It's the REAL Darth Liability

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You know, Mal, you are a lot cooler when minding an imaginary bar.

Thanks for Noticing... :cuckoo:

Damn, you guys Know a Disturbingly Large amount about my Online Activity...

Get Hobbies, mmmkay. ;)


You know, Mal, you are a lot cooler when minding an imaginary bar.

Thanks for Noticing... :cuckoo:

Damn, you guys Know a Disturbingly Large amount about my Online Activity...

Get Hobbies, mmmkay. ;)



With your ego it doesn't surprise me that you don't know who I am ... I spent nearly 2 years hanging out at the same fascist state you came from.

I know plenty about you.
The Douchebaggery is strong in this one.


FYI, before you run crying to Gunny about something a mod does on here to you, keep in mind we are allowed to post to whoever we want, just like you all.

We can "bicker" with you, agree with you, disagree with you, tease you, just like everyone else on here.

Nobody is "bickering" with you as a mod, just as a poster who thinks your,,,well, I'm sure you've figured out what he thinks of you......

Gunny doesn't like to play babysitter, that's why he has us.

First of all, Fuck you with the Running Crying to Gunny Shit...

The First Mod that Crawled up my Leg and Started Humping later Apologized for Using the Mod Status in the Back and Forth...

I didn't Cry to Gunny about it, he Inserted himself in it as if I Called out a Mod without Provocation.

So in that, I am not getting into with YOU or any other Mod her, or elsewhere...

Not a Smart Battle, in my Opinion.

Got a Problem with that, Cry to somebody else...

Not Debating you, not having a Pissing Contest with you... Nada.

Have a Good one, and tell the other Mods that to...

Wana say Hi, "Oh, you liked that Movie too?", then that's a Different Story.

Simply not Engaging Junenile Bullshit from People with the Power.

Other Fucks here who will Inevidably Hump my Leg until they Leave...

Well, that's a Different Story.

Although the Shitbag Cancer of the Message Boards who came here Specifically to Fuck with me and Stole Liability's Message Board Persona?...

Fuck that Douchebag...

The Last Response I gave it is the Last one.


You know, Mal, you are a lot cooler when minding an imaginary bar.

Thanks for Noticing... :cuckoo:

Damn, you guys Know a Disturbingly Large amount about my Online Activity...

Get Hobbies, mmmkay. ;)



With your ego it doesn't surprise me that you don't know who I am ... I spent nearly 2 years hanging out at the same fascist state you came from.

I know plenty about you.
and you even used the same name
imagine that
With your ego it doesn't surprise me that you don't know who I am ... I spent nearly 2 years hanging out at the same fascist state you came from.

I know plenty about you.

Read this Slowly... This is a Messsage Board...

So is the Place with my Bar...

Not Real... We are all on here for whatever Reason we are and we all have Lives where I am Sure you don't Brag about being a Moderator where People are Talking about getting Peanuts stuck in their Dicks...

I don't Care to Uncover "the Puzzle" of who you are, or Dude, or anyone else...

If you want to tell me, Cool...

If you or anyone else wants to Fuck with me without Provocation, then I will Return in Kind...

Well, in your Case, I won't, cause your Mod...

I would Love to have some Debate and was Hoping that the Initial Shit Flinging was over, but Apparently I was Wrong...

Carry on.


Thanks for Noticing... :cuckoo:

Damn, you guys Know a Disturbingly Large amount about my Online Activity...

Get Hobbies, mmmkay. ;)



With your ego it doesn't surprise me that you don't know who I am ... I spent nearly 2 years hanging out at the same fascist state you came from.

I know plenty about you.
and you even used the same name
imagine that

Don't Remember "Article 15"...


But then again there's only Hundreds of Come and Goes @ the Rainbow...


Say what you will, but it looks a bit to me like Mal has a point. This useless thread was originally an intro thread for me under my brief former user-name.

But it has morphed into a pile-on directed at tha malcontent.

That may seem normal to all of you regulars here, but it seems a bit douchey to a few of us.

Meanwhile President Obama and the libtarded Democrat Parody is busy (and efficiently) undermining the Constitutional and capitalist basis for this Republic and Nation. And the liberoidals lap it up like the idiocy being perpetrated on America is somehow a salvation.

It isn't.
Say what you will, but it looks a bit to me like Mal has a point. This useless thread was originally an intro thread for me under my brief former user-name.

But it has morphed into a pile-on directed at tha malcontent.

That may seem normal to all of you regulars here, but it seems a bit douchey to a few of us.

Meanwhile President Obama and the libtarded Democrat Parody is busy (and efficiently) undermining the Constitutional and capitalist basis for this Republic and Nation. And the liberoidals lap it up like the idiocy being perpetrated on America is somehow a salvation.

It isn't.

Yes, it seems to me that the Left is Laughing with Joy when Conservatives are going after Conservatives with the Bait of Douchebag Liberals and Societal Anarchists...

A Focus on Defeating Obama and the DemocRATS would be a HELL of a Lot more Productive than Aimlessly Shit Flinging...

I am Done with it... Thanks for the Reminder, DL...


Say what you will, but it looks a bit to me like Mal has a point. This useless thread was originally an intro thread for me under my brief former user-name.

But it has morphed into a pile-on directed at tha malcontent.

That may seem normal to all of you regulars here, but it seems a bit douchey to a few of us.

Meanwhile President Obama and the libtarded Democrat Parody is busy (and efficiently) undermining the Constitutional and capitalist basis for this Republic and Nation. And the liberoidals lap it up like the idiocy being perpetrated on America is somehow a salvation.

It isn't.

You do know there is a section here to discuss politics, don't you?

You can take up all your rants about the government and those evil libs there, trust me you'll be in good company with a bunch of people on here agreeing with you!

Try it, you'll like it!

This is an introduction thread like you said, we are all just getting to know each other now, aren't we? :eusa_angel:
With your ego it doesn't surprise me that you don't know who I am ... I spent nearly 2 years hanging out at the same fascist state you came from.

I know plenty about you.

Read this Slowly... This is a Messsage Board...

So is the Place with my Bar...

Not Real... We are all on here for whatever Reason we are and we all have Lives where I am Sure you don't Brag about being a Moderator where People are Talking about getting Peanuts stuck in their Dicks...

I don't Care to Uncover "the Puzzle" of who you are, or Dude, or anyone else...

If you want to tell me, Cool...

If you or anyone else wants to Fuck with me without Provocation, then I will Return in Kind...

Well, in your Case, I won't, cause your Mod...

I would Love to have some Debate and was Hoping that the Initial Shit Flinging was over, but Apparently I was Wrong...

Carry on.



You brought the reaction you got from the natives on yourself with your arrogance.

But just like the old commercial says, "you only get a one chance to make a first impression."

You are going have to live with the one you made here.
i tell ya what is a bit douchey...coming in here....acting like you are taking it over...(hell yea i got the memo gunny...seems someone else diddnt) acting like a bunch of rabid cons are gonna scare anyone?
ooooooooooo big bad cons on the net...or rather...keyboard cowards
nope, just giving you a word of advice
things like that comment are one of the few things that get you in trouble here

I've already been in Trouble, Brotha...


and that is rather typical, for you ;)

you gonna learn from it yet?

Somehow I have Survived @ the Redundant One's Rainbow for 6 years...

Even though every Mod there wants me Gone...

Learn?... Doubtfully... Online, I am who I am.

This is a Good way to Vent, ya Know?...

Have a Good Evening, Brotha...


Say what you will, but it looks a bit to me like Mal has a point. This useless thread was originally an intro thread for me under my brief former user-name.

But it has morphed into a pile-on directed at tha malcontent.

That may seem normal to all of you regulars here, but it seems a bit douchey to a few of us.

Meanwhile President Obama and the libtarded Democrat Parody is busy (and efficiently) undermining the Constitutional and capitalist basis for this Republic and Nation. And the liberoidals lap it up like the idiocy being perpetrated on America is somehow a salvation.

It isn't.
when you come in and strap a lightning rod to your ass(like Mal did) your gonna get some sparks on your ass

and for those that didnt see him do it, its not in this thread, but in his own intro thread
it just kinda carried over
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