It's Time For Obama To Come Clean


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Oct 30, 2008
It's time for the Obama administration to come clean and let the American people know what happened in Libya.

Romney: Obama yet to 'level with the American people' about Libyan attack
Published September 25, 2012

Mitt Romney, in a joint Fox News interview with running mate Paul Ryan, accused the Obama administration of failing "to level with the American people" about how the U.S. Consulate in Libya was attacked, leaving the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans dead.
"Look, we expect candor from the president and transparency, and he continues to refuse what is said by the other members of his administration: This was a terrorist attack. We were attacked apparently by Al Qaeda and it is a very troubling development," Romney said during a campaign stop in Ohio.
Romney's comments underscored complaints made by Republican lawmakers, who question the administration's shifting explanation, starting with claims that the Sept. 11 strike was "spontaneous" violence tied to protests over an anti-Islam film produced in the U.S. Obama officials gradually walked back that description, and Obama acknowledged Monday that it clearly "wasn't just a mob action" -- though he did not go as far as to call it a terrorist attack.
One of Obama's advisers, National Counterterrorism Center Director Matt Olsen, was more direct last week, testifying to Congress that the four Americans "were killed in the course of a terrorist attack."

Read more: Romney: Obama yet to 'level with the American people' about Libyan attack | Fox News
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador’s cables
Posted By Josh Rogin Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - 6:00 PM Share
Two top senators on the Foreign Relations Committee don't want to wait for the State Department to do its own investigation into the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens; they want Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to show them Stevens's diplomatic cables and other correspondence now.

"While we appreciate the sensitivities associated with this ongoing investigation, we must insist on more timely information regarding the attacks and the events leading up to the attacks," wrote Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Johnny Isaakson (R-GA) in a letter to Clinton Tuesday.
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador
I hate pulling a Dem trick here but could you imagine if this had happened on Bush's watch? There would be riots in the streets. Impeachment hearings would have begun. Durbin would have a full scale nuclear meltdown on the Senate floor.

Instead the media is stroking out over Romney making a joke about airplane windows.
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I hate pulling a Dem trick here but could you imagine if this had happened on Bush's watch? There would be riots in the streets. Impeachment hearings would have begun. Durbin would have a full scale nuclear meltdown on the Senate floor.

Instead the media is stroking out over Romney making a joke about airplane windows.

Absolutely. They are scared to death to admit that our consulate was hit by Al Qaeda on a 9/11 anniversary. This administration left this consulate vulnerable and people died because of it.

I would also like to know how CNN was able to enter the scene and collect Amb. Stevens journal. Not only did we fail to protect our people, but if there was sensitive intel there, we didn't secure it either. Total fail from all angles.
I hate pulling a Dem trick here but could you imagine if this had happened on Bush's watch? There would be riots in the streets. Impeachment hearings would have begun. Durbin would have a full scale nuclear meltdown on the Senate floor.

Instead the media is stroking out over Romney making a joke about airplane windows.

Maybe Romney should have asked if he could open it 47% of the way :dunno:
It's time for the Obama administration to come clean and let the American people know what happened in Libya.

Romney: Obama yet to 'level with the American people' about Libyan attack
Published September 25, 2012

Read more: Romney: Obama yet to 'level with the American people' about Libyan attack | Fox News

He won't come clean. If he does, it'll basically be a confession that he coughed up the ball and a terrorist attack happened on his watch. Not exactly the type of thing one wants when one is slugging it out to keep the Oval Office job.
I hate pulling a Dem trick here but could you imagine if this had happened on Bush's watch? There would be riots in the streets. Impeachment hearings would have begun. Durbin would have a full scale nuclear meltdown on the Senate floor.

Instead the media is stroking out over Romney making a joke about airplane windows.

He was for rolling down airplane windows before he was against it.

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