It's the Jobs Stupid! Should The President Take The Payroll Tax Cut/Pipeline Deal?

Should the President Take The Payroll Tax Cut/Pipeline Deal?

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This country runs on oil and coal. Want to strengthen the economy. Why not pump oil from north America instead of the middle east? Seriously.

This country runs on ingenuity. We need to strengthen it by developing alternative, renewable energies.
The only reason I've ever heard for them to oppose it is it has CO2. What a joke.
*It hasn't warmed since 1998
*We have 150 years of crappy global temperature record(at a slim amount needed for a decent picture)
*It has never been confirmed in a lab to cause warming
* The law of thermodynamics goes from hot to cold...So it can't reradiate back energy towards a warmer surface. Show some solid science please if you think otherwise!
-They're opposing thousands of jobs that we badly need as a nation.
-energy indepence from the middle east.(Less need for their oil!)

Doesn't make any sense…To make national policy based on a goddamn gas. Give me a break.
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I'm not claiming to know the complete facts.....which is why I have not joined you idiots in barfing up a few chunks of rhetoric in some message board frenzy. I have heard a few things.....but i have not put in the time needed to DISCUSS IT WITH ANY I don't.

But....I know that it is not as simple as the OP would have us believe. I am asking for a person who has studied the facts to lay them out for me AND the rest of you uninformed people.

You dont know the facts nor are you trying to learn the facts. There have been numerous environmental studies done on this project. Why are you opposed to job creation?
This country runs on oil and coal. Want to strengthen the economy. Why not pump oil from north America instead of the middle east? Seriously.

This country runs on ingenuity. We need to strengthen it by developing alternative, renewable energies.

We can do that, but we can do both as we're a country that is based on ingenuity.
So Tax Cuts do create jobs? Still haven't heard from any Demcrats here on that. They're pushing so hard for this Tax Cut,so why not just throw in thousands more jobs? Just do it.
I'm not claiming to know the complete facts.....which is why I have not joined you idiots in barfing up a few chunks of rhetoric in some message board frenzy. I have heard a few things.....but i have not put in the time needed to DISCUSS IT WITH ANY I don't.

But....I know that it is not as simple as the OP would have us believe. I am asking for a person who has studied the facts to lay them out for me AND the rest of you uninformed people.
You admit you know virtually nothing, yet you call everybody else "idiots" and "uninformed people".
Boiking's priorities list:

  • Raise taxes on the hated realty!
  • Golf.
  • Raise taxes on the reviled wealthy!
  • Vacation.
  • Raise taxes on the stinking wealthy!
  • Spin and shift the blame for everything that has blown up in his face.
  • Raise taxes on the evil wealthy!
  • Prattle on about how much America, as originally constituted, sucks.
  • Thanks
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This bill is precisely why I don't think Obama will win reelection.

Democrats are on record opposing tax relief that they wanted and creating jobs, which they have lied about Republicans prevent. What's amazing is Obama could pass this, and it could create some actual job stimulus thus making his reelection more appealing. What's more is they can rub it in Republicans faces. Yet, they still won't do it.

I had a quote once about when the Lord wants to destroy a people, he takes away their wisdom so they don't even see what's in their own best interest and then the people destroy themselves. I think we are starting to see that among the people.

Exactly. O could take credit. I'd have no problem with that as long as we're creating jobs.

I agree. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't care who gets the credit.
I'm not claiming to know the complete facts.....which is why I have not joined you idiots in barfing up a few chunks of rhetoric in some message board frenzy. I have heard a few things.....but i have not put in the time needed to DISCUSS IT WITH ANY I don't.

But....I know that it is not as simple as the OP would have us believe. I am asking for a person who has studied the facts to lay them out for me AND the rest of you uninformed people.
You admit you know virtually nothing, yet you call everybody else "idiots" and "uninformed people".

The difference.............

When I have not put in time on a subject, I do not get on here and spew bullshit about it. I reserve comments until I have learned something from others here or I have done some research.

You.....and many others here have no such filter. That is part of the reason why nobody ever fucking learns anything here. You are all trying to be teachers.....when you should be students.
I'm not claiming to know the complete facts.....which is why I have not joined you idiots in barfing up a few chunks of rhetoric in some message board frenzy. I have heard a few things.....but i have not put in the time needed to DISCUSS IT WITH ANY I don't.

But....I know that it is not as simple as the OP would have us believe. I am asking for a person who has studied the facts to lay them out for me AND the rest of you uninformed people.
You admit you know virtually nothing, yet you call everybody else "idiots" and "uninformed people".

It really is amazing, isn't it?
I'm not claiming to know the complete facts.....which is why I have not joined you idiots in barfing up a few chunks of rhetoric in some message board frenzy. I have heard a few things.....but i have not put in the time needed to DISCUSS IT WITH ANY I don't.

But....I know that it is not as simple as the OP would have us believe. I am asking for a person who has studied the facts to lay them out for me AND the rest of you uninformed people.
You admit you know virtually nothing, yet you call everybody else "idiots" and "uninformed people".

The difference.............

When I have not put in time on a subject, I do not get on here and spew bullshit about it. I reserve comments until I have learned something from others here or I have done some research.

You.....and many others here have no such filter. That is part of the reason why nobody ever fucking learns anything here. You are all trying to be teachers.....when you should be students.

Yet, here you are making comments and evaluating what others have said about it with no info.

Perhaps you should actually take your own advice, it's really not bad.
The only reason I've ever heard for them to oppose it is it has CO2. What a joke. ...

Doesn't make any sense…To make national policy based on a goddamn gas. Give me a break.

WORLD and ETP studies indicate that building versus not building Keystone XL would not of itself have any significant impact on: U.S. total crude runs, total crude and product import levels or costs, global refinery CO2 or life-cycle GHG emissions.

Al Gore can suck it :D
You admit you know virtually nothing, yet you call everybody else "idiots" and "uninformed people".

The difference.............

When I have not put in time on a subject, I do not get on here and spew bullshit about it. I reserve comments until I have learned something from others here or I have done some research.

You.....and many others here have no such filter. That is part of the reason why nobody ever fucking learns anything here. You are all trying to be teachers.....when you should be students.

Yet, here you are making comments and evaluating what others have said about it with no info.

Perhaps you should actually take your own advice, it's really not bad.

You aren't the dumbest nutter here, but you are not as smart as you think you are.

I have simply asked for the whole story from people who have offered very strong opinions on the subject. I have stated that I believe there is more to the issue than what has been offered here. I could be wrong. But it seems as though we are all still waiting for a knowledgeable person to weigh in.
I'm not claiming to know the complete facts.....which is why I have not joined you idiots in barfing up a few chunks of rhetoric in some message board frenzy. I have heard a few things.....but i have not put in the time needed to DISCUSS IT WITH ANY I don't.

But....I know that it is not as simple as the OP would have us believe. I am asking for a person who has studied the facts to lay them out for me AND the rest of you uninformed people.
You admit you know virtually nothing, yet you call everybody else "idiots" and "uninformed people".

The difference.............

When I have not put in time on a subject, I do not get on here and spew bullshit about it. I reserve comments until I have learned something from others here or I have done some research.

You.....and many others here have no such filter. That is part of the reason why nobody ever fucking learns anything here. You are all trying to be teachers.....when you should be students.
Lot's of words, but I haven't "spewed bullshit".
You can play word games like that if that is what you want to do, but it pretty musc shows you are merely tossing accusations out there with no facts.
Refer back to your comment about "idiots" and "uninformed people" when you spoke of others after you admitted that you were the uninformed one.
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[ame=]Keystone XL Pipeline Update and Prevailing Wage Study in this Building Trades News Video - YouTube[/ame]
You admit you know virtually nothing, yet you call everybody else "idiots" and "uninformed people".

The difference.............

When I have not put in time on a subject, I do not get on here and spew bullshit about it. I reserve comments until I have learned something from others here or I have done some research.

You.....and many others here have no such filter. That is part of the reason why nobody ever fucking learns anything here. You are all trying to be teachers.....when you should be students.
Lot's of words, but I haven't "spewed bullshit".
You can play word games like that if that is what you want to do, but it pretty mush shows you are merely tossing accusations out there with no facts.
Refer back to your comment about "idiots" and "uninformed people" when you spoke of others after you admitted that you were the uninformed one.

I think you are over-reacting. I have admitted to not studying the details of the issue. Does that make a person an idiot? I am uninformed about it......I admitted as much. If I started making statements of fact without being informed....THEN I would be an idiot.

That is what several of you uninformed people have done. Thus, I called you idiots,.

Please...I'm just trying to help.
I just want to hear a Democrat explain to us how this Tax Cut creates jobs. Now that would be refreshing. Usually all we hear from them is that Tax Cuts don't create jobs. Pretty big flip-flop on their part. But it's a welcomed flip-flop. Now all they need to do is get this deal done. Lots of American Jobs waiting to be had.
The difference.............

When I have not put in time on a subject, I do not get on here and spew bullshit about it. I reserve comments until I have learned something from others here or I have done some research.

You.....and many others here have no such filter. That is part of the reason why nobody ever fucking learns anything here. You are all trying to be teachers.....when you should be students.

Yet, here you are making comments and evaluating what others have said about it with no info.

Perhaps you should actually take your own advice, it's really not bad.

You aren't the dumbest nutter here, but you are not as smart as you think you are.

I have simply asked for the whole story from people who have offered very strong opinions on the subject. I have stated that I believe there is more to the issue than what has been offered here. I could be wrong. But it seems as though we are all still waiting for a knowledgeable person to weigh in.

perhaps instead of whining like a little bitch about how other people are not giving you the facts you need to make an informed decision, and making assumptions as to what they did or did not research before voicing their own opinions... you might consider researching on your own, so you can be better informed, and voice an opinion, even if it's counter to someone else's?

Just a thought.
I think you are over-reacting. I have admitted to not studying the details of the issue. Does that make a person an idiot? I am uninformed about it......I admitted as much. If I started making statements of fact without being informed....THEN I would be an idiot.

That is what several of you uninformed people have done.
Thus, I called you idiots,.

Please...I'm just trying to help.


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