It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

And when those teachers are found out? They lose their job and go to jail. When the priests are found out? They are transferred and have a whole new crop of children on which to prey.

No punishment for being atheist. I never said that would or could be banned. I said promotion of atheism in the public forum should be banned, and punished the same way using the N word on a public forum is punished.
Good luck with that. Yiu dont seem to be winning over many people. Lol
That's societal pressure not a ban of the word by the government.

Are you too obtuse to see the difference?
I explained how the government effectively bans it in post #112. Read past posts before you respond. Thanks.
You are correct. But I am still laughing at him calling his thread about wanting to declare the US a Christian nation as being "well received".
It has 1350 responses. Have you ever had a forum that has that many?
Oh, so let the people decide if they want to reject it or not? Good by me.
Do you really think the people really decided to reject the n word on their own? No, there was downward social pressure from the media and corporations to avoid punishment from the government as I laid out in post #112. I would create the exact same scenario for promulgation of the atheist agenda.
Having 1350 responses does not mean it is "well-received". Aside from your posts, how many have been in favor of what you propose? 2? 3?
I say 1350 responses does mean it was well-received. It's all in your definition.
And I would also say it made a lot of people think about the idea, whether they admit it or not. The amount of engagement would indicate that.
Do you really think the people really decided to reject the n word on their own? No, there was downward social pressure from the media and corporations to avoid punishment from the government as I laid out in post #112. I would create the exact same scenario for promulgation of the atheist agenda.
You do that. Your plan seems to be going marvelously. Lol

Not one supporter yet.
And the people have already decided. They're good with it.
You leftwingers have no idea how you've been manipulated. It's sad. Read my post #112. I show you how. Corporations and individuals and PUNISHED when they don't toe the PC leftist line.
Do you really think the people really decided to reject the n word on their own? No, there was downward social pressure from the media and corporations to avoid punishment from the government as I laid out in post #112. I would create the exact same scenario for promulgation of the atheist agenda.

The rejection of the N word began long before there was social media on the internet. And people were angry about its use.

No one is angry that there are atheists. Some radical fundamentalists may be angry that they lost so much power, but that is it. It is the people that stopped tolerating the use of a disgusting word.
This thread is as well received as the other one. People who disagree on everything else on this board all agreeing here.
150 responses in what? 11 hours including the overnight? Yep. Love it.
I say 1350 responses does mean it was well-received. It's all in your definition.
And I would also say it made a lot of people think about the idea, whether they admit it or not. The amount of engagement would indicate that.

If you have a thread with 1350 responses, and 1300 of them are people disagreeing with you and calling you an idiot, that is "well-received".
The rejection of the N word began long before there was social media on the internet. And people were angry about its use.

No one is angry that there are atheists. Some radical fundamentalists may be angry that they lost so much power, but that is it. It is the people that stopped tolerating the use of a disgusting word.
The real PC punishment for any reference to anything racial began right about the time of social media. Right when Chimpy was installed into office.
If you have a thread with 1350 responses, and 1300 of them are people disagreeing with you and calling you an idiot, that is "well-received".
Atheists may say that outwardly. But guess what OP they're thinking about. Over and over and over. That's Mashmont's goal.
Kids, I've got to run. Be sure to continue piling up the responses.
You leftwingers have no idea how you've been manipulated. It's sad. Read my post #112. I show you how. Corporations and individuals and PUNISHED when they don't toe the PC leftist line.

It is not some snowflake PC bit. It is showing extreme dislike for a disgusting term. It is not toeing a PC leftist line. It is society losing their fear of the KKK, racist law enforcement and white supremists.
Atheists may say that outwardly. But guess what OP they're thinking about. Over and over and over. That's Mashmont's goal.
Kids, I've got to run. Be sure to continue piling up the responses.

Piling up the replies saying it is a ridiculous idea? Sure thing!

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