It's Time to Concede.

Troompa Loompa knows that winning is the only way he won't be held accountable for his many crimes and misdemeanor. So he probably will need to be forcibly evicted by the Secret Service.

It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...
Yes, i am waiting for the groper Joe to announce that he lost to the President.

Please post links to the allegations and charges against Biden for sexual harrassment.
You won't because there aren't any.
#MeToo ended because of Joe, the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds....

It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...

It's not over....IDK who is telling you this but it most certainly isn't over lol

The margins are so thin in some of these states we won't know for weeks
It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...

No he won't concede. No matter what.

He doesn't have it in him to gracefully concede like so many before him have done with dignity and grace.

He's going to do all he can to destroy our democratic institutions and take as much of this nation down with him as possible. He's already destroyed a lot of our nation. He will try to destroy what's left.
It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...

He's taking Hillary Clinton's advice, "Under no circumstances do you concede. Somehow, that advice is good for Biden but not Trump. Somehow, you people felt Trump should be held accountable to accept defeat in 2016 and 2020, but not your side.

Here is what's NOT over: The Left's propensity to be absolutely full of shit.
It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...

It's not over....IDK who is telling you this but it most certainly isn't over lol

The margins are so thin in some of these states we won't know for weeks
It's over...all that's left is the kid kicking his toys around
It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...

It's not over....IDK who is telling you this but it most certainly isn't over lol

The margins are so thin in some of these states we won't know for weeks
It's over...all that's left is the kid kicking his toys around

You're very confident there was little voter fraud or shenanigans considering half the country has been calling Trump a tyrant for 4 years....

Some poor 27 year old acted on this shit and is now facing 5 years in prison and a federal crime on his record for messing with mail because of the election.

The more you think the alternative is unacceptable the more moral a move it is to do something about it....Like commit voter fraud. Considering the margins here and the general amped up engagement. I would expect a lot of fucked up shit to come out.

You're not going to get hundreds of millions of people to do anything without a whole lotta corruption involved. Granted most of these states don't matter and most people dont' vote so it's really more like 50 million.

People who think tehre was no voter fraud (on both sides i'm sure) are obsenely naive. Now whether or not it changed the eventual outcome we probably will never know. But it certainly happened...A lot
It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...

No he won't concede. No matter what.

He doesn't have it in him to gracefully concede like so many before him have done with dignity and grace.

He's going to do all he can to destroy our democratic institutions and take as much of this nation down with him as possible. He's already destroyed a lot of our nation. He will try to destroy what's left.
Should he gracefully Concede like Al Jazeera Gore did in 2000?

It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...

Gore didn't concede until December 13, 2000 after the SC made its ruling. Did you forget?
Did you forget how that race in Florida went?
I DO remember how graceful Gore was once that horrible SC ruling came down though. Yes
It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...

It's still too early to concede. However, Trump has no qualms about taking the country down with him. That's something that even the corrupt Nixon would never have down.

And why would Trump take the country down with him like an irrational man who's willing to burn down his own very valuable house in order to deal with a perceived problem with what is, in essence, a relatively minor problem with mice? The obvious answer is that Trump has embraced conflict and division since long before he took office. What greater conflict could there be than civil discord even to the extent of violence in the street (and even civil war)?

The more simple explanation is that Trump is irrational even to the point of insanity. I say that because no sane leader in a Western Democracy would intentionally lead his or her country to the brink of armed conflict only because he or she is interested in holding on to power against the will of the country's citizens.
It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...
GO fuck yourself!

THe fraud is blowing up in your faces... its time to bring it out into the light and Trump is going to do it! Hang on to you ass... Or simply put your head up there and hang on...

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