It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

According to Pew Research only 3.1% of population are atheist.
You mean, only 3.1% admitted to the poll that they are atheist.

The number of religiously unaffiliated is about 30%. A 30% increase (from 23%) in only 8 years. So some people are definitely paying lip service to theism.

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Another problem with polls like that: to be technical, agnostics ARE atheists. If you do not accept belief in God, you are atheist, by definition. If you assert that there are no gods,you are a gnostic atheist. This is a special case of atheism, just as a square is a special case of a rectangle.

Many (most) people take "atheist" to mean, "I know there are no gods".

Technically, all those agnostics are also atheists.
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Ladies and gentlemen, if you recall, I authored a well-received thread on why we should declare the US a Christian nation. It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation. In it, I claimed that so-called separation of church and state effectively leads to atheist laws by default. And that is what has happened in America. Therefore I called for a total ban on the promotion of atheist leftwing ideals by the media, Hollywood, social media, and other opinion shapers.

Atheism is responsible for 90% of the world’s problems.

The attack on Ukraine by one of the world’s largest atheist governments which contains one of the largest atheist population demonstrates why I’m right.

Europe is the only area of the world in which Christianity has decreased, at least in terms of Catholicism. And would you look right now where atheists are committing unspeakable acts of savagery against women and children---Europe. China, the largest atheist country is also crushing innocent people as we speak.

Communist atheist countries specialize in especially brutal ways to maim innocent people. In Ukraine, Russian soldiers are leaving mines in temporarily abandoned homes, often attached to toys. The logic being, when the family returns, the toddler picks up a toy and gets maimed or blown to bits. It’s hard to imagine human beings devising such a diabolical method of savaging innocent children. Christian countries aren't committing atrocities like that. When the US was forced into a war against terror, 20 years ago, our Christian nation took great pains to avoid civilian targets.

No, the truly vicious and vile means of dehumanizing people belongs solely to atheist regimes, and their companion radical Islamic regimes. Two sides of the same coin and total allies. Devoid of Christianity.

Couple these vile acts of torture with systematic abortion, promotion of illicit sex, promotion of transgender perversion and perverse sex acts, decriminalization of prostitution, harmful drugs, and the 4.5 million sexual assaults against children in our godless atheist public schools by teachers, and you have 90% of the world’s problems. Again, ALL caused by atheism. The only decent humane thing to do is stop the spread of this cancer. How Many Kids Are Sexually Abused by Their Teachers?

Right now, anyone who has ever uttered the N word can be doxxed, have employment terminated, and be just plain ruined. Corporations who even associate with a whiff of so-called racism are boycotted and threatened until they fall in line. They are a pariah. And all this is for a nothing offense. Right now the atheists are doing all these things to people. So imagine if the tables were turned on them, and these same tactics were used against anyone who publicly spreads atheist or godless ideas. Things would get a lot better fast!

The errors of atheism are millions of times worse for society than saying the N word.

It’s Time for an Outright Ban on Atheist Influencers. Now!
Meanwhile, what about we agnostics ???

Admittedly some of us don't buy into your Theologies, or Dogmas, or other organized religions.
Admittedly some of us don't acknowledge your personalized Deities.
Admittedly some of us don't support or buy into your "Religions" or religious structures.

That doesn't mean some of us don't have our own versions of Spiritual Beliefs and/or forms of spiritual/religious concepts that we might embrace.

I personally have something that transcends and goes beyond the ends and the limited belief scope and cycles of the "major" religions, yet I think transcends the limited range of what they embrace.

Do I get excluded because I fail your "litmus test" of what qualifies as a "Religion" ???

Another problem with polls like that: to be technical, agnostics ARE atheists. If you do not accept belief in God, you are atheist, by definition. If you assert that there are no gods,you are a gnostic atheist. This is a special case of atheism, just as a square is a special case of a rectangle.

Many (most) people take "atheist" to mean, "I know there are no gods".

Technically, all those agnostics are also atheists.
I believe the majority of people in the country have doubts about the existence of a god but just to play it safe they they attend church. Those with less doubt attend more often and are more active and those with strong doubts seldom attend. I think there are very few people who can truly say that they are absolutely sure there is a God or that there is not a God.

There is also the age factor. If your family is religions, then you were probably indoctrinated as a child. Many of these people slip away from the church as young adults but by the time they reach their death bed, they are often uttering the same prayers as when they were a child.

The bottom line is that I agree with you on the polls, they are not very accurate. They just give us a good general idea of what people say they believe. There is no way to quantify believe or disbelieve. I've heard the same people arguing for and against the belief in God. It is the great unknown which leads to heated arguments. That's why my Mom has said many times, we do not argue religion or politics at the dinner table.
Meanwhile, what about we agnostics ???

Admittedly some of us don't buy into your Theologies, or Dogmas, or other organized religions.
Admittedly some of us don't acknowledge your personalized Deities.
Admittedly some of us don't support or buy into your "Religions" or religious structures.

That doesn't mean some of us don't have our own versions of Spiritual Beliefs and/or forms of spiritual/religious concepts that we might embrace.

I personally have something that transcends and goes beyond the ends and the limited belief scope and cycles of the "major" religions, yet I think transcends the limited range of what they embrace.

Do I get excluded because I fail your "litmus test" of what qualifies as a "Religion" ???
As I have said, my proposal doesn't ban beliefs, as if one could. It just prohibits the mass media promotion of atheism and atheistic practices.
As I have said, my proposal doesn't ban beliefs, as if one could. It just prohibits the mass media promotion of atheism and atheistic practices.

You want to do this because you think atheism has an advantage. But Christian mass media is alive and well.
You want to do this because you think atheism has an advantage. But Christian mass media is alive and well.
The mainstream news and sports media, Hollywood, and social media all push the atheist left agenda.
The mainstream news and sports media, Hollywood, and social media all push the atheist left agenda.

Do they also stop Christian agendas? No.

And how do you plan to stop mainstream news & sports media, Hollywood and social media?
You ban them from pushing the atheist agenda.

And how, exactly, do you do that? Prevent the businesses that make movies, TV shows, televise sporting events, and report news from being in control of their own content? Or put the government in charge of all the media?
And how, exactly, do you do that? Prevent the businesses that make movies, TV shows, televise sporting events, and report news from being in control of their own content? Or put the government in charge of all the media?
Sanction those who violate the law. Just like they do now. Only now, a ban on promotion of atheism will be the law.
So zero people will be sanctioned.

Okay, I guess this is settled, now.

By the way, embarrassing jerks like you do more to promote atheism than I ever could.
You don't think the media is sanctioned by the government for carrying the wrong message? Ask OANN.
Sorry if you embarrassed.

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