It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

It’s Time for an Outright Ban on Atheist Influencers. Now!
The only way to reduce the influence of negative speech is to meet it with positive speech and rational thinking. You cannot "ban" thought. Ultimately, those who will not believe in God will be purged from our world. No one should take joy from that but it will be a comfort to see what the world was meant to be by the God who created it, and us.
You know I didn't actually call someone the N word, right? You know you're trolling right? Do it again, and you're on perma iggy.
You were illustrating the use of the word as it relates to the constitution, moron. Please keep up with your own nonsense. BTW, quit threatening me. It is contrary to the board's rules. Go ahead and break my heart and put your ignorant ass on perma iggy.
U.S. Constitution Amendment I: Congress shall make "NO" law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. In short, the government shall side with no religion, nor be run by any particular religion. You can have any religion you want, but the government can't take sides on any of them. So says the supreme law of the land.

I have told him repeatedly that he would have to amend the US Constitution to make this or his "It is time to declare the US a Christian nation" nonsense come to pass. He likes to ignore that pesky little fact.
See how the First Amendment works for you when you post about your N----- neighbor on social media.
The First Amendment doesn’t have anything to do with private citizens and what they post on private social media.

The First Amendment concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private citizens or entities.

For example, the First Amendment prohibits you and others on the authoritarian right from using the power of the state to detain, prosecute, or imprison those free from religion.
So you feel free to say the N word on social media? Go for it! By all means.
Conservatives are at complete liberty to engage in hate speech on social media.

Some social media might prohibit such hate speech, and as private entities they have every right to do so – but it has nothing to do with the First Amendment or Constitution.
The only way to reduce the influence of negative speech is to meet it with positive speech and rational thinking. You cannot "ban" thought. Ultimately, those who will not believe in God will be purged from our world. No one should take joy from that but it will be a comfort to see what the world was meant to be by the God who created it, and us.
It's not banning thought. It's banning public dissemination of destructive ideology aka atheism. It could also be viewed as providing a wholesome environment for people. Much the same as keeping pornography off the public square.
It's not banning thought. It's banning public dissemination of destructive ideology aka atheism. It could also be viewed as providing a wholesome environment for people. Much the same as keeping pornography off the public square.
You claim atheism is a religion (hint, it's not). So you want to ban atheism. What other religion will your Opus Dei utopia ban?
It's not banning thought. It's banning public dissemination of destructive ideology aka atheism. It could also be viewed as providing a wholesome environment for people. Much the same as keeping pornography off the public square.

There is nothing destructive about atheism. But yes, it is important that we keep pornography and manger scenes off the public square.
Conservatives are at complete liberty to engage in hate speech on social media.

Some social media might prohibit such hate speech, and as private entities they have every right to do so – but it has nothing to do with the First Amendment or Constitution.
Agreed that it has nothing to do with the First Amendment or Constitution. But the Marxists have built in a system through their beholden social media that punishes those who speak things that the Marxists deem taboo.

For example, conservative news organizations when they speak of the stolen election, Facebook drastically reduces their traffic for several weeks which affects their profits by hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is how the government indirectly metes out punishment. But they have cover of their obedient 'private' social media companies who know government has the power to severely limit them if they don't do what government wants. Yet all the leftists in here are just fine with that.
There is nothing destructive about atheism. But yes, it is important that we keep pornography and manger scenes off the public square.
The most destructive violent countries in the world, Russia, China, and North Korea all have atheist governments. Atheism always dehumanizes the individual.
You claim atheism is a religion (hint, it's not). So you want to ban atheism. What other religion will your Opus Dei utopia ban?
You could ask that question now. If the left bans the N word today, what else will they ban tomorrow?
You were illustrating the use of the word as it relates to the constitution, moron. Please keep up with your own nonsense. BTW, quit threatening me. It is contrary to the board's rules. Go ahead and break my heart and put your ignorant ass on perma iggy.
I made no mention of the Constitution. You implied I called people the N word when I used it as an example. And now I get the pleasure of putting you on perma iggy. Hope it was worth it. And don't worry. I got the last word, because I won't see your lame response.
They are godless, which is synonymous with atheist. As I stated in my well-received thread It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation. , the opposite of God isn't a vacuum; it's atheism.
Why do you think they are Godless? I was teacher and a senior member of my Methodist church. The faculty of one of my schools was majority Catholic. We just don't teach religion unless it is a part of the social studies curriculum.
Why do you think they are Godless? I was teacher and a senior member of my Methodist church. The faculty of one of my schools was majority Catholic. We just don't teach religion unless it is a part of the social studies curriculum.
They are godless because the lefists in charge have them teaching anti-God curriculum, that transexual and gay acts are acceptable, that sex outside marriage is acceptable, that condom use among unmarried minors is acceptable, that white people are inherently racist, and on down the list. I was a public school teacher also back before the atheist garbage took root.

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