Its time to give a shit about the American stupid, he's in trouble again

Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!
Take it out of Bernie's $30 trillion healthcare plan.
Won't even miss it.
You stupid fuck. Bernie's 30 trillion is less that the 36 trillion we will pay without it,.

How the FUCK did you people get this FUCKING stupid.
Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Its time for us to watch your butthurt how you make a fool of yourself NEVER once talking about the corruption that went on under Obama and how evil HE was.:abgg2q.jpg:
Because Obama cared so much about the farmers.

Obama Appoints Monsanto Man as FDA Food Safety Czar
China is now using Russian farmers and other country's for their soy bean products...a industry that is never coming back to US farmers, unless they take a loss and lower prices. Now you tell me, what farm industry was lost under Obama? And do me a favor, if you can't answer the fuckin question, shut the fuck up!!

Love how you Obama apologists evade the evidence in this documented video how he lied to the american people that he would reverse Bushs policys and get out out of the war but only EXPANDED the middle east war and and expanded his illegal wiretapping on the american people shitting on the the constitution same as his pal Bush did even worse.

Dont you EVER get tired of showing the whole world our bias and hypocrisy on Obama and always ending with shit on your face at the end of the day?

You stupid fuck. Bernie's 30 trillion is less that the 36 trillion we will pay without it,.

How the FUCK did you people get this FUCKING stupid.
It was sarcasm genius.
(btw I voted for Bernie over the bitch in the primary)
Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

So stop buying Chinese goods.
Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.
Let me tell you why these mindless morons refuse to believe facts about these tariffs...most are retiree's, living off of pensions and welfare SS and the majority are living off of disability checks for price increases mean nothing to these welfare kings and queens, cause you and I are helping them offset the costs!! Those of us out here busting our ass's working for living, we believe the facts because we're seeing it.
Here, dipshit. Every now and then I feel sorry for the critically stupid.

Plurals of country and ass are countries and asses, not country’s and ass’s.
Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

It's triggered, she can't tell the truth....or keep her mouth shut!
Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

Hmmmm... Apple is moving manufacturing from China to the U.S. Soooooo I am guessing that China is paying for it...but that is merely the guess of a person whose eyes are open .

You should open yours.
Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

Hmmmm... Apple is moving manufacturing from China to the U.S. Soooooo I am guessing that China is paying for it...but that is merely the guess of a person whose eyes are open .

You should open yours.

The most expensive company in the world, when it comes to its line of products, will host 12 bucks and hour jobs, big fuckin deal. China has just about every manufactoring company on wallstreet and your excited about one...get the fuck outta here, Trump fool
The most expensive company in the world, when it comes to its line of products, will host 12 bucks and hour jobs, big fuckin deal. China has just about every manufactoring company on wallstreet and your excited about one...get the fuck outta here, Trump fool
My Tigger.
Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

One of the major problems with you leftists is that you are unable to think beyond the moment.

Who cares who pays them? Mostly Democrats.
Because Democrats would rather support a Communist regime than sacrifice a moment of their time and effort.
I am HAPPY to pay a bit more to help stop China's international financial terrorism and unfair practices.

At least these "taxes" actually benefit the nation, unlike the taxation you people propose which is solely designed to bankrupt individual and corporate wealth and funnel it into the hands of Socialists and wannabe tyrants. Obama was a master of such manipulation and thievery.
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Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

Hmmmm... Apple is moving manufacturing from China to the U.S. Soooooo I am guessing that China is paying for it...but that is merely the guess of a person whose eyes are open .

You should open yours.

The most expensive company in the world, when it comes to its line of products, will host 12 bucks and hour jobs, big fuckin deal. China has just about every manufactoring company on wallstreet and your excited about one...get the fuck outta here, Trump fool
Tell me how much time have you spent in China? As one who dealt with Chinese companies and the Chinese on a regular basis, worked in a predominantly Chinese company for over seven years, and spent time on the ground in China, I want to know.
What can you do? Biden is your guy. He tried an end run around the President and now he is in trouble. Oh, that's not the stupid? How about Pelosi and the rest of the do-nothing democrat majority?
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Tell me how much time have you spent in China? As one who dealt with Chinese companies and the Chinese on a regular basis, worked in a predominantly Chinese company for over seven years, and spent time on the ground in China, I want to know.

They ALWAYS "know it all", "experts" in everything.

It's how these people become "worldly experts", living in their safe spaces and always being told they get a trophy..... for breathing.
Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.
Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.
In reality we can't win an economic war with China right now. For one thing they hold $1.5 trillion
of our debt. They could not only eat that and dump the dollar but probably even beat us militarily if it comes to that, which it will because it's all we have. Stay tuned to NK.

They can do without our raw materials and still manufacture their own goods for their own population whose middle class has grown parallel to ours shrinking.
Tell me how much time have you spent in China? As one who dealt with Chinese companies and the Chinese on a regular basis, worked in a predominantly Chinese company for over seven years, and spent time on the ground in China, I want to know.

They ALWAYS "know it all", "experts" in everything.

It's how these people become "worldly experts", living in their safe spaces and always being told they get a trophy..... for breathing.
So in effect you don't know shit, have no real experence so you're just talking out of your ass.
I thought so. You're just another idiot from the left who has done nothing, been nowhere so knows nothing but how to mouth off.
Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.
So that way, stupid, people won't but the Chinese crap!
Trump acts as though the US is one big corporation and he's the CEO of it. Why is it every single time this corrupt pile of shit is in trouble, he always manages to throw our support behind him, in spewing accusations of saving us money? He did this, he did that, always to get other nations on board to help save us the while, he and his administration is draining tax payers dry with his Trump business?? The only time he ever brings up tax payers, is when his white ass is in trouble and true to form, these welfare fucks fall for it!! Did you know that thus far, tax payers have spent 28 BILLION DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS AND COUNTING OVER SOME SHIT HE STARTED??? 28 BILLION!!!

Agaisnt how much taken in in tarrifs on China? If you're gonna tell a story, tell the whole story or keep your mouth shut.

Who do you think pays those tariffs? They are a tax levied in the US on US buyers.

Hmmmm... Apple is moving manufacturing from China to the U.S. Soooooo I am guessing that China is paying for it...but that is merely the guess of a person whose eyes are open .

You should open yours.

The most expensive company in the world, when it comes to its line of products, will host 12 bucks and hour jobs, big fuckin deal. China has just about every manufactoring company on wallstreet and your excited about one...get the fuck outta here, Trump fool

Yeah, it is a BFD you ignorant fool. Those jobs are HERE! And not there! Why do you hate the middle class Americans so much.

WTF is wrong with you?

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