Its time to give a shit about the American stupid, he's in trouble again

At least these "taxes" actually benefit the nation,
We live in 2 very different nations right now economically -the 1% and the 99%.
The new 'middle class' is the top 10% - the millionaires basically....the other 300 million of us
work for them.

unlike the taxation you people propose which is solely designed to bankrupt individual and corporate wealth and funnel it into the hands of Socialists and wannabe tyrants. Obama was a master of such manipulation and thievery.

Socialized healthcare and education are not tyrannical ideas. Creating millions of new green jobs through sustainable energy like solar panel manufacturing and installation, wind power, high speed rail, desalination plants( for the coming water wars), and closing a few of our 900 military bases around the world to pay for it, for example, is smart thinking. Some of us have seen what really happened to America ever since the 1963 coup happened.
At least these "taxes" actually benefit the nation,
We live in 2 very different nations right now economically -the 1% and the 99%.
The new 'middle class' is the top 10% - the millionaires basically....the other 300 million of us
work for them.

unlike the taxation you people propose which is solely designed to bankrupt individual and corporate wealth and funnel it into the hands of Socialists and wannabe tyrants. Obama was a master of such manipulation and thievery.

Socialized healthcare and education are not tyrannical ideas. Creating millions of new green jobs through sustainable energy like solar panel manufacturing and installation, wind power, high speed rail, desalination plants, and closing a few of our 900 military bases around the world to pay for it, for example, is smart thinking. Some of us have seen what really happened to America the when the 1963 coup happened.

Those sustainable jobs are very short lived construction jobs.
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Those sustainable jobs are very short lived construction jobs.
No that was the XL pipeline lie.

Both of them my friend. The actual number of people needed to run a wind farm is around 6.
So you're gonna nitpick one thing off my list as your example. Kind of like the way you guys echoed the sabotaged Solyndra company a zillion times.

No, I am relying on the fact that the only sustainable power system that actually works as advertised is hydroelectric. All others fail to return anywhere near what they claim.
No, I am relying on the fact that the only sustainable power system that actually works as advertised is hydroelectric. All others fail to return anywhere near what they claim.

It's not always about profit at first. Every good businessman knows that.
We've been subsidizing fossil fuels for decades and for what ? A polluted earth our grandkids will be ashamed of and endless war ?

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Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

Hmmmm... Apple is moving manufacturing from China to the U.S. Soooooo I am guessing that China is paying for it...but that is merely the guess of a person whose eyes are open .

You should open yours.

The most expensive company in the world, when it comes to its line of products, will host 12 bucks and hour jobs, big fuckin deal. China has just about every manufactoring company on wallstreet and your excited about one...get the fuck outta here, Trump fool

Yeah, it is a BFD you ignorant fool. Those jobs are HERE! And not there! Why do you hate the middle class Americans so much.

WTF is wrong with you?
Stop patting these greedy fuckin corporations on the back, you stupid white fuck head....US consumers buy their shit more than anybody, that's the least these fuckin corporations can do, is build the shit here. But trust me you can find a 12 buck an hour job anywhere in this nation, so put your dick back in Trump's ass and relax
Stop patting these greedy fuckin corporations on the back, you stupid white fuck head....US consumers buy their shit more than anybody, that's the least these fuckin corporations can do, is build the shit here. But trust me you can find a 12 buck an hour job anywhere in this nation, so put your dick back in Trump's ass and relax
It does work both ways . A lot of small businesses are gonna have to be subsidized if we're gonna raise the min wage to $15 an hour. Some places like New York are already feeling it. ( keeping in mind that at least half of America's 'small businesses' are really owned by global corporations) more and more, including investors from China, Israel Saudi Arabia, Japan, Korea....UK..
Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

One of the major problems with you leftists is that you are unable to think beyond the moment.

Who cares who pays them? Mostly Democrats.
Because Democrats would rather support a Communist regime than sacrifice a moment of their time and effort.
I am HAPPY to pay a bit more to help stop China's international financial terrorism and unfair practices.

At least these "taxes" actually benefit the nation, unlike the taxation you people propose which is solely designed to bankrupt individual and corporate wealth and funnel it into the hands of Socialists and wannabe tyrants. Obama was a master of such manipulation and thievery.

So you think our tax money is separated and tariff taxed go to things you like, but all other taxes go to things you don't like? You know that's childish, don't you?
Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

One of the major problems with you leftists is that you are unable to think beyond the moment.

Who cares who pays them? Mostly Democrats.
Because Democrats would rather support a Communist regime than sacrifice a moment of their time and effort.
I am HAPPY to pay a bit more to help stop China's international financial terrorism and unfair practices.

At least these "taxes" actually benefit the nation, unlike the taxation you people propose which is solely designed to bankrupt individual and corporate wealth and funnel it into the hands of Socialists and wannabe tyrants. Obama was a master of such manipulation and thievery.
You are living in a IF universe. Trump is no more gonna get a deal that is beneficiary for this nation, which he'll get NEXT year prior to the election and you heard it hear first..........than he'll get a new rug for his head. You nuts are being played. China don't need us, we need China. This Xi isn't running for election, he could give a fuck and wait this shit out for years, Ever hear of TPP, he has customers, you idiot and despite the higher price we'll pay, we'll pay them...we always do. I pay close to 10 bucks for cigerettes and sometimes more....higher taxes hasn't stopped any of us and Trump knows this. The man has never made a good deal in his entire fuckin the fuck attention you clueless idiot, you saps are being played.
Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

One of the major problems with you leftists is that you are unable to think beyond the moment.

Who cares who pays them? Mostly Democrats.
Because Democrats would rather support a Communist regime than sacrifice a moment of their time and effort.
I am HAPPY to pay a bit more to help stop China's international financial terrorism and unfair practices.

At least these "taxes" actually benefit the nation, unlike the taxation you people propose which is solely designed to bankrupt individual and corporate wealth and funnel it into the hands of Socialists and wannabe tyrants. Obama was a master of such manipulation and thievery.

So you think our tax money is separated and tariff taxed go to things you like, but all other taxes go to things you don't like? You know that's childish, don't you?
Its like talking to a brick wall with this idiots. Trump is playing the mf's and they're too gotdamn stupid to see it. I would bet my last dollar, Xi will come back to Trump around the fall of next year minutes before the election is to take place. He'll agree to a number and it back to the usual Corporations making all the money, the jobs still in China and farmers happy to cut their prices just to get China back. He's playing us and people are too stupid to see it. Trump don't give a fuck about this country's workers, if he did, CHINA WOULDN'T BE MAKING HIS PRODUCTS, HIS ADORING IDIOTS WOULD!!

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