It's Time White Republicans Stopped Lying to Each Other

Indians and whites both invest in africa all the time

Then the stupid ******* whine about it

Africans often strip land from descendants of settler colonists then realize they can't actually farm the land themselves. Typical shit in Africa

LOL Indians know how to deal with uppity *******
This is the people you love so much

This is the people you love so much

WHat you think an Indian has never done anything bad to a white?

And i'm half white dipshit, lol

Unlike you I'm not delusional about my own kins moral worth. You understand most Indians think they're above whites and everyone else, right?

To be outside caste is to inherently be beneath it. Getting into a pointing fingers game about bigotry is not a game an Indian is going to win. Nor woudl they care to. Again inherent to the system. Indians will literally rape white women for breaking social taboos and not covering themselves. We don't give a fuck what color you are. Yea they look down on you and everyone else. Sorta the point of the system.

If british colonial women had worn booty shorts colonialism in India would have ended a lot sooner, lol
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Asians brilliantly founded Nintendo and Sony!

Here we go with that "Micracle of the Han River" lie. The lie that says Asians just built themselves up and all these companies just spouted up becuase they're just so smart

You miss out the fact after the 1950's the USA started outsourcing their jobs as blk ppl started fighting for civil rights and wanting economic empowerment.

The US government and American companies started shifting their investments overseas. So after Nam and the Korean conflict you start seeing huge investment in Asia. They went looking for small companies that were established and loaded them up with cash.

That's when the Samsungs and the Sonys and the Ninetndos started popping up and getting more muscle on the global scene

You have never seen any such push for investment in Africa.

They're over in Africa raping the minerals, poisoning the resouvoirs, sending in there economic, using that scorched earth policy so they can't grow anything, raping the land, commiting human rights violations. You don't them doing anything like that in Asia.

They don't need to kiss anyone's arse. They get ahead on their intelligence and skill.

It seems like what happens is that whites and Asians like Juicin get together and act ignorant and play this game of "Well we just did great and you negroes are just stupid"

Black ppl in the US have built private communities, banks but we were shut out by law, by decree, by bombing, by goverrment force and violence. Asians have never been through any of that in the US.

You've never had a China Town that was blown up like the black wall street. So Asians were allowed to be at the front of the queue as a buffer class between black and white people

JohnReese e
You know what's ironic. Nobody is saying stop Asian hate anymore once blacks started attacking Asians on the street.

Look even many Asian are wising up to this lie and propoganda

Well, the Chinese military is larger Than ours. If someone pulled that on Asian land, what allegedly took place on African soil, any idiot doing that would be obliterated from this planet. Why did Africa allegedly let that happen? If you are so worried about outsourcing, why do you vote democrat? Trump-Pence was not for open borders Biden-Harris has everyone but Cubans crossing the border. And blacks have targeted Asians for a while. The media stopped talking about stopping the Asian hate blacks can't attack people on the street and say how oppressed the black race is.

This is the people you love so much

I'm part Scottish! I love the U.K How are you going to bash the British people when you know full well you are in the camp who is stumping for a Black-English actor to play James Bond? Idris Elba or Rege Jean Page For alleged colonizers, England is diverse. You probably own the work of English actors Daniel Kaluuya and John Boyega, but you take shots at their homeland?
I'm part Scottish! I love the U.K How are you going to bash the British people when you know full well you are in the camp who is stumping for a Black-English actor to play James Bond? Idris Elba or Rege Jean Page For alleged colonizers, England is diverse. You probably own the work of English actors Daniel Kaluuya and John Boyega, but you take shots at their homeland?

You say this even most fictional characters have been white
  • Superman is white.
  • Batman is white.
  • Spiderman is white.
  • Iron man is white
  • Ant man is white.
  • Aqua man is white.
  • Indiana Jones is white.
  • Han Solo is white.
  • Dorothy Gale was white
  • Ellen Ripley is white
  • The Joker is white
  • John McClane is white
  • Captain Kirk is white
  • Spock is white
  • Travis Bickle is white
  • Forrest Gump is white
  • The Terminator is white
  • Gandalf is white
  • Rocky Balboa is white
  • Captain America is white
  • Luke SkyWalker is white
  • Ace Ventura is white
  • Sarah Connor is white
  • Wolverine is white
  • Harry Potter is white
  • Maximus is white
  • Homer Simpson is white
  • Barbie is white
  • Popeye is white
  • Tarzan is white
  • Hulk is white
  • Wonder woman is white
  • Judge Dredd is white
  • X-Men are white
  • Lex Luthor is white
  • Charlie Brown is white
  • Fred Flinstone is white
  • Beavis and Butthead are white
But a black James Bond ? No !!!


Idris is too old to play Bond. He'll be early 50's by the time the next Bond film comes out but to be honest the next Bond won't be black.

Having a black man running around saving the world, kicking ass, banging the hottest women of all races ? Na. Those old school white Italian Broccoli's who own the Bond franchise and white society in general are not gonna let that happen. They're gonna make sure images like that are not imprinted in the minds of people round the world.

Now a slave movie where blk men are getting our asses kicked ? Sure Hollywood will green light that all day. So you can forget about a blk bond. White men are insecure about black dudes as it and that's even when white dudes own and run everything.
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3% of the UK is black dude

You'd be freaking the fuck out if you were them

Black dwight for sure

Where is the INDIAN BOND EH? Fucking racist darkies taking our jobs, lol. We are in a position to whine about shit like this in the UK not you.

You get to want way above 13% representation but the whites can't point out the obvious that they don't trust blacks to be secret agents. Buahah

It's not America
Where is the INDIAN BOND EH? Fucking racist darkies taking our jobs, lol. We are in a position to whine about shit like this in the UK not you.

Make up your mind. You are the good white ass kissing Asian who wants to assimilate into that system. So white men pat you on the hand, fk the shit out of Aaian women and Asian men cant fk white women and they tell you smart and intelligent, give you few business and as long as you kiss more white ass and hate on blacks they'll carry on giving you a few crumvs.

But now you want to challenge the system and have a Indian bond ? Well go out there and grind like blk ppl do have done and grind fo your voice to be heard
Well, the Chinese military is larger Than ours. If someone pulled that on Asian land, what allegedly took place on African soil, any idiot doing that would be obliterated from this planet. Why did Africa allegedly let that happen? If you are so worried about outsourcing, why do you vote democrat? Trump-Pence was not for open borders Biden-Harris has everyone but Cubans crossing the border. And blacks have targeted Asians for a while. The media stopped talking about stopping the Asian hate blacks can't attack people on the street and say how oppressed the black race is.

This white man (Brendt Christensen)


You probably don't know who he is but he did this


In 2017 this white man raped her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.


He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back


Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive


Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.


I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

But we are the problem ?

Black people have done a lot for Asians. Let's look at history.

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black man named David Fagan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army


He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

In the 1960's; Asians are over here because of us fighting for the 1965 immigration act. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war


Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians.

He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


We are the economic base for Asians. We propped them up but that was not returned because Asians have a policy of not spending a dime with black businesses. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there. It was black people who watched them Kung Fu movies of the 70's and made Bruce Lee an icon.

So you better shut the fk up about how black people are mistreating the Asian community

Let's talk facts

For months we have had the white media trying to manufacture a phoney outrage about how blk ppl attacking Asians.

As Malcolm X said


They focused on the same 3 or 4 incidents and they put this on a non stop loop over and over again.

And guess what ?

That was going so well .....until this


The white media's goal is to try to invalidate blk people's claim of racism. That's what this about.

So the white media has to step forward with this counter narrative. One that makes black people the bad guys and they can't be subtle about it.
Where is the INDIAN BOND EH? Fucking racist darkies taking our jobs, lol. We are in a position to whine about shit like this in the UK not you.

Make up your mind. You are the good white ass kissing Asian who wants to assimilate into that system. So white men pat you on the hand, fk the shit out of Aaian women and Asian men cant fk white women and they tell you smart and intelligent, give you few business and as long as you kiss more white ass and hate on blacks they'll carry on giving you a few crumvs.

But now you want to challenge the system and have a Indian bond ? Well go out there and grind like blk ppl do have done and grind fo your voice to be heard

lol i'll pass on james bond dude

I'd just like to start with realistic portrayals like moderately wealthy indian suburban men with great hair.

And for christs sake give them some HGH this is America
You say this even most fictional characters have been white
  • Superman is white.
  • Batman is white.
  • Spiderman is white.
  • Iron man is white
  • Ant man is white.
  • Aqua man is white.
  • Indiana Jones is white.
  • Han Solo is white.
  • Dorothy Gale was white
  • Ellen Ripley is white
  • The Joker is white
  • John McClane is white
  • Captain Kirk is white
  • Spock is white
  • Travis Bickle is white
  • Forrest Gump is white
  • The Terminator is white
  • Gandalf is white
  • Rocky Balboa is white
  • Captain America is white
  • Luke SkyWalker is white
  • Ace Ventura is white
  • Sarah Connor is white
  • Wolverine is white
  • Harry Potter is white
  • Maximus is white
  • Homer Simpson is white
  • Barbie is white
  • Popeye is white
  • Tarzan is white
  • Hulk is white
  • Wonder woman is white
  • Judge Dredd is white
  • X-Men are white
  • Lex Luthor is white
  • Charlie Brown is white
  • Fred Flinstone is white
  • Beavis and Butthead are white
But a black James Bond ? No !!!


Idris is too old to play Bond. He'll be early 50's by the time the next Bond film comes out but to be honest the next Bond won't be black.

Having a black man running around saving the world, kicking ass, banging the hottest women of all races ? Na. Those old school white Italian Broccoli's who own the Bond franchise and white society in general are not gonna let that happen. They're gonna make sure images like that are not imprinted in the minds of people round the world.

Now a slave movie where blk men are getting our asses kicked ? Sure Hollywood will green light that all day. So you can forget about a blk bond. White men are insecure about black dudes as it and that's even when white dudes own and run everything.

Sir Roger Moore was 45 when he began playing Bond if the next 007 is white. I'll be shocked if Rege-Jean Page is not the next James Bond If Outlander star Sam Heughan wins the role! I'm eating a hat. I'm secure in my skin none of you threaten me, but you guys are like 13% of the population. You get roles like you all are 99% of the western civilization population.
3% of the UK is black dude

You'd be freaking the fuck out if you were them

Black dwight for sure

Where is the INDIAN BOND EH? Fucking racist darkies taking our jobs, lol. We are in a position to whine about shit like this in the UK not you.

You get to want way above 13% representation but the whites can't point out the obvious that they don't trust blacks to be secret agents. Buahah

It's not America
Blacks are 1% of the Scottish population! He would shit his pants if he lived there!
This white man (Brendt Christensen)


You probably don't know who he is but he did this

View attachment 562650
In 2017 this white man raped her, beat her, cut off her head and mutilated her body.

Fast forward to 2019. Arhur Martonvich kills three Asian man in New York subway by beating them to death with a hammer.

View attachment 562651

He try to sell some B.S about doing it to defend Asian women from Asian men. Yeah right.

Last year a white man John Wiseman called the police and told them that his Asian wife was on the floor unresponsive. He left out the part about shooting her three times, two of them in the back

View attachment 562652

Jeffery Morris (Who has previous convictions) burns Susie Zhao alive

View attachment 562654

Scott Smith last years shoot and kills his wife Kanaquan Smith. He filed for divorce a few weeks before he killed her. He claimed self defence and guess what ? They bought it. Prosecutors dropped all charges against him saying there wasn't enough evidence.

View attachment 562655

I don't forget the killers of Vincent Chin in the 80's who was killed by two white men who got no jail time

I don't forget Lyuen Phan Ngyuen who beaten to death by 7 white men in the 90's who shouted "white power" to her

I don't forget Micheal Cho in 2007 was unarmed when shot and killed by a white policeman who of course was not punished

I don't forget Thang Nyguen shot to death in 2016 by two white men who of course never spent one night in Shawshank.

But we are the problem ?

Black people have done a lot for Asians. Let's look at history.

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black man named David Fagan and other blk men defected because he didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army

View attachment 562656

He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

In the 1960's; Asians are over here because of us fighting for the 1965 immigration act. It was the black panthers speaking out against the Vietnam war


Muhammad Ali gave up his best boxing years for Asians.

He was out the sport for 3 years because he didn't want to got to Vietnam and harm Asian people


We are the economic base for Asians. We propped them up but that was not returned because Asians have a policy of not spending a dime with black businesses. And we better not go to their countries coz the anti blk racism is so deep there. It was black people who watched them Kung Fu movies of the 70's and made Bruce Lee an icon.

So you better shut the fk up about how black people are mistreating the Asian community

Let's talk facts

For months we have had the white media trying to manufacture a phoney outrage about how blk ppl attacking Asians.

As Malcolm X said


They focused on the same 3 or 4 incidents and they put this on a non stop loop over and over again.

And guess what ?

That was going so well .....until this

View attachment 562657

The white media's goal is to try to invalidate blk people's claim of racism. That's what this about.

So the white media has to step forward with this counter narrative. One that makes black people the bad guys and they can't be subtle about it.
So, you won't address the fact Blacks targeted Asians in the streets? You don't hear the media saying stop the Asian hate anymore as soon as blacks. Started making the news, and do you notice when the black person commits a crime. They never mention their race. But if it's a white person, my race is mentioned every time.
So, you won't address the fact Blacks targeted Asians in the streets? You don't hear the media saying stop the Asian hate anymore as soon as blacks. Started making the news, and do you notice when the black person commits a crime. They never mention their race. But if it's a white person, my race is mentioned every time.

You are just repeating what you have already said. What you describing is not happening. There is no mass attacks of Asians by blk ppl
A) you do have anglo blood dipshit, you're descended from chattel slaves. You probably have more anglo blood than me and i'm half white. Because my white blood is german. There is white, saxon , and protestant blood in me. But no Anglo

What kind of pathetic fuck doesn't even know his own genetic makeup? Your grandmas were raped dipshit. Yea you're part white. Only a few generatinos removed and already trying to pretend it didn't happen.

B) Anglo is a cultural concept you dumb ass. We are an anglo nation. Have not been majority WASP or any anglo ethnic for a long time. You are an Anglo. You speak English natively, that's a good litmus test.

All black Americans i've ever met were Anglos outside a handful of native spanish speakers who were not born here.

Just like Canada is an Anglo nation even tho it has majority non anglo blood.

Why do retards think that anyone is referring to Anglo blood when they are such a small ethnic group on the world stage? No one gives a fuck about them in 2021. It's their culture that matters. Mostly because it was adopted by the vast majority of Americans.

Yes you are a lot more Anglo than you are African dipshit. Live with it. What African languages do you speak? lol

And why the fuck did you learn it if you do speak one? You're an Anglo

Wrong. I'm black. Not Anglo. Anglo is not a cultural concept. Black is worldwide.

Now go look up the definition of Anglo then shut your mouth. Because native Americans and Africans mixed too. That happened on my moms side of the family as her mom was half Cherokee. And I know full well what happened and don't need your asinine assertions. We were robbed of our culture, which includes our language and spirituality in seasoning camps. You are a wannabe white, I am not. My ancestors were bought here from Africa, that is where my family originated from. That does not change and some punk ass half asian, half white scrub can't tell me shit. The Africans I have met in my life to this point have reminded me from whence I came. I may not know my specific tribe, but I do understand the history from which I have as part of me.

The only anglo I have about me is the 1 percent in my DNA. The other 99 percent says that I am a black man. And I am proud of it.

Last, I know that white feral savages raped black women and men. And we do not have to recognize the rapists as part of us. So while you can run around proud of being a descendant of rapists, I won't do the same. You've met zero black Anglos, you just a punk ass racist trying to dis anyone black who calls themselves African American. My forefathers were bought here from Africa, and I am a foundational American Descendant of Slaves. So you take that little anglo mess and shove it up your ass.
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Jim Crow ended, period.

There are no laws that treat black people any differently than whites

Unless we count affirmative action where black people are given an advantage

And thats all you have a right to expect

No reparations

No free shoe shines

Just the freedom to be the best you can be

If you are ambitious enough to take advantage of that right
The Homestead Acts began more than one decade before the end of slavery. This alone should provide evidence of the limited benefit this act had for blacks in America. Passed in 1862, the Homestead Acts gave away 246 million acres of land. To qualify for Homestead land a person had to be a citizen of the United States and blacks were not given citizenship until 1866. Research shows that 99.73 percent of that land went to whites, including white immigrants. 1.5 million white families were given free land or the equivalent of a minimum of $500,000 per family. Today 93 million whites still live on homestead land, which is at least 40 percent of the white population in America. That land has helped whites accumulate the wealth they have today.

The National Housing Act was a law passed by Congress and signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934. This law created the Federal Housing Administration or the FHA. The National Housing Act is probably the policy that has provided the greatest impact on individual wealth accumulation in modern America. The FHA was able to create a guaranteed home loan program whereby potential homebuyers could get bank loans guaranteed against default by the government. Less than 5 percent of all government guaranteed loans between1935 and 1968 went to blacks. Black creditworthiness was no excuse for banks because payment of the loans were guaranteed by the federal government.

The Social Security Act of 1935 created the Social Security program, state unemployment insurance, and assistance to single women with children. TWhen President Roosevelt signed the law, approximately two thirds of the blacks in America were ineligible. So for years a majority of blacks were excluded from social security savings and could not get unemployment.

. Title 4 or IV of the social security act of 1935 called for grants in aid to be provided to each state as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children without daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. The program offered aid primarily to poor females who were caring for children without a husband. From the time of the Childrens Bureau until 1965 no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and created the disintegration of the white family.The program was not denigrated as something creating dependence on government, it was seen as essential assistance needed to help women without husbands who had children.

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 created the minimum wage and time and a half overtime pay for working over forty hours a week. Due to pressure from southern congressmen, industries would be excluded from the regulations where the majority of workers were black. Because of this, blacks were paid less than the minimum wage.

“I'm the beneficiary of the biggest affirmative action program in American history: A free education, a loan for a house. But black veterans didn't get it. We got made middle class by our government program.”-The Rev. Jim Wallis

On June 22, 1944, President Roosevelt signed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, better known as the G.I. Bill. This law provided benefits for veterans returning World War Two. This act included funds for college tuition, low-cost home loans, and unemployment insurance.

“In 1947, some 70,000 African American veterans were unable to obtain admission to crowded, under-resourced black colleges. The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000.” Southern universities? Forget about it. “After World War II, blacks wanting to attend college in the South were restricted to about 100 public and private schools, few of which offered education beyond the baccalaureate and more than a quarter of which were junior colleges, with the highest degree below the B.A.”

All these things impact our lives right now. Whites would have NOTHING without this government assistance and while blacks paid taxes, blacks were excluded from most if not all of these programs.
So, you won't address the fact Blacks targeted Asians in the streets? You don't hear the media saying stop the Asian hate anymore as soon as blacks. Started making the news, and do you notice when the black person commits a crime. They never mention their race. But if it's a white person, my race is mentioned every time.

You are just repeating what you have already said. What you describing is not happening. There is no mass attacks of Asians by blk ppl
I repeated myself because you never answered my question. And you are spewing fake news blacks were targeting Asians. That's a fact, but you liberals want live lies even Al Sharpton told them to stop.
I repeated myself because you never answered my question. And you are spewing fake news blacks were targeting Asians. That's a fact, but you liberals want live lies even Al Sharpton told them to stop.
I just did answer your question. You're repeating yourself. You said that Asians are being attacked by black people. I'm saying there is no mass attacks from blacks towards Asians.

You, a white man, whose ppl dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing half a millon Asians, has the nerve to accuse blk ppl being violent towards Asians
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