It's time to review, once again, the cosmological argument for God's existence

None of that proves the existence of the god in the bible or any god for that matter.

Like I said that argument does not exclude the possibility that we are all just part of some computer simulation running on an alien hard drive
Hey, dumbass, your premature baby talk doesn't refute the argument!

Hey, dumbass, your premature baby talk doesn't refute the argument!

Hey, dumbass, your premature baby talk doesn't refute the argument!

Hey, dumbass, your premature baby talk doesn't refute the argument!
He doesn’t recognize it. But it’s true. He has employed a fallacy.

For anything to exist, there must be a Creator.
Lots of things exist.
Therefore, everything must be caused by the Creator.

Hey, dumbass, your premature baby talk doesn't refute the argument!

Hey, dumbass, your premature baby talk doesn't refute the argument!

Hey, dumbass, your premature baby talk doesn't refute the argument!

Hey, dumbass, your premature baby talk doesn't refute the argument!
Says the guy acting like a baby
That 3 line "argument" you are touting is hardly proof of anything
Hey, dumbass, that doesn't address the argument, let alone refute it.
Hey, dumbass, that doesn't address the argument, let alone refute it.
Hey, dumbass, that doesn't address the argument, let alone refute it.
Hey, dumbass, that doesn't address the argument, let alone refute it.
Hey, dumbass, that doesn't address the argument, let alone refute it.
Hey, dumbass, that doesn't address the argument, let alone refute it.
Get back to me when you grow up
As for this:

Now I am sure you will all have immediately noticed that the conclusion of the Kalam Cosmological Argument is not “the cause of the universe is an eternal, uncaused, timeless, spaceless, changeless, immaterial, enormously powerful, personal being who created the universe out of absolutely nothing”.​




The thoughtless fail to grasp the cogency of the Cosmological Argument because (1) they fail to grasp the fundamental imperatives of existence itself and because (2) they fail to grasp the minor, necessarily attending premises linking the major premises of the argument. To grasp the latter especially requires the thought of an open and logical mind. While the first major premise in the above is a given, one begins by observing the fundamental ontological imperatives of being:​
1. Something does exist rather than nothing.
2. Existence cannot arise from nonexistence. Absurdity!
3. Hence, something has always existed.
We can now move on to regard the minor, necessarily attending premises linking the major premises of the argument.​
1. If “existence cannot arise from nonexistence” (“absurdity!”) then for something to exist, it had to have been created.

2. Matter and energy can be neither created or destroyed.

Matter/energy exist. So, it had to have been created. (Premise 1). But if matter/energy had to have been created, then that constitutes a denial of Premise 2.

A fallacy of contradictory premises isn’t always readily apparent. Here, upon any reasonable consideration, it is readily apparent however.
1. If “existence cannot arise from nonexistence” (“absurdity!”) then for something to exist, it had to have been created.

2. Matter and energy can be neither created or destroyed.

Matter/energy exist. So, it had to have been created. (Premise 1). But if matter/energy had to have been created, then that constitutes a denial of Premise 2.

A fallacy of contradictory premises isn’t always readily apparent. Here, upon any reasonable consideration, it is readily apparent however.
What a total dumbass, you are.
1. If “existence cannot arise from nonexistence” (“absurdity!”) then for something to exist, it had to have been created.

2. Matter and energy can be neither created or destroyed.

Matter/energy exist. So, it had to have been created. (Premise 1). But if matter/energy had to have been created, then that constitutes a denial of Premise 2.

A fallacy of contradictory premises isn’t always readily apparent. Here, upon any reasonable consideration, it is readily apparent however.
What a total moron!

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