It's time for President Trump

Cal Thomas gets should to!

Now that all of my inside-the-beltway, elitist, morally superior friends and colleagues have weighed in with their self-righteous denunciations of Donald Trump, it's my turn.

After initially opposing his candidacy for president, I have come around to another point of view.

The election of Hillary Clinton will perpetuate and probably worsen everything many people hate about our bloated and dysfunctional government, collectively and derisively known as "Washington." The election of Donald Trump will offer an opportunity -- perhaps the last for decades -- to "fire" or at least isolate the elites, returning the country to its constitutional boundaries.

All analogies break down at some point, but let's engage in a theological stretch. When Jesus overturned the money changer's tables in the Temple, he said that instead of a house of prayer, the elites of his day had turned the Temple into "a den of thieves."

That increasingly applies to Washington. If Hillary Clinton wins in November, government will grow bigger and more expensive with all of her "investment" ideas, many of which have been tried before and failed. Remember the "stimulus," which was targeted at infrastructure? Remember "shovel-ready jobs," which were neither?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Cal Thomas? You mean the ancient, far right wing evangelical old white guy Cal Thomas?

No, Louis Farrakhan the BLACK MUSLIM LEADER....

  1. Louis Farrakhan on Donald Trump: ‘I Like What I’m...
    Politics can make strange bedfellows, with Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan finding a commonality in Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

Is that your immature and childish way of confirming my description?

And calling me Vegative does?...You fucking hypocrite!
Cal Thomas gets should to!

Now that all of my inside-the-beltway, elitist, morally superior friends and colleagues have weighed in with their self-righteous denunciations of Donald Trump, it's my turn.

After initially opposing his candidacy for president, I have come around to another point of view.

The election of Hillary Clinton will perpetuate and probably worsen everything many people hate about our bloated and dysfunctional government, collectively and derisively known as "Washington." The election of Donald Trump will offer an opportunity -- perhaps the last for decades -- to "fire" or at least isolate the elites, returning the country to its constitutional boundaries.

All analogies break down at some point, but let's engage in a theological stretch. When Jesus overturned the money changer's tables in the Temple, he said that instead of a house of prayer, the elites of his day had turned the Temple into "a den of thieves."

That increasingly applies to Washington. If Hillary Clinton wins in November, government will grow bigger and more expensive with all of her "investment" ideas, many of which have been tried before and failed. Remember the "stimulus," which was targeted at infrastructure? Remember "shovel-ready jobs," which were neither?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Cal Thomas? You mean the ancient, far right wing evangelical old white guy Cal Thomas?

No, Louis Farrakhan the BLACK MUSLIM LEADER....

  1. Louis Farrakhan on Donald Trump: ‘I Like What I’m...
    Politics can make strange bedfellows, with Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan finding a commonality in Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

Is that your immature and childish way of confirming my description?
She describes you well, yes.

And calling me Vegative does?...You fucking hypocrite!
You have a link to that assertion that is say less than 5 days old.... I forgot how to use my search engine, Manchurian Republican!
Then learn. :lol: Start linking again and we will talk. See you are inside and hemmed by the boundaries
Sorry if your low 2 digit IQ can't handle things JakeAss...perhaps the underwater basket weaving thread would be more your speed?
Another personal attack reveals your inability to discuss the campaign factually.

But JakeAss all you usually do is personal attacks to different people!
Another bold assertion and no evidence by you. In fact, I used good links in reply to earlier postings of yours in the last few minutes.
...stop crying!

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