It's Too Late, But....

Santayana warned about not learning from history.

1. Totalitarians such as the Democrats believe in gulags, re-education camps, mental hospitals, deprivation of livelihood, and $135,000 fines for not baking a cake for any who don't have 'the right thoughts.'

Mao's China, Stalin's Russia, and Democrat's America all share these views.

2. Progressives used mental hospitals and government ordered sterilizations in the interests of eugenics.

3. Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia › wiki › Political_abuse_of_psychiatr...

There was systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, based on the ... In a monolithic state, psychiatry can be used to bypass standard legal procedures ... The practice of incarceration of political dissidents in mental hospitals in ...

4. "A politician in New York state has introduced a Bill which would empower the state to forcibly detain for up to 60 days WITHOUT COURT ORDER "anyone reasonably believed to have been exposed to . . . . or who had contact with" a contagious disease. No Warrant or Due Process necessary!

Assembly Bill A-416, pre-filed for introduction in 2021 by Assemblyman Noah Perry of East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, lays out the forced confinement of -- anyone -- merely because government says so. And the person being forcibly confined cannot even ASK for a court hearing unless and until he's been deprived of his liberty for THREE DAYS; and at such time, he can request to be heard (as the court calendar allows) and will need a Court Order to be free!"

This is what you voted for, Democrats.
And they're DAMN PROUD OF IT TOO, in case you didn't realize it

Some are......most are too ignorant to realize what they've done.

For those, it's pretty much Luke 23:34
Santayana warned about not learning from history.

1. Totalitarians such as the Democrats believe in gulags, re-education camps, mental hospitals, deprivation of livelihood, and $135,000 fines for not baking a cake for any who don't have 'the right thoughts.'

Mao's China, Stalin's Russia, and Democrat's America all share these views.

2. Progressives used mental hospitals and government ordered sterilizations in the interests of eugenics.

3. Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia › wiki › Political_abuse_of_psychiatr...

There was systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, based on the ... In a monolithic state, psychiatry can be used to bypass standard legal procedures ... The practice of incarceration of political dissidents in mental hospitals in ...

4. "A politician in New York state has introduced a Bill which would empower the state to forcibly detain for up to 60 days WITHOUT COURT ORDER "anyone reasonably believed to have been exposed to . . . . or who had contact with" a contagious disease. No Warrant or Due Process necessary!

Assembly Bill A-416, pre-filed for introduction in 2021 by Assemblyman Noah Perry of East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, lays out the forced confinement of -- anyone -- merely because government says so. And the person being forcibly confined cannot even ASK for a court hearing unless and until he's been deprived of his liberty for THREE DAYS; and at such time, he can request to be heard (as the court calendar allows) and will need a Court Order to be free!"

This is what you voted for, Democrats.

Many Americans will jump right on board in agreement with such (proposed) laws. We're witnessing such first hand, actually. Up to recently my family had stood strong against the relentless MSM propaganda hawking coronavirus fear night and day. But then a family member became quite ill and her husband pushed her to get tested. The test came back positive. Now, the matriarch of our tribe has forbidden all from coming around and has been gossiping on social media about how several of us gathered under the same roof for Christmas dinner—including the person who tested positive. The rest of us have agreed not to speak or cooperate with contact tracers but the situation has divided the family and I for one do not see light or the end of tunnel coming any time soon. And this is how THEY get you . . . by inserting their ideological madness into the hearts of families everywhere.

Yep, rw nutters being nutty...untill it happens to their own...and even then half are too retarded to learn.

And what lesson exactly, pray tell, are we and so many other Americans supposed to learn? That becoming the victim of state sponsored psychological warfare is some crime? If the likes of you remain, then when the time comes we'll see you on the battlefield. Be sure to social distance.

The lesson is calm the fuck down with your battlefield fantasies, wear a mask where needed, skip that crowded party and get vaccinated when you can.

This is what keeps the hospital beds open, keeps bussinesses and schools from having to do a full shutdown and when enough have immunity we get back to normal, so you can get togather and do those civil war re-enactments or whatever the fuck you are into.

Speaking of the Civil War, by the time this thing is over we'll have almost as many Americans dead from Covid-19 complications.

60 million dead to abortion. This virus is nothing.
Santayana warned about not learning from history.

1. Totalitarians such as the Democrats believe in gulags, re-education camps, mental hospitals, deprivation of livelihood, and $135,000 fines for not baking a cake for any who don't have 'the right thoughts.'

Mao's China, Stalin's Russia, and Democrat's America all share these views.

2. Progressives used mental hospitals and government ordered sterilizations in the interests of eugenics.

3. Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia › wiki › Political_abuse_of_psychiatr...

There was systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, based on the ... In a monolithic state, psychiatry can be used to bypass standard legal procedures ... The practice of incarceration of political dissidents in mental hospitals in ...

4. "A politician in New York state has introduced a Bill which would empower the state to forcibly detain for up to 60 days WITHOUT COURT ORDER "anyone reasonably believed to have been exposed to . . . . or who had contact with" a contagious disease. No Warrant or Due Process necessary!

Assembly Bill A-416, pre-filed for introduction in 2021 by Assemblyman Noah Perry of East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, lays out the forced confinement of -- anyone -- merely because government says so. And the person being forcibly confined cannot even ASK for a court hearing unless and until he's been deprived of his liberty for THREE DAYS; and at such time, he can request to be heard (as the court calendar allows) and will need a Court Order to be free!"

This is what you voted for, Democrats.

Many Americans will jump right on board in agreement with such (proposed) laws. We're witnessing such first hand, actually. Up to recently my family had stood strong against the relentless MSM propaganda hawking coronavirus fear night and day. But then a family member became quite ill and her husband pushed her to get tested. The test came back positive. Now, the matriarch of our tribe has forbidden all from coming around and has been gossiping on social media about how several of us gathered under the same roof for Christmas dinner—including the person who tested positive. The rest of us have agreed not to speak or cooperate with contact tracers but the situation has divided the family and I for one do not see light or the end of tunnel coming any time soon. And this is how THEY get you . . . by inserting their ideological madness into the hearts of families everywhere.

Yep, rw nutters being nutty...untill it happens to their own...and even then half are too retarded to learn.

And what lesson exactly, pray tell, are we and so many other Americans supposed to learn? That becoming the victim of state sponsored psychological warfare is some crime? If the likes of you remain, then when the time comes we'll see you on the battlefield. Be sure to social distance.

The lesson is calm the fuck down with your battlefield fantasies, wear a mask where needed, skip that crowded party and get vaccinated when you can.

This is what keeps the hospital beds open, keeps bussinesses and schools from having to do a full shutdown and when enough have immunity we get back to normal, so you can get togather and do those civil war re-enactments or whatever the fuck you are into.

Speaking of the Civil War, by the time this thing is over we'll have almost as many Americans dead from Covid-19 complications.

60 million dead to abortion. This virus is nothing.

Rationalization 101.
Gee...who was Melania visiting down there then? Surely...your blob didn't have a bunch of kids in that detention center she was visiting...did he?

Your pedophile that you voted for will probably spend most of his time detaining kids.

C'mon fuck face..who was Melania visiting if your blob wasn't jailing kids. He was probably handing them off to Epstein. Was that the reason he started separating kids? To help his friend Epstein and Melania was checking on the operation? Was that it?
Gee...who was Melania visiting down there then? Surely...your blob didn't have a bunch of kids in that detention center she was visiting...did he?

Your pedophile that you voted for will probably spend most of his time detaining kids.

C'mon fuck face..who was Melania visiting if your blob wasn't jailing kids. He was probably handing them off to Epstein. Was that the reason he started separating kids? To help his friend Epstein and Melania was checking on the operation? Was that it?

Awww.....have to sling those obscenities. Lol. That doesn't help your delusional argument. You're gonna have to deal with the pedo-elect.
Gee...who was Melania visiting down there then? Surely...your blob didn't have a bunch of kids in that detention center she was visiting...did he?

Your pedophile that you voted for will probably spend most of his time detaining kids.

C'mon fuck face..who was Melania visiting if your blob wasn't jailing kids. He was probably handing them off to Epstein. Was that the reason he started separating kids? To help his friend Epstein and Melania was checking on the operation? Was that it?

Awww.....have to sling those obscenities. Lol. That doesn't help your delusional argument. You're gonna have to deal with the pedo-elect.

Well, I guess catching you in yet another lie is satisfaction enough. Melania was visiting someone down can't explain who it was since you argue that the blob wasn't storing kids for his pal Epstein. No wonder he had him killed in custody.
Gee...who was Melania visiting down there then? Surely...your blob didn't have a bunch of kids in that detention center she was visiting...did he?

Your pedophile that you voted for will probably spend most of his time detaining kids.

C'mon fuck face..who was Melania visiting if your blob wasn't jailing kids. He was probably handing them off to Epstein. Was that the reason he started separating kids? To help his friend Epstein and Melania was checking on the operation? Was that it?

Awww.....have to sling those obscenities. Lol. That doesn't help your delusional argument. You're gonna have to deal with the pedo-elect.

Well, I guess catching you in yet another lie is satisfaction enough. Melania was visiting someone down can't explain who it was since you argue that the blob wasn't storing kids for his pal Epstein. No wonder he had him killed in custody.

I actually wouldn't be surprised at anything now.
Santayana warned about not learning from history.

1. Totalitarians such as the Democrats believe in gulags, re-education camps, mental hospitals, deprivation of livelihood, and $135,000 fines for not baking a cake for any who don't have 'the right thoughts.'

Mao's China, Stalin's Russia, and Democrat's America all share these views.

2. Progressives used mental hospitals and government ordered sterilizations in the interests of eugenics.

3. Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia › wiki › Political_abuse_of_psychiatr...

There was systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, based on the ... In a monolithic state, psychiatry can be used to bypass standard legal procedures ... The practice of incarceration of political dissidents in mental hospitals in ...

4. "A politician in New York state has introduced a Bill which would empower the state to forcibly detain for up to 60 days WITHOUT COURT ORDER "anyone reasonably believed to have been exposed to . . . . or who had contact with" a contagious disease. No Warrant or Due Process necessary!

Assembly Bill A-416, pre-filed for introduction in 2021 by Assemblyman Noah Perry of East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, lays out the forced confinement of -- anyone -- merely because government says so. And the person being forcibly confined cannot even ASK for a court hearing unless and until he's been deprived of his liberty for THREE DAYS; and at such time, he can request to be heard (as the court calendar allows) and will need a Court Order to be free!"

This is what you voted for, Democrats.


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