It's time to review, once again, the cosmological argument for God's existence

I don't worry about nature so once again we see just how wrong you are in your assumptions.

What you don't seem to understand is that a random event can also be a cause

And wtf does it matter if gods exist or not? IF some supreme being created everything how does that change you life?

And IF that supreme being exists why is there any reason to worship it?

The fact is that it doesn't matter of gods exist or not
You write: "I don't worry about nature so once again we see just how wrong you are in your assumptions."

Zoom Right over.

You write: "What you don't seem to understand is that a random event can also be a cause."

All events are causes, random or not, and the ultimate cause of the Universe's existence would necessarily be agent causation! There's nothing you can teach me about the science/philosophy of causation.
You write: "I don't worry about nature so once again we see just how wrong you are in your assumptions."

Zoom Right over.

You write: "What you don't seem to understand is that a random event can also be a cause."

All events are causes, random or not, and the ultimate cause of the Universe's existence would necessarily be agent causation! There's nothing you can teach me about the science/philosophy of causation.

IDGAF about you or your gods.

For all we know your agent of causation is a pimply faced kid running a computer simulation.

Ontological mathematics reduces all reality as we know it to nothing by sinusoidal waves so in reality we could be nothing but a thought in someone else's head.

And who cares what the cause of the universe is really?

How does it change anything about your existence?

What I see you doing is making up a cause ( gods) to explain what we can never know.
IDGAF about you or your gods.

For all we know your agent of causation is a pimply faced kid running a computer simulation.

Ontological mathematics reduces all reality as we know it to nothing by sinusoidal waves so in reality we could be nothing but a thought in someone else's head.

And who cares what the cause of the universe is really?

How does it change anything about your existence?

What I see you doing is making up a cause ( gods) to explain what we can never know.
And maybe you're a slavering simpleton of a slack-jawed silly ass spouting a stream of stupidity.
Yeah juvenile name calling is good for your arguments. Keep it up.
Like your incoherent "argument" is supposed to be taken seriously as you inexplicably eschew the a priori reason and logic of ontological mathematics?
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Like your incoherent "argument" is supposed to be taken seriously as you inexplicably eschew the a priori reason and logic of ontological mathematics?

According to ontological mathematics we are all gods because reality is nothing but sinusoidal waves and therefore our very thoughts are all acts of creation
According to ontological mathematics we are all gods because reality is nothing but sinusoidal waves and therefore our very thoughts are all acts of creation
According to the cultists or purists of ontological mathematics. But the fundamental imperative of ontological mathematics is that mind and a priori reasoning and/or logic necessarily precede and have primacy over material being and scientific knowledge. Either way, it would not impinge on the necessity of an absolute beginning in time or that of a first uncaused cause.
According to the cultists or purists of ontological mathematics. But the fundamental imperative of ontological mathematics is that mind and a priori reasoning and/or logic necessarily precede and have primacy over material being and scientific knowledge. Either way, it would not impinge on the necessity of an absolute beginning in time or that of a first uncaused cause.
And where is that mind assumed to be the mind of a supreme being?

Like I said according to OM anyone capable of thought is a god
The First Law of Thermodynamics does not and could not prohibit God the Creator from creating or destroying matter/energy.

Put a thumbs up on this post and we'll call it a day.

Matter and energy are the same thing.
And where is that mind assumed to be the mind of a supreme being?

Like I said according to OM anyone capable of thought is a god
There is no assumed. Stop with the stupid shit. Finite minds do not and cannot account for their own existence!

The fundamental imperatives of logic and mathematics, and the first principles of ontology manifestly evince God's existence. The Kalam Cosmological Argument entails the pertinent imperatives and principles, and the OP of this thread summarizes the matter. Read it. Study it. Think.
There is no assumed.

The fundamental imperatives of logic and mathematics, and the first principles of ontology manifestly evince God's existence. The Kalam Cosmological Argument entails the pertinent imperatives and principles, and the OP of this thread summarizes the matter. Read it. Study it. Think.
No they don't.

If we are talking about OM it just assumes the existence of another mind capable of thought

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