, free trade, has been thrown out the window by Trump supporters who call themselves Republicans. This is just another sign that the Republican Party is in disarray and has completely lost its path. We currently have Obama pushing TPP and Sanders and Trump against it. Hillary is only against it for the short term. Everyone knows that if it is passed she will support it because she really isn't against free trade; she's just trying to appease the Sanders supporters who are just as loony as Trump supporters.
. If trade policies are detrimental to this nation, then they will have to change, and we all see this now, but the ones who have profited, and still want to sell this nation down the river will try their best to use their money and influence to derail any push this nation has towards stopping the bleeding finally, and making sense of it all again.

If you believe that placing large tariffs on imports will bring back manufacturing jobs, then you are still living in the 70's. The US economy is only one small part of the world economy. These international companies are more interested in selling their goods to the rest of the world. While they don't want to lose the US market completely, the US market is no longer the driving force in the global market. The EU is a bigger market than the US, and the Asian market will be in a very short time. If you want to know why so many manufacturers are moving to Mexico, it's because Mexico has free trade agreements with more countries throughout the world than any other. Free trade agreements allow for the movement of goods at a much lower price, making countries that have free trade agreements with their trading partners very attractive. Trump and Sanders are both on the wrong side of the coin when it comes to trade policy.

Of course Mexico likes free trade agreements. It's a low wage country. Free trade always advantages the low wage economy.
The key is this, as times change and modernization continues and it will, then what people have to do is shift their baby making habbits to conform with less opportunity in the bigger picture coming down the line. We can't keep incentivizing especially from a federal and local government policy, to keep making babies in this nation as if we have thousands upon thousands of common low skilled labor jobs to carry the day for what is coming down the pipe these days, because we don't or won't. There has to be a shift in culture and cultural thinking in order to not be caught with a huge family drowning in poverty, and dependent upon the low skilled job market to carry the day when it won't any longer. Not an advocate at all for abortion balancing the situation out, because that has been abused heavily for those very reasons in this nation also. It's best to be wise and do the moral thing, and that is to be smart to the situation, and don't let this foolish government convince you to have large families for creating voters, but then the family lives in pure hell afterwards.

They've been saying for 150 years that jobs will go away because of technology and it never happened. What is making the jobs go away is our relentless march towards socialism
. It's a combination of things, and yep that is also one of them. The fact that we have 11 million Mexicans in here working does give creedence to your opinion on the jobs situation as well. I think my assessment is a valued one, and so is yours. I think we are also going through a sped up era of modernization that is brought about by problems related to all that we are talking about. I'm thinking that we have times where technology is sped up, and times where a healthy balance is found, so technology slows during these periods. I'll let you in on something, would you think that I am actually sitting on an idea that could actually save the billions that are being spent on maintaining the roadways, but of course millions would lose their jobs if implemented. So I wonder if the idea would be pursued or shelved if I were to release it.

Getting the same thing for less money does not harm the economy, so release it
. Not sure how to do it safely anymore... Released a product idea & design once, and it was stolen and capitalized on quick. I need to do the copyright thing I guess, but the forms are confusing to me. This idea and design could revolutionize the way we have to maintain the roadways in this nation. It would save billions upon billions.
It seems to me that Trump would be wise to focus on job creation and champion correcting the troubled job situation by declaring it his wheelhouse. Much of the angst Americans have directed at Washington is in some way or another related to how government policies have allowed jobs to flee the country and sometimes even encouraged this trend. The average American has good reason to worry not only about their job but the future opportunities available for their children.

Let me make it clear, robots taking our jobs will bode poorly for the huge majority of society. While companies like Amazon boast about replacing workers with robots the negative impact on our society has yet to be fully realized. The article below further explores this subject.

Advancing Time: "Its The Economy Stupid" Trump Should Focus On Jobs!

With Trump's anti-trade policies, he is most likely to crash our economy if elected and if permitted to place the type of tariffs on imports that he wants. It amazes me how one of the most basic principles, free trade, has been thrown out the window by Trump supporters who call themselves Republicans. This is just another sign that the Republican Party is in disarray and has completely lost its path. We currently have Obama pushing TPP and Sanders and Trump against it. Hillary is only against it for the short term. Everyone knows that if it is passed she will support it because she really isn't against free trade; she's just trying to appease the Sanders supporters who are just as loony as Trump supporters.
. If trade policies are detrimental to this nation, then they will have to change, and we all see this now, but the ones who have profited, and still want to sell this nation down the river will try their best to use their money and influence to derail any push this nation has towards stopping the bleeding finally, and making sense of it all again.

If you believe that placing large tariffs on imports will bring back manufacturing jobs, then you are still living in the 70's. The US economy is only one small part of the world economy. These international companies are more interested in selling their goods to the rest of the world. While they don't want to lose the US market completely, the US market is no longer the driving force in the global market. The EU is a bigger market than the US, and the Asian market will be in a very short time. If you want to know why so many manufacturers are moving to Mexico, it's because Mexico has free trade agreements with more countries throughout the world than any other. Free trade agreements allow for the movement of goods at a much lower price, making countries that have free trade agreements with their trading partners very attractive. Trump and Sanders are both on the wrong side of the coin when it comes to trade policy.
. If free trade comes at the expense of making your nation weak in the face of opposing super powers, then you best figure out a way to not engage in trade policies that destroy your character, strength and the standards/Constitution that a nation has set for itself in the world... Following the world into the pit of Hell is not a policy or strategy a nation should pursue, and it should seek out those who have become traitors, anti-American, and sell outs for greed and self interest, and it should cast them out or lock them up after the trials for their treasonous practices are completed.

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