It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

In this nation we have freedom to chose our religion and even freedom to not be religious. It’s part of the Bill of Rights. I may be a Christian but I believe everybody should have the right to chose their religion or not to believe in any.

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Attempts to change societies and cultures from without will always fail. Just taking control of the political process or establishing moral laws will not effect change in people’s hearts. Christianity cannot be forced on people, and the Christian kingdom is not a biblical concept. Changing people from the inside out is God’s work through His Holy Spirit. God is more interested in saving people’s souls than He is in forcing people to obey His laws. If an unsaved person is forced to obey God’s law, he would be doing so out of fear and obligation. God wants a person to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) and then to obey His commands out of reverence and love (1 John 5:3).

God has not called us to enforce His commands on an unredeemed world. We cannot force people into a Christian kingdom. Rather, He has called us to proclaim the message of salvation—the redeeming power and life-transforming message of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection (Romans 10:9–11).
That's ridiculous. The government does all kinds of things without laws. How do you think asshat Biden got into office?
You can say the word N****R as often as you want and you will never face any legal charges for it therefore not banned
Yes the government most certainly is pushing an atheist godless agenda. I've enumerated them many times.
Just not bowing down to religion anymore.

You're still free to worship any gods you want to but you just don't like the fact that you can't force your beliefs on everyone else
Just not bowing down to religion anymore.

You're still free to worship any gods you want to but you just don't like the fact that you can't force your beliefs on everyone else
Yet you like the fact you can force your atheism on everyone else, don't you? You don't want to stop the gravy train.
You can say the word N****R as often as you want and you will never face any legal charges for it therefore not banned
Banned has nothing to do with legality. You can get banned from this forum, but not face legal charges.
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I answered all your other questions. And, then, when I ask one, you throw in two more that have nothing to do with the conversation. That's why I didn't answer. In the religious world, we call that technique Bible bashing. Get blown away with one response, turn to another topic quickly.
Anyway, yes, I believe in capital punishment for killers who cannot be redeemed. And to the other pivot, treatable diseases should be taken care of at hospitals. However, people who don't belong in this country should be sent back to their lands and to their hospitals.
He's like Dave in 'What About Dave'. You can never get rid of him.
His niggling questions are like dandelions. Kill one, and ten more pop up.

Yet you like the fact you can force your atheism on everyone else, don't you? You don't want to stop the gravy train.
I've told you many times already I'm not an atheist.

And I don't care which gods you worship and I never would force my beliefs on others unlike you
Banned has nothing to do with legality. You can get banned from this forum, but not face legal charges.
Of course it does.

And since this is board is a privately owned site they can have any rules they want but the fact still remains that no racial slur is a banned word
Yet you like the fact you can force your atheism on everyone else, don't you? You don't want to stop the gravy train.
Nobody is forcing atheism on you. The government writes religiously neutral laws. You are free to follow whatever religion you want. How would you like it if the government decided that because the Muslim population is growing, they will pass a law to ban pork in the country? That's what you effectively want to do.
I've told you many times already I'm not an atheist.

And I don't care which gods you worship and I never would force my beliefs on others unlike you
Even if you aren't atheist, you want atheism forced on us just the same. I have no idea why you go round and round about this.
Nobody is forcing atheism on you. The government writes religiously neutral laws. You are free to follow whatever religion you want. How would you like it if the government decided that because the Muslim population is growing, they will pass a law to ban pork in the country? That's what you effectively want to do.
I've said it repeatedly. Some laws can't be neutral. Abortion. Gay marriage. Trans "rights". We are not free to follow our religion if the government prosecutes or otherwise punishes Christians for not participating in godless activities. Such as the teacher who refused to use trans pronouns, or the the baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding. The government has to make a choice, and the choice has leaned toward atheism or godlessness. That is the destructive choice. Atheism has only led to bad results, for governments, and for individuals. Christianity is the much better choice, because it leads to better results.
Of course it does.

And since this is board is a privately owned site they can have any rules they want but the fact still remains that no racial slur is a banned word
Banned means prohibited. Nothing else.
I've said it repeatedly. Some laws can't be neutral. Abortion. Gay marriage. Trans "rights". We are not free to follow our religion if the government prosecutes or otherwise punishes Christians for not participating in godless activities. Such as the teacher who refused to use trans pronouns, or the the baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding. The government has to make a choice, and the choice has leaned toward atheism or godlessness. That is the destructive choice. Atheism has only led to bad results, for governments, and for individuals. Christianity is the much better choice, because it leads to better results.
Oh please. Those laws do not stop you from practicing your religion. They don't force you to have an abortion, merely allow people who want to do it. The pronoun is simple respect for another human being. And the baker, no, you can't discriminate against someone for who they are.
Oh please. Those laws do not stop you from practicing your religion. They don't force you to have an abortion, merely allow people who want to do it. The pronoun is simple respect for another human being. And the baker, no, you can't discriminate against someone for who they are.
The government uses my tax money to pay for abortions. Killing little babies is not respecting other human beings. You're demanding the baker participate in an immoral ceremony under threat of prosecution. That isn't "to each his own" as you claim. That's FORCING him to participate or face severe consquences.
Even if you aren't atheist, you want atheism forced on us just the same. I have no idea why you go round and round about this.

The government uses my tax money to pay for abortions. Killing little babies is not respecting other human beings. You're demanding the baker participate in an immoral ceremony under threat of prosecution. That isn't "to each his own" as you claim. That's FORCING him to participate or face severe consquences.
Money well spent
The government uses my tax money to pay for abortions. Killing little babies is not respecting other human beings. You're demanding the baker participate in an immoral ceremony under threat of prosecution. That isn't "to each his own" as you claim. That's FORCING him to participate or face severe consquences.
It was nowhere near participating in the ceremony. it was a fucking cake. I worked for a caterer in college. I served 1 or 2 weddings a week. I have never felt that I was participating in the ceremony.
It was nowhere near participating in the ceremony. it was a fucking cake. I worked for a caterer in college. I served 1 or 2 weddings a week. I have never felt that I was participating in the ceremony.
That's you. Others do. Then there are musicians who absolutely would be participating. My friend was a paid organist in the Methodist church, even though she was Catholic. She got out before the nuts there asked her to play for a gay wedding, because she would have certainly refused. then been subject to prosecution.

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