It's Time to Concede.

The Honorable Donald J. Trump is a showman.

He knows how to put on a show.
The over

Let the curtain come down
It's so obvious that you Beijing Biden turds are afraid to have this election investigated. The more you whine about Trump conceding, the more we understand that is the last thing he should do.
I know this might be considered a bit out there, but with his good buddy Rush at deaths door, what are the odds that Trump takes over the reigns when el Rushbo checks out? He'll have millions of listeners waiting to hear every word, and his audience will likely dwarf what Rush had.
I don't think that's "out there" at all. Trump is supposedly forming a media company, and I suspect he'd leverage it to do exactly what you're talking about. He'd add television and online broadcasts, with his face in the screen as often as possible.

Trump's profound self esteem issues make him starved for adoration, 24/7. So now he has millions of Americans ready to satisfy that craving every minute of every day. This has been his priority from Day One of his Presidency, feeling their unconditional love. Fuck the rest of the country. He's GOT them. It would be shocking if he didn't take advantage of that.

The GOP, the real GOP, has some real fucking problems going forward. These sheep aren't going ANYWHERE.
You're such a fucking idiot. I love the way you morons just make up Trump's motives without the slightest hint of evidence to support your idiotic theories.

Got it, Trumpster.

Looking forward to you posting about the commies taking over.

What a goofball.

That must be that unity that made you vote for Biden...right?
After living in California for so long I expected fraud. This level of blatant unabashed fraud was still a surprise. Trump should never concede. That would confer an acceptance of the criminal conduct.

That's rich. You've accepted criminal conduct from the White House for the last 4 years.
Presidential candidates rightfully don't concede until their opponents have captured the majority of electoral votes. But yes, his post election conduct has already ended Hillary's short reign as top wuss.
It's over. Trump is done. Can he lose gracefully?

Does he have it in him?

Or is he going to try to take the country down with him...

It's still too early to concede. However, Trump has no qualms about taking the country down with him. That's something that even the corrupt Nixon would never have down.

And why would Trump take the country down with him like an irrational man who's willing to burn down his own very valuable house in order to deal with a perceived problem with what is, in essence, a relatively minor problem with mice? The obvious answer is that Trump has embraced conflict and division since long before he took office. What greater conflict could there be than civil discord even to the extent of violence in the street (and even civil war)?

The more simple explanation is that Trump is irrational even to the point of insanity. I say that because no sane leader in a Western Democracy would intentionally lead his or her country to the brink of armed conflict only because he or she is interested in holding on to power against the will of the country's citizens.
We're in a civil war. There's been leftist violence all summer. When the right fights back, remember who started it. The left.

Don't hold your breath waiting for Sean Hannity to lead you into battle.
The Honorable Donald J. Trump is a showman.

He knows how to put on a show.
The over

Let the curtain come down
It's so obvious that you Beijing Biden turds are afraid to have this election investigated. The more you whine about Trump conceding, the more we understand that is the last thing he should do.

To the contrary, buttface. I welcome an investigation. I think the 50 secretaries of state have been hyper-vigilante on caution and care given the volatility of this race and possible civil unrest that could result if you sulking, whiny children decide to take to the streets.
After living in California for so long I expected fraud. This level of blatant unabashed fraud was still a surprise. Trump should never concede. That would confer an acceptance of the criminal conduct.

That's rich. You've accepted criminal conduct from the White House for the last 4 years.
You're a democrat.

I've been a registered independent since 1980 who has tolerated a tin-pot dictator for the last 4 years.
You're a moron.
The Honorable Donald J. Trump is a showman.

He knows how to put on a show.
The over

Let the curtain come down
It's so obvious that you Beijing Biden turds are afraid to have this election investigated. The more you whine about Trump conceding, the more we understand that is the last thing he should do.

To the contrary, buttface. I welcome an investigation. I think the 50 secretaries of state have been hyper-vigilante on caution and care given the volatility of this race and possible civil unrest that could result if you sulking, whiny children decide to take to the streets.
Dim Secretaries of State obviously don't give a damn about election integrity. They are facilitating the theft of this election.
After living in California for so long I expected fraud. This level of blatant unabashed fraud was still a surprise. Trump should never concede. That would confer an acceptance of the criminal conduct.

That's rich. You've accepted criminal conduct from the White House for the last 4 years.
You're a democrat.

I've been a registered independent since 1980 who has tolerated a tin-pot dictator for the last 4 years.
You're a moron.
How is Trump a dictator? Did he censor your speech?
After living in California for so long I expected fraud. This level of blatant unabashed fraud was still a surprise. Trump should never concede. That would confer an acceptance of the criminal conduct.

That's rich. You've accepted criminal conduct from the White House for the last 4 years.
You're a democrat.

I've been a registered independent since 1980 who has tolerated a tin-pot dictator for the last 4 years.
You're a moron.
You're a democrat and a communist democrat at that. Just based on your nonsense.
The courts will decide this election. TRUMP's hope lies in Finding Massive Vote Fraud in the recounts. Of course, the dems know they are guilty and will make up every reason not to have recounts.

If not, then the fascist billionaires have won.
This nation is split down the middle, a senile pedophile isn't going to bring it together
"To the contrary, buttface. I welcome an investigation. I think the 50 secretaries of state have been hyper-vigilante on caution and care given the volatility of this race and possible civil unrest that could result if you sulking, whiny children decide to take to the streets."

WOW....since you want an investigation, meaning recounts, I am sure you are an honest person.

However, the last thing the Democratic Party wants is an investigation into vote fraud.

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