It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

You really seem butthurt about not being able to call someone N without getting punched in the mouth.

Here point on this doll where the bad priest touched you.
Jeez, and you were just recently blabbing about attending Easter Sunday church, and you talk like that?
Downward social pressure? You are so confused!

My parents grew up in the 1920s and 30s and the N-word was a commonplace term to distinguish blacks, and there was no negative connotation. By the 1960s when I cam along, everyone had biome educated enough to see that some people were using it as a pejorative and it was no longer socially acceptable.

My mother was not even aware that her own grandfather was black and it remained a family secret until I had a DNA test. My wife did the research and found out my great grandfather was black.

I have two grandsons that are mixed race. If anyone called either one the "N-word" and I would make them wish they had never been born.

No media or corporations had anything to do with our growing up and learning the meaning of the word.
So if the N word is so offensive to you, are you equally outraged when a black uses that word? Coz, if you're not, it means you're a hypocrite. If it's wrong for one, it's wrong for all.
How Christian of you!
Yep. He's admitted to being an old man and he has nothing but insults. so that was a pretty restrained comeback.
Now about you. Not very Christian of you to lump all priests in with the relatively few gays who molested boys, especially after you bragged about attending Easter Sunday service.
Yep. He's an old man and he has nothing but insults. so that was a pretty restrained comeback.
Now about you. Not very Christian of you to lump all priests in with the relatively few gays who molested boys.
My hypocrisy knows no bounds. I freely admit that, along with my unstated fear my age will keep me from being an A level USPSA shooter.
Christians don't talk the way you do. You're like the other atheists in here.
The priest who married us cussed like a sailor, because well he was, being a WW2 Navy pilot. We cuss, we drink, we dance, but we throw mean Easter Party.
That's the same with every other banned act, isn't it?
Nope. Banned implies can't be used. You can use it. Do it at the wrong place and see what happens. And it is not government imposed.
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Nope. Banned inplies can't be used. You can use it. Do it at the wrong place and see what happens. And it is not government imposed.
No, that's your made-up definition. Banned means prohibited. Murder is banned, but people still do it. Saying the N word is banned on most sites, but people still do it.
No, that's your made-up definition. Ban means prohibited. Murder is banned, but people still do it. Saying the N word is banned on most sites, but people still do it.
It's not banned. It's frowned upon. Banned has the force of law behind it. This is more of a community standard. And what is your obsession about not being able to freely call b people N-word?
I think he's just trolling actually and this is his schtick. Entertaining but one dimensional. Of course I have been wrong before.
But you know what? You people say I am trolling and declare you refuse to support it, but yet I can sit right here and right now and tell you you will CONTINUE to add my post count. And you will. No matter what you say, you will.

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