It's time we admit the obvious

Jesus never stated any of that, that was added latter by people that were not alive while Jesus was alive..Had your God/Jesus wanted it to be condemned, he would have condemned..

Keep on ignoring the word inspired by the Holy Spirit. You are the never believer. Your words hold no truth. You, are a liar.
Just because somebody believes something that doesn't make their words true. They may think it's true but it's not universal

Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Why? Where in the Bible does it say thou shalt not think someone is a dumb ass? I don't see that passage ...
The book of Asshat was excluded from the bible by the Vatican in the 1400s... You need special access to the Vatican archives to read it.
You are a moron and nothing but a left wing godless asshat.

First of all, Christ fulfilled the mosaic law of the old testament. He is the LAW made flesh. The CHURCH was given AUTHORITY over the MOSAIC LAW as said in Acts chapter 15 at the COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM.

The Lord had taken the authority of the leaders of the Mosaic Law and established HIS church. 1st Timothy 3:15 says THE CHURCH is the PILLAR OF TRUTH. Whatsoever is bound is bound and whatsoever is loosened is loosened.

The New Testament says that homosexuality is a “shameful lust” (Romans 1:26), a “shameful act,” an abandonment of “natural relations” (Romans 1:27), a “wrongdoing” (1 Corinthians 6:9), and “sexual immorality and perversion” (Jude 1:7). Homosexuality carries a “due penalty” (Romans 1:27), “is contrary to the sound doctrine” (1 Timothy 1:10), and is listed among the sins that bar people from the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9). Despite the attempts of some to downplay these verses, the Bible could not be clearer that homosexuality is a sin against God.

Homosexuality is not the cause of a society’s decline, but it is a symptom of it; it is the result of people making themselves the final authorities. Romans 1 gives the natural digression of a society that has chosen idolatry and sinful pleasure instead of obedience to God. The downward spiral begins with denying that God has absolute authority over His creation (Romans 1:21–23).

For the never believer, that is not the same as what Jesus said. The word of the Lord is inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT and the HOLY SPIRIT testifies to TRUTH. Testifies to CHRIST. He WHO testifies to Christ are one in the same. Therefore the Holy Spirit IS CHRIST.

Giggle away moonbat. Giggle away.

Jesus never stated any of that, that was added latter by people that were not alive while Jesus was alive..Had your God/Jesus wanted it to be condemned, he would have condemned..

Keep on ignoring the word inspired by the Holy Spirit. You are the never believer. Your words hold no truth. You, are a liar.
Just because somebody believes something that doesn't make their words true. They may think it's true but it's not universal

Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Here's where you and I are different. I believe in Jesus Christ and the Lord God almighty. You believe in liberals.

I'll take my belief system over yours, thanks.
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?
Muslims that are not radical (those that do not believe literally in the entire Quran) should not be offended by criticism of those that are radical.

...and yes, Christians (those that believe literally in the entire Old Testament) can be called radical.

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....
Have you read the Old Testament, seems they were a lot like the Muslims also.........
Christianity is built around the New Testament more so than the Old Testament. Christ came along between them. He taught that many of the instructions listed in the Old Testament should not be applied to Christian living.

Not every Muslim belongs to the Muslim far-right. We really should make the distinction.

Every person on the far-right should be viewed with suspicion, regardless of what absurd fairy tales they use to justify their hatred.

Jesus taught that love was to replace hate. This is a reversal of many of the instructions in Exodus 21. There is no equivalent reversal in the Quran. Radical Muslims (young males especially) welcome the opportunity to control and subjugate women and to get their 72 virgins in the afterlife....after they become suicide bombers and kill innocent people.

The main difference between radical Muslims and radical Christians is that radical Muslims have been instructed in the Quran (numerous times) to kill all that do not share their beliefs. Radical Christians have no such instructions.

To say that radical Islam is not a part of Islam is patently our idiotic President espouses.

All you have to do is READ THE QURAN...The Holy Book of Islamic Faith!
What do you make of Mathew 15:4 and verses of the like?
Matthew 15:4 says to "let him die the death"

It does not say to kill him.

Also, "the death" here could mean something other than a physical death.

Guilt can be considered deadly in that it kills the happiness that should accompany a good life.
Yeah that's one way to look at it... Except it says "anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death" pretty clear message.
Another interpretation would be to kill those that curse mothers and fathers. Point being, the problem isn't simply Islam, the same messages are other religions. The problem is the group of thugs that take a literal extreme interpretation of these passages to recruit and justify killing.

I will say that there more statements in the Koran than in the bible but they both contain similar messages regarding punishment and death.

you have no idea what the bible says----it was written in Hebrew and the extensive commentary is in aramaic
Keep on ignoring the word inspired by the Holy Spirit. You are the never believer. Your words hold no truth. You, are a liar.
Just because somebody believes something that doesn't make their words true. They may think it's true but it's not universal

Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Why? Where in the Bible does it say thou shalt not think someone is a dumb ass? I don't see that passage ...
You are following what someone is telling you to follow, whether you know it's true or not....

Oh, it's true, you are a dumb ass. Your view of Christians is idiotic and bigoted. If you want to learn to criticize them meaningfully, you have to stop believing Democrat caricatures of them.

Just so you know, I left the church for the reasons you are trying to say. I believe in God and I have a close personal relationship with him in my life. I believe what Jesus said is the most important. But I learned to hate the religion, dogma side. I don't believe Jesus meant everything he said literally. Like believing in him, I think that means believing in the message, not the body.

So you just missed the shortest putt you could make, you're actually arguing the reason I left the church and stopped calling myself a Christian. But you missed the tap in because you are doing it so badly. You obviously know zero about Christianity other than what Democrats told you to think
Jesus never stated any of that, that was added latter by people that were not alive while Jesus was alive..Had your God/Jesus wanted it to be condemned, he would have condemned..

Keep on ignoring the word inspired by the Holy Spirit. You are the never believer. Your words hold no truth. You, are a liar.
Just because somebody believes something that doesn't make their words true. They may think it's true but it's not universal

Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Here's where you and I are different. I believe in Jesus Christ and the Lord God almighty. You believe in liberals.

I'll take my belief system over yours, thanks.
And what liberals do I believe in, since you currently are all knowing..all seeing.........
Just because somebody believes something that doesn't make their words true. They may think it's true but it's not universal

Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Why? Where in the Bible does it say thou shalt not think someone is a dumb ass? I don't see that passage ...
You are following what someone is telling you to follow, whether you know it's true or not....

Oh, it's true, you are a dumb ass. Your view of Christians is idiotic and bigoted. If you want to learn to criticize them meaningfully, you have to stop believing Democrat caricatures of them.

Just so you know, I left the church for the reasons you are trying to say. I believe in God and I have a close personal relationship with him in my life. I believe what Jesus said is the most important. But I learned to hate the religion, dogma side. I don't believe Jesus meant everything he said literally. Like believing in him, I think that means believing in the message, not the body.

So you just missed the shortest putt you could make, you're actually arguing the reason I left the church and stopped calling myself a Christian. But you missed the tap in because you are doing it so badly. You obviously know zero about Christianity other than what Democrats told you to think
Sure buddy, what ever excuses you need..
Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Why? Where in the Bible does it say thou shalt not think someone is a dumb ass? I don't see that passage ...
You are following what someone is telling you to follow, whether you know it's true or not....

Oh, it's true, you are a dumb ass. Your view of Christians is idiotic and bigoted. If you want to learn to criticize them meaningfully, you have to stop believing Democrat caricatures of them.

Just so you know, I left the church for the reasons you are trying to say. I believe in God and I have a close personal relationship with him in my life. I believe what Jesus said is the most important. But I learned to hate the religion, dogma side. I don't believe Jesus meant everything he said literally. Like believing in him, I think that means believing in the message, not the body.

So you just missed the shortest putt you could make, you're actually arguing the reason I left the church and stopped calling myself a Christian. But you missed the tap in because you are doing it so badly. You obviously know zero about Christianity other than what Democrats told you to think
Sure buddy, what ever excuses you need..

Excuses for what? What are you talking about?
Jesus never stated any of that, that was added latter by people that were not alive while Jesus was alive..Had your God/Jesus wanted it to be condemned, he would have condemned..

Keep on ignoring the word inspired by the Holy Spirit. You are the never believer. Your words hold no truth. You, are a liar.
Just because somebody believes something that doesn't make their words true. They may think it's true but it's not universal

Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Here's where you and I are different. I believe in Jesus Christ and the Lord God almighty. You believe in liberals.

I'll take my belief system over yours, thanks.
How presumptive can you be thinking you can define what I believe? Saying you believe in God and walking the walk are two very different things. So far all I've seen from you is a big mouth and a lot of hot air. What an ass.
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?
Muslims that are not radical (those that do not believe literally in the entire Quran) should not be offended by criticism of those that are radical.

...and yes, Christians (those that believe literally in the entire Old Testament) can be called radical.

Have you read the Old Testament, seems they were a lot like the Muslims also.........
Christianity is built around the New Testament more so than the Old Testament. Christ came along between them. He taught that many of the instructions listed in the Old Testament should not be applied to Christian living.

Not every Muslim belongs to the Muslim far-right. We really should make the distinction.

Every person on the far-right should be viewed with suspicion, regardless of what absurd fairy tales they use to justify their hatred.

Jesus taught that love was to replace hate. This is a reversal of many of the instructions in Exodus 21. There is no equivalent reversal in the Quran. Radical Muslims (young males especially) welcome the opportunity to control and subjugate women and to get their 72 virgins in the afterlife....after they become suicide bombers and kill innocent people.

The main difference between radical Muslims and radical Christians is that radical Muslims have been instructed in the Quran (numerous times) to kill all that do not share their beliefs. Radical Christians have no such instructions.

To say that radical Islam is not a part of Islam is patently our idiotic President espouses.

All you have to do is READ THE QURAN...The Holy Book of Islamic Faith!
What do you make of Mathew 15:4 and verses of the like?
Matthew 15:4 says to "let him die the death"

It does not say to kill him.

Also, "the death" here could mean something other than a physical death.

Guilt can be considered deadly in that it kills the happiness that should accompany a good life.
Yeah that's one way to look at it... Except it says "anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death" pretty clear message.
Another interpretation would be to kill those that curse mothers and fathers. Point being, the problem isn't simply Islam, the same messages are other religions. The problem is the group of thugs that take a literal extreme interpretation of these passages to recruit and justify killing.

I will say that there more statements in the Koran than in the bible but they both contain similar messages regarding punishment and death.

you have no idea what the bible says----it was written in Hebrew and the extensive commentary is in aramaic
So would it be fair to say that you don't know what it says either?
Keep on ignoring the word inspired by the Holy Spirit. You are the never believer. Your words hold no truth. You, are a liar.
Just because somebody believes something that doesn't make their words true. They may think it's true but it's not universal

Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Here's where you and I are different. I believe in Jesus Christ and the Lord God almighty. You believe in liberals.

I'll take my belief system over yours, thanks.
How presumptive can you be thinking you can define what I believe? Saying you believe in God and walking the walk are two very different things. So far all I've seen from you is a big mouth and a lot of hot air. What an ass.

Jesus loves you, Sonny. I do not.
Keep on ignoring the word inspired by the Holy Spirit. You are the never believer. Your words hold no truth. You, are a liar.
Just because somebody believes something that doesn't make their words true. They may think it's true but it's not universal

Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Here's where you and I are different. I believe in Jesus Christ and the Lord God almighty. You believe in liberals.

I'll take my belief system over yours, thanks.
And what liberals do I believe in, since you currently are all knowing..all seeing.........

Sonny, liberals believe in tyranny. Or did you not understand that?
Muslims that are not radical (those that do not believe literally in the entire Quran) should not be offended by criticism of those that are radical.

...and yes, Christians (those that believe literally in the entire Old Testament) can be called radical.

Christianity is built around the New Testament more so than the Old Testament. Christ came along between them. He taught that many of the instructions listed in the Old Testament should not be applied to Christian living.

Jesus taught that love was to replace hate. This is a reversal of many of the instructions in Exodus 21. There is no equivalent reversal in the Quran. Radical Muslims (young males especially) welcome the opportunity to control and subjugate women and to get their 72 virgins in the afterlife....after they become suicide bombers and kill innocent people.

The main difference between radical Muslims and radical Christians is that radical Muslims have been instructed in the Quran (numerous times) to kill all that do not share their beliefs. Radical Christians have no such instructions.

To say that radical Islam is not a part of Islam is patently our idiotic President espouses.

All you have to do is READ THE QURAN...The Holy Book of Islamic Faith!
What do you make of Mathew 15:4 and verses of the like?
Matthew 15:4 says to "let him die the death"

It does not say to kill him.

Also, "the death" here could mean something other than a physical death.

Guilt can be considered deadly in that it kills the happiness that should accompany a good life.
Yeah that's one way to look at it... Except it says "anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death" pretty clear message.
Another interpretation would be to kill those that curse mothers and fathers. Point being, the problem isn't simply Islam, the same messages are other religions. The problem is the group of thugs that take a literal extreme interpretation of these passages to recruit and justify killing.

I will say that there more statements in the Koran than in the bible but they both contain similar messages regarding punishment and death.

you have no idea what the bible says----it was written in Hebrew and the extensive commentary is in aramaic
So would it be fair to say that
you don't know what it says either?

not my field of study---but I know it a lot better than do you and I have access to scholars thereof
Oh, you're definitely right about that. Just look at the liberal mindset. No one in their right mind can lay claim to the bullshit ideology - yet dumbass liberals do. Go figure....
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Here's where you and I are different. I believe in Jesus Christ and the Lord God almighty. You believe in liberals.

I'll take my belief system over yours, thanks.
And what liberals do I believe in, since you currently are all knowing..all seeing.........

Sonny, liberals believe in tyranny. Or did you not understand that?
Liberals believe in Liberty, plain and simple.
You are nothing but a left wing socialist / marxist. You are not a liberal at all. You double talking, hypocritical, ignorant, arrogant, moron.

Every single one of your ignorant posts prove it. You deserve zero respect and I will never offer it.

What do you make of Mathew 15:4 and verses of the like?
Matthew 15:4 says to "let him die the death"

It does not say to kill him.

Also, "the death" here could mean something other than a physical death.

Guilt can be considered deadly in that it kills the happiness that should accompany a good life.
Yeah that's one way to look at it... Except it says "anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death" pretty clear message.
Another interpretation would be to kill those that curse mothers and fathers. Point being, the problem isn't simply Islam, the same messages are other religions. The problem is the group of thugs that take a literal extreme interpretation of these passages to recruit and justify killing.

I will say that there more statements in the Koran than in the bible but they both contain similar messages regarding punishment and death.

you have no idea what the bible says----it was written in Hebrew and the extensive commentary is in aramaic
So would it be fair to say that
you don't know what it says either?

not my field of study---but I know it a lot better than do you and I have access to scholars thereof
How in the world can you make that statement? You have no idea who I am and what I know. What's with all the presumptive assholes on this thread
Remind yourself of that statement when you go to church...

Here's where you and I are different. I believe in Jesus Christ and the Lord God almighty. You believe in liberals.

I'll take my belief system over yours, thanks.
And what liberals do I believe in, since you currently are all knowing..all seeing.........

Sonny, liberals believe in tyranny. Or did you not understand that?
Liberals believe in Liberty, plain and simple.
You are nothing but a left wing socialist / marxist. You are not a liberal at all. You double talking, hypocritical, ignorant, arrogant, moron.

Every single one of your ignorant posts prove it. You deserve zero respect and I will never offer it.

Somebody forgot to take their pill today. Ring the nurse
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....

that's why some Muslim offspring become's all there in the book.....
So instead of focusing on Isis and other organized terror groups you want to fight against the ideology of Islam. Do you see how this can be counterproductive?

Isis, Isil, Al Quaida, Hamas...I know I'm missing some.

All muslim. All terrorists.
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....

that's why some Muslim offspring become's all there in the book.....
So instead of focusing on Isis and other organized terror groups you want to fight against the ideology of Islam. Do you see how this can be counterproductive?

Isis, Isil, Al Quaida, Hamas...I know I'm missing some.

All muslim. All terrorists.
true, do you understand why?
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....

that's why some Muslim offspring become's all there in the book.....
So instead of focusing on Isis and other organized terror groups you want to fight against the ideology of Islam. Do you see how this can be counterproductive?

Isis, Isil, Al Quaida, Hamas...I know I'm missing some.

All muslim. All terrorists.
true, do you understand why?
Fuck off, traitor. People who target soft targets and who defend them deserve to die, and we should prevent them from entering out country.

Even if that means we prevent other people from entering our country. Big whoop. There is no heavenly dictate that we must allow entry to anybody who voices a desire to come to our country, or that we must facilitate our own invasion. Now toddle off and beat off to abortion videos.
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....

that's why some Muslim offspring become's all there in the book.....
So instead of focusing on Isis and other organized terror groups you want to fight against the ideology of Islam. Do you see how this can be counterproductive?

Isis, Isil, Al Quaida, Hamas...I know I'm missing some.

All muslim. All terrorists.
true, do you understand why?
Fuck off, traitor. People who target soft targets and who defend them deserve to die, and we should prevent them from entering out country.

Even if that means we prevent other people from entering our country. Big whoop. There is no heavenly dictate that we must allow entry to anybody who voices a desire to come to our country, or that we must facilitate our own invasion. Now toddle off and beat off to abortion videos.
Spoken like a true clueless idiot... Keep on fighting the good fight, the rest of your crew will be roasting squirrels behind the trailers later tonight
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....

that's why some Muslim offspring become's all there in the book.....
So instead of focusing on Isis and other organized terror groups you want to fight against the ideology of Islam. Do you see how this can be counterproductive?

Isis, Isil, Al Quaida, Hamas...I know I'm missing some.

All muslim. All terrorists.
true, do you understand why?
Fuck off, traitor. People who target soft targets and who defend them deserve to die, and we should prevent them from entering out country.

Even if that means we prevent other people from entering our country. Big whoop. There is no heavenly dictate that we must allow entry to anybody who voices a desire to come to our country, or that we must facilitate our own invasion. Now toddle off and beat off to abortion videos.
Spoken like a true clueless idiot... Keep on fighting the good fight, the rest of your crew will be roasting squirrels behind the trailers later tonight

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