It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

That's you. Others do. Then there are musicians who absolutely would be participating. My friend was a paid organist in the Methodist church, even though she was Catholic. She got out before the nuts there asked her to play for a gay wedding, because she would have certainly refused. then been subject to prosecution.
Do you grasp the difference between a ceremony and a reception? I'll stretch it and say that sitting in the pews is participating in the ceremony. But the reception? Not a chance. I also catered a lot of corporate functions. And really other than a couple is dressed very differently, I couldn't tell the difference. People eating, getting drunk, making speeches.
Do you grasp the difference between a ceremony and a reception? I'll stretch it and say that sitting in the pews is participating in the ceremony. But the reception? Not a chance. I also catered a lot of corporate functions. And really other than a couple is dressed very differently, I couldn't tell the difference. People eating, getting drunk, making speeches.
Organists play at the ceremony, not the reception. That's participation. My friend should not have been placed in that position to choose.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you recall, I authored a well-received thread on why we should declare the US a Christian nation. It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation. In it, I claimed that so-called separation of church and state effectively leads to atheist laws by default. And that is what has happened in America. Therefore I called for a total ban on the promotion of atheist leftwing ideals by the media, Hollywood, social media, and other opinion shapers.

Atheism is responsible for 90% of the world’s problems.

The attack on Ukraine by one of the world’s largest atheist governments which contains one of the largest atheist population demonstrates why I’m right.

Europe is the only area of the world in which Christianity has decreased, at least in terms of Catholicism. And would you look right now where atheists are committing unspeakable acts of savagery against women and children---Europe. China, the largest atheist country is also crushing innocent people as we speak.

Communist atheist countries specialize in especially brutal ways to maim innocent people. In Ukraine, Russian soldiers are leaving mines in temporarily abandoned homes, often attached to toys. The logic being, when the family returns, the toddler picks up a toy and gets maimed or blown to bits. It’s hard to imagine human beings devising such a diabolical method of savaging innocent children. Christian countries aren't committing atrocities like that. When the US was forced into a war against terror, 20 years ago, our Christian nation took great pains to avoid civilian targets.

No, the truly vicious and vile means of dehumanizing people belongs solely to atheist regimes, and their companion radical Islamic regimes. Two sides of the same coin and total allies. Devoid of Christianity.

Couple these vile acts of torture with systematic abortion, promotion of illicit sex, promotion of transgender perversion and perverse sex acts, decriminalization of prostitution, harmful drugs, and the 4.5 million sexual assaults against children in our godless atheist public schools by teachers, and you have 90% of the world’s problems. Again, ALL caused by atheism. The only decent humane thing to do is stop the spread of this cancer. How Many Kids Are Sexually Abused by Their Teachers?

Right now, anyone who has ever uttered the N word can be doxxed, have employment terminated, and be just plain ruined. Corporations who even associate with a whiff of so-called racism are boycotted and threatened until they fall in line. They are a pariah. And all this is for a nothing offense. Right now the atheists are doing all these things to people. So imagine if the tables were turned on them, and these same tactics were used against anyone who publicly spreads atheist or godless ideas. Things would get a lot better fast!

The errors of atheism are millions of times worse for society than saying the N word.

It’s Time for an Outright Ban on Atheist Influencers. Now!
The idea of banning an ideology of any kind is repugnant. We all need to live in tolerance of each other. Nobody has every answer to every problem. We need variety and freedom to live our lives the way we believe is best.
The idea of banning an ideology of any kind is repugnant. We all need to live in tolerance of each other. Nobody has every answer to every problem. We need variety and freedom to live our lives the way we believe is best.
Not really. We don't need harmful ideologies that kill and maim people. That's what atheism/Marxism does. And we certainly don't need them pushed by our government.
Organists play at the ceremony, not the reception. That's participation. My friend should not have been placed in that position to choose.
When did we ever argue about the organist? Your friend was not placed in any situation that any other religious person would not be. I do sound as a side gig. I run sound at my Synagogue. I have turned down gigs at churches services for the same reason, but I have done wedding receptions. baking a cake that will be consumed at the reception is not participating.
Atheism is responsible for 90% of the world’s problems.

I disagree.

Perpetuating the belief that an edible triune god diddled a virgin to father himself so that he could become fully human and fully god only to say things that no one understood while performing magic tricks, drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and sticking it to the man daily until he was tortured and crucified as a perfect sacrifice (because he loved the roman world so much) only to be worshipped and eaten in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands so that believers can sin with impunity for the rest of their life takes the cake.

Many believers believe in the ridiculous and absurd. True? Sometimes unbelief is the key to life.

Before Abraham made contact with the living God he was an atheist.

According to the Bible, the Word of God, there is only one unequalled God who is incorporeal with no visible shape or material form and there is no other god in existence either above or below him.

If you want to ban atheism you might as well ban yourself for not believing in one God and instead perpetuating a belief in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.
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Not really. We don't need harmful ideologies that kill and maim people. That's what atheism/Marxism does. And we certainly don't need them pushed by our government.
Yes, really. where do we draw a line? How is it determined that one group and their ideas are better than someone else's? Government shouldn't be pushing any ideology, they should be allowing freedom of worship and continue to give us Americans religious freedoms.
Yes, really. where do we draw a line? How is it determined that one group and their ideas are better than someone else's? Government shouldn't be pushing any ideology, they should be allowing freedom of worship and continue to give us Americans religious freedoms.

Many religions have become a cover for fraud and government sanctioned con men who openly and brazenly rob the gullible tax free....

Fraud is fraud. I heard that it's a crime.

Do you believe that conmen have a right use religion as a cover to defraud the elderly and weak?
The UN Charter is the supreme law of the land. The illegal invasion of Iraq, as so deemed by the UNSG breached that law...

Article VI. Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;
We have no "Treaty" with the UN. The Charter is not a Treaty. You make "treaties with other sovereign nations individually. And, if you can read, note that even treaties are "under" the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land. Not under the UN. Duh!!! Comprehension issues galore!
Having allies is communist?

You Russian/Chinese sympathizers blame the US for Russians invading Ukraine?
What about the people doing the invading?

This forum is being attacked with adults with comprehension challenges. Try reading again, if you can...
Many religions have become a cover for fraud and government sanctioned con men who openly and brazenly rob the gullible tax free....

Fraud is fraud. I heard that it's a crime.

Do you believe that conmen have a right use religion as a cover to defraud the elderly and weak?
That's another reason why I would insert the Catholic religion as the official religion if asked to specify. Churches rarely ask for money, and I've never been asked personally.
Yes, really. where do we draw a line? How is it determined that one group and their ideas are better than someone else's? Government shouldn't be pushing any ideology, they should be allowing freedom of worship and continue to give us Americans religious freedoms.
I can tell you atheism isn't the ideology government should be pushing, like it is now.
I disagree.

Perpetuating the belief that an edible triune god diddled a virgin to father himself so that he could become fully human and fully god only to say things that no one understood while performing magic tricks, drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and sticking it to the man daily until he was tortured and crucified as a perfect sacrifice (because he loved the roman world so much) only to be worshipped and eaten in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands so that believers can sin with impunity for the rest of their life takes the cake.

Many believers believe in the ridiculous and absurd. True? Sometimes unbelief is the key to life.

Before Abraham made contact with the living God he was an atheist.

According to the Bible, the Word of God, there is only one unequalled God who is incorporeal with no visible shape or material form and there is no other god in existence either above or below him.

If you want to ban atheism you might as well ban yourself for not believing in one God and instead perpetuating a belief in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.
Here are some "sky fairies" for you:
1) The oceans will rise 10 feet the next 50 years if man continues to drive automobiles
2) There is a stage of life called "not yet alive". There is living, dead, and not yet alive. 3 stages.
3) If you can't observe something with any of your five physical senses, it doesn't exist.
4) Communism, which has never worked, is better than capitalism which has always worked.
That's another reason why I would insert the Catholic religion as the official religion if asked to specify. Churches rarely ask for money, and I've never been asked personally.

The Catholic Church has been openly and brazenly using the power of death consequent to defying the law of God as the means to deceive entire nations from the time it received its power and authority from Caesar in 325.c.e. and set out to conquer the world in the name of an almighty yet edible triune mangod that became a matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak, walk, has no life, and is not God.

And you really think that atheists are the problem and not you who supports such deception?

Ladies and gentlemen, if you recall, I authored a well-received thread on why we should declare the US a Christian nation. It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation. In it, I claimed that so-called separation of church and state effectively leads to atheist laws by default. And that is what has happened in America. Therefore I called for a total ban on the promotion of atheist leftwing ideals by the media, Hollywood, social media, and other opinion shapers.

Atheism is responsible for 90% of the world’s problems.

The attack on Ukraine by one of the world’s largest atheist governments which contains one of the largest atheist population demonstrates why I’m right.

Europe is the only area of the world in which Christianity has decreased, at least in terms of Catholicism. And would you look right now where atheists are committing unspeakable acts of savagery against women and children---Europe. China, the largest atheist country is also crushing innocent people as we speak.

Communist atheist countries specialize in especially brutal ways to maim innocent people. In Ukraine, Russian soldiers are leaving mines in temporarily abandoned homes, often attached to toys. The logic being, when the family returns, the toddler picks up a toy and gets maimed or blown to bits. It’s hard to imagine human beings devising such a diabolical method of savaging innocent children. Christian countries aren't committing atrocities like that. When the US was forced into a war against terror, 20 years ago, our Christian nation took great pains to avoid civilian targets.

No, the truly vicious and vile means of dehumanizing people belongs solely to atheist regimes, and their companion radical Islamic regimes. Two sides of the same coin and total allies. Devoid of Christianity.

Couple these vile acts of torture with systematic abortion, promotion of illicit sex, promotion of transgender perversion and perverse sex acts, decriminalization of prostitution, harmful drugs, and the 4.5 million sexual assaults against children in our godless atheist public schools by teachers, and you have 90% of the world’s problems. Again, ALL caused by atheism. The only decent humane thing to do is stop the spread of this cancer. How Many Kids Are Sexually Abused by Their Teachers?

Right now, anyone who has ever uttered the N word can be doxxed, have employment terminated, and be just plain ruined. Corporations who even associate with a whiff of so-called racism are boycotted and threatened until they fall in line. They are a pariah. And all this is for a nothing offense. Right now the atheists are doing all these things to people. So imagine if the tables were turned on them, and these same tactics were used against anyone who publicly spreads atheist or godless ideas. Things would get a lot better fast!

The errors of atheism are millions of times worse for society than saying the N word.

It’s Time for an Outright Ban on Atheist Influencers. Now!

You don't think God is strong enough to overcome atheism?

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