It's Very Ironic that Liberals Frequently Compare Conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis

It's the kind of thinking that makes good cover for Holocaust deniers and other human trash.
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. All school curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website

Today you will learn what the term "LIBERAL mans
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. All school curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website

TODAY you learn what the term "Liberal" means. "Lot's of". What party uses "Lot's of"?

Hitler openly noted that he based his oppressive stance on how America overtook the Indians with slaughter. His "slave scientists" were punished by becoming American slave scientists LOL.

They were based in Area 54 and came up with such technology as the flare. They even have actual footage of a flying saucer in Area 54, which took a dive and someone died.

LOT's of is a thing to discuss and consider. LOT'S OF is generally tied to a Religion or group.

I think people should have individual minds and think one topic at a time so they aren't blinded by bias groups.
..hitter was a the party doctrine and it is all socialism all the is amazing how much the left has to lie just to get through the day....sadly for you guys...there is the internet...before, you could lie in our schools and teach your crap to our kids and were never questioned.....all of the truth was locked away in books that people with normal lives would never see.....with the get challenged and exposed as the liars you are...which is one reason obama took control of it......

Your childish declarations do nothing to change actual history.
And what kind of fucking dummy thinks the internet is a reliable source of information? How shallow and stupid would you have to be?

There's no attempt to change history... The National Socialists are socialists. That they have a variation on the socialist theme, distinct only in the long game of national socialism, from the revolutionary short game of International socialism doesn't make it less than socialism... thus anything other than what it is: Collectivism, OKA: LEFTIST.

To argue otherwise scamp, only makes one appear foolish. Now don't you t least want to be better than that?

So the Swedes are Nazis? Goddam you ARE the dumbest fuck on this board.
Of course the point of this thread is evidently to make some vague philosophic connection between Nazis and Democrats. What kind of children play stupid word games like that?

Nah, there have been documentaries on the Bush/Nazi connection. He is simply trying to state it's not "Liberal" when in fact it is LOT'S OF.

Conservatives have to live in a fantasy world where those of their kind are always right. A world where they are the best people on earth...

...a world that they deserve to be masters of.
Conservatives have to live in a fantasy world where those of their kind are always right. A world where they are the best people on earth...

...a world that they deserve to be masters of.

To quote Stephen Colbert, "America isn't torn between parties. We are torn between people who think about what is right and wrong and people who know what is right and wrong in their hearts."
..hitter was a the party doctrine and it is all socialism all the is amazing how much the left has to lie just to get through the day....sadly for you guys...there is the internet...before, you could lie in our schools and teach your crap to our kids and were never questioned.....all of the truth was locked away in books that people with normal lives would never see.....with the get challenged and exposed as the liars you are...which is one reason obama took control of it......

Your childish declarations do nothing to change actual history.
And what kind of fucking dummy thinks the internet is a reliable source of information? How shallow and stupid would you have to be?

There's no attempt to change history... The National Socialists are socialists. That they have a variation on the socialist theme, distinct only in the long game of national socialism, from the revolutionary short game of International socialism doesn't make it less than socialism... thus anything other than what it is: Collectivism, OKA: LEFTIST.

To argue otherwise scamp, only makes one appear foolish. Now don't you t least want to be better than that?

There are no legitimate historians anywhere who would in any way validate your ideologically motivated nonsense.

Of course, your definition of "legitimate historian" is one who endorses your version of history.

You're just another servile leftwing lickspittle.

I guess it's just unfortunate that there aren't any actual historians or legitimate scholars of any kind, anywhere, who agree with your childish characterizations of historic events.

ROFL! there's that term again: "legitimate scholars." In other words, the ones that agree with you and the government. Your knee-jerk responses are so predictable.
* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

Ernst Rohlm was the highest ranking ghey Nazi to be killed by Hitler...along with
Homosexuals and non-heterosexuals were also targets of the Holocaust, as male homosexuality (and, to a lesser extent, female homosexuality) was deemed incompatible with Nazism as the Nazis believed that gay men were weak, effeminate men who could not fight for the German nation and saw homosexuals as unlikely to produce children and increase the German birth-rate.
Holocaust victims - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Rohm was killed because he was a threat to Hitler's power, not because he was a queer. Hitler knew he was gay from the beginning.

But Hitler used that as part of his excuse to get rid of Rohm.
You obviously haven't read the book. But when did that ever stop morons from spouting their ignorance?

You obviously don't know anything about history. If you did you would know that one or two ideologically driven authors don't change history. Nazism was a right wing, reactionary movement. There is no controversy about that.

You're a gullible moron and a statist tool. History never changes, but what people know about it does. When someone publishes the facts, that changes people's understanding. Of course a leftwing toady like you will never admit the facts. You're expected to regurgitate the official dogma because that is what supports the regime.

Official dogma? Is that what all pre Goldberg history should now be considered? Because his stunning insights have forever changed the way history should read. Obviously all the actual historical documents will have to be altered to fit the new reality.

Almost all history is government approved dogma. That's the reason the government puts historians on its payroll, so they know how to massage the evidence.

Tell us, has this historical document been altered?

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

History is government approved dogma. So then you've never read any history, have you. I mean in books, not on websites...those don't count.

Yes, I've read plenty of history books, like the one quoted previously where Hitler said he was a socialist. I've also read books on economics. Those books explain that Hitler's economic policies were a form of socialism.

Any questions, asshole?
Conservatives have to live in a fantasy world where those of their kind are always right. A world where they are the best people on earth...

...a world that they deserve to be masters of.

To quote Stephen Colbert, "America isn't torn between parties. We are torn between people who think about what is right and wrong and people who know what is right and wrong in their hearts."

It's good to know that you get your understanding of politics from a comedian. That's the only explanation for your hilarious posts.
And btw I don't think I've ever heard Hitler described as "a conservative".

Next to Stalin... Hitler was a Conservative. It's an obvious point which defines why Hitler was a NATIONAL SOCIALISTS and not a SOCIALIST.

LOL! But, in fairness... as a member of the Intellectually Less Fortunate... there was no way you could have known THAT!

Misplace your meds again?
Hitler was a "National Socialist" only because the NSDAP was already called that before he got there. He objected to it but came to accept it since the word "socialist" was new and trendy at the time and he could see it as a marketing tool.

But you asshats who enslave yourselves to literal names are kind of amusing. Especially when we ask--

  • How many grapes are in a box of Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
  • What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?
  • Is the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" any of that besides Korea? Was the Democratic Republic of Congo? Was the German Democratic Republic?
  • How many people make up the band "10,000 Maniacs"?
  • Where were the Nashville Teens from?

We can do this all night...
:lol: This whole thread is simply an exercise in applying modern pointless political labels to historical political movements. It's like a discussion of how well Babe Ruth would do against Major League pitching in 2010. Pointless.

Moving this thread to the Rubber Room has crossed my mind. It's a joke.
Most people know that neither Democrats nor Republican are Nazis.

Sorry, but Democratic policies are increasingly coming to resemble Nazi policies, e.g., your growing rejection of federalism and your unceasing drive to concentrate power in the federal government, your attempt to give the federal government more and more control over education, your growing rejection of traditional values, your slavish adherence to Darwinian evolution as a basis to reject God and the Bible, your support for abortion, your increasingly overt hostility to Christians (such as your un-American willingness to have them fined or jailed for merely declining to host or attend a gay ceremony), your constant push for more and more gun control, your drive to have the federal government control more and more of our economy (can you say "Net Neutrality"?), your increasingly overt hostility toward home schooling and private schools, your growing disregard for the Constitution and your willingness to have the President rule by executive order, etc., etc., etc.. If you don't like how the shoe fits, then change your policies.

Liberals, increasingly like the Nazis, are totalitarians. In your view, there is virtually nothing that the federal government should not be able to control, regulate, tax, or take over. You guys just declared the Internet a "public utility," for crying out loud, and have opened the door for nearly unlimited federal intervention into Internet activities. And then you complain when people note the growing resemblance between your policies and Nazi policies?
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* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

Ernst Rohlm was the highest ranking ghey Nazi to be killed by Hitler...along with
Homosexuals and non-heterosexuals were also targets of the Holocaust, as male homosexuality (and, to a lesser extent, female homosexuality) was deemed incompatible with Nazism as the Nazis believed that gay men were weak, effeminate men who could not fight for the German nation and saw homosexuals as unlikely to produce children and increase the German birth-rate.
Holocaust victims - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Rohm was killed because he was a threat to Hitler's power, not because he was a queer. Hitler knew he was gay from the beginning.
Rohm and his peers were killed by the SS because they were socialists, and as such a threat to the conservative alliances Hitler was building with the Armed Forces and Big Business.

No..Rahm was killed because hitter needed to consolidate his ties to the German Army and Rahm wanted an army of brown shirts with no ties to the traditional German military.......hitLer was a socialist as were the nazis...the were national socialists just not international socialists.....
Go study history. Rohm was a socialist, Hitler was not. Rohm wanted a violent socialist regime established, whereas Hitler was consolidating his power with the far right military and Big Business. Hitler was a fascist, a right wing Big Business progressive.
"Sorry, but Democratic policies are increasingly coming to resemble Nazi policies," is the stupidest comment on the Board in the last 24 hours. So are those comments that accuse the GOP of being Nazi like.

The Nazis were right wing Big Government progressives who wanted to institute a totalitarian government that limited human liberties. It was a gangster operation calling itself a political party.
A conservative is not a far right reactionary thug, which is exactly what was Hitler. He was a fascist: a person who follows a far right Progressive reactionary program of nationalism and violence that ends human liberties and glorifies warfare.
Most people know that neither Democrats nor Republican are Nazis.

Sorry, but Democratic policies are increasingly coming to resemble Nazi policies, e.g., your growing rejection of federalism and your unceasing drive to concentrate power in the federal government, your attempt to give the federal government more and more control over education, your growing rejection of traditional values, your slavish adherence to Darwinian evolution as a basis to reject God and the Bible, your support for abortion, your increasingly overt hostility to Christians (such as your un-American willingness to have them fined or jailed for merely declining to host or attend a gay ceremony), your constant push for more and more gun control, your drive to have the federal government control more and more of our economy (can you say "Net Neutrality"?), your increasingly overt hostility toward home schooling and private schools, your growing disregard for the Constitution and your willingness to have the President rule by executive order, etc., etc., etc.. If you don't like how the shoe fits, then change your policies.

Liberals, increasingly like the Nazis, are totalitarians. In your view, there is virtually nothing that the federal government should not be able to control, regulate, tax, or take over. You guys just declared the Internet a "public utility," for crying out loud, and have opened the door for nearly unlimited federal intervention into Internet activities. And then you complain when people note the growing resemblance between your policies and Nazi policies?

Sorry but Americans as a whole are moderates and generally reject your extreme partisan position.
And btw I don't think I've ever heard Hitler described as "a conservative".

Next to Stalin... Hitler was a Conservative. It's an obvious point which defines why Hitler was a NATIONAL SOCIALISTS and not a SOCIALIST.

LOL! But, in fairness... as a member of the Intellectually Less Fortunate... there was no way you could have known THAT!

Misplace your meds again?
Hitler was a "National Socialist" only because the NSDAP was already called that before he got there. He objected to it but came to accept it since the word "socialist" was new and trendy at the time and he could see it as a marketing tool.

But you asshats who enslave yourselves to literal names are kind of amusing. Especially when we ask--

  • How many grapes are in a box of Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
  • What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?
  • Is the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" any of that besides Korea? Was the Democratic Republic of Congo? Was the German Democratic Republic?
  • How many people make up the band "10,000 Maniacs"?
  • Where were the Nashville Teens from?

We can do this all night...
:lol: This whole thread is simply an exercise in applying modern pointless political labels to historical political movements. It's like a discussion of how well Babe Ruth would do against Major League pitching in 2010. Pointless.

Moving this thread to the Rubber Room has crossed my mind. It's a joke.

It's prolly too silly for the Rubber Room. Even that section has its principles.
Of course the point of this thread is evidently to make some vague philosophic connection between Nazis and Democrats. What kind of children play stupid word games like that?

It's the drivel of Limblobian sycophants taking the para-Right's Eliminationist goals to heart.

Eliminationism is the belief that one's political opponents are "a cancer on the body politic that must be excised — either by separation from the public at large, through censorship or by outright extermination — in order to protect the purity of the nation"

-- the ethnic cleansing of political rhetoric; the opposing view is not to be debated, negotiatted or reasoned with, but rather to be entirely exterminated and sterilized from the body politic like so much bacteria.

Ironically, the same thing Hitler tried to do with leftists, socialists, Jews, intellectuals and anyone else who might present any kind of opposing view.
First thing to do for the Eliminationist is demonize and dehumanize the perceived adversary; create for the public an Emmanuel Goldstein. One way to do that is to invent histories from whole cloth; another is to take an already-established demon and associate him with the Eliminatee -- thus we get these revisionista fantasies of "Liberal Fascism", "Hitler was a leftist", this cockamamie idea that "leftists = mass murder", and of course while doing all this you're already trying to equate Liberalism with leftism, which has been going on since the Red Scare daze. In the real world of course, Liberals are who invented this country and that's what the fascist Revisionistas want to loot and pervert into a one-party authoritarian State.

Again the irony in this case is the Eliminationist revisionists are themselves using the same tactics on "the left" and "Liberals" (lumped together as one) as the Nazis did against Jews:


Demonization then -- demonization now... only the technology has changed.

And that demonization is propagated among the unwashed by the malleable minds of people like the OP. At no expense to the propagandists of course; Dittoheads are just sycophantic enough to do it all for free. That's what happens when the authoritarian-minded take their subservient hero-worship role; they follow-the-leader blindly without ever stopping to think if what they're being told makes any sense on planet Earth.

Gullible's Travels....
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Most people know that neither Democrats nor Republican are Nazis.

Sorry, but Democratic policies are increasingly coming to resemble Nazi policies, e.g., your growing rejection of federalism and your unceasing drive to concentrate power in the federal government, your attempt to give the federal government more and more control over education, your growing rejection of traditional values, your slavish adherence to Darwinian evolution as a basis to reject God and the Bible, your support for abortion, your increasingly overt hostility to Christians (such as your un-American willingness to have them fined or jailed for merely declining to host or attend a gay ceremony), your constant push for more and more gun control, your drive to have the federal government control more and more of our economy (can you say "Net Neutrality"?), your increasingly overt hostility toward home schooling and private schools, your growing disregard for the Constitution and your willingness to have the President rule by executive order, etc., etc., etc.. If you don't like how the shoe fits, then change your policies.

Liberals, increasingly like the Nazis, are totalitarians. In your view, there is virtually nothing that the federal government should not be able to control, regulate, tax, or take over. You guys just declared the Internet a "public utility," for crying out loud, and have opened the door for nearly unlimited federal intervention into Internet activities. And then you complain when people note the growing resemblance between your policies and Nazi policies?

Because you said so.
Ernst Rohlm was the highest ranking ghey Nazi to be killed by Hitler...along with
Holocaust victims - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Rohm was killed because he was a threat to Hitler's power, not because he was a queer. Hitler knew he was gay from the beginning.

But Hitler used that as part of his excuse to get rid of Rohm.
You obviously don't know anything about history. If you did you would know that one or two ideologically driven authors don't change history. Nazism was a right wing, reactionary movement. There is no controversy about that.

You're a gullible moron and a statist tool. History never changes, but what people know about it does. When someone publishes the facts, that changes people's understanding. Of course a leftwing toady like you will never admit the facts. You're expected to regurgitate the official dogma because that is what supports the regime.

Official dogma? Is that what all pre Goldberg history should now be considered? Because his stunning insights have forever changed the way history should read. Obviously all the actual historical documents will have to be altered to fit the new reality.

Almost all history is government approved dogma. That's the reason the government puts historians on its payroll, so they know how to massage the evidence.

Tell us, has this historical document been altered?

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

History is government approved dogma. So then you've never read any history, have you. I mean in books, not on websites...those don't count.

Yes, I've read plenty of history books, like the one quoted previously where Hitler said he was a socialist. I've also read books on economics. Those books explain that Hitler's economic policies were a form of socialism.

Any questions, asshole?

You can't quote any books because you never read any. No one anywhere thinks Hitler is associated with left wing politics in any form. The one's who say they do are simply lying. End of story.
Of course the point of this thread is evidently to make some vague philosophic connection between Nazis and Democrats. What kind of children play stupid word games like that?

It's the drivel of Limblobian sycophants taking the para-Right's Eliminationist goals to heart.

Eliminationism is the belief that one's political opponents are "a cancer on the body politic that must be excised — either by separation from the public at large, through censorship or by outright extermination — in order to protect the purity of the nation"

-- the ethnic cleansing of political rhetoric; the opposing view is not to be debated, negotiatted or reasoned with, but rather to be entirely exterminated and sterilized from the body politic like so much bacteria.

Ironically, the same thing Hitler tried to do with leftists, socialists, Jews, intellectuals and anyone else who might present any kind of opposing view.
First thing to do for the Eliminationist is demonize and dehumanize the perceived adversary; create for the public an Emmanuel Goldstein. One way to do that is to invent histories from whole cloth; another is to take an already-established demon and associate him with the Eliminatee -- thus we get these revisionista fantasies of "Liberal Fascism", "Hitler was a leftist", this cockamamie idea that "leftists = mass murder", and of course while doing all this you're already trying to equate Liberalism with leftism, which has been going on since the Red Scare daze. In the real world of course, Liberals are who invented this country and that's what the fascist Revisionistas want to loot and pervert into a one-party authoritarian State.

Again the irony in this case is the Eliminationist revisionists are themselves using the same tactics on "the left" and "Liberals" (lumped together as one) as the Nazis did against Jews:


Demonization then -- demonization now... only the technology has changed.

And that demonization is propagated among the unwashed by the malleable minds of people like the OP. At no expense to the propagandists of course; Dittoheads are just sycophantic enough to do it all for free. That's what happens when the authoritarian-minded take their subservient hero-worship role; they follow-the-leader blindly without ever stopping to think if what they're being told makes any sense on planet Earth.

Gullible's Travels....

These historical revisionists are no different from Holocaust deniers. They all lie all the time.

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