It's the REAL Darth Liability

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so be it
you seemed proud of it
i didnt know you had darth that were shy

I don't have anything, Darth Divecon...

They are their own, and if they want to be Known, that's their Deal... ;)


dont call me that
i left that group after they treated me and several others like shit
if you want to belong to a group that operates like that, have at it
when those people violated the charter, the group ceased to exist to me
See, that's the difference between you and Liability. He took it like a man and basically laughed it off when he realized the intent. You on the other hand still take it like a little bitch and a drama queen. That tells it all. It was a joke, it was a spoof, laugh it off instead of having your nuts in a vice.

Try being Honest and let everyone Know who you are...

And you weren't Joking, and we aren't Friends...

This is an Adorable Attempt and Sweeping your Shit under the Rug...


Mal just admit that you knew it wasn't Liability after the first post.

Of course I did... To be Sure I verified it, and told Gunny to Check into you...

Ask him or Liability.

Liability was on his way here, and you took his Name...

No more, no less...

So who are you elsewhere?



Yeah I'm sure that Gunny was at your immediate behest! :lol: I'm sure you will figure out who I am eventually. Take some guesses.
Yeah I'm sure that Gunny was at your immediate behest! :lol: I'm sure you will figure out who I am eventually. Take some guesses.

You came here Humpin' my Leg...

And you will Continue to, because you and yours can't Help yourselves...

Carry on.

Done Entertaining your Obsession.

You are Obviously NOT Honest enough to say who you are...


you're delusional, "darth"

Well, let's see...

I don't go around Searching Messageboards for People I don't Agree with, then Figure out if their Pals have recently Quit other Boards, and then Assume those Identities as to Fuck with them...

They would Occupy my Head if that was the Case...

As I do the Asshat who Took Liability's name for just that Purpose.

What a Fucking Loser you have to be to Spend 1 Second doing something like that.

Internet Cancers, they are.



whatever you say, "darth".

you couldn't make this shit up. and you've got your very own cave, too?

And he's sharpening his hammers! Whatever the fuck that means! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
dont call me that
i left that group after they treated me and several others like shit
if you want to belong to a group that operates like that, have at it
when those people violated the charter, the group ceased to exist to me

It was little more than a Point of Reference for Moddel...


dont call me that
i left that group after they treated me and several others like shit
if you want to belong to a group that operates like that, have at it
when those people violated the charter, the group ceased to exist to me

It was little more than a Point of Reference for Moddel...



i don't need a point of reference, "darth"
i know a jackass by itself or in a herd.

or a cave
you're apparently out after your curfew, "darth"

You are Boring me, and you are a Mod...

Have a Good one...

Told Gunny I was Bickering with his Staff.

Won't End well.



FYI, before you run crying to Gunny about something a mod does on here to you, keep in mind we are allowed to post to whoever we want, just like you all.

We can "bicker" with you, agree with you, disagree with you, tease you, just like everyone else on here.

Nobody is "bickering" with you as a mod, just as a poster who thinks your,,,well, I'm sure you've figured out what he thinks of you......

Gunny doesn't like to play babysitter, that's why he has us.
whatever you say, "darth".

you couldn't make this shit up. and you've got your very own cave, too?

Have you read the Thread title yet?...

There are a half a dozen Darth/e here right now... Liability is one.


i only know of 3
you, Liability, and darkwind
who are the others?

and btw, here, all it means is you are a star wars freak

That Darth shit is quite laughable.
"are the Darth conservatives fighting for our freedom even though many of us have never served in the military to fight for that freedom just like the chicken hawk talk show host we worship."
Have you read the Thread title yet?...

There are a half a dozen Darth/e here right now... Liability is one.


i only know of 3
you, Liability, and darkwind
who are the others?

and btw, here, all it means is you are a star wars freak

That Darth shit is quite laughable.
"are the Darth conservatives fighting for our freedom even though many of us have never served in the military to fight for that freedom just like the chicken hawk talk show host we worship."
that is not a fair assesment
many of the darth were either currently serving, or vets

so you can stick that chickenhawk shit where the sun dont shine
no one that served does that shit
it doesnt matter if you served or not, this isnt starship troopers when you have to join the military to be a "citizen"
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whatever you say, "darth".

you couldn't make this shit up. and you've got your very own cave, too?

Have you read the Thread title yet?...

There are a half a dozen Darth/e here right now... Liability is one.



ooooh, a half dozen darths!
i'm ascared.

cave must be getting crowded, huh?

With all of those sharpened hammers they have you should be ascared!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
:) It was nothing against you I just knew that our boi Malcontent would have a heartbreak if he thought that it was you chastising him for being a douche.
I told Gunny that it was a joke that went awry I didn't know that you were coming here. I wouldn't have kept up the facade after the first post it was obvious that I wasn't Liability and I did that on purpose. Hell you and I will get along better here than on the other venues, but we never really had any static there as well.

^Internet Cancer who doesn't want to Admit which Troll they are...

You got Outed on your Game, and now you are Trying to Turn it?...

What a Bitch you are.



The only bitch here is you. How retarded does it sound to call oneself a darth and then have the fantasy that they are "sitting in their cave and sharpening their hammers"? :lol:
I Outed myself you fucking Idiot.
so be it
you seemed proud of it
i didnt know you had darth that were shy

I don't have anything, Darth Divecon...

They are their own, and if they want to be Known, that's their Deal... ;)



Ooooooh how mysterious! Watch out everybody the Darthettes are here! They can pop up at any second! :eek: The only power the darth fags have is at the other venue. On this forum you are just a bunch of limpdicks living in fantasy land, ok baby!? :lol:
See, that's the difference between you and Liability. He took it like a man and basically laughed it off when he realized the intent. You on the other hand still take it like a little bitch and a drama queen. That tells it all. It was a joke, it was a spoof, laugh it off instead of having your nuts in a vice.

Try being Honest and let everyone Know who you are...

And you weren't Joking, and we aren't Friends...

This is an Adorable Attempt and Sweeping your Shit under the Rug...



Oh give it up darth boy! I see that I am Occupying Your mind Go sharpen your hammers in your cave. :lol::lol::lol:
Yeah I'm sure that Gunny was at your immediate behest! :lol: I'm sure you will figure out who I am eventually. Take some guesses.

You came here Humpin' my Leg...

And you will Continue to, because you and yours can't Help yourselves...

Carry on.

Done Entertaining your Obsession.

You are Obviously NOT Honest enough to say who you are...



The only one humping your leg is yourself you delusional narcissistic tool! :lol::lol:
i only know of 3
you, Liability, and darkwind
who are the others?

and btw, here, all it means is you are a star wars freak

That Darth shit is quite laughable.
"are the Darth conservatives fighting for our freedom even though many of us have never served in the military to fight for that freedom just like the chicken hawk talk show host we worship."
that is not a fair assesment
many of the darth were either currently serving, or vets

so you can stick that chickenhawk shit where the sun dont shine
no one that served does that shit
it doesnt matter if you served or not, this isnt starship troopers when you have to join the military to be a "citizen"

My error in using Tha Malcontent as an example of the darths.
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